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>Shoot straight >Conserve ammo >Do not buy CGL books >And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
Go-Gangs/Vehicles Edition Favorite Go-Gang ideas? Favorite transport-based character or NPC? Any fond memories of creative transport or custom vehicles? + Any story about general vehicular carnage
what big corps do the following best drones/robots vehicles prosthetics bioware consumer electronics weapons GMOs
Lucas Powell
What's your favorite city to do runs in? I've been giving 2079 Denver a go with my group, but Miami seems like it would be fun as hell.
Christopher Morris
>drones/robots Renraku and Mitsuhama, probably.
>vehicles SK, Ares
>prosthetics Probably Universal Omnitech and EVO
>BioWare EVO, Proteus, Universal Omnitech
>consumer electronics Renraku, Mitsuhama
>Weapons Ares
>GMOs Proteus, Universal Omnitech
Jeremiah Ross
not this time op, get hacked!
Ethan Moore
If you're talking about GMO crops, Aztechnology would probably be in there.
Jack Green
Ah, yeah, good catch. Aztechnology and Shiawase got their fingers in just about everything so I didn't really bother listing them.
Adam Cook
Dont know most of them, but in chrome flesh it calls out Shiawase as the top dog in bioware.
Alexander White
Have any of you ever gone about designing your own cybernetics for NPCs? If so, how do you go about making it fairly reasonable without resorting to "Lol NPC gets whatever I want."
Isaac Perry
Only one I ever did was a cyberskull with tentacles replacing a mouth. She used them to paint in a circus sideshow.
Colton Campbell
Oi Yekka. The Bug Promotional Pencil from Cutting Aces has 0 out of 2 free capacity in chummer. It should have 2 out of 2, so you can add the sensors.
Camden Perez
mostly ex-Shadowrun
Oliver Robinson
Actually now that I'm rereading it, its not so simple, Bioware is stated to be the weakest part of their biotech division, while it does still have the highest profits in the field, they are switching gears to dominate Geneware. Their strengths lye in industrial and agricultural applications of biotech.
Over all, for Bioware I would place them on par with Evo at the top, with each having different focuses.
Give it a read if you get a chance, Chrome Flesh page 100.
Kevin Howard
God people who do the latter shit me off, people shouldn't design new rules for a system when they don't even know the system that well.
Colton Jones
That reminds me of the lore how S-K have the tech and know-how to make the best drones bow Lowfyr couldn't be bother about it. "Playing dolls" Was somewhete in Rigger 5
Christian Bailey
Oh, sorry. I forgot you're not allowed to say something if someone inb4'd it. By the way, you're an asslicking homofag with AIDS. >inb4 you say anything in response to this Checkmate, user.
Wyatt Hill
Oh boy, all this talk of runnerhub the last couple threads got me looking
I got to watch members of thematic and rules fighting in public chat about if hybridform bug spirits can wear armour and use cyberware of their hosts.
The shadowhaven wiki schtick looks interesting, maybe I'll try that instead.
William Powell
>somebody being buttblasted enough to answer an old post
topkek, as they say
Jordan Thompson
Does anyone happen to have the shadowplans pack 2 and the tileset?
Evan Cox
Since I cant put a sniper rifle onto a rotodrone out of chargen, whats the best sporting rifle to use? Or should I just say fuck it and grab an assault rifle?
Wyatt Collins
AR with an underbarrel grenade launcher
Christian Phillips
Me and my group are new to shadowrun and i got voted to be the the gm and learn the rules (yay me im i right?) Anyways last session they wanted to buy some medkits and i have a few questions about them. Its 4e 20th anniversary btw.
So from what i can tell medkits replace or enhance your medicine skill to regain hp. But how much do they add to the skill and what are the detailed rules (if there is any) on them. I turned this book inside out and thats all i could find. I may just be blind honestly.
Also firing a weapon at burst fire, full auto etc gives a damage bonus based on if its a wide or narrow spray, +/- modifiers and costs more bullets right?
(i could be wrong or using wrong terminology in any of these so please correct)
Robert Cruz
nevermind, I just went and bought them
Jeremiah Ward
Proteus AG. They have better tech than every other corp because their spies are hidden in every corp, and funnel R&D back to HQ. In fact they deliberately choose to release their superior versions after the corp they stole, from to hide their theft. They were eventually caught red-handed, but the Corporate Court decided to take over rather than disband.
Connor Robinson
Healing tests, should be somewhere next to Combat rules.
Semi-auto, burst fire, and full-auto firing modes have different burst attacks available to each other, yes. Wide bursts reduce the defender's pool, narrow bursts increase the attack's DV.
Liam Allen
Go full on Fury road with proper spiked trucks in the Barrens and give that pansy Ancients whats what!
Mystic Adepts get all Bonus points from Mentor Spirits, correct? Pretty good deal for them, desu. Also, how would you fluff the prototype transhuman? Similar to the type O system in Shadowrun 4 it is an amazing quality but really narrow in story applications beside "was experimented on". I know creativity can help here, but still.
>Tfw I just want a Bioroid human with the Blandness quality who is able to fuck up even Troggs in hand to hand.
Sebastian Fisher
>Mystic Adepts get all Bonus points from Mentor Spirits No, they have to pick either the Mage or the Adept bonus.
Jack Johnson
Makes sense though. What do you think of the new Aspected Magician qualities? I really like the Apprentice and going full on Mega-mentor. I built a troll around that as it is way mroe affordable and allows expensive metatypes to also do a bit of magic and other stuff at the same time.
Michael Clark
>Makes sense though. Really doesn't. Mystic Adept has always been forced to split its resources; in 4e they split their MAG, and in 5e they have to purchase PP with Karma.
Apprentice is how Aspected should work. On the other hand, mages hardly need a motivation to specialized.
Dylan Peterson
Upload when
Cameron Adams
Upload where?
Kayden Cook
I meant it makes sense that they are limited. I have a question though about the apprentice. Druids can't bind spirits if we use the Forbidden Arcana change, would it therefore be acceptable to take another magic skill, like Banish or enchanting or would that infringe on the other Aspected Mage types? Since Druids can use Arcana to harvest magical ingredients, I would say enchant might be ok...or maybe ritual magic since Druidism is heavily geared towards the latter.
Cooper Morgan
PS: To clarify, the Apprentice doesn't state clearly to which skills they have acess. If we go by only what is mentioned that they have it is probably one category of Spell and Summoning, but they don't say what they do not have. Which is clearly stated for the other types.
Jaxson Gonzalez
Technically every mega got their hands in everything, but with different focus.
Brayden Hernandez
is "jumping between vehicles in traffic" a viable hobby for a street sam?
What kind of trouble can you get into doing this?
Could you get away from bad shit by jumping on traffic?
Dylan Campbell
If its a PDF? Here in the thread, Hatefish will put it in the pastebin.
If it needs DRM stripping, he probably can also help.
>is "jumping between vehicles in traffic" a viable hobby for a street sam? Yes, that sounds amazing. It's perfect for a daredevil or thrill-seeker. Just have some gymnastics skill and possibly edge. Be ready to evade a lot of traffic cops and enjoy free rides.
Now I want to do pursuit force shenanigans during car chases.
Ayden Morgan
I don't know if I want to like, actually be jumping around on cars when the combat shit starts going, or during chase scenes. Those rules are MIGHTY lethal. Just during the much fluffier off time.
Asher Perez
though, it's not so much the rules that are lethal, as that is the perfect time for the GM to fuck you repeatedly and without remorse.
Liam Cruz
>I don't know if I want to like, actually be jumping around on cars when the combat shit starts going, or during chase scenes.
I know I do. Live or die, that sounds really goddamn fun. It'll give me some use for those hydraulic jacks and magnetic systems anyway.
Michael Lewis
true, it DOES sound fun. Though, I proposed it entirely because I just got off a clustertruck binge and I am trying to calm down before sleep. Also let my hands uncramp.
Joseph Robinson
>I know I do. Live or die Sounds like a greate place for a showdown between the Samurai and some bigger antagonist.
Liam Torres
What's /srg/'s favourite pistols?
Easton Mitchell
Yup, S-K doesn't produce a lot of drones, but if they do, they are top quality.
Jeremiah Cook
Colt Agent Special with laser sight for relatively cheap swarm of killer drones.
Jacob Wilson
Ares "Viper" Sliver gun for nasty coolness, who doesn't like silenced flechette burst fire against hopefully unarmoured enemies? Especially with some of the new maneuvers possible with Flechette.
For a non meme weapon, the Savalette Guardian. I just love burstfire capability.
Adam Adams
Oh, killer drones with sliver guns also sound nasty. But only against unarmed enemies sadly.
Isaac Peterson
Ruger Super (any high-DV revolver really) with longbarrel and laser sight.
Justin Morris
Just have your team focused on stun damage, do you guys even professional ?
Jayden Foster
Sometimes you need to be nasty, of course if nobody dies (except when it is in the job description), is a bonus for everyone involved.
Thomas Peterson
You get the bonus point from the Mentor's Mask, chummer. Which does require a Mentor Spirit.
Thomas Rogers
Please explain this to me, i am not the most rule savvy person. I just reread the Apprentice entry and it states that some of them don't even have a Mentor. How does this mesh with the Mentor's Mask which is open to everyone with the mentor spirit if you say it is inherent in the Apprentice. Might have misunderstood you.
Jaxon Rodriguez
Oh damn, sorry. Misread. Yes, mystic Adepts get a bonus power point from Mentor's mask. Thank you for explaining this.
Ayden Diaz
Dick is mechanical too?
Caleb Johnson
Every character I run ends up with a Guardian at some point. Currently playing a gun bunny adept rocking paired Fichetti 600's in hidden arm slides.
Jace Brown
Remington Roomsweeper or the slivergun, depending if i need to go in loud and proud or sneaky-beaky.
Jose Bell
So, Anarchy. Why?
Jace Sanders
Chummer UI question for y'all. It was mentioned that Chummer doesn't correctly track the difference between skill test types, and there are several qualities and powers that affect things like opposed tests specifically. I could alter the dicepool string to do something like 18/20 (20/22) where 18/20 is your general dicepool while 20/22 is your dicepool for opposed tests, or I could just keep it in the tooltip as separate lines so you'd get something like Theshold/Extended(These would concatenate if the values/bonuses are the same) 20: bonus +1 bonus +2 bonus +3 Opposed 22: bonus +1 bonus +2 bonus +3 bonus +4 Hm. That's interesting, will investigate when less drunk.
Oliver Jackson
i suspect that the immortal elves are behind it.
Parker Price
I'm pretty classic Cascadia region myself, but that's because my players and I all live in the PNW.
Brody Ward
Because if you ignore the stupid "storytelling extras," rules then it's actually a fairly decent rules-lite version.
Some of us want Shadowrun without all the rules autism.
Brayden Cruz
>rules-lite >lite Anarchy is to normal Shadowrun as a Sperm whale is to a Blue whale: Smaller, but still massive as hell
Leo Walker
user, I started on Shadowrun 3e and play narrative shit like Marvel Heroic. Anarchy is like someone smushing both together for some hateful reason.
Zachary Cooper
What physical stuff can I give a mage as a reward other than foci?
Grayson Ward
A new car. Or do you mean mage-specific rewards?
Michael Jones
I did mean more like that, but she currently has no car, so that'd definitely be a possibility.
Lincoln Wright
How well does face work out for a primary role? The character I'm thinking about making is a former junior exec who got burned in the crossfire of two VPs vying for control of the local office. The character has a lot of social skills, etiquettes, corp/security knowledges, and enough dice in automatics that I'm throw around 15 dice in a fire fight.
Bentley Brown
Have you actually played it?
Anarchy is like D&D 5e. Character creation and advancement is a bit too complex to be called "rules-lite," but once you're past that everything can be boiled down to like two simple types of roll that you can teach normies in a single evening.
Like 5e, the character creation is about the same size as the rest of the rules. Oh no, so complex. Once you're done with Session Zero, it's smooth sailing.
Adam Stewart
A fancy spell formula that gives them a (not too strong) spell at a Karma discount, or even for free. Great way to bring in a bunch of cool or niche spells, since mages don't bother with non-essentials. Lord knows a mage won't willingly learn shit like Animate Objects if they could otherwise spend that karma on initiation, and you just know at some point being able to Sorcerer's Apprentice something will save all their lives.
Grayson James
Yeah, that kind of shit is passed by. Cars, an idiot-proof gun so they don't look like a mage waiting to be geeked, a better living space, meat, drugs, trodes and Matrix equipment, simsense porn, fuckloads of burner commlinks. Just think of handy or fluffy stuff that people pass by because they are saving money for other shit.
Xavier Morales
Does using a Critter Power leave an Astral Signature?
Jonathan Edwards
>boiled down to like two simple types of roll that you can teach normies in a single evening. whoa, chummer. Don't tell me they reduce the incredible amount of THREE types of test to TWO! That's SO MUCH
The complexity does not lie in the types of tests. It lies in >Order of tests >Modifiers >Thresholds
Jackson Howard
I just bought anarchy for these reasons. I've never run/played a shadowrun game before and want to, the SR5 rules look like they're too crunchy to be a good starting point
Levi Cox
You know, that's a very good question. I don't think by RAW it's stated that critter powers do. However the rules also state that spirits leave one whenever they do basically anything. So, if I were GMing it, I'd rule that if a spirit uses a power, it would, but if a paracritter used one, it wouldn't.
Austin Wilson
I'm generalizing in terms of how many types of tests there are. I don't remember exactly. But I do remember that hacking was radically simplified to the point where you could run it alongside other scenarios, magic was also simplified (through use of Amps), and the game was genuinely simple enough that if you absolutely needed more complexity it is very easy to take rules out of 5th proper and add them. I do it all the time to ease my players into how ridiculously complex Shadowrun is.
Anarchy is by far and away the best way for a group to experience Shadowrun, especially if their GM doesn't suffer from delusions of adequacy and knows his shit.
Elijah Davis
In this particular case, it's a Vampire using stuff like Fear or Terrorscape.
Carter Watson
Can you please write an Anarchy cheat sheet?
Trying to read the book just made me angry for because despite being simplified I couldn't understand it. I'm probably reatarded but I blame CGL for shit editing again. Please I want to GM
Robert Parker
Other than smart firing platforms, and maybe immobile drones, are there any actaul rules for emplaced weaponry?
Camden Hernandez
Vehicle weapons and turrets?
Michael Flores
if it's done with a Magic stat, it leaves a signature. simple as that.
Nicholas Thompson
Colt manhunter. I love no selling people's attempts to brick my gun. 100% mechanical, baby
Alexander Bailey
Can you give a citation on that?
Oliver Gomez
I'm a fag who uses a Taurus Omni-6 for concealable trick ammo, inspired by pic related.
Carson Thompson
I've only read about 5e Shadowrun and heard about the changes. Is magic still janky and did they nerf the hell out of Technomancers? I heard they did away with streams and special sprites so Technomancers aren't Matrix Magicians like they were in 4e.
Caleb Brooks
I actually like to go /k/ommando with the sakura fubuki. since it already comes with four different magazines you can equip you can do quite some shenanigans with it. Like extend all of them, or leave the ones you need to smuggle somewhere short. Buy silencers for the barrles that have LSL Ammo and APDS in the rest when shit hits the fan. or just go full ham and buy every magazin with inbuild grenade. Also you need most upgrades, like smartlink, only once for a Pistol that can hold up to 4 types of ammo.
Evan Bell
forgot pic
Also it looks cyperpunk as heck and can be easily hidden.
Ayden Williams
Happy new year chummers, and hopefully a year with more good German content!
Carter Davis
What the fuck is that awful bore axis I thought it was like a peppergun or something, not that fucking monstrosity. Someone fire CGL
Sebastian Foster
Well i actually want to buy the SX from CA. Which has a 2x2 barrle setup, but there is no art for that one, suprise suprise, so i posted the old heavy model of it.
Ayden Morales
Huh. Yamaha dusted off the Metal Storm concept. Neat.
Samuel Watson
>fire all four ammo types at once H-how are you supposed to resolve the DV
Eli Turner
One could argue with a GM that a smartlink would allow one to choose the magazine used or have the decker hack that thing and change the software a little. No reason to hate fun. Also expect the GM to punch you if you want to fire four different kinds of ammo at once.
I also find it delightfull how the corpbrat devvgrrl goes full /k/ in CA.
Kayden Jenkins
I'll see if I can manage something for you tomorrow morning, user. Chillax and hopefully I'll get it done before my dispatch sends me for another run.
If not tomorrow, then in a few days you'll get a shitty picture of a notebook with my hand-written stuff I managed on deliveries and pick-ups over the course of the trip.
I promise, it's super-easy.
Sebastian Long
Oliver Richardson
Facees are good.primary as long as you have something to combine them with. Social + Combat is a perfect if you like a lot of screentime. Regards, murderbot-negotiator
Gavin Sanders
>Agular desribed as premier azzie attack chopper >no weapons or even mounts as standard >thanks to retarded modding rules the troop transport version can somehow mount more weapons
Isaac James
Jonathan Wood
Is there such thing as one-way fabrics, something that'll let you see through one side (and use alternate vision-modes like thermographic) unhindered while being opaque from the other side?
Joseph Fisher
Possibly. Could be some kind of silicon mesh fabric.