Daily reminder that Arthas Menethil could have been good if he wasn't so goddamn autistic.
Owen Martinez
Good luck without candle, dumb Drogbar!
Christian Butler
Class rankings by flavor and lore
>Titan Tier Shaman, Druids, Warlocks
>Great Tier Priests, Death Knights
>Good Tier Warriors, Rogues
>Meh Tier Hunters, Paladins, Monks
>Shit Tier Mages
>CRAAAAWLING Tier Demon Hunters
Ethan Bell
Caleb Hill
How does Sylvanas feel about her nephew being half human and alliance?
Owen Young
With all the bullshit time travel stuff WoW has done, I'm surprised they've never done some alt-universe stuff for 'What if Arthas had managed to not have an autistic shitfit and used that diplomacy training a prince should have'
Jacob Thompson
>druids >titan tier the rest of your list is fine
Juan James
I like monk lore
Or, at least, I like monk lore that isn't brewmaster lore
Parker Harris
is the darkness void? are kobolds actually the good guys for holding off the old gods for so long?
Julian Watson
>Shamans at the top of the pile >Paladins are taken more seriously in the narrative
Jaxon Wright
Ryder Morgan
>Paladins are taken more seriously in the narrative
Paladin Class Hall is just a NEET basement full of NPCs who exist solely to suck off the Noble Male Human Paladin archetype.
Julian Rogers
Andrew Howard
>Arthas meets Thrall early on >Strike up a friendship, convinces him not to leave for Kalimdor >Together they expose Blackmoore and co's corruption and abuse and make the internment camps less shitholes >The Orcs are now loyal allies to the Alliance >Orcs and Humans working together manage to root out the Cult of the Damned before they wreck Lordaeron >Third War is stopped before it can start
Andrew Kelly
will she be ok?
Connor Gonzalez
Carter Morales
Class orders were a mistake. Especially paladin and priest.
Jackson Hall
Didn't they meet at some point? Thought Blackmoore was showing Thrall off in a fight or something.
Wyatt Nelson
No, I won't be doing that.
Jordan Robinson
Landon Allen
She's got some throat troubles, she needs surgery.
Jason Reed
Shaman order was fine, not least because the Earthen Ring was already a thing, because because shaman lore is agnostic of race. Also, their campaign was meaningful and large in scope.
Dominic Gonzalez
Your treasure is on the other end.
Jack Rogers
>that hint of skin-tight leather hips in the BC loading screen
Aiden Bailey
But then no one except Jaina and the night elves are at Mt. Hyjal to stop the Legion.
Dylan Hill
According to the Arthas novel, he did visit Durnholde and watched Thrall fight. IIRC he was impressed with Thrall's martial prowess but I can't remember if he was actually into the whole mandingo show Blackmoore put on. Given Golden's general allergy to moral complexity, most likely Arthas had a distaste for slave combat.
Overall though Arthas was rather disgusted with Blackmoore as a person. While at Durnholde, Blackmoore sent Taritha to go be his cocksleeve for the night. When she arrived at his chambers, Arthas told her "no way fag" and just had her hang out in his room for the night while they ate doughnuts.
Isaiah Morris
IIRC, he didn't really care one way or another about what Blackmoore was doing, but what he was concerned about that Blackmoore was training an orc as well as he was and how that could and did backfire.
Luis Cooper
the Legion can't get summoned if Arthas never turns
Christopher Foster
In this dumb hypothetical I envisioned the Legion isn't AT Hyjal, because Kel'thuzad/the Cult/the Scourge were stopped before they could summon them.
Jaxson Diaz
Why would Arthas sully his dick with some Hillsbrad chick when he's got a Kul Tiran noblewoman and ace mage prodigy of Dalaran ready to go?
Owen Morales
Some of them work fine. Shaman and druid mostly, but paladin is such a fucking mess. I mean, hell, do the tauren sunwalkers even use the light? I could have sworn they were just mechanically paladins and their power was actually more druidic in nature. Or did I just imagine that?
Adam Powell
Though at the same time the Legion would have a lot, less forces without a large chunk of the Scourge.
They'd also, you know, have a Demigod because the orks hadn't killed him.
Easton Robinson
You're correct, but it's not like Blizzard was going to give different races their own spell effects and spell names, so we have big furry Silver Hand knights.
Jonathan Rodriguez
No, that is in fact the justification Blizz gave for Tauren paladins. They're martially-inclined "sun druids".
Or they were. Now at this point all Paladins are just mooks for Xe'ra or whatever.
Blake Reyes
Different races having different spell effects would be amazing. Like, give the Night Elves moon thematics rather than sun thematics for their Light Priests.
Sebastian Thompson
You are correct. Tauren Sunwalkers (paladins) and Seers (priests) are essentially refluffed druids who specialize in the power of An'she the sun, as an explicit parallel to the night elf worship of the moon goddess Elune.
Jayden Sanders
What was the point of this bitch? You follow her story from being an undead who didn't accept it. Ran to her dad in Scarlet whatever only to murder them with shadow power. Then she shows up in the Scarlet Monastery and asks you to kill everyone and make swords for her.
Course she decides to hunt Scourge so she ends up in Scholomance only to end up as a boss and left to die. Now we think she's dead, until she shows up at your Garrison's inn telling you to hunt more necromancers.
Are they building her up into something cool?
Carter Mitchell
Is that why there's a night elf moon paladin in Legion?
Jace Watson
>Is that why there's a night elf moon paladin in Legion? *2
Cameron Garcia
Turning into a raid boss, like every other character
Benjamin Williams
She's a Forsaken who doesn't acknowledge herself as Forsaken. She self-actualized (after a severe bout of denial) and found her calling in murdering the Scourge and the Scarlet Crusade. She's the one credited with killing High Inquisitor Whitemane for the last time by breaking her self-resurrection power with her special knives (at least before the death knights brought Sally back).
Juan Robinson
Well see, Cataclysm was a time where storytelling, lore, and characters took a second place in the questing redesigns to dank maymays under the hand of Kosak. One day, Kosak thought to himself "Hehehe, what if there was a forsaken who was a funny reference to Liliana Vess from MTG!"
So he made it. And then for some reason people kept putting his meme character into other stuff. And thus we get Voss and people who think she'd make a good Forsaken racial leader for some reason.
Andrew Watson
They think she'd make a good Forsaken racial leader because she's one of the few Undead characters that appears more than once that isn't completely devoted to Sylv.
Beggars can't be choosers.
James Morgan
The only good forsaken leader should be Alonsus Faol
Carson Hughes
>"Hehehe, what if there was a forsaken who was a funny reference to Lilian Voss from MTG!" A blue post confirmed that any similarities between the undead and the black planeswalker from M:tG are strictly "coincidental." As far as the public message goes, Lilian was not inspired by Liliana.
David Lee
I would love to have Alonsus Faol as the leader of the Forsaken
Ayden Sanders
But the thing is, she's not even affiliated with the Forsaken as an organization. She hates necromancy, she should despise them. She should be trying to kill them if anything. It's like suggesting Zalazane's ghost replace Vol'jin as Darkspear racial leader.
If we want an outsider undead character to come in and take over and try to redeem the Forsaken, either Alonsus like the other user said, or a new character(an undead pally to introduce that as a playable option?) would work better.
Cameron Cook
Who was that motherfucker who lived on that island in the middle of the lake in Silverpine? He seemed like a powerful undead mage with a good head on his shoulders.
Nathan Mitchell
Speaking of Zalazane's Ghost, you can actually see him chained up in Bwondamdi's temple in the Zandalar demo from Blizzcon.
Lincoln Powell
First for the Lich as leader of the Forsaken. Second choice is the other Lich KT
Charles Brooks
IMO, the Forsaken should stay morally ambiguous, leaning towards evil. They should never have gone full on jackboot, but if we must kill off yet another Horde leader, then I don't want her replacement to come in and suck away any personality the Forsaken have left by making them bland Good Guy Race # 351. Especially since it would be mostly in the interest of people who don't even play Forsaken or the Horde in general.
I would unironically welcome a renegade Kel'thuzzad or something along those lines. Even Nathanos would be aight, though I'm not a fan of the fact he's just a human with red eyes.
Samuel Johnson
No one would tolerate Kel'thuzad, he's done stuff that makes Sylvannas look like Hello Kitty.
Nathanos is too devoted to her to change.
David Garcia
Gunther Arcanus I think? He could be cool if they fleshed him out, no pun intended.
I'd also put up Alexi Barov as an option they could build up.
Not a leader candidate, but I wish Kiryn from the Jade Forest quests and the rest of the squad would actually show up again. Fucking Golden whacked sniper orc with a villain bat in her Ace Attorney novel(even though she fights on your side in the siege...Golden logic) but the others are still around.
Christopher Fisher
Who ready for /otp/?
Lucas Evans
It's weird the Sargent never shows up again, even though we free him from the jade and he's sleeping it off back at the hozen village. The rest are just hanging out in the Horde base in Krasarang Wilds.
Never seen an undead get ooked in the dooker by a hozen. But I'm strangely not opposed to it.
Daniel Phillips
I want every race to be ambiguous
I want their to be factions within every faction
I want groups of tauren to be furious at the night elves for refusing to aid them in battle against the centaur and quilboar, I want gnomes actively pushing for Gnomeregan-in-exile to hoard technological advantages arguing against those who wish to share them.
And I really, really want to see ambassadors for the Horde and Alliance that are actually doing their job instead of espionage
Tyler Peterson
Hell yeah. I honestly wouldn't mind them as an allied race, Alliance could get the fish people.
Daniel Ward
at least they got spared dying off-screen like their Alliance counterparts? rip Admiral Taylor and Amber Kearnan
Blake Gonzalez
cross-racial romance is definitely something that happens in Warcraft, but outside of human x elf it's never really looked into in any depth
Xavier Russell
Jinyu make a lot of sense, but the Hozen character model is very clearly not player race compatible.
Nathan Adams
That actually made me mad for you guys on both counts. Maybe they'll asspull the latter back and say she faked her death or something.
Easton Cox
Even then, it's always male human x female elf.
Goddammit I want to see Lor'themar dommed by an Amazon orc.
Carson Rivera
Which is fucking stupid because there isnt a sun god to parallel Elune. Tauren paladins were and still are a fucking goddamn retarded concept.
David Bailey
yeah I've played Horde since vanilla and I was still pissed about Admiral Taylor dying like that. At least we got to kill Nazgrim ourselves instead of watching him turn into fucking Marrowgar 3.0
Ryan Smith
we're getting the desolate council next xpac, a group of forsaken leading while syl is fucking about on the other side of the world. Apparently some even openly oppose some of her decisions, so it sounds like they're not brainlessly sucking her off Although knowing blizzard they'll end up corrupted and raid/dungeon bosses
Nicholas Thompson
Speaking of orcs, how similar are they to orcs of other franchises?
Namely TES Orcs.
Samuel Bailey
Well, more importantly thing is that he's in the Ebon Blade at least and can appear again. Taylor's bound to our abandoned garrison prison from WoD forever I guess.
Blake Flores
>company with huge legal team publicly denies similarities to property owned by other company with huge legal team I'm shocked
Brayden Rogers
I'll believe the council survives the book when I see NPCs get mined for them, I don't trust Golden to not have Sylvanas crash their meeting with no survivors with a plague bomb or something to make normies go crazy for GoT parallels.
Isaac Cook
>An'she is the sun in tauren mythology. Once the right eye of the Earth Mother, An’she was torn out and sent spinning across the heavens, chased eternally by Azeroth’s most visible moon, known to the tauren as Mu'sha [i.e. Elune]. Every morning An'she bleeds, sacrificing part of his light to let the tauren know that dawn is coming. But he doesn't do this alone; the yeena'e ("those who herald the dawn" in Taur-ahe) help him. >Tauren priests (known as Seers), and paladins (known as Sunwalkers) aim to revere the light of hope that the Earth Mother shines upon the world, through the use of An’she’s power. Tahu Sagewind implies that such a focus on An'she, as opposed to the power of Mu’sha used by druids and night elves, could achieve the balance of the Earth Mother, granting the tauren another blessing from her. >In Cataclysm, the power of An’she can appear either as red flames emerging from a while-hot source or as golden magic similar to other divine magic. Tauren seem to use the terms “Sun”, “Light” or both as synonyms for An’she.
tl;dr - Yeah there fuckin' is a sun deity, at least if you're a tauren.
Robert Brooks
Not sure. They're certainly not a type of elf, which is the only thing about TES Orcs I can remember.
Zachary Sanchez
Gunther is. He broke free on his own without any help, saw his mindless brethren and retreated to the island to live out his days. He was a powerful necromancer though, one of the few who either survived in dalaran or was tolerated for his sound judgement. He almost kills you as the player until you prove to him that you are not mindless and reunite him with his buddy in UC
Easton Hernandez
They're a bit similar in terms of being great warriors, putting family and clan first, following one big strong orc in charge.
Robert Rogers
We all know who REALLY deserves to be the forsaken leader
Ethan Jackson
The Windrunners send their regards.
Sebastian Miller
I just wish they would actually let An'she do anything to vindicate his worship like Elune does.
Owen Rogers
How powerful is Elune, anyway? And isn't she linked to arcane magic?
Christian Edwards
Ok im rolling a monk in WoW and I cant decide if i should make her a dwarf, gnome or nelf
please decide for me oh glorious Veeky Forums
Nicholas Gomez
A forsaken!
Liam Jenkins
Dwarf. Get drunk.
Gabriel Martinez
Make them a troll so they can practice capoeira.
Nolan Jones
a nelf because purple elves are hot!
Oliver Perez
Angel Gomez
Dwarf it is!
Xavier Myers
Elune's power level is ???. Nelf supremacists like to meme her as being some true omnipotent deity, some people think she's related to the Naaru(which was a theory put forward by Velen) or possibly she's to naaru what void lords are to old gods.
What we can say for sure is she does have some good feats of power(though quite a while in the past, so who knows if Blizz remembers some of them) and has connections to the titans. Eonar's planet we see her on was named Elunaria.
Elijah Jackson
Too bad its not a real deity. They could worship a rock, a stick or thralls left nut and recieve the same amount of blessings that a glowing ball of hydrogen and helium does. Its amazing how in a world full of gods they manage to worship something that isnt an actual deity and they are just fucking dumb.
>could achieve the balance of the Earth Mother,
Fuck off with this MUH BALANS shit, the same flavor of trite cancer they are forcing with the light and void now. Such a fucking tired, overused trope.
>still playing wow
Dwarf brewmaster you fucking nigger.
Caleb Nelson
rollin up a kung fu dwarf gal to get drunk like a true dwarf
Nathan Watson
We also know that the Tauren acknowledge Elune under the name Mu'sha. Unlike the night elves who worship only the moon, the tauren honor both the sun and the moon, as part of the greater entity known as the Earth Mother.
Jaxson Robinson
>which was a theory put forward by Velen Yeah, to Tyrande's face in the Temple of the Moon itself. Tyrande then kindly but firmly reminded him he shouldn't tip his fedora so openly
Henry Turner
Justin Gomez
I heard about that. Two of the night elf priests jump ship and join the paladin order during the paladin campaign. That's kinda messed up, isn't it?
Parker Sanders
>implying a Gobbo's first thought in that situation isn't to figure out how to bottle Sun energy and sell it as a refreshing energy drink
Eli Parker
Fuck the Priest Campaign.
Evan Howard
but is the moon a deity or a ball of dirt in space? When will we get to visit it?
Bentley White
Technically one is dead and has been for ten thousand years. And also made a pact with the Legion and sold the souls of his family into slavery.
Paladin material for sure.
Lucas Roberts
>Two of the night elf priests jump ship and join the paladin order during the paladin campaign. no it's worse than that the second night elf paladin is a ghost who's spent the last 10,000 years serving the Legion
Ryder Hill
For starters, Azeroth has two moons: the White Lady and the Blue Child.