>Previously, on /5eg/ How do you solve continuity mistakes, /5eg/?
Isaiah Powell
>How do you solve continuity mistakes, /5eg/? I make the players reroll their stats.
Dylan Bennett
>How do you solve continuity mistakes, /5eg/? I don't
Carter Jackson
>DM says he trusts us with rolling our own stats >get 15/12/13/10/13/15 >after Half Elf ASI I get 16/12/14/10/13/17 >keep stressing out he might say those stats are too good and he calls bullshit on the roll aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah fuck this is why I make people roll stats on the roll20 or tell them to use point buy
Eli Robinson
In before you see the other PCs multiple 18s
Hudson Sanders
yeah one guy I talked to has no stat below 15 I think, and plays a Lore Wizard I'm having a massive giggle since I'll be playing an Ancients pally who's basically a less insane pic related
Hunter Jones
>get told to roll stats at home >Just give myself something like 17, 16, 14, 11, 8, 6 >No one will think I cheated because why would I give myself a 6 and 8 >start with 18's in main stats
Joshua Bell
Minmaxing is boring.
Liam Reed
You know what's more boring? Rolling a d20 and ending your turn because your measly +5 to hit wasn't enough to hit the goblin
Ayden Foster
My autism makes it fun.
Alexander Nelson
Continual Flame is a 2nd level spell that supplies an eternal light source for the cost of 50gp worth of ruby dust, and is castable by Wizards and Clerics. How abundant are these in your setting, and if they are rare/unused, why?
Jose Reed
>Session 0 and DM wants us to roll stats >I roll 3/5/6/7/7/8 >Another player rolls 6/8/9/13/16/18 >Starts whinging that half her rolls are below 10 and give negative modifiers >DM now gives everyone option of standard array or point buy >Player now complains none of those options go above 15
DM looked like he was about to have a stroke.
Carson Bailey
Reminder that this user killed himself in shame for realising in actuality that he was the shit DM.
Hunter Perez
I remember that once I DM'd for a group of online friends, and our stat rules were >roll 2 sets of stats >if you're not happy with either of them there's always point buy or standard array
Michael Rogers
>pic related
That seems fair enough.
Luis Cooper
50gp? Shit, in 2E Continual Light was V,S and made a permanent light without fire hazards. I used to rule that in civilised areas you could buy stuff like continual light stones, bricks that give off heat or cold, etc. in shops by mages who cranked them out. The continual light stones came with pretty cosies to "shut off" the light.
Jackson Davis
50gp is a lot of money for a 20 bright 20 dim light. I wouldn't see them being used much outside of richer areas of a city/town, wizard towers/schools and temples. Maybe BBEG lairs and ancient ruins/dungeons might have some too.
Isaiah Thompson
Yeah, I'm really surprised that CL isn't a spell in 5e. It was one of those really basic, of course this would be a spell, spells that was really useful.
Gavin Turner
Hey, I was in this general a couple of days ago asking about being a face, what class to play, etc. I ended up playing the first session as a Fighter who will be speccing into the Samurai subclass. Is it.. normal for people to go out of their way to praise people? I just did a couple of conversations and everybody was very forward with complimenting me after, like they were scared I wouldn't be interested in playing anymore despite me enjoying it. A couple of them commented that they usually don't get "super normal" people in their gamestore, could this be it? I'm not really familiar with "tabletop culture" so I want to make sure I'm not reading too much into it.
Evan Hill
If I brought along a squire, a couple servants, riding a wagon pulled by two mules and had them wait outside the dungeon or some out of sight distance away, what are the chances that you'd kill them all?
Jackson Stewart
Beast Master is my magical realm
Xavier Morris
How important is the stuff inside the wagon? Super important quest item? Filled coffers of gold and loot? 99% chance of death
David Murphy
Towergirls is shit, and you're shit for posting it.
Nicholas Smith
What happens to a druid what loses an arm? She's going to wake up next to an ogre or something chewing on the bit that got ripped off at the shoulder. By rights I should kill her in about three different ways so I feel like taking an arm is the lenient path-it's the back half of a one shot so she wouldn't have a chance to play otherwise, she's even going to be late which just complicates things and peer my personal dm code you don't get to stand in an active dungeon "just waiting" for the party you ran off from to catch up.
In any case if she loses an arm then wildshapes into a dog you get a 3 legged dog right?
Jonathan Gutierrez
You? Zero. The flora, fauna, monsters, weather or a rock? 100%
Nathaniel Torres
You are probably a girl... or a handsome dude. Idk, sounds weird but if you were playing at an lgs they are likely used to smelly neckbeards and they might covet a regular joe being around instead
Camden Myers
>In any case if she loses an arm then wildshapes into a dog you get a 3 legged dog right? No, for the same reason you don't die when reduced to 0 hp while wildshaped.
Juan Ward
I'm a guy but I do a bit of modelling, yeah. I mostly voice act but I tried not to ham it up too much since I was sure they'd think it was embarrassing.
Jayden Morales
just clutter, tents, ladder on the side, food, etc. The squire's breastplate it gets as standard noble equipment costs more than everything else combined, including the wagon.
Is trade between towns even possible in your setting?
Wyatt Hernandez
Does the flame from Continual Flame cover the whole object, or just where you touch?
Brandon Nguyen
>research OG Continual Light spell >open up Anons Illumination Emporium >sell cool, cost-effective Continual Light objects >retire from adventuring to become Continual Light magnate
Benjamin Hall
If you are a normal person, especially a goodlooking one, who actually RPs and voices his characters then they want to keep you around. 1) nobody has to worry about being disgusted by you 2) nobody has to worry about autism fits from you 3) you might actually be a really fun player
Henry Rodriguez
I'm just worried about them assuming I'm going to bully them or not want to socialize with them, I guess? It happened when I played MTG at my older game store, people just assumed I had just picked up the game or that I didn't really enjoy it and was doing it so that I could make fun of them.
Christopher Stewart
1h and Shield or 2hander for my fighter? There will be a bear totem barbarian in the party
Nolan Ortiz
STR or DEX and what armour?
Adrian Ward
How long have you played?
Jackson Reyes
Druid as human loses an arm, not druid as doggo. The wild shape are basically temp HPs.
Juan Green
Str and heavy armor
Michael Rogers
D&D? I just started, I played a little bit of Mage the Awakening, but I've only completed one campaign. I just started and was told to try playing a face by a buddy of mine who lives interstate, since he said being able to talk well can make things fun for everybody else. Truthfully, I'd rather be somebody who was a bit more abrasive (in-character) since those sorts of characters interest me more, but I found out they didn't have a true face so I went with it.
I still get stuck on stuff, such as when somebody mentions a mechanic or spell really casually and I don't know it, which makes me feel dumb. But I don't think tabletop is super complicated, thankfully.
Hunter Watson
>2hander >DEX
Noah Turner
you'll have enough AC to justify 2h then I think, worth it for GWM and maybe PAM
Nicholas Butler
Two hander if you want to shit out damage Shield if you want to knock people over and annoy the ranged people in your group TWF if you don't want to do either of the above
Hunter Richardson
Zachary Wilson
yeah i realised that about 2 seconds after posting, guess i need more sleep
Ian Murphy
Trade is moving along established routes, not sitting in the wilderness in front of abandoned dungeons.
Caravans get attacked which is why they need to hire adventurers in the first place. Acting like nothing happens because the party isn't around and it's not part of the plots is a surefire way to a static cardboard feeling world.
Also in my game going down into the dungeon is the easy part. You best believe most of the bigger __________ were out hunting and will be back to find out who be sleeping in their beds.
Eli Walker
meh, the chances of the game actually starting are about as high as the chance for my cats not being scared shitless tonight
Aiden Thomas
Well if you want to assuage their fears a bit then just think up some cool characters you find really interesting and discuss them with other players during out of game time so they see you are actually enjoying the game and not just treating it like a spectacle. Maybe ask other players at the table for help with concepts you don't quite get. In the end if you are genuine they will see it and appreciate it. Good luck, you sounds like a chill dude to play with
Liam Moore
Rp is great. Voices is great. You can abuse them in character, if it seems too personal drop out and normal voice be like, nothing personal to remind them you're playing him and not mad yourself. Enjoy it while you can you'll be forever dm soon. Also the idea that parties have to have a face is ultra retarded and leads to one guy rping everything all the time.
Dylan Gutierrez
Maybe if you stopped pretending they're cat girls
Oliver Bailey
Hey man, Moonblades are a thing!
Lucas Sanders
and sun blades
Charles Fisher
yeah, considering how many ways it could come about, I really doubt the two potential DMs I have would ever let them survive. Even if I hired a pair of guards, even if I get a mastiff to detect threats, even if I got some riding horses that could out pace almost any beast or monster, even if the squire could ride my personal horse to safety on their own, even if I told them to go back to town and wait, they'll all be killed regardless.
I bet if I just brought a basket with a pair of chickens for eggs in it they'd get killed off as well.
Easton Hughes
Are dwarf-planetblades a thing?
Thomas Young
Lads, where do I find maps of Castle Ravenloft for roll20?
Ian Collins
>Not using pointbuy or at least common roll for all group
Andrew Nelson
Those are some weak-ass stats why would anyone doubt that shit? Fuck rolling for stats in general though for the sake that anyone gets worked up about something as stupid as stats at all.
Alexander Bell
I'm have severe fucking paranoia about just about everything nearly punched a prof at my uni when he tapped my shoulder from behind to ask me to move from in front of the door
Zachary Diaz
So I've been reading.. and more then anything I want to make a conquest flail and shield pally. Now I've seen enough greentexts and memes to understand that the DEUS VULT faggot is a thing. But can one do intensity without going full holy land? I want to basically play an old dow: dark crusade Chaplin. Lots of shouting with a focus on brotherhood, the honour of service and scorn for cowards. Very much a "I'm not mad you stabbed me in the back. I'm mad that you tried to run" type
Brayden Ross
What do you mean common roll? Like the GM rolls and everyone has to use that roll?
Colton Powell
I don't think I've ever seen anyone two hand a versatile weapon outside of small races, and even then its rare
Hudson Johnson
Even fun can be optimised, no matter how autistic that sounds. It's essentially what hedonism is. There is no point to rolling for stats unless you use it as a way to create a character from scratch. But as it is, XGtE offers a better tool for that.
Hunter Wood
Are mystics fun? Are they supposed to be hybrids?
Jason Brown
Tywin Lannister is the ideal conquest attitude. He's in it to protect his family, and he will subdue any threats to them.
William Green
>Tywin Lannister Tywin Lannister is not ideal anything. He's a failure as a parent, as a ruler, as a head of a dynasty and as a commander.
Jordan Mitchell
Monks below 11th level.two handed quarterstaff is a d8. That's the highest they can get until unarmed catches up
Lincoln King
Fun is subjective you autistic spazz. If some people enjoy rolling for stats more than point buy, they should roll for stats. And vice versa. Stop getting preachy and go play an actual game. Oh wait, that is why you're preachy isn't it. You can't get a game, so you spend your time policing others on an indonesia ladyboy discussion forum
Ian Sullivan
Alexander Walker
Not an argument.
Jackson Wright
Forgot all about monks. I guess Kensai do it for even longer
Jaxon Lopez
Tywin was above all other things, an effective ruler and dynasty head. His failures as a parent creeped in got him killed, but you can't deny that he ran a tight kingdom otherwise.
Grayson Robinson
So my players spent a few days in a smaller coastal city, which eventually got attacked by a few hill giants. After the battle, one of them investigated the bodies and noticed their skin was very loose, a sign of starvation. The reason the hill giants were there is because a horde of orcs was keeping them prisoner so they could unleash the starving giants onto the city, and then rush in and clean up the softened survivors. These three were able to escape, and came to the city looking for food. Rather than follow up on the hint, they got thanked and compensated by the city, then just up and left. They've been gone for a week now, so the invasion surely would have happened, but I feel like it would be a dick move of me to say the city got conquered by orcs while they were gone. Would that be fair of me?
Ryder Morris
Tywin had the conquest attitude down as said. Sure he fucked everything up but nigga was out to take over as much as he could and then hold onto it. I intend to- when the opportunity to re-roll comes, play a fairly non-evil man. A staunch believer that the joyous servant is the truest testament to your leadership. This will not make him soft however, he will conscript the farmhands and hammer unit tactics into them until they understand the strength of brotherhood and what it means to be charged with a sacred duty to hearth and home
Henry Price
Conquered? maybe yeah. Certainly under severe siege or perhaps on the back foot. Give them the chance to make things right
Julian Murphy
>but I feel like it would be a dick move of me to say the city got conquered by orcs while they were gone Do they care at all about the city?
Andrew Adams
See but the thing is they've been gone for a week, but might not return any time soon They're generally well liked by the inhabitants, and they've spent the most time in this city over any others, so I'd assume so
Brody Miller
>an effective ruler and dynasty head Let's list Tywin's accomplishments, shall we?
>Raised Tyrion, Jaime and Cersei >Single-handedly responsible for Martell-Lannister blood feud >The only man in the world who doesn't realize that Lannister siblings are fucking like bunnies >Allowed Joffrey and Tommen to be raised like they were >Allowed the War of the Five Kings to happen, lost every single battle except for one >Had to resort to breaking the guest right to defeat the Starks, which immediately resulted in negotiations and diplomacy becoming an unfunny joke. People are now baking their guests into pies and feeding them to their hosts. >Did not have any sensible sucession plan at all, which resulted in Cersei taking power and messing things up even further >Did not have any plan for Daenerys invading, did not even consider preparing for her dragons, despite knowing about them >Too incompetent to deal with Littlefinger and Varys >Despite being supposedly all about greater good for "muh family", married his own cousin for love, and never remarried after that.
Tywin managed to destroy the Lannisters in a generation. They are utterly fucked, and there are no comebacks from their current state. Round of applause for lord Tywin, the effective ruler and dynasty head.
Jacob Brown
All the players gather up on session 0 to create characters, get some base rules like what are we playing, what level are we starting, etc.
We decided to roll for stats. 6 x (4d6 eliminating the lowest dice). Everyone uses the same score results, which may vary a little bit because of the racial modifiers, obviously.
That results were written so everyone that wants to make a new character for this campaign has to use that results.
In my table, it got a nice reception, mostly because the result was similar to the standard array, lol
John Robinson
ah, they might not return. Well the question is one of time then. Unless they have a hard "back by" date or you want this city to burn for plot then let it hold out for a fortnight. Longer if there's walls
Nathaniel Harris
>Session 0 Every time I try to do one of these, people don't want to. Hm.
Christopher Lopez
>How do you solve continuity mistakes, /5eg/? the major premise the players need to discover is there is a rip in time and space.
so I add continuity mistakes to make it seem like all the continuity mistakes are intentional.
Elijah Morales
Nice bias there, Tyrion.
You forgot a few things though:
1. Turned the Lannister house from one in decline and barely a great house into one so fucking rich it is currently soloing the rest of the other 6 great houses >Realizes the lannisters are fucking like bunnies, and is keeping the incestuous spawn on the throne despite everyone knowing it. Just doesn't like having it brought up. >took down the entire north without ever having to win a battle >messed up with joffery, but tommen turned out alright. >never needed a plan to deal with "muh dragons" because she's currently failing to do anything in mereen and he knew it. Had enough money to hire the entire temple of faceless men if he needed to.
The lannisters and the seven kingdoms were nothing without tywin mah dude.
Jack Sullivan
Don't kill any liked NPCs make them slaves or captured prisoners, the city was conquered not raided, so you may leave it in good shape (these two things may depend on how orcs act in your setting). Give the players a change to retake it when they come back
Lucas Green
you should see to getting help about that paranoia maybe. also your stats are fine
Tyler Lewis
I honestly believe session 0 should Not be optional. If only to ensure everyone is absolutely on the same page, I don't like shit like class/race bans but if they're gonna happen then it might as well happen when everyone can see it and nobody can claim ignorance or cry
Ryder Young
nah fuck that last thing I need is (((doctors))) prescribing me some (((medication)))
Asher Clark
Making a new character for a new campaign. Half the players are newbies.
Going to be a Half-Elf Warlock.
Infernal or Old God?
The latter would have his personality be extremely isolated and lonely, the former would be a career criminal
Jason Gutierrez
session zero is awful with noobs tho. I mean I did it but it was awful and nobody got to "so how do we know each other"
Levi Stewart
if you're paranoid and always choose to use a site to document rolls and your dm asked for rolls why the fuck would you not >use a site to document your rolls
Noah White
well I've got the 5etools screenshot of the page but >dude you can just f12 to edit source cmon ahhhhh fuck I'll just get drunk maybe that will calm me down
Camden Cooper
>it is currently soloing the rest of the other 6 great houses Which houses would that be?
Starks: About to take back the North from Boltons Tyrrels: Just got Cersei imprisoned, Margaery is getting away from the trial scot free Greyjoys: About to destroy the Redwyne fleet and sack Oldtown Martells: Did not even enter the war yet, about to ally with Aegon and take King's Landing Arryns: Did not enter the war yet, about to carry Sansa to the North-Vale-Riverlands throne.
I'll give you Tullies.
Carter Gonzalez
I've done it in person just fine.
Online, people keep going "Can't we just talk about this in the discord text channel?"
Aiden Roberts
>dude you can just f12 to edit source cmon jesus christ why would you use something so easily cheatable.
Perhaps, and perhaps asking you to hand-hold virgins through everything is a bit much. But the benefits are there if you can make it work. But tell me, what went wrong for you? where they immature throughout? too ignorant to achieve -anything- or just savagely awkward?
Infernal is the safer bet. I'm running a star pact lock right now and kind of played myself into a corner rp wise. Plus if most of the group is new then damage will trump a lot of the utility and shit Cthulhu locks get a hold of
Ryan Lopez
you I like
Justin Morris
have them hear about how that coastal town was under siege or that a giant/orc army is approaching that city. maybe give them a chance to book it back and realize they fucked up
Ian Anderson
I mean, yeah... but is neccesary so things like don't happened.
For my Tomb of Annihilation session 0 i made a pdf with all the races, backgrounds classes and subclasses options available for them so we could discuss in group who are gonna be the characters. Then they rolled up the common stat roll and we started doing character building.
Sessions 0 are kind of a chore. We are from southamerica and I (DM) am the only one with a decent lv of english, so I have to explain verbally everything to them before they can make a choice. I talk to them about the classes and subclasses that pick their atention and we start fleshing out the characters personality, backstory guidelines, etc. I also translated This Is Your Life from Xanathar's for them.
The players pick their spells in their home, though, thanks to websites that have them translated.
Chase Sanders
literally any webpage based roll site can be fucked like that, unless the roll tool itself is in flash and when it's one of those, or a phone app you could just keep rolling until you get what you want
Jayden Cooper
So they're the old "I can't talk I don't have a mic/I have social anxiety/I'm pretending to be a grill" then? I ran into no-talkers during my old wow raiding days and it never failed to bother me
Gavin Martin
there's more than just magic pills when it comes to solving problems user, try to find a way youre ok with.
or just let your paranoia consume you while you waste your time worrying about whether your dnd stats are ok or some other menial bullshit
Noah Campbell
Would it be stupid to skip increasing my STR to 18 as a Barb at level 4 in favor of bumping my CON to 16 via Infernal Constitution? Zariel Tiefling. I know that getting the main stat to 18 is generally a good idea, but I will have at-will advantage at least.