I have no dudes anymore have a cool conversion by someone else orkanon
Juan Walker
What are Rievers?
Charles Reed
OC donut steel rules for my custom chapter.
Primaris reinforced, previously brink of extinction chapter. The only normal marines left are battle hardened veterans and make up an undersized first company comprised of terminators, bikes and vehicles.
The chapter itself is space based and has a heavy ship to ship boarding emphasis. Lots of gravis armor and grav chutes.
All INFANTRY must have the Primaris or Terminator key words.
Intercessor squads may not be taken, instead Primaris Bondsmen squads can be taken (Elite, +1A, basically Primaris company veterans, can take MC bolt rifle variants, up to two power swords, have the body guard rule)
Reivers and aggressors are troop choices.
White Scars chapter tactics
Relic: ???
Warlord trait: give D3 infantry units deep strike?
Christopher Cox
>tfw this guy positions his guys diagonally for the extra 1/2"
Dominic Collins
not CC enough, they've got pretty decent guns after all
Liam Cruz
Could well be intentional, one of the niches left unfilled so as not to obsolete classic marines
Landon Wilson
Ork codex when
Ryan Reed
Some of their units will do fine against gribblies, but they don't have any heavy-duty problem-solvers like assault terminators
Adam Butler
why do you have so many meganobs?
Dylan Gutierrez
Not him but those are meh, I love the models and they can certainly do shit but Primaris need other shit with power weapons.
Aiden Gutierrez
it was their april 1st video
Nathaniel Russell
Considering doing a custom Vostroyan inspired regiment. Came up with a infantry heavy list for 2k points. Have no idea about playing guard.
>Heavy Support 3x Leman Russ Battle Cannon + Heavy Bolter Sponson + Heavy Bolters + Storm Bolter - 510p 2x Leman Russ Demolisher + Heavy Bolter Sponson + Heavy Bolters + Storm Bolter + Track Guards - 396p 3x Lascannon Heavy Weapon Squads - 78p each - 234p total.
Comes in at 1996 points. I feel like maybe that command squad with just the pistols & chainswords feels superfluous.
Obviously, tactics are a huge fucking gunline.
Thoughts? >Do I need anti-air? >Should some of the infantry squads drop the heavy bolter so I can get more squads? >Should I have some las/plas russes? >Should I change to two detachments instead of the one big one? >Is there anything better than the sentinels for fast attack? >Is the second command squad which is just pistol/ccw even worth it? >Scions, what are they and are they better than regular squads? >Is there anything important that I might have missed. >Do I need that many VOXes? >Do I have too many or not enough commanders? >Will using some plastic cadians with anvil/victoria heads & other add-ons be enough to mix in with anvil full squads and the GW Vostroyan lascannons & commanders to make it look unified enough?
Jonathan Fisher
Whats the lore on Orks acting as mercenaries? I think I read that Tau and other races hiring them on as mercs in exchange for weapons or something Asking since I'm thinking of making a fluff army out of the units from a bunch of different codexs that are less freely aligned; Kroot, Marauders, Rangers and possibly Flash Gitz as well as others
Jacob Bell
Aggressors are literally equivalent to power fist termies in melee with the game breaking S4 spam of scout bikes
Justin Jones
Wait bolters have foregrips now? Did Cawl discover call of duty in the depths of mars?
David Gray
there's also their pistol and CC weapon loadout. same as pretty much every marine assault specialist.
Landon Wood
They may have 3 attacks each but it's all S4 AP0 D1.
The only Primaris Marines that take advantage of their size and strength are the Aggressors, yes but that's mostly the Gravis armor and its gauntlets (which are identical to power fists)
I want primaris champions, honor guard, sword brothers etc. BigMcLargeHuge marine with a BigMcLargeHuge weapon.
The aggressors look goofy, and the reivers look like edgy scouts.
Zachary Harris
Blood Axes usually work as mercs for the Imperium in exchange for weapons, which they usually use to blow up their suppliers right afterwards
Matthew Davis
>The aggressors look goofy that's an entirely subjective oppinion that I disagree with
Ayden Edwards
Here is the only (((you))) deserve. Your shit tier Primaris plus one11!!1! DONUT STEEL chapter is fucking disgusting. Be ashamed.
Cooper Richardson
About the same time as Shimoneta S2 ;_;7
Mason Harris
put the flamers and the standard in separate squads. The flamers want to be near the enemy. The standard does not.
Alexander Bennett
>I want primaris champions, honor guard, sword brothers etc. BigMcLargeHuge marine with a BigMcLargeHuge weapon. This is why GW should have just drawn a line in the sand and re-done the entire Marine range in Primaris size.
Samuel Powell
Sucks if you don’t like aggressors, FW has almost straight up said they’re going to be making stormshield arms for them which will make them blatantly OP
Evan Smith
S2 can be real though as soon as they find new VA
Bentley Flores
No. It's good that the Primaris are set apart from classic marines while having their own strengths, weaknesses, specialities and gaps.
Julian Ward
Rate my tournament list other than that Necrons suck. Actual Warlord Trait on my C'tan will be the -1 to all damage from chapter approved.
Brayden Turner
>Finecrap Emperor's Champion. I'm sorry.
Joshua Nguyen
>manlet marine players
When will they learn?
Jordan Brown
>I want primaris champions, honor guard, sword brothers etc.
Good taste.
Daniel Torres
So how common would it be for a Rogue Trader to have Abhumans on his crew?
Aaron Richardson
I think that when GW finally discontinues the old marines then they'll start working on new sisters now that they wont have the exact same formation/unit composition as marines but with worse S, T and WS
Leo Smith
The Blood Axes are an Ork tribe or "klan" that has actually been known to work alongside the forces of the Imperium of Man on occasion. The Blood Axes are held by the other Ork clans to be a bunch of untrustworthy gits. They trade openly with the worlds of the Imperium, parley with the foe and will even consider retreating from battle if faced with insurmountable odds.
This klan was once very powerful, and easily dominated Ork society for a long time. When they began having too many friendly dealings with other aliens (especially humans), it was too much for the other klanz to bear. A lot of Blood Axe Boyz were wiped out in a nasty inter-Ork war known as Da Big Party. As a result the klan was overthrown and the surviving Blood Axes fled into hiding. Now they continue to deal with Mankind out of necessity, since the klan has become dependent on subsidies of teeth paid to them by the Imperium. The source of these payments comes from Imperial prospectors sent out to find old battlefields and rip the teeth out of Ork corpses. Other klanz are especially disgusted by this -- not because the Blood Axes accept such teeth, but because they encourage humans to take what the Orks consider their property.
Orks from the Blood Axe klan have the most frequent interaction with the Imperium of Man, and through their long and mostly acrimonious acquaintance with the humans, they have developed skills and abilities that cause other klanz to look at them askance. Most of the Blood Axes' reputation is undeserved. True, they have made the most contact with the Imperium, occasionally even fighting for the humans as mercenaries, and making extensive use of Imperial war materiel.
Evan Rodriguez
>ywn be a rouge trader with a ship full of loyal Felinids.
Ayden Clark
They'd have whatever. Part of the fun of a rogue trader army is they can have whatever the fuck they want onboard. Ogryn security, Ratling cooks/black marketeers, Kroot scouts, elite household troops, swarms of indentured crewmen, space marines (marines errant in particular send squads out to hang with RT's). Go nuts.
Matthew Turner
Cool good to know, I prefer to stay as close to pre existing lore as I can when making my fluff armies
Tyler Bell
>ywn be a puritan inquisitor of ordo xenos and drop a life-eater virus on every felinid world
Tyler Baker
thank you user I will do more reading of the codex (billion pages long)
David Brown
>Ratling cooks Considering they can make the rations in the guard taste edible what do you imagine they can do with the high class ingredients a rogue trader would have access too?
William Phillips
>marines errant in particular send squads out to hang with RT's But why?
Cooper Flores
>Aggressors >Ever getting into melee without a transport
Its a 600pt investment for 6 wounds, Terminators out-do them in every respect except shooting and thats the problem, Primaris dont have a unit that can reliably get into melee AND do damage, Reivers are fine but Crusader squads do similar shit and so Vanguard Vets.
Aaron Stewart
Better than snorting coke off an eldar whores ass.
Daniel Clark
>Do I need anti-air? depends on the local meta.
>Should some of the infantry squads drop the heavy bolter so I can get more squads? I've personally found that heavy weapon teams deal more damage as separate heavy weapon squads... but they also die faster. So whatever suits you, really. Maybe move the heavy bolters into the lascannon squads, so you can kill off the guns you need least as you take casualties.
>Should I have some las/plas russes? I love me a vostroyan Executioner with the Firstborn Pride strat.
>Should I change to two detachments instead of the one big one? NNNNOOOOOOO. 12 CP is fucking amazing.
>Is there anything better than the sentinels for fast attack? A hellhound with track guards is great fun. So long as it's more than 6" away from your units, there is no lose condition for a hellhound: enemy shoots it and blows it up? they weren't shooting you russes! Enemy charges it? Overwatch hits! Enemy shoots it a bit and it doesn't blow up? You don't care, because track guards.
it's 120 points though.
>Is the second command squad which is just pistol/ccw even worth it? no. Give them something to do, even if it's a second banner to spread the +1 LD bubble a bit further.
>Scions, what are they and are they better than regular squads? They used to be storm troopers. They're better than normal guards... in certain ways. They have better BS, better armour, can take more special weapons, and can drop from orbit... but they're waaaay more expensive, need their own officers, and aren't much more durable than regular guard. Use them if you have a plan for them, otherwise leave them alone.
Jackson Flores
Not personally killing each and every one of them by your own hand in a 500 year crusade.
Eli Powell
Duty Beyond Death
Luis Gomez
Its their thing
Luke Perry
>I want primaris champions, honor guard, sword brothers etc. BigMcLargeHuge marine with a BigMcLargeHuge weapon. There's no real reason you can't just use primaris bits to convert one and run it as the non primaris character. They've already got a bunch extra wounds and attacks.
Gavin Collins
>killing loyal servants of the Imperium
Aaron Long
>tfw Deathwatch finally has something worthwhile That damn beacon makes sure they see frontline action turn 1
Ethan Wilson
Mutual benefit, the trader house gets marines that are highly skilled at boarding and the marines get help with their ships and also good experience for the marines against unique situations.
Camden Flores
unsanctioned abhumans aren't loyal.
Luis Russell
>killing loyal servants of the Imperium Literally what the inquisition does all day.
Nolan Martinez
The ME are one of the few chapters that actually specialize in boarding actions and space combat. Their entire existance is to "... forever quest and give battle, knowing no home but the grace of the Emperor's mercy, finding purpose only in the destruction of the enemies of Mankind.". They've also been one of the handful of chapters to fight far beyond the fringes of the Imperium.
Why wouldnt they be BFFs with rogue traders?
Brayden James
common enough. they sometimes have full blown xenos in their crews. usually sanctioned ones like kroot mercs.
Sebastian Cruz
>implying he wouldnt scrape that coke off and use it as a spice >hand using the wrong body part m8
Luke Lee
>tfw the only group of guys I own are a small tide of Stormboyz I fluffed so long ago I can’t eben remember why I named all of them what I did
All I remember is that I named tne Warboss Urvil and someone else was named Wilbuh
Gavin King
I know the Deathwatch is screwed until Codex, but are GK really as bad as people make them out to be?
I really want some Chamber Militant, but I'm not a fan of metal models for Sisters of Battle.
At this point I feel like I'm better of with Exorcists, Red Hunters or some other (potentially self-made) chapter involved with the Inquisition.
Does GK have anything to make them work alright?
Logan Ortiz
>unsanctioned But they are sanctioned or at least more sanctioned than most breed of beastmen seeing as there isn't massive suicide regiments full of them.
Colton Torres
No, I'm not slaaneshi scum like yourself.
Jonathan Russell
cont. >Is there anything important that I might have missed. Commissars aren't great right now. They're only a help if a unit takes 4 or less casualties, otherwise the make the problem worse. If you can free up a point or two and swap the commissar for an Enginseer, that'll ALWAYS help your heaps of russes.
>Do I need that many VOXes? probably not, but it does take a little pressure off needing to carefully position your officers.
>Do I have too many or not enough commanders? 4 orders will do. While more is nice, you can get by with the extra order stratagem, extra order warlord trait, combining/prioritising squads for the first turn or two... after that, you'll have taken enough casualties that you'll have more orders than order targets.
>Will using some plastic cadians with anvil/victoria heads & other add-ons be enough to mix in with anvil full squads and the GW Vostroyan lascannons & commanders to make it look unified enough? probably. Make sure they're all well painted and you'll be fine. If that fails, fluff them as a consolidated regiment whose constituent parts had different gear originally
Michael Martinez
Pretty sure that's because everyone (including GW) is ashamed of their existence.
Josiah Phillips
>ordo xenos Why in the hell would that be their problem, it would be the hereticus as mutants are their problem.
Joshua Peterson
As GK player, aside from spamming Strike Squads, Razorbacks, and GMDKs, no, there's nothing to make us competitive. Fun, sure, but you won't have a 50% win rate.
Josiah Bailey
I don't think GW even gives them any thought the only reason they are even still mentioned is because of the fetishists.
Michael Martinez
as others said, they have whatever they want. Like, I could make an argument against Ogryns, in that they wouldn't be super-keen on the cramped shipboard conditions, and you possibly want people smarter than bricks on your ship... but hey, it's up to the individual trader's predilections.
Sebastian Nguyen
I kinda want to see what would happen if we put an ogryn in the same room as an ork merc, do you think they would get along?
Evan Ramirez
If you're gonna do MY DUDES, don't do them to try hard, do them because doomguy is their leader.
Lucas Powell
Do GKs get FW Astartes units like the DW?
Henry Perry
thank you based user
Jason Fisher
Not him but I would love to see that
Hunter Reyes
Leo Robinson
Check FAQ, pretty sure a lot of the FW vehicles and stuff got removed from GK.
Jace Rogers
There’s a few somewhat competitive ways to run GK, but it’s highly monobuild and works best with some allies. pointed out the highlights, and adding in a paladinbomb/draigostar and some scions (and sisters if you’re up for it) you’ll have an okay list.
Deathwatch is screwed but it’s not all bad, we’ve got some neat tricks up our sleeve and do good work when it’s needed. Blackstars are damn good Fire support and with the help of a (leviathan) Dreadnought or two you’ve got a damn good setup in the mix. Like GK, we benefit from SoB/stormtrooper allies to fill in the chinks in the armor, namely bodies. You can fill 1500 points of deathwatch with serious power, only to realize you’ve less than 30 models on the table, and most of them are just basic MEQs. But with the beacon and good generalship, it’s a fun time
Also exorcists are beasts, I run mine with DAngel rules and have a blast.
Owen Rodriguez
I got some Deathwatch for Christmas and have no fucking clue what to build them as, I've got them all clipped and cleaned but I dont have an actual list in mind yet, do you have any tips for a green as grass rookie?
Leo Baker
What's the best special weapons for AM Infantry squads? Should I even take Special/Heavy weapons, or just keep them all with Lasguns? What's least WAAC without gimping myself?
How many? If it's just a squad just make them look cool as fuck.
Joshua Jenkins
Charles King
grenade launchers
Wyatt Long
2 start collecting boxes and a few upgrade sprues, I have a bunch of unbuilt marine kits lying around too so I can make damn near anything
Josiah Collins
make one close combat and one shooty
Lucas Clark
>guy walks into LGS >slams pic related onto the table >yells who wants to go bananas What do you guys do in this situation?
Connor Miller
Can a normal human be turned into a dreadnought?
Ethan Stewart
laugh no
Mason Cooper
fuck man, I'd play that. >fully painted >dedicated conversions >meme from like three editions ago
Brayden Clark
on like donkey kong
when he is defeated will he chimp out lol
Ryder Ortiz
Go bananas obviously.
Jeremiah Anderson
thallax are what you do with normal humans... not bjorn has no idea how good he has it.
Jason Morales
>As GK player, aside from spamming Strike Squads, Razorbacks, and GMDKs, no, there's nothing to make us competitive. Fun, sure, but you won't have a 50% win rate.
Question, then: Is a strike squad in a Razorback + an HQ as a patrol detachment a decent addition to other Imperial forces?
Jose Hall
I'm actually going to try this list in my next game.