Can warrior guilds make sense?
Can warrior guilds make sense?
They make more sense than the weak-ass grip that dude has on that axe. Choke up, motherfucker!
Warrior unions?
Excuse me, milord. It seems you have decided to enter this battle without pavises for the crossbowmen. This is against union rules, so we'll be going on strike.
In the other direction, you have the gymnasium.
aren't those called MERCENARY guilds already?
It's like a union.
Sure, there is always work, so who needs a 'guild' to support/facilitate?
One random warrior does not have political influence however. A guild of 300 fighting men however?
Everyone is going to pay attention when they speak. Open weapon display wont be banned on their watch. No they wont be accepting a tax on goblin ears.
Yes if they're some sort of paid semi-indipendent guild with specific areas of expertise. The most obvious warrior guild is a mercenary company, but gladiator schools, bodyguard associations and duelists for hire can be considered guilds too
I dont get it. Am i retarded?
>The most obvious warrior guild is a mercenary company
A company is a COMPANY, not a guild. Big difference.
Like a club for people that warrior. They train.
>This is against union rules, so we'll be going on strike
based in true events?
It's India again. Sreni are guilds, noted to have contributed their own foot-soldiers to the states army. Probably not what OP was looking for.
What is the obsession with guilds here.
Depends entirely if said company is itinerant or radicated in a territory under regular employ under one specific client for extended periods of time.
In italy, which is basically the place where the western model of mercenary is born, therr were both itinerant mercenary companies, some of which pretty famous, and "landed" companies who basically behaved like guilds
GMs want to have their players be part of the not!mafia or not!gangs, but are cucks and don't want to outright run a mafia/gang style game, so they try to convince the players be part of a Final Fantasy Tactics (Advanced) adventurers guild.
but Condottieri's warbands do
Soldier from other side: Hey! what is going on? Aren't we supposed to have a battle here?
union soldier: It's off, man. Breach of contract, this battle is now illegal.
Other soldier: oh goddam... OK LADS! Pull the ballistas down, there's a strike!
>lords on both sides fuming
Best chapter of Spice and Wolf novels was when the 2 Mercenary companies fight a running battle, and deliberately miss with their blunted arrows, and take a few "hostages" so that their bosses think they're getting their money's worth, but the mercs don't have to kill or be killed by their drinking buddies
More sense than an adventurers guild.
They probably have trade secrets on fighting styles, techniques, and monster weaknesses.
So basically it would be like a martial arts dojo.
How are the novels? Loved the anime. They worth picking up?
>meet party in tavern
>gear up ready for an adventure
>travel to generic newbie dungeon
>arrive outside
>couple of fat middle aged guys in guild uniforms sitting on crates outside the entrance
>"hey, what the hell do you want"
>explain that we were going to explore the dungeon
>"Beat it scabs, this is a guild dungeon now"
>try and sneak around past them while they have their lunch
>end up getting our fucking legs broke
hundred years war in a nutshell.
Have you not read a single damn thing about the Hundred Years War?
You have to be 18 to post here user.
The increased number of left leaning millennials on here don't understand how something can function without a higher authority to defer to / rely on.
The idea of doing your own thing and being self reliant is alien to them.
How old are you then?
My guess he is 12 seeing how little he knows.
I think he means lefty millenials in specific as opposed to righty and centrist millenials.
Much older than that.
Touched a nerve apparently.
No you
it definately helped the English win Crecy. And showed the advantages of a properly trained raised force (as England had during the Hundred Years War period)
does the jomsviking qualify ?
Techically? though in my opinion, they seem more like Scandinavians trying to copy the good deal Varangians had but retaining their mercenary status.
do you mean like mercenary companies? or like warrior orders/cults? or unions
first two are cool, last one is gay as fuck
I like to run mine as a bunch of old people and larpers that talk a big game, but are really just pretending.
Mercenaries exist, yes.
guilds were a way to manage a monopole, and it's seems difficult to manage a monopole on violence. you could have a guild that restrain the trading of weapons to members (optionally, horses too (peasant can use donkeys and ponies), perhaps ask for protections money from nobles and city, forbid martial training outside of it's hall and punish offender. but it's difficult to imagine how such organization wouldn't just take control and become the ruling class.
I believe you mean every time Condottieri fight each other.
It's a stolen idea from anime and video games, it's a cool idea though if you don't just force it like it usually is
Military societies like the Plains Indians or knightly orders like the Crusaders.
So expect a religious or ideological element, even if its just Wuxia kung fu school style "our style is the best". And I'm sure some nerds on here can tell you all about German broadsword schools and Italian fencing schools.
>He thinks leftists aren't all about abrogation of responsibility to higher authority.
Truth, beauty, and tradition are a type of authority.
And to be fair leftists aren't more likely to bend the knee to human authority than rightists. There are plenty of metaphysical authorities like the rightists' tradition for leftists - the dialectic, historical necessity, the arc of progress, etc.
Big difference between acknowledging authority and trying to use authority as a parent substitute who solves all of your problems for you so that you don't have to.
>ITT retards claim that mercenary companies, warrior lodges, and knightly orders were guilds
absolute must read
What would the Warrior Guild's equivalent to a Masterpiece be? Proof of a monster's killing?
My biggest fear is going straight from nought to anime adventurers guild. A mercenary company or a martial arts dojo or a bodyguard rental all make more sense but a "guild" seems to rely on far more finnicky reasoning.
PCs have almost always been free spirits anyway, hence murderhobo.
The classic adventuring party, to me anyway, is always a group of outsiders who wander into a town or wherever and solve the problems that the locals can't themselves, but if every town or even every city had a warrior's guild then what use would there be for the PCs unless they up and joined it themselves, and I think that players should only ever be shackled to some authority if they choose to. Whereas a guild, especially of the anime variety, tends to necessitate itself as a middleman.
Guilds seem really video-gamey to me, especially in the sense of farming respawns and the like.
Army, OP. The term you are looking for is army