How would the invention of pizza change your setting?
How would the invention of pizza change your setting?
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>implying my setting doesn't already have pizza
what kind of fucking savage do you think I am
The Elves spake of the glory of the crisp thin crust veggie pizza, light and delicious. The Dwarves in their mountain halls spake only of the deepest of dishes forged in the lifeblood of the earth itself, topped with mushrooms and meat and sauce until the pizza sagged beneath its weight. And so the war began.
My setting already has a moon cult.
And then the goblins came about and in their mushroom-addled frenzy invented the calzone.
>year 2076
Wait, if we only just invented pizza, then what were we eating before?
I hate elves as much as the next guy, but a deep dish "pizza" is not pizza at all. That's at best a pie, at worst crime against the essence of pizza.
>the Pineapple Wars of the Human Kingdoms raged for centuries, ceasing only because neither side had the resources to continue without destroying themselves. Even now their hatred sizzles deliciously, and they wait until the time is right to begin warring once more.
Inferior uncivilized food, you can only call yourself barbarians. Until pizza has been invented, no matter the level of technology, you are only brutes who know not of true culture.
Suffer not the pineapple to live.
Pineapple is the way the truth and the light. By its tangy sweet grace are we borne above the savages into nirvana itself.
I like pineapple and anchovy pizza, I think my best friend is the only person in the world I can ever share it with
Pineapple pizza is a failed chemical experimentation made by the Leaf Kingdom. The pineapple does not make the ham better nor does the hams savoriness counter the sweetness of the pineapple. It is known.
I hope you accidentally cut your hands off retrieving one of your precious razor sharp biscuit circles from the oven, thincrustfag
Cult of the Magdalene. Islam, Christianity, and their parent Judaism, are all fronts for demon worship in my setting, which is also a front for Saturn worship since the storm on Saturn is where the demons of the goetia are imprisoned. The nephandi harness power from making their followers kill each other in the different names of Saturn, and infuse his sigils across politics and corporate America. They commune using secret languages, and program their occult worship into food symbolism featuring the division of the moon pie, blood, semen, and human sacrifice.So just like real life, but toned down a bit for fiction.
I see we are at an impasse. Can we at least agree that banana pizza is an abomination?
Unless it's chocolate pizza.
You are both misguided - a true pizza has no tomato sauce.
And then the DM's custom furry race added pineapple, and all was well.
Of couse you wood-dickin fags dont put anything on your pizzas. Hell, you probably call a pizza a flat piece of bread with some leaves and deer jizz.
DESU I'm definitely open to being convinced that tomato base is only the simplest path, not the one with the best destination.
>Few remember why the Great Purge began. Elders tell tales of the Halflings dipping pizza in Ranch, but no young human believes such a thing now. Though superstitious, believing that all Witches can steal your soul with a look, or that Ogres can be slain with Weeping Willow switchs, humans largely refuse to believe that there ever were creatures so foul.
>that moment in the campaign when you find out your favorite pizza place is starting to serve pineapple on their pizzas since elves started to be a big part of the customers and you rally the townsfolk to put it to the torch
I never thought I'd side with elves, but deep dish pizza is fucking awful
>Wait, if we only just invented pizza, then what were we eating before?
More importantly, is there a possible answer to that question that you'll be glad to hear?
Shouldn't that girl be getting incredibly burned, right now?
cute anime girls never get burned
If you want to eat pie with a dough crust you can do it, just don't call it fucking pizza. I won't be a dick and say you need specific toppings in order to be authentic but you need to AT LEAST keep to the designed shape. Next you are going to put some cheese and tomatoes on a bread soup bow and call it pizza
For fucks sake even this
>deep dish
I hope the mountain falls on you
Banana olive and pineapple pizza is best pizza.
I never tried it so I can't say, it might be glorious for all I know.
It is.
Who did this?
I must know where to begin my crusade.
Those trying to put anchovies on the same level as pineapple are shill pineapple faggots. People who dislikes anchovy pizza simply don't like the salty anchovy taste. Most people would eat pineapple, but not on pizza since it's a grave sin.
>I-I guess I'm not cute...
This thread is making me hungrier than I ever was after reading an Asterix comic.
Who is that uncute hag. Bacon is for eating, not for having conversations with or falling in love with. If you fall in love with bacon you should reflect on your life
What fucking nigger came up with that and how high was the tree they hanged him from?
What the fuck is a pie in burgerland if they think a deep dish pizza is anything like that.
>Pizza cooked the way I don't like isn't Pizza, it's another food it doesn't it any way resemble.
>Whatta ya gonna do next, call something not pizza pizza because it has cheese and tomatos?
>Look at this, it's a not pizza, but I think it's a pizza becuase it has cheese and tomatos.
Are you OK?
Find a cliff face
A cute would marry and never go.
what is this from?
this is a pie.
this is deep dish "pizza".
forgot the image
She's Shima-chan and she's very cute.
>More importantly, is there a possible answer to that question that you'll be glad to hear?
It stopped being good news somewhere around "what you were eating before wasn't pizza"
I don't quite have an italy analogue in setting yet but they need not be the one to actually make the connection of putting tomato based sauce on a crust with cheese.
Pizza =/= Pies
Wyverns =/= Dragons
>the only happy comic he drew was her dreaming
>no 200 page tankobon where she finds a lover and slowly recovers and finds happiness
The war only got worse with the Halfling creation of the Calzone
What the fuck
Neither of these are pie
Neither of these are pizza
I feel like I'm going to die just looking at it.
In NZ a deep dish is just a pizza but it's like a 1 or 2 cm, while thin pizzas are like 1 nanometre.
You're a fucking madman, pizzas aren't even close to being pies. What next, you start calling muffins cakes?
There's already pizza. It's one of the staple portable foodstuffs, sold by street vendors out of ceramic pots.
This is pies
Fuck. I had an accident that's led to health problems and changed appearance too that's really ruined my life a lot. That fucking hits home too much.
Have you tried combining the pineapple with pepperoni?
God does not exist, might as well murder the idea for good.
The idea of watermelon pizza? Gladly.
It’s already there, but more present in the kingdom’s capitol since it’s an NYC expy. The part where the campaign is taking place is bigger on seafood, stews and fried foods.
Are you saying pizza is a subtype of pie?
What fanatasy race drizzles hot sauce or Sriracha on their pizza before baking it because that's my jam
Lizardmen or Dragonborn. Maybe tieflings.
The Pineapple Heresy.
It wouldn't.
People survive, but civilization is effectively ended by the Summon Deliveryman line of spells.
So, where can I read about it?
Check sadpanda or your other favorite website for collecting Burmese basket weaving guidebooks for "Story of a certain burned girl" and "Happiness of a certain burned girl"
Don’t forget mayo and peas
I think I'm out of the loop here.
>focusing on the pineapple heretics when the cult of corn is the real threat
Kim, nuke Chicago plz
Literally just google the aforementioned titles of the two comics.
Oh, damn.
You clearly haven't had good deep dish.
>corn pizza
Haven't tried it, but I see where they're coming from.
Getting a crunchy texture could help some of the softer pizzas, but I think I'd still prefer shrimp for that.
It's really nice in moderation and if you add some provolone and parmesan to the mozzarella to give it some more flavor.
We already have monsters in our setting, no need to put Hillary in it too
Dwarf genocide now.
My heart aches just from looking at it.
Pic obviously not related.
Get fucked elf/thin crust lover
Thats a quiche you dumb fuck
Blast these damn dirty gnomes! They took the Calzone design and tried to make a new easier to eat version. They call them "Pizza Bites".
Probably something about the trade network needed to get all the ingredients in one place, the technology needed to make the shit reliably, the density/logistics of the place (for what is pizza without delivery?), and that sort of thing.
Small amounts of pineapple, onion, green bell peppers, and bacon. It's not the only acceptable order, but it's tasty.
>How would the invention of pizza change your setting?
It's already in there and everybody has their own take on it:
>Changelings: Very little sauce, typically topped with a bit of goat cheese, large tomato slices, spinach and either pepperoni (horse pepperoni is common), ham, olives, or mushrooms and sometimes an egg sauce on a crispy flat-bread style crust.
>Orcish: Deep Dish. It's almost like a pie or a lasagna, heavy on sauce, heavy on cheese, and loaded with several different kinds of meat ranging from ham, pepperoni (dog or pork), meatballs (typically venison mixed with horse or dog), with a nice thick, fluffy, almost doughy chrust that is sometimes itself stuffed with cheese.
>Wood Elven: Unironically calzones, you thought you'd get a grandma, vegan, herb pizza, right? Wrong. Wood Elves don't like sit-down pizzas, they love folded pizzas with venison pepperoni, fragrant basil, a good spicy tomato sauce, and ground venison with a bit of cheese whenever they can get afford it.
>Gnomish: Much in the same way as Wood Elves, only you're guaranteed cheese: good mozerella, pepperoni, onions, peppers, and sometimes potato slices all rolled into dough and sprinkled with a little more cheese before being baked. You're meant to eat it with others, though.
>High Elves: Fuckin' awful, greasy, bland, uninspired gas-station/7-11 pizza. It's not 'awful', but you'll be constantly telling yourself, "I've had way better pizza." High Elves do NOT know how to cook.
>Cyclops: Basically just a seafood platter: mussels, shrimp, octopus or squid, with no cheese and a light sauce- they often bake it right on the rocks.
Just to name a few.
>good pizza
fuck off elffag
In a sense wood elves making calzones makes sense. It's a pretty good meal you can eat anywhere
>Midwestern Halflings
pls no bulli the bacon waifu