>General Rules This is NOT /tesg/ minus waifus, so behave properly. Keep the squabbling to a minimum. No waifus/husbandos, except for Fyr's Wives. Previous kalpa:
>implying the Nerevarine isn't Dunmer >implying The Hero of Kvatch isn't an Imperial >implying The Dragon Born isn't a Nord
Nolan Johnson
>mfw Talos heretics
Eli Walker
Am I the only one who can't help but use the race that is obviously intended to be the main characters race? I'm sorry, but the Gods are not choosing a fucking sap sucker to defeat Alduin. Or a gods damned furry.
John Carter
The Gods are capricious, and will do whatever they damn well please BECAUSE it pleases them at that particular point in time. Pathetic mortals rarely get a say in the matter.
Connor Evans
I play whatever I feel like, but I totally get it. Being a dragonborn feels less liberating than Nerevarine, or even the Champion. Lately I don't even start the main quest anymore because I don't want the, frankly, overpowered shouts.
Landon Jones
>elf KKK
Brody Bell
So considering we've had Daedric Lords feature in a lot of main game plotlines and dlc, who do you think is gonna be the Daedric Lord in TES VI? Morrowind had Azura and Hircine, Oblivion used Mehrunes Dagon and Sheogorath, and Skyrim had Hermaeus Mora. Personally I want to know more about Peryite. What's his deal? Why does he have six limbs like some kind of weirdo?
Chase Cox
Can anyone recommend me some good content mods for Morrowind? I ask here because I'm assuming you guys are more strict about lore and writing, people all over praise and recommend shit like Morrowind Rebirth and Rise of House Telvanni. Only content mod that I liked is Tamriel Rebuilt (I only played the Mainland installment). I've been eying Doors of Oblivion, it seems promising.
Charles Johnson
Overpowered is a weird term to use for them, since they are not really competing with anything else. What are they overpowered relative to? Not having shouts?
I can get not wanting them but overpowered is a weird term for it. My issue with them is that most of 'Fun utility' ended up in shouts rather than there being many fun utility spells.
Jackson Long
>Peryite >six limbs Skooma's a hell of a drug
Brody Gutierrez
Meridia would be a good one. >Have fucking Mannimarco find his way back yet again, and have an all out war from the cult of Meridia declare war on his ass. jyggylag would be interesting. >something like hammerfall against the thalmor. as the story progresses, start finding clues that their worship of akatosh is...wrong. leads to proof of interactions with knights of order (remember, no one remembers jyggalag at the height of his power), and that by rebuilding the physical sense of crystal-like-law will directly bring jyggalag into nirn bypassing Akatosh's barrier.
Kevin Robinson
>jyggylag Best daedra
Charles Jones
>expanding on that last one, during events of oblivion their "tower" was the crystal tower or crystal-like-law (an attempt to exert order and ascension upon nirn) and was physically destroyed during the crisis. However, its spiritual counterpart remains because the stone of the tower was not destroyed. methinks the stone of the tower could be the heart of jyggalag, a crystal stone bound by the truest expression of order.
Justin Robinson
peyrite would be good for plagues. sanguine is too much of a party whore to have real plots. namira is too obscure for much. molag bal had his heyday, as did azura, hermaeus mora, hircine, mehrunes dagon and sheogorath. mephala could be good for a long-arching assasination plot or something. it would have to involve the dark brotherhood as a rival faction maybe?
Noah Sanchez
Jiub is the Nerevarine, the man next to him died of cardiac arrest right before reaching Vvardenfell.
Parker Walker
What would be a good setting for TES VI? I would like this
>stormcloaks won civil war >kicked out the thalmor and empire >made a pact with hammerfell to help each other when necessary >dominion tries and fails to invade high rock >nords and redguards recognize this moment of weakness and do an all out attack on summerset >completely sack and destroy every big city killing every elf man, woman or child that gets in their way >game takes place in valenwood where the thalmor are planning their next move >the player character gets recruited into a group of guerilla fighters covertly supported by the empire that try to end the thalmor rule ove valenwood
Joshua Gomez
>nord power fantasy No thanks.
Daniel Myers
What exactly happened in the Imperial city when Cosades was recalled? Do you think the Emperor's sons were really Jagar Tharn's doppelgangers or was that just a conspiracy spread by an organisation such as the Talos Cult?
Oliver Ward
Not the user you were responding to but the Nords do have a history of genociding elves.
Christian Green
I count six limbs, user.
James Sanders
Nerevarine's trip to Akavir - fact or fiction?
Aiden Mitchell
Veloth's journey eastward didn't end in Morrowind.
Hudson Brown
So do you think the Nerevarine took the trip or was it not just a cover-up by the Blades so that Cosades could have his best man back at Cyrod City by his side? I'm thinking how he could be part of the Oblivion crisis but I suppose having him away on a personal journey or is it actually an official matter? is a good reason for a new champion to be discovered.
John Torres
In what era?
Nathan Parker
I think it was a conspiracy, but one of the Cyrodiilic/Provincial nobility, not some wackjob legionnaries.
Jaxon Morgan
End of the third era, of course.
They could be connected.
Brody Torres
John James
>I think The source is obviously my ass. It kinda makes sense though - think who would benefit the most from a succession crisis.
Jose Gomez
How does the succession work if you ignore the Emperor's direct descendands, anyway? We know there's a Septim line in Shornhelm but they're cut off from succession. Has it ever been implied that there are other lines?
Jose Bell
Septims are fucking everywhere, actually - Wayrest, for example. Shornhelm rulers are Lariats, not Septims. >How does the succession work if you ignore the Emperor's direct descendands, anyway? The Elder Council manages situations like these, I believe.
It would make sense but they way they put it in Oblivion it was as if the three sons were it and the Septims were done for. You'd expect there to be a a thousand other Septims (unless the cult actually went after all of them, but that's a bit unlikely).
Angel Barnes
But the stone was a person and was murdered though?
Landon Jenkins
Don't know what time it is for you n'wah, but happy Old Life and New Life Festival. Here's to hopefully getting some decent lore this year.
Ethan James
This, let's hope our brains work well enough in the next year so our headlore's up to par.
Angel Campbell
>What are they overpowered relative to? The small amount of abilities that use the same keybind, I guess. There's your racial ability and I think some invisibility power through the Thieves Guild. I'm sure there's more, but I can't remember any.
Robert Carter
The Elder Council is a vastly underrated organisation. They're easily some of the scariest, most powerful people in Tamriellic history.
Sebastian Howard
>Thalmor intend to wipe out all other races by marrying the men and breeding more Altmer with them
Christopher Hill
Oh now. How awful. Where can I sign up?
Jason Perry
> >They're easily some of the scariest, most powerful people in Tamriellic history. How?
Nicholas Ward
How many sermons are there for the 36 lessons of vivec in game? 36?
Ryan Sanchez
Yeah they're all there
David Ward
The 37th is in ESO
Cooper Hill
Is the 37th any good? Would be weird to read a sermon written by a sober man.
Easton Cruz
Its interesting enough. I think it implies that TES timeliness operate like hypertime in dc. Also, Azura survives C0DA
Sebastian Watson
two wings
Thomas Bell
>thalmor coverup
Kevin Wilson
I think it's going to be Valenwood as well, I hope they'll do it justice instead of retconning all the lore like in Oblivion.
Juan Price
>if they dont have walking trees and cannibalism and the wild hunt as plot points, they are gonna fuck it up.
Ayden Johnson
Didn't walking trees stop walking by ESO time?
Hudson Ross
They have the cryengine 1 dudes to create lush jungles now on the Creation engine, jungles that it doesn't drain on PC RAM and FPS
Joseph Parker
Do you think bethesda could have made Cyrodil more mainstream friendly without throwing everything away from the Pocket Guide?
Brody Morgan
How do you pronounce Pelagiad?
Andrew Wood
pehla-gaid. I realise that's probably wrong but I've been saying it that way for too long to change now
Leo Moore
That's how I've said it, but I've heard it pronounced 'peh-lee-gee-add' which just sounds disgusting to me.
Bentley Stewart
I concur, and my policy for when the correct pronunciation sounds stupid is to continue mispronouncing
Austin Foster
>Pelagiad >pehla-gaid >gaid
How could it possibly be gaid if its "ia" instead of "ai"?
Isaac Kelly
It's named after Emperor Pelagius. So it's pronounced like that.
Isaiah Roberts
Then how do you pronounce Pelagius?
Caleb Davis
The mad
Jason Lopez
Certainly not like "Pehla-guis"
Lucas Lee
Pel-a-gee-us, even old man sheo says that
Caleb Wood
I've always pronounced it as peh-lay-jee-add
Jack Bennett
They're all Bretons, because that's what I play.
Michael Brooks
I always pronounced it similar. Sheogorath pronounces Pelagius with a sift g, so I assume Pelagiad is the same. I think I heard a guard say it out load once though, so it's worth a check.
Wyatt Ward
>See that giant tree over there? >You can climb it
I can see it happening
Brody Diaz
Anyone else wish Meridia got a bit of attention in Dawnguard? She hates undeath and necromancy so it would be interesting to see if the Dawnguard would accept a champion of a Daedric lord if they were dedicated to turning all vampires to ash.
Ayden Brown
It's gonna be like BotW. Except hardcore mode will make it so if you die in the game, you die in real life.
Jaxon Reed
You're not alone. I love Meridia in general but dawngaurd was a total lack of Meridia. Instead we got Arkay dude who feels like a refrence to the Irishman from braveheart. Would have been cool to team up with some other Meridia cultists and wrecking some vamps.
Kevin Hughes
Reposting this from /v/
Do Dremora,Dark seducers,golden Saint's and other inhabitants of the various realms of Oblivion have true free will (outside dream state)or is it an illusion like Nirn(dream state)? Can Daedric citizens achieve chim?
Cameron Wright
>Do Dremora,Dark seducers,golden Saint's and other inhabitants of the various realms of Oblivion have true free will No, most Daedra are still subject to the whims of whichever Prince they serve, and those that don't serve a Prince are still mostly controlled by their destructive nature. >Can Daedric citizens achieve chim? Likely not because CHIM requires Love, and I'm not sure if Daedra can feel emotions like Men and Mer do.
for cosplay of somebody who lives in wilderness, she's way too pale
Joseph Parker
Just use all of them?
Histblood, Highborn, Adrenaline Rush, Berserk, Battle Cry are all very strong racial abilities. Also the passive resists on Nord and Dark Elf are really handy because you can ace half the dragons with either(assuming you have a mod to make them challenging)
Isaiah Nelson
Her wolf form has a tan, her human form is just so the guards will let her into Whiterun.
Ian Howard
Well, I imagine there's no such thing as being too white in Whiterun.
Zachary Sanders
>baron of winterhold
I thought Winterhold was an earldom(ruled by a Jarl)
Brandon Price
They probably don't have much free will when they're on a specific plane of Oblivion. No idea about if they're on Nirn.
Xavier Edwards
Aren't they bound to the will of whatever Daedric Prince or mortal wizard is controlling them? While "unbound" daedra like the one you summon for the Conjuration master quest in Skyrim or the ones lurking in the Morrowind ruins, are destructive and violent toward mortals.
Hudson Diaz
Things change over time.
Caleb Russell
Outside of the major cities and geographic areas, how much is Tamriel Rebuilt based on existing lore, and how much do the developers make up themselves?
Eli Gonzalez
Whatever the answer, Bethesda scrapped it a long time ago.
Adrian Brooks
The Nords literally have a hero who brought five hundred motherfuckers from Atmora and took over the entire north of Tamriel. It would be far from unexpected.
That doesn't change the fact that it's boring Nord fanwankery.
Jordan Ross
uvirith's legacy is pretty good, and i recently liked lothavor's legacy. there's also illuminated order, but there's like 2 parts which just cringe.
Josiah Evans
I Miss the old Northern Storm-God ascetic the Nords used to have. Back when they had a slight bonus too lightning resistance and not just cold. I miss when that aspect of their culture in terms of lore was shown mechanics wise in game. Nords are cool.
Asher Miller
Why does Gnisis have so many Orcs there?
John Williams
Deathshead Legion stationed there is formed largely from Orcish volunteers.
Adrian Clark
They're sent there because the other members of the Imperial Legion don't want the Orcs near them in the other towns. Almost no one likes Orcs.
Nolan Peterson
Do you think Dunmer women would have sex with an orc?
Isaac Flores
I'm sure there's be one or two.
Jordan Lopez
>Do you think Dunmer women would have sex with X Take a wild guess.
Daniel Ward
We need to have a word with you, outlander. Please step into this alleyway.
Jackson Cook
Stop trying to steal that orc's seed you slut.
Angel Green
I mentioned Peryite in the last /tesg/ thread just to see if anyone remembered he existed. I'm curious about him too.