Why was the beaky design for the space marines dropped? It seems far and away the best looking model they ever had
Why was the beaky design for the space marines dropped? It seems far and away the best looking model they ever had
>It seems far and away the best looking model they ever had
That's not a kabalite warrior
That's not a Screamer Killer
Holy shit that is so out of proportion
Manlet marines suck
I held it to be the better Marine helmet when it had only to compete with the MkVII "Edsel" pattern. I'm not a fan of bare-headed Marines or the later duckbill helms, on purely aesthetic grounds, so all my bits box womble heads are reserved for veteran teams and the rest get MkVIIs by default.
Because artists couldn’t do good pictures of beaky marines for large box / novel covers
Also partly as a fuck you from the newer designers to the older designers and to make the mouth bit into a voice unit
No, it's the best looking model they ever had instead.
>muh realism
he looks buff, kys
Where is the bayonet from? Is that bolter in the DW kit or is it kitbashed from a HK weapon or something?
£10 for 30 space marines? Boy have prices gone up since then.
That's not MKIV Maximus
or GK helmets
>partly as a fuck you from the newer designers
Lot of that these days. Really explicitly too. Is it now officially company policy to insult their old fans/contributors? It's getting beyond intolerable.
You uh... You realise Jes designed the suits as they are now, right? And that he's been with the company since days of yore? Do you have any fucking clue what you're talking about or do you just spew shit according to how anons inform you?
Because whenever something new forms along that upsets the old system then the Jews will come along and spoil it and get their own family in
That’s why publishing and art nowadays is so shit - literally taken over by Jews with no talent but their relatives in the media convinced the middle class goys that it’s all cool and deep meanings
How else could Goulding get the job at BL? Because he used his family influence - jewish publishers and writers and literary agents
they still come with some of them. i just got a blood angels tac squad and it came with a few. i didnt use them cause i dont like them though.
Beaky marines are ugly af and mark 7 is the best armor. Only patricians will agree.
I know i'm in a minority with that opinion, at least here on Veeky Forums, but i always found the beaky helmet to be ugly.
>mark 7 is the best armor
Oops, looks like you typed 7 when you obviously meant 3.
Raven Guard player here. My army is about 80% beakie. Just love them. Hope theres way to fit them on the primaris (but i like the MK10 helmets too)
All the old marine helmets fit on primaris.
i bet it works really well for raven guard
>2017 USD equivalent: @ $35
They probably weren't taking a loss on boxes, but $30ish feels about right from a company without brand recognition.
I would love an all-beakie army. The trouble is just getting enough helmets, and I don't know any chinamen.
Yeah, Jes would count as one of the old crew being locked down and shit on by the new hacks even though he still works there. He's a fucking god and he deserves better.
You can sculpt them fairly easily onto other helmets. You'll only fuck up the first one or two. Have some confidence and build your dream user!
Beakies look terrible and you are a mongoloid for liking them.
looks like a stock standard bolter with space marine scope (pretty sure you get one per tactical box) and an imperial guard bayonet
circa 1989 so about £23 today on straight inflation
but that doesn't cover changing commodities prices, the massive increase in urban land values in the UK and commensurate rent increases for retailers, etc etc
plus... they were great and an incredibly flexible kit in 1989, believe me
but they kind of look like ass and they were much harder to work with than even the following plastic kits, let alone the ones out today, which are far more detailed and with better options
there's a reason you see so many of them assembled like they're posed in the middle of an epileptic fit, or bulked up with mkVII pads and guns
Beakie helmets look like shit.
Beakie helmets are an embarrassing holdover from the early days. Ideally GW would just retcon them, but unfortunately they’ve been showcased enough they are here to stay.
>mfw I like beakies so much I gave them to my CSMs.
Its just the combat knife that comes in the tactical squad box.