How would the grey knights react to doomguy if they ever met?
How would the grey knights react to doomguy if they ever met?
They'd treat him like a Khornate and kill him with mind fuckery.
You're implying they could.
Probably try to recruit him. Dude fights hell alone with no augments.
Well, as powerful as Doomguy is he kinda IS fighting easy-modo demons. Also, besides his running speed (72 km/h) he doesn't seem to have any significant physical capabilities compared to Space Marines, let alone Grey Knights.
He also seems to not have any particular mental defenses, and mind fuckery is hitscan.
>Doesn't have particular mental defences
Pretty much every other human in any area he visits either died or got possessed. I'd say he has some pretty good mental defences, even if they are just being REALLY FUCKING ANGRY.
He can run that fast carrying an armoury, without power armour and once killed a demon the size of a titan on his own.
>Be grey knight
>Be slaughtering daemons with unparalleled fury and righteousness
>The best of the best psychic badass
>Suddenly a man jumps out of a warp gate
>An imperial guard with carapace armour and laughable shotgun
>The daemons start fleeing
>Daemons fleeing
>From a guardsman
>Who is now ripping the crying and pissing bloodthirsters head off
I don't think they could handle the badassery
Report having found one of the lost primarchs
Call us again when grey knigths kill a demon titan solo
Open their mouth
Begin to say [literally anything]
Given what they habitually do to witnesses and allies probably try to kill him "for his own good".
It would not end well for them.
guy is functionally immortal, dies, goes to hell, kills his way out of hell; i'd like to seem them try
>Well, as powerful as Doomguy is he kinda IS fighting easy-modo demons
>Grey Knights tear open a rift to Doom Hell
>Immediately get attacked by clowns throwing acidic pies, giant titans capable of calling down world-sundering lighting blasts, literal Outer Gods, Legendary Demons up-to and including the True Legendary Cardinal, and countless others
>They also end up in a Terry Trap
There was that time with Kaldo Draigo and Mortarion, but I would say that was on par with the Demon Titan rather than exceeding it. So in other words Doomguy is at the very least the equal of canonically the strongest Grey Knight in existence, and I think maybe Kaldor ended up going crazy or falling to Slaanesh so Doomguy actually wins out there.
If 2016 DOOM is to be believed his special power is that death and demon blood itself sustain his battle fury and body, hence a multi-century sword match with a demon king that he won out of pure attrition.
Nah, he died at the end of d1e1m8. Well, technically the level ends when you hit 10% health, but you're on a damage floor and surrounded by enemies - it's certainly implied that he dies.
And wakes up in Hell.
And starts killing again.
Fanatical guardsman charging impossible odds is nothing bad in their eyes but I think they start to question the mans purity once he starts running faster than ork buggy, punching like he had a powerfists while shooting heretek plasma cannon one handed.
Yes, but he can fight his way out of hell easily.
If he ever dies, he goes to hell, fights his way out and comes back.
Practically immortal.
Nah I don't think he's died since then, it was just the first time caught him off-guard.
Except doom3guy, that's a different bloke, while doomguy and doom slayer are kind of the same thing just wibbly wobbly and there's probably some time travel and the universe ended while doomguy was in hell after doom 64, then the whole universe came around again to doom 2016 and when the uac found their way into hell, it was a hell that he'd been ripping and tearing in for longer than their universe had existed.
>Kaldo Draigo
don't say swear words
I wonder....what about Quakeguy? how would he fare in 40k? he hasnt had much developpement but he did kill an elder god by himself which i think is pretty damn good.
Ranger might not be divinely ordained the slayer of an entire race of hell spawn, but he can move quicker than Doomguy with the aid of grenade jumps, so he'd at least be able to get the hell out of dodge with relative ease when things turn south.
>regular guardsman
>superhuman abilities
>can face demons without going mad
>has come back from the dead, multiple times even
He'd be called a living saint.
I unironically think he'd thrive in 40k
They would likely deem him tainted and try to kill him.
He is badass normal, he will find a way to leverage his physical deficiencies, probably by just uping the arsenal.
I think the grey knight would inform the inquisition of him, one inquisitor watches the doomguy just slaughter daemons with no remorse, said inquisitor either tries to get the doomguy to become a part of their retinue, when there's a suspected chaos incursion, or if there actually is a chaos incursion, the inquisitor tells doomguy to go nuts. After a while, I suspect he might get the attention of the chaos gods themselves, though I think Khorne would take a bit of a liking to him, try to recruit the doomguy to be his follower, doomguy rejects offer by using Khorne's own chainsword/chainaxe on the blood god, doomguy eventually kills Khorne through attrition, doomguy becomes something equivalent to a boogyman to the rest of chaos, while to imperium he becomes to be viewed as a living saint, the emperor reincarnated, or perhaps some long lost offspring of the emperor himself.
Neither the Cyberdemon nor the Spider Mastermind are Titan sized.
>Icon of Sin
>shoot the exposed innards of a literal wall that doesn't move or attack in any direct form
That isn't very RIP AND TEAR
Complex/LCA is awesome, but not Doom canon.
>He is badass normal,
>Kills a demon so big its corpse becomes a landscape
Fuck off with your TV tropes autism
>Complex/LCA is awesome, but not Doom canon.
>He doesn't know
Everything is canon now thanks to NuDoom, EVERYTHING. Doom Hell is literally an utter clusterfuck of decaying universes and insanity, and Doomguy has been through all of it. Why do you think he's so fucking Angry all the damn time?
>Everything is canon now thanks to NuDoom, EVERYTHING.
Even... even Hdoom?
>classic doomguy
Purge him for seeing too much and because he was exposed to the warp.
>New Doomguy
Purge him for being warp tained.
Especially HDoom. Though, in that WAD, Doomguy has the option to not sully his loins with vile demonesses, and can instead let them finger themselves to death, so eh. Also, all Terry Traps are canon as well, so try thinking of that from Doomguy's perspective.
Or you know it could also just be a simple shoot em up game and any "lore" is just your millennial mindset craving a doom "universe"
>Using "millenial" unironically
Have you ever thought of drinking fluoroantimonic acid? You should probably try it, especially since yours such a massive cumguzzler.
>He's this invested in some shooter game
And you're invested in a fantasy/sci-fi galaxy of mass-murdering lunatics, hypermuscle uber-brainwashed Chads in powered armor, and demonic dickgrills with thorned , prehensile penises. Thine point?
>He cries about 40k despite there being no mention of it in any of my posts
>He doesn't even know how to properly respond to a post and if he does he spent the time manually typing out the number for "(You) denial"
Seems legit. No reason they can't be male.
>He doesn't even know how to properly respond to a post and if he does he spent the time manually typing out the number for "(You) denial"
If you had eyes (which I truly doubt you do, and if that is so, you are obviously not using them), you would notice that I responded properly to your initial post (The "millenial" one, if your simpleton mind has forgotten). I didn't bother properly replying to your second post because I saw no need to feed you any more than necessary. Either way, good day, friend.
>I don't see the need to feed you with replies despite the fact that i've been replying to you this entire time.
Doomguy is a furious enemy on the demon but remember he has been in hell for millenia and his armor runs on evil hell energy.
I think they'd TRY to kill him, and eventually just manage to send him back to the warp - aimed at some particular enemy
So, to get this thread somewhat back on it's designated course, I shall now post rare Doomguys.
>circa early 2010’s reddit memes
They kill him no problem because, in the end, Doomguy isn't much more deadlier than the average chaos-tainted Imperial Guardsman.
Russian overkill is canon?
Oh boy, doom guy is the new strongest FPS protagonist.
The Quadruple Super-Shotgun is Fucking awesome (and also extremely confusing. How is he holding the other two guns?), but Russian Overkill grants Doomguy things Blackhole Guns, Punches capable of obliterating armies, and nuke-launching guns. The Quad Shotty, whilst ridiculous, is probably the LEAST powerful amongst the arsenal that WAD gives him (and let's not get started on what all the others give him). Also;
>Oh boy, doom guy is the new strongest FPS protagonist.
>Implying that he wasn't before
That's cute. Nice Quads though.
>even Hdoom?
I wonder.
My favorite gun
Comrade - Sometimes you need a weapon, which is highly destructive to both user and targets. A weapon, which has a nasty habit to be unpredictable and of course - it must make things go boom. The answer is pretty simple - a corner-shot surpise, an alltime classic of self-destruction - grenade lawnchair!... umm, heheh - I meant grenade launcher. Press zoom button to switch between bounce and impact modes of grenades. It also has built-in time stop device. Show them capitalist hell swines that there's always a time for... kollectivization!
FIRE: *Punch noise* That's my job!
ALT-FIRE: Stops the time. It eats red cells while doing so, so be cautious with your counter.
RELOAD: Switches the grenades mode. They can either bounce or explode on relation with the area.
Well, 2016 Doom says he is "incorruptible", and if Doom hell = Warp then he must have a personal Gellar field or just be plain immune to that shit like da Orkz.
How would they react to this guy?
Oh my
Some ideas I have been playing with for something I am writing:
>With his mind full of eldritch stuff, he would be considered a psyker, especially with his QC incarnation who can shoot his own slipgates and resists his own rocket jumping.
>Also it means that he must keep himself more wary about attemps of daemon possession.
>Once he gets the right weapons, gangers, PDF, IG and even Tempestus will get slaughtered by the dozens.
>Depending of his incarnation, one particular Chaos God may want to possess him.
Q1: Khorne because of his eternal anger.
Q3: Khorne/Nurgle because he gave up trying to escape the Arena Eternal and only seeks battle.
QC: Tzeentch, because of magic and his hope to return to his family being the only thing keeping his sanity.
>If he finds some "friendly" to teach him how to understand his abilities more, then the caliber of the hostiles that will get slaughtered will aument in masse.
>May or may not being capable of that point to at least cripple badly one of the Chaos Gods.
> Silence
> Silence as they stare at each other across the corpse strewn battlefield.
> Both men clench their fist.
> Brofist.
> Defiler corpse explodes behind them, only suitable background for this event.
Cyberdemon is about Knight sized.
Why is Doomguy a bad ass and Draigo is a mary sue?
>He has interests! What a fag!
>Why can't he be like me and only like things ironically?
there are male ones in the fluff
Doom guy doesn't take off his helmet. Also which is the strangest STC based machine where you could emulate DOOM?
They would react by going "urgh" "urgh" "urgh" as they are shot until they die by the doomguy.
Like every other cyborg sueprbeing he comes into contact with.
Doomguy earns it, he runs through rivers of blood of his own making, all by himself. Heck, his armor doesn’t even do that much it gets shot off a bunch.
Draigo was born a psyker, and sent straight into the grey knights. He was born into power and just kinda went with it.
Doom guy came into his power, Kaldor was born with it (even more than doomguy considering he’s a psyker).
What's Draigo's personality like and how do people treat him? Doomguy is a typical silent protagonist who doesn't emote, and the only time anyone interacts with him is either an ally giving orders or an enemy running his mouth.
Where? I only heard about Grendel.
>quad shotgun get
Doomguy is actually a nice guy.
He ended up on mars because he refused to shoot some civilians.
I’m pretty sure Draigo just acts like a grey knight turned up to 11.
Forgot pic*
What would the Grey Knights think of Master Chief? He's not really any better than a Space Marine in any tangible way, but autosave has got to be the most powerful out of all the powers of the Warp.
They would wish they had his ancestors.
Fuckin saved
doomguy and serious sam bullrush the 40k universe
could you even handle that level of angry puns?
...The same amount?
Doomguy doesn't talk.
Doomslayer? They bow in reverence at their primarch. Doomslayer then walks into the Warp and turns the Chaos Gods into pulp
he never shuts up in them comics
(mild concern)
they'd call an inquisitor to judge him if he is worthy of saving and employing. otherwise they'd just frag him after they are all done fighting daemons, like how they deal with all humans who fight daemons.
If we go by strongest doomguy (I think Russian Overkill takes this one) the great knights likely wouldn’t be able to take him.
Doomguy can take things that marines can’t (rockets, grenades, miniguns, plasmaguns) and can use all of those.
And that’s not counting the Titans he’s taken out.
Simply put, I’d like to see them try.
As loyal servants of khorne the knights would probably Revere him anyway
Do keep in mind that Doomguy has also endured every last encounter with Terry and his Minions, beings who could give even fucking Slaanesh a run for it's money in the "Ass-Rape" department. He's probably all out of fucks to give because of that, and he certainly won't tolerate bunch of braindead "knights" trying to shoot him for just doing his damn job.
>angriest man in the universe
>pure of heart, incorruptible, immune to possession
>hates people who kill civilians
>powered by the blood of his enemies
>more endurance than a demon king
>walks into the Warp, engages Khorne in single combat
>they are still fighting
>entirety of Khorne's forces have stopped invading to watch/join in an orgy of violence
>the battle raged on for a century
>many lives were claimed, but eventually
>the champion stood, the rest saw their better
Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater.
>that spoiler
i love you, user
This New Year is already off to a great start.
>That Spoiler
Glorious. Well done, user.
That would be the Doom Slayer. Completely different character from Doom Guy.
But user, Doom Slayer is the same person. He's just spent hundreds of years in Hell between the games, fighting a single-handed crusade against evil.
At this point doom guy basically has gurren lagann reality rewrite but powered by righteous fury and not belief.
He is immune to magic (demons couldn’t make him a zombie), corruption (spent thousands of years in a demon tomb), insanity (Berserker packs make normal people insane, not doomguy)
His one weakness is that he uses his guns instead of his fists which at times are far more efficient.
Doomguy does all of that too, and they are hinted to be the same guy anyways.
He even has a few moments shouting back to and his hatred of authority figures treating people as expendable.
He smashes the console when Uncle Sam starts talking about necessary sacrifices, and he saves the VEGA AI despite having no real reason to do so.
Not only has he been fighting Hell for eons, he's still just as good at heart as he was at the start.
Depends on the circumstances of their meeting, If they happened upon Doomguy ripping and tearing demons they might find some use for him, perhaps leading the recyclable regiments that GK sometimes use, assuming doomguy was willing to go along with it,and I don't see why he wouldn't be.
Then again since he's literally been to hell/the warp they might decide to just kill him to be safe. Even if we give Doomguy credit and say he's better than a space marine, I doubt he could beat an entire company of grey knights no matter who is writing the scene.
Given this is his origin story, and the Imperium's track record with 'necessary sacrifices', I don't think Doomguy would like them very much once he saw what they're actually like.
I think they'd eventually assume he's a champion of Malal.
The titan's throat you fall down in that level isn't the titan he killed, that was just a grunt. During the level, at one point, you're jumping across platforms over a huge chasm, and you see a skeleton hundreds of kilometres long. That is the titan he killed.