Systems as small as you can make them. Can you go below 1 page? How about systems that fit on a card?
Post ‘me if you got ‘em!
Systems as small as you can make them. Can you go below 1 page? How about systems that fit on a card?
Post ‘me if you got ‘em!
I guess
"roll 2d6 when doing something challenging. If you roll a 6 you do it. If you're good at it, add 1d6, if you're bad at it, remove 1d6."
I wonder how simple you can make a mechanic before it stops counting as such. Like, is “roll 1d6, higher is better” (implicitly, everything else is up to fiat and discussion) a “system”?
Would FAE count?
Posting a few I found
Yeah It's called InSpecters.
InSpecters has a shitton of mechanics besides it's core mechanic, though. I mean if "roll 1d6, higher is better" was literally the ENTIRE mechanical side of the game. No character creation system, no traits, no nothing else.
so you and opposing force roll 1d6 higher wins? like for environmental hazards or enemies in combat you roll vs gm, after both parties have declared their desired action, and higher wins?
because that would basicly be enough for a system also a pretty shitty one imo
Not even with a second roll. Just 1d6, higher is better. Interpret as desired. Leaving everything else (including the definition of "success" and what the exact target number for it should be) to the players and GM.
I'm not saying it's a good system, I'm asking whether it could be termed that in the first place.
even that could be termed as a system, if you really want to, since it got everything needed
>want to do something? gm determines whats a succes, you roll 1d6
however, I wouldn't want to play anything like that, since its just freeform in disguise basicly
It does? I guess our DM ignored them then.
Huh, that's atypical for Roy.
Here's the fantasy version of the same sort of game.
Does that count?
What if
1 catastrophic failure
2 failure
3 qualified failure
4 qualified success
5 success
6 phenomenal success
Anyone have the GURPS Ultra-lite single page pamphlet.
This is actually quite close to that. You roll for sanity checks or for occasional interesting failures that anyone can suggest as alternatives to success at whatever is being attempted by whoever, but for the most part it's freeform.
Yet they put out like a 200 rulebook for money.
Ooh, I live these. I lost most of mine when my hard drive crashed but I'll post what I have when I get back home to my desktop.
Bumping before work in case you make it.
Requesting reducto.
You have an equal chance of all of those results meaning that the entire game is going to be a clown college
This is correct. It's a beer and pretzels comedy system to be sure.
If you would allow slightly more complex, if characters have stats of 0-4 you could roll a number of dice equal to stat and take highest.
Thanks senpai.
I organized all my pdfs AFTER my last backup, so I'm having to go back and sort a bit to find these. Have the first of I'm not sure how many.
Does this count as 1 page? All the rules are on one page the rest is folding instructions, so I guess so.
Technically 3 pages, but again, only one page of actual non-guff rules
this one says it's from I wonder if they still exist.
Ehhh, okay this one is 7 pages, but that's only because it's badly formatted and mostly d6 tables. If you play it it feels 1 page. I'm still counting it.
Also it's a solo RPG.
Eh, it's a 50 page book, but the quick reference says everything you need to know in one.
I'd say they were either payed by the word or needed a better editor.
Here's real rough draft for a one-page game about playing ghosts I've had kicking around for a while.
The best one is still d6-lite. You can fit a character sheet on a napkin.
But is it versatile and deep?