Is it possible to make a working IG army just out of Scions? I don't like other models
Cooper Walker
What's the codex after Daemons going to be?
Jayden Garcia
I'm guessing Dark Eldar and then Orks
Dominic Hernandez
Fourth for 90% of SoB players are fetishists except for the inquistion dude from last thread
Leo Hill
The countdown has begun.
Julian Martinez
What’s our fetish? Aside from masochism, I mean.
Lincoln Flores
Aggresive "battle chicks" that all look like men in drag and probably like getting dominated
Mason Gray
Fetishist for what exactly ? If you wanna play space girls, DE seems much more appropriate.
Aaron Sullivan
Adrian Sanchez
How is your relationship with your mother?
Jaxon Johnson
Carson Rodriguez
Thats evil space elves tho and the 2 people that play them at my LGS have that stupid wargame exclusive model with a shirtless celestine model and a few people have a pool on when one is gonna announce hes transititioning Ima dissapointment thats not the same religion sexuality or political ideal that she wants
Joseph Allen
Chase Watson
>that all look like men in drag except no one likes the transvestite models
Ian Ward
stupidity based on a lie but you know what's not a lie?
Anthony Johnson
I won a game against CSM with my Tau. My life is now complete.
>50 Fire Warriors >9 Stealth Suits with Burst Cannon and ATS >5 Commanders with 3x Fusion Guns and Shield Generators >1 Coldstar Commander with Shield Gen and ATS >2 Cadre Fireblades >Darkstrider >Aun'va
Who knew a pure footslogging Tau army was actually good? I'm dropping one Commander for 20 more Fire Warriors once I buy two more boxes.
Pic related, it's Tau vehicles in 8e.
Juan Harris
So this didn't happen?
Aaron Taylor
Jayden Diaz
Stupidity based on wanting to ruin other factions for the sake of your snowflake?
Noah Sanders
>a squad starts at three >Tiktaq'to So if he drops three rocks in a line does he autowin?
Justin Walker
To a different daemon prince. Since Be'lakor can only enter the fantasy reality when a mortal summons him. Also physical attacks phase through Be'lakor. Moreover, Be'lakor exchanged hits with demigods and gods. This won't be able to scratch him.
Kevin Walker
You say this like I am the one writing the lore.
Gavin Fisher
>not even the same fucking daemon
Kevin Green
Custards/imperial agents in one book (Probably)
Carter Rogers
>count as models
The daemon prince in the battle report was an unnamed random
David Nguyen
Except that it was defeated by rocks. So what you are saying is clearly old, retconned fluff.
Landon Sanders
>can't get hit by physical attacks anyways I guess that means REMOVE BELA'KOR FROM GAME
Nathan Nelson
Wrong. The battle report takes place in 7th ED during the 7th ED Lizardmen army book release.
All the lore I am stating comes from 7th ED and up. Get rekt. Be'lakor reigns supreme.
Jayden Long
I'm not saying you're writing it. But you've said before that you want Belacuck to be a special undivided snowflake and mess with things like Lorgar and Pert.
Leo Bennett
playing eternal crusade since ages and it's asking me to install some anticheat Did they get good and what dlc is worth it
Chase Jenkins
What does me having good taste have to do with things?
Jose Young
If I am new...
Should I get the Start Collecting! army boxes first? And where is the DG one?
Logan Rogers
>Be'lakor reigns supreme. When he is not getting pounded by rocks I bet he does.
Leo White
>liking be'lacuck >good taste
Michael Hall
because you faggots keep popping up everywhere with your W40k. Let me see if I understand it right
>ancient times some guys decide to follow an old god and become metal zombie skeletons >they start reaping the universe >other gods freak out and first make eldar, then make orks >gods die before fiinshing their ork design and orks remain warmongers forever >necrons go to sleep for some reason >eldar have nothing to do and end up making a choas god >dark eldar go edgy to prevent getting consumed by the choas god, others use magical crystals and focus their mind on one path >millenia later, humans start conquering the universe >emperor pops up and unites the earth into a grand crusade >while conquering other human worlds to add to his he picks up his sons who are in various states of fucked in the head >one of them is a religious nut and gets mad at the emperor for not allowing religion, he convinces horus the emperor is a dick and they should rebel and ask choas gods for a powerup >a big fight happens and the emperor gets fucked, horus gets his soul smashed and the other evil brothers flee to the eye of terror, while the good primarchs all die or leave in shame >with everything fucked the empire turns into a theocratic hellhole getting nibbled from all sides by orks, nids, eldar and such Did I understand it right?
Zachary Hall
I'm saying that you simply want Belafuck to be special for the sake of your shitty snowflake character with daddy problems reaching to the dark gods themselves, stop feigning stupidity. And you call others scumfuckers. Oh nooo, I can't believe in multiple gods anymore because some fuck has to be the only daemon prince that does that woooow. Jesus Christ end yourself already.
Andrew Lee
>Be'lakor has no form and shape >Physical attacks that he sees coming phase through him >Even god slaying weapons like the Slayer of Kings and the Axe of Unbinding could not slay Be'lakor
Reigns over you all!
Dominic Ramirez
What are your 2018 wishlists? Mine is plastic sisters and a new plastic KoS
Hudson Reyes
>Still get killed by dropped stones You realize it's like those second rate saturday morning villains that claim to be invincible all the times only to get defeated by rainbows and friendship?
Jace Thompson
Dorn in a dreadnought please
Michael Miller
more or less ye
Jason Cox
There's no SC box for death guard but you could get the dark imperium box and just sell the marines/trade them with someone else for more death guard o
Evan Bell
Whats his excuse for doing jack shit then?
Charles Garcia
Chaos Sisterhoods SoB Felinids New IG and CSM models
Leo Gray
what made horus think that following choas gods was a good idea. Who are the tau, why did the necrons go to sleep
Alexander Peterson
>has done nothing at all in 40k >needed someone else to do his job in fantasy
Joshua Hall
Do models in a transport count as "on the table" ? I'm asking because I wonder if you can lose if all you have on the table is flyers and infantry in them.
Oliver Watson
>Be'lakor stated to be the immortal spirit of Chaos Undivided >The oldest being beneath the shadow of the Chaos God, their firstborn son >The one whose treachery and arrogance made him defy the gods themselves >The fallen dark angel of Chaos, beautiful and imperious >wanting to give his glory to unworthy bootlickers like Lorgar who doesn't represent what free-for-all and self empowerment nature of Chaos Undivided.
Scum indeed.
Blake White
I think they count as on the table.
Cooper Brooks
>His achievements consist in being edgy and getting defeated by basically everybody he ever fought, including lizards dropping rocks
Jackson Rivera
Hello Friends, can a building with a unit inside hold an objective if it is within 3 inch of it? A bunker with 10 veterans for example ?
Ian King
What are some good books that are Orky or related to the Great Crusade. It seems like a bad idea to start the Horus Hersey Series without reading anything the Great Crusade.
Landon Rivera
They do not. It's literally spelled out in trasports rules.
Nathan Cox
>what made horus think that following choas gods was a good idea spending a fuck ton of time in their realm, although no time passed in real space
>Who are the tau Minor xenos that are little more than an annoyance and as such are not the prime target for the imperium.
>why did the necrons go to sleep Exile for the mistake of making the deal with the star gods that lead to them becoming robots and to wait for the galaxy to become populated again so they could find suitable bodies.
Xavier Wright
no auto lose if you only have flyers on the table
Owen Richardson
Except for the fact he didn't for the reasons I stated. Be'lakor does this to jealous people like you.
>Did nothing
Dude. moved the metaplot of 40K to the Dark Imperium era. In this era he will play a huge role in authoring the end of existence.
What did Lorgar and Pert do?
Charles Reed
what happens to that devil fish?
Grayson Hill
Daddy issues, up and coming race, Necron leader wanted to wait until Eldar empire fucked itself.
Asher Torres
>fallen dark angel Even in daemons there are still daddy issues.
Evan Jones
Essentially, yes
>what made horus think that following choas gods was a good idea. Daddy issues, according to new (Black Library) lore
>Who are the tau, why did the necrons go to sleep The Tau are new xenos who are not really that important in the grand scheme of things. The Necrons decided to go to sleep for the galaxy to be repopulated again
Leo Green
Be'lakor achievements revolve around conducting plans that end with setting ultering consequences and guiding the hand that will end worlds. Crowner of Conquers and Herald of the End Times.
Dude is the most important character in fantasy and he will be that in 40K too!
Noah Campbell
>Dude. moved the metaplot of 40K to the Dark Imperium era. No last I checked he was on terra with the IW and not driving a blackstone fortress into a planet thus causing the rift.
Brayden Wright
Guess I'll need to dump some infantry on the table by the end of the first turn.
Gabriel Rodriguez
>The Necrons decided to go to sleep for the galaxy to be repopulated again
They went to sleep because the Eldar were kicking theit asses, you dumbass.
Ethan Cook
If Be'lakor didn't intact his plan and then fuck up, then Cadia would have died sooner and all the heroes would be dead.
Luke Butler
>The Necrons decided to go to sleep for the galaxy to be repopulated again >Necron leader wanted to wait until Eldar empire fucked itself. >Exile for the mistake of making the deal with the star gods that lead to them becoming robots and to wait for the galaxy to become populated again so they could find suitable bodies.
So do they want to just reap more bodies or do they want to wait for a new strong race to put their souls into or are they afraid of eldar
Jason Watson
>end of existence So you want 40k to be ruined even further as a whole too? Jesus Christ, fuck off already. What, do you want Age of Sigmar 2? Asshole.
Brody Nelson
So basically others did everything while he was busy getting stoned and in the end claimed merit.
correction, he was on Terra getting killed by a IF sergeant while his troops died.
Daniel Fisher
Ok abd...
Adam Cruz
It's a bit of both, the point is that going to sleep seemed like a good idea all around, although the leader of the necrons the silent king didn't go to sleep and instead left the galaxy in exile until he saw the Nids and rushed back home to wake everyone up.
Asher Scott
Happy new years /40kg/
Leo Smith
>correction, he was on Terra getting killed by a IF sergeant while his troops died.
Nope. He fled into the Warp.
>So basically others did everything
He is the puppet master aka the Dark Master aka THE DEVIL. Do you get how the DEVIL works?
I am just saying what his role is, you dork!
Carson Carter
they went to sleep because they had already nommed all the souls and had nothing else to do other than kill eachother
Jacob Morgan
>Do you get how the DEVIL works? Presumably not by getting hit with rocks?
Noah Reyes
Why does he want to wake everyone up for the nids? Also couldnt he use the genestealer thingy the nids have and then put together the perfect creature to put their souls back into.
Sebastian Wright
Dude what are tomorrows lottery numbers t. a burger
Jace Nelson
Wrong. Literally the first pages of both the 5th and 7th ED Cron codex has the Eldar stomping the Necrons into their tomb. The Eldar were ascendant and the weakened Necrons fled from them.
Jack Gonzalez
The nids threaten them ever getting new bodies, they themselves are safe as nids tend to avoid their planets.
Kayden Gutierrez
Basically that all you have against him? Just a debunked lie. Of course, the Dark Master is inviolate
John Clark
>you dork Says Carcuck, the Bela'kor fanboy shitter. >tries making an excuse for wanting a shitty AoS2 just for the sake of his garbage snowflake Also, why are you quoting a post twice and using this shitty spacing method when you can reduce size and shit? Stop making your garbage take up more of my screen.
Robert Allen
>Nope. He fled into the Warp. Because he was getting killed
>He is the Puppet Master Puppet master usually have puppets. Belacuck modus operandi is materializing, failing spectacularly at was he planned to do, then running away. Like at the phalanx.
Anthony Bennett
Stop replying to carnac=adb ffs.
Joseph Gonzalez
>Because he was getting killed
This post is butthurt in incarnate.
>Because he was getting killed
You mean outnumbered and betrayed by the Chaos Gods.
>Puppet master usually have puppets. Belacuck modus operandi is materializing, failing spectacularly at was he planned to do, then running away. Like at the phalanx.
Nah, Be'lakor plan is making plans that leave great amounts of upheaval and destruction but at the final step fail due to the meddling of the gods.
Had the Chaos Gods not refused to aid Be'lakor and barred any daemonic creature to aid him at that fateful hour, then Terra would have been reduced to ashes now.
Hudson Bell
Important in fantasy, yes. In 40k he'll just ruin everything.
Cameron Reyes
>pointing out your shitty posting and such is butthurt posting Nice meme >because he was getting killed
Nicholas Bell
>Terra would have been reduced to ashes now. Are you suggesting that the chaos gods don't want to see Terra destroyed...?
Mason Stewart
No, he won't. He came to 40K specifically to fix things and get things going.
Matthew Ramirez
>why are you quoting a post twice and using this shitty spacing method when you can reduce size and shit It's Reddit spacing.
Hunter Cooper
I was mistaken. I decided to check and it states that the Necrons went to sleep because they were too weak after the War In Heaven, and so they would wait them out in order to rebuild their empire because kangz [/space]
Cooper Martin
Dylan Jenkins
Because he should return to reddit where he belongs.
Sebastian Gonzalez
They want Abaddon to do it, not Be'lakor.
Abaddon is some upstart that they in their infinite wisdom prefer over their own firstborn son for some reason.
Stop the butthurt. We are trying to have a constructive conversation!
Nolan Green
Sanguinor reveals himself to be the spirit of Sanguinius, Cawl then crafts him an armor to fully capture his power thus giving Blood Angels best Primarch.
Colton Butler
>shitting everything up so much that even lore gets messed up is fixing
Jayden Wilson
>Abaddon is some upstart that they in their infinite wisdom prefer over their own firstborn son for some reason. Well he has gotten more victories than than their firstborn and that is saying a lot with Abaddon.
Kayden Hughes
Jonathan Collins
This. Prettiest Primarch needs to come back.
Connor Murphy
Except that the instant he doesn't get help from his daddies he lose and has to run away.
It doesn't speak much of a puppet master one that get in terrible situations where he is outnumbered, he need outside help to avoid getting fisted, and when he doesn't get it he has to run away screaming and crying.
There are Tzeench no name heralds with much better records.