This is future Empress of Imperium. Say something nice about her.
This is future Empress of Imperium. Say something nice about her
At least she looks more human than Bendthatdick Cuminsnatch.
She is perhaps somewhat less loathesome than a Slaugth Broodhive, I guess.
Well, at least she doesn't look like Danny DeVito.
Nah. Emps is gonna wife Ynead herself. Yvraine is Bobby G's girl
That is not a compliment.
Danny Devito is the pinacle of human evolution
*goblin evolution
>Danny DeVito
>Not the pinnacle of Squat biology
That's a grudging.
Empress (male)
All kinds of Elves are inherently non-binary and therefore use the opposite gender title to their actually gendered partner
She probably has a nice ass?
She's slightly less of a Mary Sue than Draigo?
She encouraged artists to draw silly 40k fanart again
Has cute feet.
Less autistic than the current incumbent.
She doesn't have to work as hard as Fulgrim on her looks because rawbutt has no taste
I think humanity cant change emperor at all. If rumors about new emperor ever become a thing millions of distant worlds that go on only on strength of faith in him instantly collapse and xenos take them all. For the glory of humanity emperor must stay.
>something nice about her
thick ass
Does the hair control her? It looks like it has googly eyes.
Why does Roboute get all the Eldar snatch fun? First Jain Zar, now this?
Fanfiction-fags fuck off.
So this is the brain of waifufags.
Bloody hate her haircut.
Do you think the fireworks go off if you light her head on fire?
Unlike the rest of Ynead fluff she wasn't written directly by Veeky Forums in the first place. That's comparatively very impressive.
Ill suport this depiction
>also her boobs
Anime can make ugu eldar rly rly nice