Army and Skirmish Warband builder > City generator > Art Database >
Why does /aosg/ has the worst and laziest shitposting on Veeky Forums?
Easton Moore
2nd for Hellstriders
Liam Kelly
Because after 6 months of nothing, every thread fall eventually into entropy.
It's 4 days to Malign Portents, stuff is going to change.
Camden Campbell
>It's 4 days to Malign Portents, stuff is going to change you poor, deluded fool.
Nicholas Gomez
I'm not saying it's gonna be good. I'm saying we'll had something to talk about.
Adrian Long
Such awful mounts, no wonder they are squatting slaanesh.
Joshua Hill
That's why people need to learn to abandon general threads. Just set up a Discord if you need to talk about absolutely nothing of value every day.
Michael Morgan
Death, Nighthaunt, FEC or Soulblight
Which army should I get? >tfw no current Deathrattle rules
Brody Richardson
But then who will make the marketing?!
Liam Edwards
Games receive the quality of shitposting they deserve, I guess.
Carter Ross
Honestly I'm embarrassed to be a part of the hobby, but I fucking love my plastic army men too much.
I see how manchildish people are in real life and online that I sometimes get embarrased telling people I play.
Camden Bell
Quick, /aosg/, choose an army at random that's not your favourite or least favourite. Now detail in short the concept for a completely new unit
Dominic Myers
I should probably have posted in this new fresh thread.
Lincoln Flores
Are there going to be new armies with new miniature ranges when Malign Portents drops? was thinking of getting into AoS while my 40k army is still waiting for a codex, and I dont know if I should wait until MP drops before looking at the available armies
Jose Lewis
It' okay, I forgive you. And lets put an end to our banter pal-o.
Adam Barnes
>Nighthaunt A huge, coiled serpentine ghost dragon.
Noah Turner
>Orks >Digga ladz A unit of hardy miners, equipped with spades and picks Can use set up rules to deploy anywhere
Helmets and lamps give them okay armour saves and a debuff on hitting them
Can spend a turn "digging in" to give themselves and other boyz a cover save
Zachary Jackson
Fo' shizzle my nizzle
Landon Green
>Soulblight Blood Knights on foot
I don't like that they have no real infantry, that's not how an army should look like.
Nicholas Sullivan
>Fyreslayers vulcapterix: winged variant of the salamanders of the ashen plains, vary in size and look but are often serpentine, simple minded and capable of spitting fire despite the loose connection with the main draconic line, as a matter of fact they mainly spit caustic balls of bile from long distances either to blind, scare or direct a fleeing prey; they live near vulcanoes to use the strong heated currents and to scavenge between the meals of other great beasts. the fyreslayers have learnt to tame and use these creatures, the smallest variants as messengers or hunting hawks, the larger may see a particularly foolish dwarfen warrior tieing himself to the riding structure, this is often done with the beard and hair for cultural reasons about courage and strength but also because it leaves both hands free for better launching javelins or using great lances. the biggest, mainly pairs of long lived domesticated ones, get strapped to hovering structure acting as warriors carrier, house for ranged weapons or runeforge may potentially carry pots of molten metal to pour on enemies or to create terrain (small walls, reinforce structures, cover holes; ritually used to craft holds)
Mistakes were made, concept lengthened while writing it down.
Julian Miller
It's only 4 days away. You should wait.
Hunter Diaz
So far in AoS General's setting creation:
1.The area in question is set in the realm of life.
2. Factions include:
- Fellwater troggoths who inhabit a great swamp at the centre of the region.
- A tribe of mutated beastmen who have adapted to their surroundings after interbreeding with local fauna.
- A settlement of lost freeguild soldiery from a failed expedition, now worshipping kurnoth in place of sigmar.
Feel free to add more factions and elements but try not to add thoughtlessly overpowered stuff or things that radically change something that's already established, or things that limit the setting too greatly (e.g. see below).
>Gorilla godbeast protecc the realm
Firstly, we're talking about a region within the realm. Secondly, adding a whole new godbeast is overambitious; godbeasts are essentially gods of the materium and tend to have a fuckhuge impact on their surroundings.
>All nurgle all day, small oasis of a sylvaneth grove
Try not to do this. Dominating the setting with a single faction making the setting incredibly inflexible and limits expansion and exploration of the established factions.
Liam Diaz
If I bring 9 Reavers do I pay the cost for 5 or the cost for 10?
Ryan Ross
Just wait until february for the event
Hudson Carter
Giant Artillery piece that fires huge hammers.
Parker Allen
Cavalry unit for FEC - Ghouls riding tortured and mutilated semi-undead mounts
William Sullivan
Weapon-team-style unit for Ironweld.
Small, portable steam powered cannons with a 2-man crew. Gets buffs for being in range of a steam tank and can borrow pressure.
That or horse-drawn gun wagons like germans had in AoE3.
William Hughes
what dpo you mean , they're quite cheap all things considering seriously the fuck were they thinking with those finecast knights, even more so since most if not all fantasy stuff is priced pretty low compared to 40k stuff
Robert Bell
10, obviously.
Hudson Ramirez
wait we already know that nurgle is getting an update the other new release will in all likelyhood be death
Christian Ortiz
Thank you very much my friend.
Joshua Jackson
you could bring 6 reavers and still pay the cost of 10
David Lopez
just play GA death and bring a mortarch and a necromancer or two, skellies are worth it
Henry Hernandez
I'm hoping that they are bringing back the Screaming Skull catapult.
Caleb Taylor
gonna be a bit dissapointed if we(death) get no ranged whatsoever that said a few signs, namely the herald of death being a ghost and the cairn wraith going of the store are pointing towards a nighthaunt release
Jace Hernandez
How many of the Portents teaser videos are gonna have zero explanation? like the Asylum one, i don't think of asylum and 'huge army' i think of a story based on one man surviving in there.
Like he's scratched triangles on the walls, right? does that imply Skaven? masterclan? did a skaven seer force insanity upon him, did learning the secrets of the skaven drive him insane? i want to know more but who wants to bet this won't be touched upon and 90% of these images will appear randomly next to unrelated paragraphs in the book
Adam Gonzalez
I still think that they should bring it back at some point. It's a classic undead unit, it's ranged and it just looks nice on the table.
Justin Moore
How much are these in Australia/New Zealand?
Jason Thompson
The asylum is perhaps the one with the clearest explanation so far: nagash is creating upside down flying pyramids for his next assault. The crazy person is just having nightmares about the future.
Most will go without explanation I bet though.
Chase Martin
Portents are typically a bunch of vague bullshit that suggests s bigger picture.
Colton Taylor
$165 AUD for 5. I could buy 5 blood knights or I could buy a stompa or a baneblade.
Isaac Martinez
>5 models or 1 model
Gavin Price
1 big fucker of a model
Bentley Carter
it is classic nagash i'll give it that
i'm expecting more death stuff that fits in with the deathlords aesthetic myself but the knight of shrouds seems to contradict that a bit since he's much more aligned with the vamp count look who knows , i'm excited either way
Gabriel Howard
MFW i am the only person at my store with the new GUO and I use it to signal that I am not a poorfag.
Chase Garcia
They could make a dual kit that would let you also make it a huge bolt throwers. Those are also classic Nagash war machines that outside of the fluff only ever showed up in Warmaster.
James Phillips
>gonna be a bit dissapointed if we(death) get no ranged whatsoever dont worry deathcast will have you covered!
Kayden Johnson
>tfw I bring with me my whole army even if I have to play a small skirmish to be sure others don't think I am poor.
Chase White
I prefer bringing a fully customised army instead. People will remember that for years.
Brandon Jackson
MFW I spraypaint my stormcasts with actual gold
Levi Fisher
>buys toy soldiers to show his affluence
Kissless manchild confirmed.
Hunter Taylor
Firebellies, pic related in units of 3. boatload of attacks with low hit and wound chances- technically they're dancing, not attacking. Nearby Firebelly wizards get a +1 to their casting rolls.
Alternate unit in the kit gives them moai themed shields and tiki-torch spears.
Oliver Brown
So a friend recently gave me the entire Khorne half of the AoS starter box, what should I do with them? I like the look of the models for the most part, but I've never been a huge fan of Khorne's colourscheme.
Cooper Johnson
Jace Williams
The Beastmen Tribes worships a Toad Dragon from the nearby swamp as a god.
Cooper Hill
>tfw all its going to be is a boxed set containing SCE and black SCE
Hudson Hill
>paint flesh like skinless muscle >metal painted as dark marble/obsidian
Connor Morales
post pics of it, shitter
Elijah Jenkins
Well fuck, I'm sold. Thanks user, hopefully it looks as good as it sounds once I've gotten my club fingers around to it.
Austin Stewart
There are colonies of Dispossessed Duradin that are mining massive ancient petrified trees for precious amber. They have carved out architecture in the trunks of the trees which also serve as lookout towers. They have established a trade relation with the local Free Guilders.
Charles Rivera
>Horticulous Slimux, who can cause them to sprout up mid-game.
at least that confirms that Slumux gets a new warscroll
Same guy here, how would I go about painting obsidian looking armour? Mostly black with lighter highlights toward the edges and such?
Oliver Wood
Stop saving thumbnails.
Gavin Brooks
black with neat edge highlighting in grey or dark brown/grey would be my suggestion, try it on some kind of sprue or smth first tho, to see what looks better
Zachary Martinez
on followup dark blue edge highlighting might also work, aswell as gloss varnish after
Liam Ramirez
Oh shit, I wasn't expecting to be taken seriously
Just in case you can probably use a similar procedure to the video with red colours
I think that if you don't fnd yourself confident in drawing the lines of tendons and muscle by hand, perhaps creating a texture of small lines on the miniature with the cutter on the edges of the muscle fiber may help.
Nathan Phillips
Why is there no picture of the backside of the miniature?
what are those yellow things supposed to look like from behind?
Christian Gonzalez
I actually jumped on the suggestion because I remembered that exact video and recalled that I thought it was a cool idea. I might use the Lord's dog to get the scheme down and have a go at seeing how it looks, since it's supposed to have that flayed flesh look by default. Here's hoping I can do the concept justice!
Jaxson Baker
what's it like to be poor?
John Martinez
Just realised I mistook which video you posted as they're both Wrack. This one!
Landon Diaz
I should have guessed duncan did one for that effect, I just grabbed the first one about wracks
I found one for obsidian though even if it looks just like gloss on black to me
Nicholas Perry
fucking hearty kek
Evan Morales
>tfw people here would claim that is incredible, 10x better than WHFB, and that people have no right to have any misgivings about such a thing
Jack Rodriguez
The only ones saying that would be the guy who constantly accuses anyone who doesn't like Stormcast of being Slavfag.
Jordan Morris
Building chaos knights; should I leave the riders separately or not for painting?
James Butler
Does the toad dragon have an relation with dragon ogors?
Nathaniel Gomez
Do we have anything Firestorm related like scans available at the moment?
Ryan Sanchez
Hey /asg/. I'm a 40kfag and a GM for a few games that use models, so I bought a bunch of skeletons because I like throwing undead at my players. I figured I may as well try out sigmar, seeing as how I have the models anyway. I own Arkhan the Black, 30 Skeleton warriors, 5 black knights, the Shadespire Skeletons (Sepechaural Guard?) and a Wight King w/ baleful tomb blade. If I DO start playing a lot of sigmar, I'd like to run Deathrattle.
Any advice for new guy?
Dominic Ross
Yet people will still cry about AoS art quality
Ian Cruz
Skeleton warriors - you need like 30 more of them. You want to make your opponent sick with your fuckin skeletons
Nicholas Cook
That's not an AoS art - it was used in death guard codex iirc. Still, looks great and I hope it will be used in nurgle battletome
Isaiah Bell
Luckily, I Love Skeletons, and always need more for DnD anyway. This is not difficult.
Luis Russell
Fuck off pusballs, Bone Daddy Nagash is gonna wip yo' ass
Xavier Sullivan
Is there anyone nagash actually whipped? every god he's eaten still exists in him and there are still people venerating those gods as nagash gained aspects frok them that influence his appearances; even his most hated of servants are unintentionally brought back by his memories and cannot be remade to act in a way that would make them not plan to backstab him; the ghoul king escaped; sigmar beated him at necromancy and settra outright denied to serve him. The elves too will cheat the death of almost their whole races and manage to be the death of a god alone.
The only thing left is gorkamorka resurrecting his dead champions in copies of two.
Isaac Lopez
He's also the only god that gets jobbed by 60 clanrats/peasants/lesser demons/etc on the tabletop. Nagash a shit
Isaac James
Isaiah Hall
>Mfw someone mentioned that when WHFB first started, it was similar to AoS in that it was crazy high fantasy stuff before it found its groove
Gives me hope for AoS desu
Xavier Cook
Lucas Cooper
I really don't get the appeal of Nurgle. Why would you like things that look like that?
Luke Thomas
Thinking about starting with Stormcasts, and I like the Vanguard stuff like the Lord-Aquilor and the Palladors. Does anyone play them? What are they like in practice?
Dylan Parker
How well does Citadel Liquid Greenstuff work? Is it something I should actually buy or will another product fill my small miniatures gaps just as well?
Henry Nguyen
>crazy high fantasy stuff There was crazy stuff but it was not the gods walking the heart creating immortal superhuman warriors of justice kind of crazy stuff it was your conventional mix of D&D of the time and carnivorous giant toad swarms. the existence of gods was a distant matter.
Oliver Harris
Who was in the wrong here?
Charles Brown
Why are Bloodthirsters so squishy? 14 wounds? Am I missing something? Which monsters would fit into Khorne aesthetically that have a high wound count?
Gabriel Diaz
Blightkings look really cool. They give off this really evil "marauder" vibe without making it cheesy (like skellies) Plus they look fun as fuck to paint.
Zachary Torres
There is a small contingent of Stormcasts working to free the realm of Nurgle's taint, though it is clearly an uphill battle. They were all heroes who fought with anything they had to to save those around them- guerillas, revolutionaries, peasant marksmen and the like. Their armor is a burnished bronze and deep emerald green, which coincidentally allows them to blend in to their environment here.