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More goodies! (Rare manuals, hex packs, TROs, discord servers, etc.) Last updated 2017-11-30! pastebin.com/uFwvhVhE
Hunter Miller
Logan Wright
Christmas? Also no higher resolution pic for that Santa mech?
Aaron Hall
Holiday season and I couldn't find a New Years mech picture. And apparently I fucked up the download of that pic. Fuck, I really fucked this one up man. Sorry anons.
Blake Torres
>Are wobbies ever portrayed in a positive light? I feel like they're just a caricature of religion.
Read the actual JHS books. They make you love everyone but Appollyon and the Master and the rest of the MD fuckheads. Plus the Jihad Battlecorps stories.
>That pure rage when the MD's turn on their own WoBM to help collapse the Protectorate for some reason we never find out.
Brody Murphy
Zachary Clark
yeah the jihad actually made me like the WoB more than most of the other factions
Lincoln Mitchell
Ah, okay. The problem is the end result of that pic is that Santa mech's wife, a Raven, left him for an Ostscout. Something about being more nimble...
Tyler Russell
WoBs also get somewhat positive imagine in that one rare novel that actually is placed in FWL, Ideal War.
Andrew Lopez
On the tabletop, Lev IIs and IIIs are nuke-proof. The rules force you to launch nukes one at a time, and they have enough AMS to shoot down a single missile. They can keep it up even longer than an enemy fleet can launch missiles at them.
They also have 1,000 armour per facing which means a hit from a Peacemaker can be tanked, and those are the largest nukes.
Adrian Jones
>The rules force you to launch nukes one at a time,
An important caveat here is that the Dragon's Breath system isn't subject to that limitation.
Jose Rodriguez
Technically, you should be able to drop a whole aerospace squadron of Alamo's. That breaks things real quick though.
Kayden Turner
To me religious fanatism on the level in WoB is basically sign that you need to be taken out behind barn and shot.
Also that fluff is about the people who WoB hired to do they dirty work for them by telling them that they can become to top dogs in their planet and get revenge whoever they had beef with, only thing they had to do was work for WoB. So basic terrorist organisation recruiting which WoB is during Jihad. Nowdays we have an real life example of such organsation that took advantage of chaos in region to drive their own brand of nutjobbery.
Luis Campbell
It's a game, man.
Sebastian Johnson
Just explaining why I REALLY don't like even fictional religious nutjobs.
Jaxon Russell
They are literally the WoB. The WoBM is 80% of the WoB standard military. The Protectorate militia on top of that is even more. If you're only counting the 6th of June and their MD lackeys as the WoB then I got bad news for you. That's like ten percent of the actual WoB. You can't be terrorists when you own more worlds than any Periphery nation either or provide comm services to half the inner sphere and all the periphery.
Not like being in charge of your own world for the first time in hundreds of years or settling grudges are bad things either. Have you even read how everyone does things in Battletech? The way the Wobbies won over New Earth in Double Blind is goddamn saintly compared to the SOP.
Aaron Cook
okay, good luck with that
Angel Foster
Also wasn't there a precentor that the Cappies assassinated and the planet revolted in anger?
Asher Kelly
There were a ton of minor worlds at the end of the war where the Protectorate Militia was dug in and the RotS basically had to cut a deal to give them a new coat of paint and change the flags on the government buildings and that was it. That was when all the regular joe WoB were folded back into Comstar.
Then things got real fucking ugly some places when Stone did the forceful relocation act as his first thing.
Ryder Hall
>Not like being in charge of your own world for the first time in hundreds of years or settling grudges are bad things either.
See that's how terrorist or any extremist organisations work, they go to the poor and/or disgruntled of the population and then promise them that if they obey the organisation they can be charge and do whatever they want. But in the end I bet the locals in WoB Happy Land where in much of charge of their worlds as they where under any other ruler aka not much.
Evan Wood
Dude, if you can't distinguish between fiction from reality in your prejudices, you need to step back and reconsider what you're doing with your life. Fiction is fiction, not reality. You can decry a thing in real life and be fine with it in fiction, that's ok.
Kayden Miller
You would be completely wrong. Robes always treated their own good.
And that's literally how anybody raises a military. You ever look at the demographics of the modern USA military? And it's a legitimate way up. Paid education, training, and job preference are all hugely beneficial to someone with little capital.
Josiah Gutierrez
The DB system has over a 50% chance of failing completely (including a chance to deliver 6,000 capital damage to the firing unit, GLHF), then a 50% chance of the phantom targets failing, there's still a significant chance AMS will go off against the actual nukes which still have to attack individually, a successful attack still damages the firing unit for 10 damage, and the *whole fucking thing* had to be created ex nihilo to deal with how utterly bullshit the Leviathan II is since with all rules short of the Dragon's Breath is is effectively invulnerable and even *with* the Dragon's Breath taken into account it is only slightly vulnerable.
For all practical purposes, Leviathan IIs and IIIs are only vulnerable in the narrative sense. If the writers want them to die, they will. On the board, they're invincible deathblobs.
They attack individually as nukes. You can drop a bunch of them at once, but AMS still gets to shoot them down one by one. Beating a defence grid requires running it out of ammo or critting it out, but since the Leviathan can't be THresholded by anything short of major rams, nukes that they can shoot down, or Mass Drivers it's basically a moot point.
Hudson Howard
>You would be completely wrong. Robes always treated their own good.
Then one guestion. Why the need for re-education camps in alot of their planets if they treated their own population so good? The only other faction that I definetly know did those where the Clanners and when you use Clanners as yardstick something fishy is going on.
Joseph Davis
Someone here coined the term Plotship to describe the Leviathans and it's apt one as they are made so ludicrous that they seem to break the game if the are ever used in TT. If I remember correctly they had to do bit retcon of the size of WoB fleet that killed one of the Levis in Dieron as the original taskforce was too small to any meaningfull damage to it.
Jace Cox
That's for conquered enemy worlds in the periphery and captured enemy combatants in the core worlds, not citizens of the Protectorate worlds.
They were fucking nasty to their enemies. But if you were an actual Protectorate citizen, then you were treated the same as everyone else.
Austin Clark
The cappies and the dracs at least had reeducation camps.
Angel Russell
I'd fight for the WoB.
Charles James
They more than doubled the size of the warship fleet, from 6 to 14. With an unknown number of attendant PWS, combat DS and fighters.
The Lev II was backed up by two other warships and probably their attendant fleet too though. The Lev alone carries like 300 fighters IIRC.
John Turner
You have my sword
Mason Stewart
>Wob.gif.png What is wrong with you, you absolute monster.
Kayden Hall
Colton Morales
Have you guys never seen how sarna natively saves files it's converted for the page? All the unit stuff is like that, and most of the mechs.
Grayson Thompson
You know you can change file types yourself, right? No, you're just doing this shit on purpose to aggravate us now. Go away until you learn the basics of saving files.
Carson Edwards
>tfw your battletech ccg boxes were lost in a move.
Why is life suffering, anons? There's no way I can replace that collection.
Connor Edwards
I think there was a Conqueror there too, those things are fucking nasty as well, being NAC boats with 150 ASF each. Plus whatever else the Clan fleets were packing.
14 still sounds a little low considering the WoB fleet was largely Destroyers but is at least a little plausible.
Colton Peterson
welcome to old man general
Brandon Ross
Isaac Johnson
>There's no way I can replace that collection. I saw a full set on ebay plus a giant box of dupes for $35 like last month.
Jaxson Hernandez
And why would I do that for something I delete immediately after I post? Not like it's a real picture I'm archiving for me.
Luke Edwards
While I do sympathize with you user, that's terrible, it does make me wonder: how the fuck do people lose shit in a move? Moving is the time where I best know where everything is since I just had to put it in boxes. Every time I've moved I've become intimately familiar with literally everything I own since I have to go through it all, organize it, pack it up, and physically transport it to somewhere else. How the dickkicking fuck does stuff go missing in that process?
Evan Morris
"Helpful" friends and relatives
Jack Rogers
My bet is people who use moving companies instead of doing it themselves. Or by having untrustworthy friends or family if they're doing it themselves.
Adrian Powell
Your friends steal your shit? Why the fuck are you friends with them then?
Liam Hill
Will have to keep an eye out. I'm seeing complete sets of commons/uncommons for around that price, but maybe I'll get lucky.
The only thing I can reckon is that the moving company stole some of our stuff or the boxes got thrown out by accident.
Colton Perry
I've had friends have stuff go missing when they use a moving company to shift it between their houses. I mean, you can never *prove* it's theft, but really. There's a sweet spot between worthless and things you'll immediately spot like electronics that seems to attract sticky fingers.
I've also thrown stuff out by accident since it was near the to-go pile rather than the keep one, but never anything I've really cared about.
Thomas Gonzalez
There's theft and then there's hiding things in dark corners of your new garage
Oliver Allen
Wasnt it confirmed by the writers that the Perigard Zalman, the Steel Viper Leviathan, was even deadlier than the new Leviathan 3 the Bears finished building? I wonder what kind of plotship that would be.
Cameron Ortiz
With the Levs being such ridiculously large vessels I assume they require equally large amounts of resources to produce. Can a fleet made from an equal amount of resources defeat one?
Adrian Clark
I don't recall. I haven't even read Wars of Reaving cover to cover. I got sidetracked by DA novels. 3/4 done with those though.
Austin Gutierrez
Forgot to mention, didn't the Perigard Zalman took most of the fleets of four Clans to take it down as well? We're talking over 20-30 ships combined?
Ryan Young
Wow this image is pretty awesome. What mech runs three PPCs?
Luis Torres
They never statted it, but all implications are that the Lev Prime was better than the II or III.
>Can a fleet made from an equal amount of resources defeat one? Yes and no. Lev IIs and IIIs are built with low cargo fractions and have 1k armour per facing.
Tonnage for tonnage in Warships, three Black Lions is the closest match you'll get, but the Lev will fucking annihilate those.
Swarms of small PWSes and ASF might manage the trick though.
Xavier Johnson
IIRC it was supposed to be at least better than a Lev II, and it was great, giving the vipers a worthy sendoff.
Nathaniel Bailey
A Hellstar that had one of its arms shot off.
Matthew Wilson
You're going to be in the same boat pretty soon you smarmy little fuck.
Kevin Gonzalez
Awesome indeed!
Robert Smith
>Also that fluff is about the people who WoB hired to do they dirty work for them by telling them that they can become to top dogs in their planet and get revenge whoever they had beef with, only thing they had to do was work for WoB. So American foreign policy in the 21st century?
Ryan Davis
Pretty much every Viper naval engagement in WoR reads "Perigard Zalman arrives, everyone dies", until a dying Texas finally misjumps about half of it away.
David Wilson
Or basic colonialist recruitment anywhere anywhen, really.
Austin Davis
The clans had the right idea, but they never took their culture far enough and pussied out after Nicky got shot.
Logan Bailey
O hai.
Robert Smith
Raven, you're tearing me apart!
Henry Fisher
FUCK YOU INNER SPHERE! If you're dumb enough to buy a new mech this weekend, You're a big enough stravag to come to Big Bill Kell's Mech Bad deals! Mechs that shut down! If you think you're gonna find a bargain at Big Bill's, you can kiss my ass! It's our belief that you're such a stupid freebirth, You'll fall for this bullshit, guaranteed! If you find a better deal, shove it up your dezgra ass! You heard us right, shove it up your dezgra ass! Bring your trade, bring your mech, bring your Khan. We'll fuck her! That's right! We'll fuck your khan! Because at Big Bill Kell's, you're fucked six ways from Sunday Take a hike to Big Bill Kell's, home of challenge PPCing! That's right, challenge PPCing How does it work? If you can PPC 600 meters in the air straight up and not overheat, You get no MCRB bonding fee Don't wait. Don't delay. Don't fuck with us! Or we'll rip your actuators off! Only at Big Bill Kell's, the only dealer that tells you to fuck off! Hurry up, Spheroid! This event ends the minute after you hand us the C-Bills And they better not be Eagles or you're a dead motherfucker! Go to hell. Big Bill Kell's Mech, Home of the most filthiest and exclusive home of the meanest sibko in the Coreward Deep Periphery, GUARANTEED!
Grayson Evans
Ian Edwards
Quikscell must have struck gold with the Scorpion though. So many of the little bastards are around that it's like a licence to print money.
Liam Ortiz
Though at this point a lot of the licensed production probably kinda ignores the licensed part, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's all sorts of unlicensed production out there, like the New St. Andrews Scorpion knock offs with heavy rifles.
Lincoln Ortiz
You sound like a nutcase yourself.
Cooper Wilson
Would you rate the Great Houses, who used nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons on those worlds, as terrorist states? Blakism fanaticism arose from the horrors the Great Houses wrought on humanity. The Blakists own use of NBC weapons stems from a certainty that the Houses, who had used them before to kill billions, would use them again.
Surely you condemn the existence of the Houses as much as you do WoB. Time doesn't wash away crimes. That's why we still arrest death camp guards and put them on trial. If Nazi Germany had somehow survived as a state, the holocaust wouldn't be ok now. Well, all the Houses wrought myriad worse atrocities than the Nazis. They all have to go too.
Oliver Davis
Could someone with artistic or photoshop skill make a regularly sized Word of Blake or ComStar flag? Anyone else here into vexillology?
Levi Jackson
In my AtB campaign, I have just been hired to fight of pirates on Terra by Comstar.
In universe how much trouble is my company in politically, the pirates are green with crap tech so I'm not worried about that? I thought Terra was basically a no go for most people and there would be no possibility for pirates to even be a thing in Sol.
Andrew Lewis
Pretty sure AtB just doesn't account for anything like that.
That aside Terra is mainly neutral. Most folks don't go there because if you're not Comstar you don't have much reason to be there. The likelihood of pirates let alone Comstar hiring mercs to deal with them there are basically nonexistent, but if in theory Comstar did have to hire mercs to fight off pirates on Terra more eyebrows would be raised politically by Comstar apparently letting the place go to shit than by the mercs they hired to clean things out.
Parker Torres
You could say they're government units with the insignia painted over to resemble "pirates", but generally Terra ought to be rather tightly sewn up.
Then again, I've had the contract generator spit out an objective raid on Outreach for the FC, with a salvage exchange clause. It's even better since my unit was parked on Outreach at the time.
>"Psst, would you like to raid Blackwell Heavy Industries and kick their plant around a bit? And we would like to take everything you've salvaged for a fair price too!"
Brayden Hughes
On the other hand, it had been almost two hundred years since the Houses did that shit, and then despite WoB and people like the Caph dude REEEEing about it, they immediately turned around and war crimed harder than any one else we'd seen live on camera.
I know AtB just spits things out randomly but holy shit would hitting Blackwell be a great way to get a death sentence passed on everyone involved.
If it wasn't canon the explanation would probably be something along the lines of ComStar evaluating your unit for induction to the Guard or watching their tactics to teach people. They had two Dantes in-system, if pirates would never be an actual issue. Also they had Brion's Legion there most of the time any way so why would they need anyone else?
Jack Harris
>time passed since the atrocities My point stands.
Colton Foster
user, it's been nearly a century since the holocaust. If Nazis appeared and Jews started killing them preemptively that would be unfair. It's been two centuries since the Trail of Tears. Amerindians should get over it. The Turks haven't massacred Armenians in a century. Why are Armenians so mad? Ughh.
Connor Roberts
>Why are Armenians so mad? Mostly because they are still discriminated against and certain people still deny that the genocide happened.
Jeremiah Ortiz
Yeah time heals all wounds these people need to get over it.
Charles Collins
The Houses had proven they were over fighting wars at that level.
WoB were at best hypocrites. At best.
Lincoln Cox
Wrong on both assertions.
Liam Williams
War crimes and terrorism aren't necessarily the same thing
Chase Bailey
Making a Clan trinary. Rate?
Alpha Star >Timber Wolf Prime >Mad Dog Prime >Mad Dog B >Hellbringer Prime >Night Gyr Prime
Bravo Star >Ebon Jaguar Prime >Stormcrow D >Mad Dog C >Timber Wolf A >Warhawk B
Charlie Star >Mist Lynx A >Adder A >Adder C >Mist Lynx Prime >Kit Fox Prime
Carson Stewart
that's semantics
Justin Johnson
Which clan is this
Sure but so is asking whether using NBC weapons makes the big houses terrorist states
Kevin Miller
no, that's called a rhetorical question since they are terrorist states
Dominic Nelson
>Which clan is this Kinda curious if it has a "look" to it.
Anthony Moore
Also what year is this?
I wouldn't be able to identify look at first glance. Others might.
Brayden White
Late 3050s
Ryder Fisher
Also I haven't run the numbers yet but if you're building this as a matchup for the 3-lance inner sphere companies people have been posting then you're probably better off with a binary since clan mechs tend to be quite pricey especially with their high pilot skills.
Carter Gutierrez
Yeah I don't intend to run the entire thing, just to have the stars as options for different game types.
Lucas Evans
Read the fucking lore.
That force is all over the place. Mad Dog, Hellbringer, Night Gyr, and Kit Fox make me want to say Falcons, Timber Wolf and Adders say Wolf, and Ebon Jaguar (worst retcon name ever, BTW), Stormcrow, Mad Dog, Mist Lynx and Warhawk say Smoke Jaguar.
William Mitchell
Well Mad Dog especially and Hellbringer to some extent are pretty generic and could be in almost any clan by the late 3050s
Aiden Price
Fire Mandrills were the true scions of superior Clan culture in the end.
That's probably why they fucking sucked so bad.
Hudson Mitchell
>Read the fucking lore. After you, cuck. Then suck my balls.
Dylan Brooks
Mad Dog is a Jaguar signature mech too.
I'd call the force Jaguar for sure.
Joseph Wilson
>Houses stopped with total war and WMDs during the 2nd SW >Hurr they kept fighting like the WoB durr Oh, you're retarded. Well, we'll see how long this new year's resolution will last, but I'm gonna try to stop arguing with retards.
Joseph Murphy
The most likely situation is that ComStar has a dispute with a group of Brion's Legion MechWarriors and doesn't trust that regiment to deal with it. Brion's Legion might develop a grudge with you, but any political blowback would fall on ComStar. Unless for some reason you saw something you shouldn't and they try to erase you for it.
The key difference is that, although chaos and anarchy may be frequent side effects of major House actions, the Houses generally work to preserve law and order in their own territories, not upend it the way that kind of recruitment does.
>You can decry a thing in real life and be fine with it in fiction, that's ok. Things in real life that rub you the wrong way, that you find tiresome, or that hit a raw nerve can absolutely have the same effect in fiction. That's okay too. Like, for a bad example, if I'm a software engineer who fields customer issues all day, then it's not unreasonable for my least-favorite part of an RPG campaign to be the part where we have to field NPC customer issues.
On the other hand, if there's no practical experience here and it's just a sophomoric desire to take a stand, then yeah, some self-reflection is in order.
Original type Ostscout for terrain mapping, something with jets and long range comms (not the Hussar or Hermes II, which are all I can think of) for making sure the report gets back, and any two other 'Mechs which balance hitting power with expendability. Jenners, if possible.
>The Marauder's AC/5 is 120mm (fires three-round bursts) Makes you wonder if the original drafts had an AC/10 up there.
Jackson Wilson
>Houses are forced to stop because they've almost bombed each other back to the Stone Age >this somehow excuses them doing it for a century and killing billions >they go back to it later anyway Do /btg/ a favor and keep your gaping vagina shut, k? If you want to stop arguing with retards, remember not to talk to yourself. Fucking /pol/tards.
Ryan Scott
If you and the people you're playing with are amenable, it might be better to not commit to a faction until you get experience with the strengths and weaknesses of 'Mechs from each faction.
>What he's done is taken almost entirely non-standard versions of Mechs, from a variety of faction lists Now hang on a minute. There's a total of four non-standard variants and, except for the Catapult and Crusader, every 'Mech is either Davion or non-factional. I understand that around here we expect everything to be terrible forever because REASONS, but new user seems to have chosen to use RATs on his own, not at his opponent's suggestion, and his opponent seems to be expecting to face an equally high-powered list. Is it at least *conceivable* that his opponent (like all the other "inefficient tonnage is bad design" anons here in BTG and elsewhere) sees low armor % and overheating - especially for a new player still learning the ropes - as legitimately bad and unfun gameplay?
I mean, fuck's sake, we can at least suggest the two players swap forces afterwards. If his opponent agrees, new user gets deeper insight into the game; if his opponent refuses, the manner of it can yield deeper insight into the human.
>You should expect a NORMAL company to have 3-5 light Mechs, 4-6 medium Mechs, 2-4 Heavy Mechs, and 0-2 Assault Mechs. For an idealized medium company, sure, but by the same token, a "NORMAL" medium battalion would have 1 light company, 1 medium company and 1 heavy company. That's a maximum of 1-in-3 companies following your "normal" array of weights. Fewer, if we try to account for how few actually reach that ideal.
>I love the D6 way it handles vehicles and scale Tell me more.
It is to my greatest and eternal sorrow, that I'll never get a game with the complexity and depth of fasanomics and feudal lords, without the pointless encrustations of "muh battletech."