Last thread went well, so here's another.
Show me what you got
Last thread went well, so here's another.
Show me what you got
Oh I think you know where
You Sir are coming with the Arbites NOW!
I've never managed to find the full version of that picture...
Rule 34, my friend.
It's hidden within the depths of the internet somewhere.
This one is easily the best.
an hero
god, this reminds me of that user who, after the honey booboo episode of south park, made sketti in a thread, and threw up twice into the bowl while eating it, and continued to eat it.
Sorry to ask, but...Sketti? What's that?
So....Spagehtti, but with ketchup and not!butter (lots of both)? Sounds gross, desu.
sketti is pasta with ketchup and margarine instead of sauce, yes.
>not "the book sez 'no'"
Magos Pavel, I'm Inquisition.
I was a born in the underhive, molded by it. You were merely adopted by it.
Crashing this spire, with no survivors.
Man just imagine how red that guy was.
>I unironically like that idea
>If I used it some Veeky Forums autist would spout ''TAKE THE KNOT'' the second he saw them
the idea is great. what ruins it is the battle cry.
The dakka gets me every time
How about some oldies?
Daily reminder that if Setra had just allowed to rule over all of mankind in the Oldworld and Southlands, Chaos would have had it's ass kicked.
As somebody working with Duke on his new game, I have to say, that one post is his biggest reason for wishing he could keep working on the game.
I remember some cartoon in which Tau were in melee and someone just labelled them hitting things with their pulse rifles as "bonk"s. Got me every time.
It's constantly posted on acos 40k threads. Anyway, have a wholesome meme.
i miss the days when not even the mods cared that this is a blue board. back then we really didn't need any other board
Sucks that GW gave him a C&D when he started taking money for Chapter Master. What is Duke's new game?
Then you are not searching (literally and figuratively) hard enough senpai
you know what the sad thing is?
that there is most likely a fragment of the emperor trapped in each of the gods domain, and this is probably happening
That's one smug Duncan