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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Photoshop user, could you make her hair pink and give her red eyes?
Hey, Sheev did okay! He was fine right up until... he was done in by his own apprentice.
Okay, I see your point.
The new year's jump nobody asked for! Hope everyone has a good one.
Sheev is still the best Sith ever, of all time. Because fucker was just enjoying the horrible things he did, and spent 20 years doing whatever the fuck he wanted before his death at the hands of his apprentice.
And that final bit happens to all Sith anyway.
So you CAN be reliably asked to finish something.
Who paid for this one to get typed up?
Oh wow, I remember this. It's been a while since you mentioned it, nice to see it finished.
You never responded to me trying to take you on a date for Thanksgiving
I'm honestly kinda insulted, not even a yes or no?
You toy with my heart, user kun.
Linking to the start of the write-up for anyone who missed it.
Related question, Jumpers! Have you ever screwed up so hard it retroactively fucked with your chain in the long run?
Isn't this a running theme in Battler-user's thing or is that just something he said off the cuff before. As for me... That would be telling.
With the 100 yen coin from the intro of the jump, duh
My main walls were drop in and ninja
I just dropped Ninja since it was so specific and Drop-In being based off of blatant crossovers and poochie-style characters seemed pretty fun to play with.
I remember the question! Are skeleton warrior made with the Armor from Kamigawa loyal to jumper?
Okay so I may be an ignorant user but I don't understand why a killing their masters is an expected practice in Sith culture. I know they're all about strength therefore if an apprentice kills their master that's indicative that they've exceeded them, but it doesn't really seem practical to me? There's no incentive as far as I can tell to having an apprentice if they're expected to kill you in the end.
It's not that Sith can't run an Empire, it's just that the Sith are either psychopaths that let their sadism and ego overtake their common sense (Sheev) or they're actually competent, sane rulers but get killed off due to one of their minions getting lucky, one of the above reigning in their ego/sadism long enough to take them out, or in the case of pic related, some overpowered monster killing them as an example of how buff they are.
Since Wakfu showed up last thread, can the rest of the missing jumpmakers reveal themselves?
Glad I'm here for this.
As loyal as retainers to their Lord in Kamigawa. So, yes... very.
Not really. I avoid time shenanigans like religious door to door convert-o-matics.
Yeah, Drop In looks pretty funny. I'll give it a more thorough looking-over in the morning, right now I really should be going to sleep. Good night, everyone in the new thread.
You have no proof that was Wakfu. Especially not with certain jackasses around here pretending to be other people.
In the EU it's because Darth Bane knew about the old "Sith Empire" system and realized that Sith are backstabbing cunts by nature, and rather than killing more of one another than Jedi he decided 1-master 1-apprentice, with the apprentice eventually killing the master, would be a better system.
Checking unhandled exception at 0x1i-666 in qliphoth.exe
Access violation writing location 0x00-000
Continue, ignoring this error? ...[ ]
Okay so why wasn't that abolished when Darth Bane (I'm assuming) bit it because it's not practical for Sith to take on apprentices this way.
>either psychopaths that let their sadism and ego overtake their common sense (Sheev) or they're actually competent,
Sheev played the entire Galaxy for decades, before achieving complete control over the "republic" within his lifetime, then spent 20 years doing whatever the fuck he wanted.
Call him what you want, but fucker was competent.
Because Sith does not mean "evil force user", it's a philosophy and way of life. Bane indoctrinated his apprentice, who indoctrinated their apprentice, etc.
Why doesn't anyone in the Star Wars universe fuck? Why are relationships some kind of inherent evil to Lucas' mind?
>Darth Bane
Was he a big guy?
I could have sword there was a Chaotic (as in the card game and the children's television show) jump, but I didn't see one in the drive. Am I blind?
For Jedi
Because Lucas is a hack.
Its a space sword and sorcery pulp story, people tend to not work outside the lines
Well, it depends on which version of the Sith we're talking about here. For the various Sith Empires, it was because apprentices could be useful minions/tools, powerful enough to destroy their enemies while not strong enough to overthrow them. Even Vader and Sheev had that sort of relationship. It's just that, a lot of times, the master underestimated the apprentice until it was too late, and they get killed off by their student. Or they realise their apprentice is a threat and try to kill them, either succeeding (thus forcing them to find a new apprentice/minion) or being killed off like the above. And then rarely, you had apprentices who didn't kill their masters and just went on to do other stuff in the Empire.
For the Rule of Two, it was necessary for the survival of the Sith. The master needed to pass on his knowledge to an apprentice if they weren't ready to take over yet, and the apprentice needed to be strong enough to destroy their master so that the Sith lineage would stay strong. Otherwise, they would eventually fall to ruin and the plan would fail.
See the above, it's perfectly practical and in fact mandatory. Darth Bane was smart enough to realise he probably wouldn't be the one to take over, and while he DID try to possess his apprentice later on, that would have been perfectly acceptable, because it would have meant his student was too weak to succeed him.
Oh, I'm not saying he wasn't, I'm just saying the problem was that he let his ego and sadism overtake that competence. He figured everything was perfectly under control, and then it all went to hell.
The master teaches the apprentice and the apprentice motivates the master to grow to avoid being replaced. They cycle will continue until they conquer the galaxy, Bane himself knew it was full of problems but it was better than the Brotherhood.
Blame Darth Bane. He started the Rule of Two because having groups of Sith in the past always led to infighting and backstabbing anyway. So he came up with the idea of a master teaching everything they can to the most powerful apprentice they can find until the apprentice grows powerful enough to challenge the master. In theory, this should result in the current Dark Lord of the Sith always being the most powerful one to have existed. It also allows them to work behind the scenes instead of drawing attention to themselves.
Of course, the plan is severely flawed. Not the least of the reasons why being that oftentimes the apprentice doesn't learn everything from their master and kills them by cheating instead of through superior strength.
Though in fairness, the plan did eventually come to fruition in Sheev. A thousand year long keikaku resulted in a Sith ruling the galaxy for two decades.
So there's that, I guess.
People fucking is how Anakin was born.
Yeah. Think about that.
>Oh, I'm not saying he wasn't, I'm just saying the problem was that he let his ego and sadism overtake that competence. He figured everything was perfectly under control, and then it all went to hell.
Fair enough. Though if I were in Sheev's position I wouldn't give a fuck. I got to do whatever I wanted, to whoever I wanted, and killed 99% of the Jedi order. If my apprentice kills me who the fuck cares? I got to live like a fucking KING, better even, for decades.
What was that perk that let you decide how far you shifted into any of your alt-forms while still getting the full benefit?
Who is pic related? What did he do?
>though the greater amount of use you get out of this...the less control you have over your actions outside of a ‘trope’-like role in your own story, allowing the law of drama and what is interesting to dictate your tale. As you could guess...this does not always benefit you. Every story must end, after all...
Yeah, no. Make it 200 CP and this shitty trap option might be worth considering. Even discounting the nonsense of being aware of and directly influencing your own story making you have less control over it, that a perk actively discourages you from using it is simply bad design, especially when doing so forevermore castrates your ability to act and change.
It was an attempt to harness the backstabbing nature of the Sith in a productive manner. Considering it led to Sheev and Vader it wasn't exactly a bad strategy.
>it's a philosophy and way of life
Ever hear the saying 'violent people live a life of violence and inevitably die from violence'? Your culture has a place, and it's in the fucking ghetto. It certainly hasn't done any of you fucks any good considering your race is functionally extinct and your society nothing more then ancient history, which started off better then you ever ended up following your stupid philosophy.
...No it isn't. His mom was a virgin. She literally got impregnated by the Force.
Dresden files
Wizard 800
Mexico city
24 yo male
Magic 101 free
The sight free
Wizard tricks free
Clued in free
Refined spellcasting 650
Worldwalker 350
Unseelie magic 50 winter
Jumper files 0
Best ale in chicago free
Enchanted duster free
Wizards lab free
Blackened Denarius -300
Wardens sword and cloak -400
The hex mandatory
Female gaze -300
He who walks beside 0
Considering jumper is incorruptable and impossible to mind control what are the pros and cons of having a denarius? Im invisioning some vaguely grumpy greedy dragony lady.
Wasnt there a perk to use any magic item without having the downsides? I might want that later on at some point. If I dont have it already. Gotta check.
Really Im buying the coin more for company than anything, I dont have companions and havent in a couple thousand years, frankly there is very little in dresden that worries me short of santa or mother winter.
I need a name for my coins angel. Maybe I should call her penny, if she gives me a hard time I will just drop her in a time vortex for a couple years.
I mean that philosophy completely killed the Jedi Order which was their entire objective
>violent people live a life of violence and inevitably die from violence
That's the least catchy way to say "live by the sword, die by the sword" that I've ever heard.
I'm not a Sith bro. And indoctrination is a hell of a drug. And they did manage to take over the Republic for 20 years, and kill off all but 1 Jedi.
>implying the Sith Code isn't objectively superior to the Jedi one
Space monks go away.
Darth Marr was one of the members of the Dark Council in Vitiate's Sith Empire. The long and short of it was that he was one of the few Sith who was both sane and competent, as well as someone who genuinely believed in the Empire. Because of his forays into the Dark Side, he was horribly deformed, enough that him showing someone his face was how he executed them. He showed an Imperial officer his face once, and the officer calmly proceeded to commit suicide. It also left him with a shortened life span, though he was all the stronger for it. While Vitiate was planning his big ritual, Marr held the Dark Council and the Empire together, and after Vitiate's death was revealed, Marr became the Emperor in all but name. His whole goal wasn't power, but to ensure the Empire survived, prospered, and ruled long after he was dead and buried.
Not to say he was a saint. Guy was still a Sith, and very much a lover of war, but he was pretty much the best ruler the Sith Empire ever had, even if his reign was very short due to Vitiate/Valkorian coming in with a second Empire. He and the Outlander (whatever character class you use) were captured, and when Valkorian offered him power if he would only kneel, Marr told him to piss off, and tried to kill him. He was killed himself for his efforts, but at least he tried.
Xianxia really has a wonderful look.
>taking a denarius
Are you insane? Or just suicidal?
Not yet, but having seen what you did with it I definitely see how it could be an interesting element to add to the plot.
For me, it'd probably work best by altering my conflicts with DCAU Darkseid, shifting it from being an independent entity to actually being a particularly weak avatar of Infinite Crisis (i.e. Multiversal Horror) Darkseid.
Probably need to include DC Occult in the Chain to justify getting the main Darkseid's attention for my earlier stays in Superman and Justice League.
>He showed an Imperial officer his face once, and the officer calmly proceeded to commit suicide
Jesus fuck. Why don't the Jedi tell padawans THAT to keep them away from the dark side? Shit, lightning fingers isn't worth that.
I agree that their ascetic is really rather nice, yes, but they lose points for the whole riding flying randumb objects thing. At least the ships in World of Cultivation make sense in a way, but some things, like a wine jug the size of a mans torso or a giant plum blossom, are just odd.
What kinds of odd things did you get up to in the various Xianxia settings, user?
Neither, Im going to take and reform her! I mean at this rate I am probably older than her any way. I plan on taking the time here to get to know her then grabbing humanity is infectious from haruhi and basically daughteruing the ancient fallen angel lady. Thats my plan.
Then maybe going to another xianxia and learning the dao of hugs and making her feel downright loved.
I dont know Im just having fun with this.
oh my god is literally no one in the story actually the product of legitimate birth
is star wars so sexless that the characters can't even have actually real parents
what the fuck is wrong with george lucas
Eh, if you're immune to sensory manipulations all a Denarius can do is talk to you. And there are perks that make you immune to persuasion.
I mean.
There's the most famous line in the entire series. Maybe in cinematic history.
I mean, are you asking for it to be on-screen or are you just ignoring that 99.999 (repeating) of the characters were formed from sex?
"No, I am your father."
I farmed plants, hunted down various fire seeds, created a sect that became sister to crafting sect called the Alchemy Sect and made many wonderous medicines, started a war with the beast taming school, was there to hold together my sect when the eventual calamity arrived during my very long time in gennxiamxia so we came out leading the worlld in cultivation and power and learned to craft various xianxia gear. Im partial to flying swords and spatial rings.
>99.999 (repeating)
For future reference, you can just write it as 99.999...
Are you counting the Clones in that calculation?
Or the Droids?
I kinda want to see a denarias get into a yog jumper.
>Its just screaming non stop for days before it turns into wimpering.
That sounds lovely...
A small WIP to show I am working on the FFT thing. pastebin.com
Why isn't the Katamari an item? And does it keep everything that's stuck to it when you move on?
Even if they are, there are only millions of clones. Maybe billions.
Humans ALONE number in the trillions. So.
You can't prove that. Having even one character that was born as a fucking force baby, in a series where basically every good guy is a eunuch and any kind of relationship is evil, can you actually say with certainty that Anakin isn't mistaken and only thinks he had sex with Padme, when in reality they just heldhands and the Force impregnated her?
Huh, thanks user.
Clones are a minuscule drop in the galactic population due to Lucas' failure to understand the logistics of a galactic war...or society in general.
Also, droids aren't people.
They are but wee babes.
>where basically every good guy is a eunuch and any kind of relationship is evil
Han and Leia?
Did you even watch the movies?
Everyone's so shiny. It's distracting.
>The two people who had sex produced a child so strong in the dark side Luke felt an urge to kill him
makes ya think don't it
How the fuck did a few million clones turn the tide in a galaxy-wide war where basically the entire galaxy's droid production was turned against the Republic?
Holy shit, is Lucas actually completely incapable of understanding basic math?
>Are you insane? Or just suicidal?
There comes a point where you are not trapped with a fallen angel inside your head, but the Denarium is trapped inside your head.
>Immutable, huh?
>Lets break out the tools for spiritual mutilation and soul modification and see how long that lasts while a carve the core of your being into something more useful to me.
Did you? Go watch the prequels and tell me that Star Wars thinks any relationship can be positive. You won't.
The answer is yes.
Luke also jerks off sloths and drinks the semen, so I wouldn't trust his judgement.
>Go watch the prequels
See, there's your mistake.
Lucas is kind of dim desu. He seems like he can have a good vision, but he needs people to do basic shit for him like writing not-terrible dialogue. And a lot of his ideas are just bad.
Honestly, you're better off just ignoring Lucas' attempts at numbers and logistics. It's a fucking galaxy wide conflict, millions of clones would be a drop in the bucket compared to the billions of battle droids that would be pumped out by the Confederacy.
Storm Troopers in the lore are supposed to be super soldier bad asses cloned from Boba Fett's father. The old Clone Wars cartoon displays them behaving as such. It's just that in the movies they're kinda. . .
>'I can have sex with you Anakin, I'm a Senator!'
I will never understand what Lucas was thinking.
Even in the old Clone Wars show though, they were still getting killed in large numbers as well, compared to seemingly limitless number of battle droids.
People really have latched on to that in the weirdest way possible. It'd be like if everyone started freaking out about this new thing called breakfast that prominently features chicken periods and porcine stomach peelings.
One four year war on one planet for one country with so much less industry then the clone wars produced more then four million casualties. The clones would have been less then a drop in the bucket for the kind of conflict the Clone Wars supposedly were.
Actually, I want to expand on my rather lackluster post.
The first unit of Clones, which took ten years to mature, only numbered two hundred thousand.
This was explicitly stated. And the only production center was on one planet which seems to be fairly sparsely populated.
The fact that they had more than a million or two clones would honestly be fairly impressive.
user, I have chickens. I get eggs from them.
I don't reach into their genitals, rip an egg out, and then immediately throw it in my mouth.
Generic Universal Monsters, "The Beast Among Us" in the Bestial line is like that.
The thing you're forgetting is that both are jobbers on a stupid level, to the point that the staff and writers outright describe them as totally useless, completely pointless pieces of trash and garbage respectively. It doesn't matter how many there were on either side of the conflict, because neither was able to make any real difference regardless.
So did Elantris not get through the thread or what? Or else why isn't it on the drive?
You can't prove Shard's aren't omnipotent
If Shards are omnipotent Ruin couldn't have died at the end of Mistborn
They're omnipotent within their domain. Preserving his life or dominance is not within his domain, obviously.
Ruin actually wanted that to happen, in fact it only reinforces his omnipotence
They might be a student of Konatanon.
>Ruin actually wanted that to happen
Nice fanfic
Oh this is so wonderful to have. Thank you, you really are a blessing unto us!
Or they could be having a jump where the jumper had a few to many shots before Jumpchan arrived.
How odd, someone else removed it from the uploads folder.
I'll have to check with Brutus.
In the meantime, have this copy.
If you could prove shards were omnipotent, they wouldn't have among their power the quality of being able to be proven that they weren't.
some faggot with an account named john smith removed it
Just finished Mystery Dungeon, Jump 2. The dice were merciful, and Primal Dialga didn't expect that Focus Punch.
You think the dice will be as kind if I hit up Ranma 1/2 or Jojo next?