Never because I'm not a small-dicked manlet and I stack my fleet up with big ships only.
Blake Gutierrez
Its just nice to have something that fits the Imperial aesthetic but is not as big as a Star Destroyer.
James Ross
I'm wondering if I should replace the System Patrol Boats in my campaign with Arquitens?
Kevin Wright
>unique role, not just another big smashy or a logistics support ship >unique design, not just another triangle, but built on still recognizable design elements >visible gun emplacements for once on a star wars ship >smaller, more appropriate for engagements of the scale an RPG party or Armada fleet battle in the outer rim would encounter, crewed/commanded by antagonists of a similar caliber to the party (or the party themselves) >can't steer for shit at high speed but that's okay, has in-built flaws that aren't just "maybe it's TOO big and powerful?" >comfy as fuck
Lucas Nguyen
All of this.
But Gladiator is still my Shipfu.
Evan Ross
Looks like shit though
Ethan Rogers
I got an Arquitens for Christmas, but I haven't gotten a chance to use it yet. It seems pretty cool as a long range sniper/flanker. I want to try a janky Hand of Justice build in a Vader fleet to keep stocked up on tokens.
Chase Fisher
I do wish they showed armour doing something slightly more often.
Caleb Nelson
Has armor ever stopped a blaster bolt before?
Sebastian Martinez
Just yesterday I played my first couple of 10 minute starter pack x-wing skirmishes and though I know it's not much to go by I felt that it captures what I think a game about sw dogfighting should be (ace combat soundtrack suited it as much as esb's). Does armada work as well in it's own theme?
And generally - are x-wing and armada equally good?
Bentley Turner
Captain Shinypants has a blaster pistol bolt just bounce off of her special armour in TLJ but that is all I can remember. In theory it protects against shrapnel and solid weapons but even a bow goes through in Return of the Jedi. And stormtroopers just get outright beaten up with sticks in Rogue One. Its also supposed to dampen blaster hits but we never go back to double check if downed troopers are fully dead or not obviously.
Matthew Ward
Which race would make the perfect ludicrously expensive mistress?
Brandon Collins
It's kinda hard to fly without Jerjerrod, since it's speed chart is not just bad but also really telegraphs where you're going to go. (Conversely, II II or II - II with JJ is amazing).
Whereas with Vader for rerolls you can take Enhanced Armament over Dual Turbolaser Turrets, and confire for 5 dice with a free reroll off your Contain, which is pretty nasty - that's MC80 with Defiance+Leading Shots firepower, for 64 points. And you've got an Evade to keep you coming out ahead in long-range trades.
But you've got half the raw durability of the MC80, and you're lacking its Brace, plus no XI7s or the other upgrade slots that ship can take instead. So you die real easy to Demolisher or any medium+ base that gets you in its kill range.
Light Cruiser w/ Hand of Justice, Reinforced Blast Doors, and Enhanced Armament is 73 points, which is pricey for the 4-5 damage per turn it'll do - so it needs a fleet and deployment that allow it to get off that shot on the same target over multiple turns. If you can hit an ISD on turns 2/3/4, it's already half dead to a ship half its price.
>Does armada work as well in it's own theme? I think so, yeah.
The pivotal mechanic of Armada is its movement rules*, which really reflect momentum and mass and drifting in space, and make it so that, effectively, the strategy you set in place during deployment is in effect all game (whether you like it or not). Once you set down your ships, your grand plan is in motion and you can only make relatively minor adjustments as it unfolds.
*Basically, you move along a tool (pic related) according to your ship's maneuverability at its current speed. You can only change your speed by dialing in a certain command, which most ships have to choose a turn or more in advance.
>And generally - are x-wing and armada equally good? I think Armada is way better, personally. But Armada satisfies a different itch, so your tastes may vary depending on which itch you've got worse.
Wyatt Campbell
I'm making an Epic X-wing rules update to expand upon FFG's Epic rules- I'm looking for C&C, alongside anything I missed that is cancerous to go against.
Epic Play Card Restrictions-
The following cards now have limits on the maximum number of copies that can be included in a squadron:
This section describes restrictions and changes to card text in Epic X-Wing Games:
- Navigator can not be equipped to huge ships - Zuckuss can not be equipped to huge ships - Maul can not be equipped to huge ships - Biggs Darklighter’s pilot ability does not affect huge ships. Small and medium ships may attack huge ships that are at Range 1 of Biggs Darklighter, and huge ships treat Biggs Darklighter’s card text as blank when attacking - In Epic play, Lieutenant Dormitz's ability reads "During Setup, other friendly ships may be placed anywhere in the play area at range 1 of you."
Did I miss anything?
Ayden Reed
>All those dead Stormtroopers were actually merely pretending to be dead Good way to get out of the Empire
Angel Long
>Arquitens Never heard of her.
Liam Cooper
She hasn't heard of you either, but she doesn't go around announcing it.
Nolan Sanders
When are bounty hunters and mercenaries at the height of demand for their professions? End of the Galactic Republic-Start of the Empire? Got to have bodies to hunt Jedi and all.
Colton Kelly
Galactic Republic/end of the Empire. The Empire had the Inquisitors to hunt Jedi after all.
Camden Nelson
>When are bounty hunters and mercenaries at the height of demand for their professions? Any time the govt doesn't have the manpower to deal with problems themselves or it's cheaper if someone else does it.
USA is at the height of its power IRL, but they still hire Erik Prince because he does shit cheaper than they can.
Henry Hall
In my mind you still need someone who blends in to most cultures than an Imperial Inquisitor, someone to get the information, confirm it, and send it upstairs for the Inquisitors to deal with.
Gavin Morris
Imperial agents? They are canon too, I think Kellus is something like that, from the Rebels series.
Benjamin Perry
I'd imagine there'd be some jobs the Empire wants done off the books. Hiring a bounty hunter to do something for you makes it easier to distance yourself if the operation goes belly-up.
Asher Clark
Galactic de-armament leaves a lot of systems and organizations to fend for themselves.
Asher White
Yeah, the Empire tried to eradicate not just the Jedi, but the memory of the Jedi. There were likely no open bounties on Jedi. Maybe on specific Jedi and/or for specific Bounty Hunters, but open public bounties? Doubt it.
Open public bounties would send the message that there's Jedi out there, which is a no-no.
The definite high-point was likely in the rebellion era, after the first death star and onwards. Open public bounties for rebels, and then supplemental bounties for specific groups or cells or leaders, supplementary strategic troops, etc., and the again into the end as the empire starts infighting and the new republic starts issuing bounties for imperial officers and leaders themselves.
Bentley Cox
Yeah of course, Vader hired bounty hunters to chase the OT crew after all. But the Empire likes to control (being a Sheev construct), also the Imperial officers didn't like a Iota than vader hired the Scum bounty hunters, so I can see why they would use BH only when necesity dictated it.
William Ross
There were open bounties on Jedinduring the entire Empire period though user
Carson Perez
Give me ideas for a devoted Light-side user who doesn't act like a jedi but isn't a hermit either.
Adrian Allen
EU had a lot of contradictory lore in it, ya just gotta chalk it up to poor record keeping
Oliver Price
It's how I was planning to run leia in my game, she learned the force but didn't become a formal jedi, ultimately staying in politics and using her new abilities to help the new Republic grow, like a good guy version of dooku
Henry Foster
The blind warrior monk from Rogue One.
John Garcia
He wasn't a force user, just a beliver
Carson Sanders
And he acted a whole lot like a jedi.
Juan Young
Talented Doctor with absolutely no fighting instincts whatsoever.
Charles Hall
I always assumed that around a quarter to a half of Stormtroopers and Clonetroopers survived getting shot and where just put out of the fight because the force behind the shot was enough to put 'em down for the count. Break their ribs or something.
William Baker
A charity worker? Maybe some kind of philanthropist who lives with very spartan accommodations, save for a collection of Jedi artifacts.
It depends. In ESB some of the Stormtroopers have full blown holes in their armor. Though in ANH some guy is checking for wounded before Vader shows up. Then again, supposedly, Stormtrooper armor is more for vacuum survival than actual defense, unlike Clone armor. Overall, it's one of those topics that's got multiple contradictory explanations like Stormtrooper competence.
Henry Campbell
She's nice, but I miss the days when the Neb-B was the Empire's mid-size capital ship of choice.
Tyler Flores
So, who has been shown to be the most to least competent? >Clone Troopers >Imperial Stormtroopers >First Order Stormtroopers
Carson Cox
I play a character that wants to restore the light to the galaxy once and for all. She believes that both mundane crime and the power the corruption of the dark side develop time and time again have the same root cause: Ignorance and psychological neglect. She believes to beat crime once and for all, nothing but striving for a utopian society and deep education about logic, statistics, philosophy and psychology will help. It is also her believe that understanding the mysteries of the force is a pathway to self-actualization and that neither the sith absolutism of the self nor the Jedi abandonment of the self are healthy or even a good way to their own goals. So she travels the galaxy healing both the physical and the psychologial wounds of those that need her help. She is a travelling healer, teacher and psychiatrist trying to help everyone pull themselves from the intellectual and philosophical gallows. Her ultimate goal is to develop teaching material so good that the society educated by them can develop towards being utopian enough that crime and the dark side have no chance ever again.
Essentially I am using Heal and Medicin to help those in need and use charm, negotiation, coercion, sense and influence to convince people to better themselves towards the ligth, using sense to see their inner demons and influence to overcome dark side emotions clouding their path to psychological development.
Jacob Diaz
>Then again, supposedly, Stormtrooper armor is more for vacuum survival than actual defense, unlike Clone armor. You mixed it up, it's the other way around stormtrooper armor gave their soldiers more survivability than clone trooper's
Jaxson Young
From most to least competent going only by the movies. >Clones >First Order >Imperials
I'm surprised at how much art Howlrunner has. Which is any at all, really.
I know shipfag has her claimed as his waifu, but does someone at FFG have dibs too?
Jack Powell
But that's Gen2 clone armor.
Hunter Bennett
Really? Sounds like an oddity to me. I was just doing guesswork based on what would make sense to me, though, so I won't argue.
Got a source on it, just for reference? I'd like to check it out, since I'm playing a bounty hunter.
Joseph Rodriguez
Phase II, but still apparently "Gen I"
Dominic Hall
this chick?
Easton Gonzalez
Yes, and this'n.
Levi Walker
and Rebels/Resistance is better than all 3?
Leo Adams
Carson Young
If the Rebels (especially the EU Rebels) could beat the Empire, they would definitely wipe the floor with the First Order. I could see them putting up a decent right against the GAR, but they’d probably go down after a while.
The Resistance can’t beat five cruisers commanded by the sci-fi equivalent of Richard Spencer. That should tell you everything.
Evan Diaz
I'm more of a Whisper fan but Howlrunner is cool too. I just wish there was official art of her without her helmet.
My headcanon is that Whisper and Echo are sisters, with Whisper being the older of the two.
Jaxson King
Is Mandalorian armor power armor, or just regular armor with weapons attached?
Adam Parker
the rebels gave the general impression of making good use of spies, ace pilots and surgical strikes to take out key targets, while using a network of well-placed political sympathizers like leia to cover their tracks. given their limited resources they were holding out well enough.
the resistance are a shambles
Christian Gutierrez
They were talking about the competence of main infantry, not factions in general. In terms of factions, it's GE>>>Rep>FO>Reb>>>>>>Res
In terms of infantry it's Rep>FO>Imp>Reb=Res
Cooper Stewart
the resistance is the spark that will light the fire that will spread through the forests and tax the fire departments budget and while they're all spread out trying to contain it one rebel will sneak into the first order fire department's offices and shit on their desk and that'll be a big win for them.
Andrew Sanders
Rebel infantry is pretty varied in terms of skills and have little standardization. Some are just peasants with guns while others are at Man With No Name level. Generally though, they seem to be slightly below Stormtroopers, and they often lose because the Empire can afford to zerg rush/Base Delta Zero.
Resistance ground forces haven't done much at all aside from manning turrets and dying; it seems their flyers are the only ones doing any actual work. Also there's only like a couple dozen of them.
John Perry
What would all say is the most powerful force feat in the entire legends setting?
Christopher Torres
Force Supernova.
Dominic Brown
Are there stats for Darth Vader in FFG Star Wars RPGs, or is he made of pure PLOT?
Jackson Ward
>tfw no TIEfu
Oh well, at least I've got my nameless Chiss officer.
Bentley Turner
wasn't that where a Sith thunk so hard he made a star explode or something?
Eli Sanchez
I think it's because the writers had no sense of scale to the setting compared to lucas, also those bombers are horribly designed
Brody Hernandez
Seriously what were the designers of those rebel bombers thinking? They look stupid, were giant targets, bring about physics questions and on top of it did nothing that the older Y-wings couldn't do better
Dylan Jackson
In the OT/EU Stormtroopers aren't very incompetent.
It's Disney's movies and their hatred of antagonists with any level of skill that's screwed them over.
Ian Gutierrez
He appears at the end of Rescue at Glare Peak. The book pretty much says "if you're in the same room as him, you're dead."
Jackson Myers
The EU Rebels didn't "beat" the Empire though. They still would've lost had the Empire not fragmented after Palpatine's death, which is what people like Daala, Pellaeon, and Palpatine himself kept trying to tell people, but they just wouldn't listen.
It's so stupid in the new lore that the Rebellion trounces the entire Galactic Empire in under a year and sends them running, all because of a nonsensical and badly written plot device.
Noah Scott
It tells me of people not having any faith in their own protagonists
Jaxson Nguyen
>"Let's get as many bombs on target as fucking possible." Seriously, they're terrible ships but their ordnance is ridiculous. 1,048 proton bombs on a single ship, capable of being dropped all at once. No Y-wing has that much firepower.
Honestly it seems like a ship more in line with Imperial policy, really. Just one of them gets through and shields be damned, whatever that thing magdrops on won't exist within a few seconds.
Lucas Sanchez
There was that one time Palpatine opened a hole in the space-time continuum.
Caleb Thompson
I wish we could have gotten more like truce at Bakura
Hunter Ortiz
Maybe but Y-wings look less expensive and more manuverable, thus a squad of more would get through with fewer casualties and still do the job with a unified strafing run
Eli Cruz
Say what now?
Luke Turner
What were the designers of *anything* in TLJ thinking?
The movie has cool visuals, so it's not just the director/cinematographer. But EVERY vehicle in the movie is ugly *and* dumb. That has to be somebody's fault. (Partially the director, since he had final say.).
Both the RBomber and Dreadnought on paper seem designed to solve a problem that doesn't exist (extremely heavily armored ground target), but in the movie are both just glass cannons that shoot capital ships.
Makes me mad X-Wing never introduced objectives all over again. The game has a lot of bombers for a game in which bombers have nothing to actually bomb but other fighters.
Jordan Smith
I would have appreciated a kind of mobile land fortress, or something like that.
Blake Phillips
Well, I never said that it was a good thought, just that it was probably what the designers were thinking. The manufacturers probably made a pitch of that sort ("Do a squadron's job with a single ship"), at any rate.
Given how high-maintenance the Y-wings are, the New Republic and its cost-cutting probably just opted for an vessel that would (on the holopad) bring about an equivalent amount of firepower.
Charles Fisher
Nucanon doesn't respect Y-Wings, that's the problem.
>New X-Wings? Just tweak the old design. >New A-Wings? Just tweak the old design. >New Y-Wings? Create a totally new design that's altogether uglier and less useful than the old one!
Even though the author of the comic said " The Emperor can't create Force Storms at will. They are in fact a phenomenon that occurs rarely, when the minds of two great Force users meet and struggle with each other at a distance."
Adrian Ward
The clone wars respected Y-wings plenty.... and yeah again the bad guys have only gotten so far because the heroes were written in lncompitently, how do people write a war where both sides are morons? I can understand accidentially making one side look bad but both? One has to be trying
Liam Baker
I think Nebulon-B fell out of favour when the Rebel SCUM started using them and knowing imperial mentality they needed another ship to replace them.
Nolan Ward
This is a good plot hook for that soul calibur clone I had in mind
Jayden Carter
So can we all mention the parts of the movie we liked? I loved Finn still, and don't really count casino planet because that was more Rose's thing, but his fight with phasma and his owning of rebles scum was pretty fun.
Brandon Phillips
He wasn't bad, he had a very shitty part to act. I liked Driver until the "I'm the emperor now" moment, when turned itself again into stupid evil mook. Hamill mad hobbo made me chuckle, the porgs where cute, and the effects of the salt plain where top notch. The rest, the less I talk about it the better.
Jason Young
> On the opposite end of things, I can't get over how the New Republic were so buttblasted by star destroyers in nucanon that they would rather disassemble them and waste time building an entire new ship with the exact same role.
Like did they have so much money that this was worth it rather than just repairing a star destroyer and painting it new republic colors?
Charles Roberts
>also those bombers are horribly designed
Tell me about, slow as fuck, seems like shit shields and armor aswell, big as hell so they are easy to hit. Hell one pass from FOs Fighters was enough to blow half of them away, rest died when one of them crashed into others. So yeah basically death traps in ship form. I would say even worse than original TIE fighters and those things didn't even have shields.
Jonathan Kelly
The Resistance Bomber was designed narratively, not logistically. Losing 90% of your force while one unit just barely manages to accomplish the mission on its own at the last second, is basically the entire Rebel M.O. in the OT.
95% of moviegoers will never question it.
Justin Watson
He says Gen 1 because Clones were the first generation of troopers for the Republic/Empire
Isaiah Sullivan
Arquitens and Gladiator are basically my ideal combo for a light carrier group.
Jacob Flores
Well 95% of movie goers are why movies are getting worse
Blake Morgan
On one hand, I could see the distaste in using a ship that was a tool of tyranny. You want your non human and human citizens to be happy when your ship comes out of a jump overtop your planet to aid them, not cower in fear of “is the empire back? Are they taking my family away this time? Are we going to lose everything again?” Because that’s what the Empire boiled down to for the lower classes of outer rim worlds in their control
Jacob Jones
The new republic in both universes was slave to PR
Easton Thomas
When you consider that the ISD was a ship Imps sent when ever they needed heads kicked in so it might have some negative symbolism attached to it.
John Clark
TIE fighters were at least nimble. If they had any one of Shields, Speed or Maneuverability they would at least have been usable.
Judging by the name they were alluding to World War II USAAF Heavy/Strategic Bombers when they came up with it, but they seem to have forgotten that they were pretty well-armed and also ridiculously durable (and, in the case of the B-29, fast)
Jonathan Young
No, everyone else. Every year fewer people go to the movies, even though really good movies are being made.
Everybody who saw The Last Jedi, but not Get Out or The Shape of Water or Bladerunner 2047 or the other great/unique/inventive films we got this year is the problem
But this is a tabletop gaming thread
Jonathan Bell
They could have just done what the EU New Republic did with the Lusankya and painted a bunch of red markings/starbirds all over if. Or if they were really concerned, they could have sligtly modified the spaceframe away from the standard Imperial triangle shape. Completely rebuilding a perfectly good ship seems like a complete waste, especially for a newly-legitimized government with limited resources in the middle of a major war.
Jaxson Baker
Biggest problem is that they were bunker busters meant for flushing out Imperial holdouts, that were being used only because of their high ordnance load.
Ground troops take AAs offline, bunker busters dropped enough explosives to make the Rains of Castamere look like a light drizzle
Jack Harris
What would be the best way for a small, RPG party sized, team to board and steal an active and fully crewed Arquitens? In this scenario the PCs are members of a small rebel cell, maybe 15 to 20 people total, on a mostly peaceful, emperor fearing world. Their actions have gained the ire of local Imperials who have requested military reinforcements. A Victory-class soon arrives carrying troops and walkers and is supported by an Arquitens. The PC's either decide or are ordered to seize the smaller of the two ships and either flee or do as much damage to the Victory as possible.