We'ves got us some cards
We'ves got us some cards
looks like they might have been hiding all the alright playables in rivals.
>that ult
>yet I can't run traumatize, or fleet swallower with it
It hurts to live boys.
>3 color mill damage deck
do it.
Why now run Traumatize with it? Just load your deck up with a bunch of mana rocks like Darksteel Ingot or those diamonds from Mirage so you're more likely to have the right colors, and a bunch of black or blue tutoring spells. Hell, asl ong you have a shitload of Mana Rocks, might as well use it with Boom/Bust too. Nuke everyone's lands but you're okay because you have artifact mana. Then they lose an assload of life to Angrath's ultimate because people tend to play lots of lands.
WOAH it's terrible.
I think it'd be pretty spicy to run it in a Kess variant, then I"m pretty sure you can strionic the trigger on the ult, so if someone has as little as 20 cards in their yard, which is piss easy, they get hit for 40 damage. If you're real slick, drop deepglow skate/doubling season and ult it the turn it comes out.
Honestly, I just want to run Consuming Aboration and Lord of Extinction in the same deck, now this bitch comes out and I have to make 4 colour mill... Sometimes being a millfag is suffering.
I like that +1 and -3. The -8 is meh.
Power creep.
A tough-ish mana dork I suppose.
Dino hate.
Reposting thus one.
Zacama, Primal Calamity
Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
6 (R)(G)(W)
Vigilance, trample, reach.
When Zacama enters the battlefield. If you cast it, untap all lands you control.
2(R): Zacama deals 3 damage to target creature or player.
2(G): Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
2(W): You gain 5 life.
Angrath is...pretty average. He has lots of competition in the 5 cmc slot and his minus is akwardly costed.
Why can't B/R have nice things anymore?
Straight into the Rakdos, Lord of Riots EDH deck.
Fuck why cany ANY colors have anything nice anymore. Ever since Kahns we have fucking jack shit in terms of cards.
Shut your whore mouth
Did you mean Kaervek the Merciless and/or Mogis, God of Slaughter?
Power creep from what?
Where did you get that? looks like theyre bringing back playable mythics and legendaries this time around. Christ ixalan was garbage for that.
>Finally get a good card
>Can't use it.
>Playing Standard
>>Playing Standard
You deserve it for idiot
Really, REACH is what they give this for its green ability? Are you fucking kidding me? At least now flyers won't be able to race you!
The rest of it doesn't really matter beause
>untap all lands
Because BR is a dumb combo played by retards who can't see how much the colors overlap.
>can't even deal with enchantments, while all other 2 color combinations hit all permanents
If you reduce your opponent's life to zero all of his enchantments go away, that's LIKE enchantment removal.
SOI block gave us plenty of playables user, apparently while I wasn't looking, half the cards in my Modern BGx got replaced by stuff from EMN and an entire new Jeskai Nahiri deck sprouted up.
EMN was one of the best recent sets, it also spawned the entirety of the Modern Spirit Deck.
>can't be blocked by dinosaurs
wizards are you fucking serious?
>want to make another shitty homebrew for standard
>almost all my deckbuilding ideas are just Amonkhet Block with a couple of Search for Azcantas
How can Wizards make a tribal block, and then make almost none of the tribes standard playable?
How can they print not a single playable treasure-producing creature?
It's a limited card and a 3 drop 2/3. You won't love itb ut you'll paly it in your draft. And if the environment is anything like XLN's, 3 of the 8 archetypes are dinosaurs anyway, even ignoring incidental ones.
>Power creep from what?
Not him, but over-statted with flexible upside. Its less a power creep of something, more a power creeping of creatures as a whole.
I'm not really a fan of "being green makes you get an extra stat for free". Big bodies should be at the cost of abilities. I wouldn't care if red never got a bear, but if red gets bears then green has to have better bears with upsides otherwise "green isn't the creature color".
>How can they print not a single playable treasure-producing creature?
There was one. Pic related.
>Pic related.
Rip me, thought i added it
>block with a spirit theme
>spawned a spirit deck
Thanks, Captain Obvious.
It has trample too.
Green's had bears with upsides since forever. WHITE has had bears with upsides since forever.
And that dinosaur isn't a bear anyways.
>Shadows over innistrad
>Block with Zombie theme
>Didn't spawn jackshit
Come on, this isn't Vampire Nighthawk. This isn't even Qasali Pridemage. It's a 3/4 for 1GG that can Naturalize something by sacrificing itself. If it tapped to destroy, then maybe you'd have a case (you still wouldn't).
Tbf the original innistrad provided the foundation
>Arcbound Ravager, artifact lands, Disciple of the Vault
Yeah it's easy to see why these were banned.
Pretty dumb cards, easy to understand the banning
These all feel like they're shitty because of limited.
Utility creatures had to scale with all the other creatures. Tin Street Hooligan was a relevant body when it came out, but now 2/1 for 2 is hot garbage. The utility bear isn't really usable anymore outside the fiddly formats.
WotC focuses on Limited first, then Standard second. By balancing shit for limited it can also make things shitty for standard, along with complexity not being allowed at common or uncommon much anymore.
>Tin Street Hooligan
Christ the art was so much better back then.
Not having 'complexity' is all well and good, but most of the time the shit at common/uncommon are made terrible on purpose, like they're just straight up strictly worse versions of a rare.
Whenever a common/uncommon sees play (or, let alone becomes some kind of staple), it always feels like it was unintended.
This is the proof of the lack of power in Standard at the time, that Collected Company could put together a deck that would lead to the banning of Reflector Mage.
>3 mana dork
will this be the norm from now on?
Stop doomsaying, it's three mana because you can sac it to recur a card, and it's a 2/3.
None of the things you want or care about in a mana dork. Make it two mana and a 1/2 and now we're looking at a playable card.
I don't think the mana dork is the point, it's clear they needed a three-drop that recurs a card from the grave, so they tacked on an activated ability that just happened to be mana generation.
Unfortunately, it's shit recursion because the budget from being a mana dork eats it up.
Should have just reprinted Eternal Witness except make it for dinosaurs and keep it as a 2/3.
Whether it's good in playability or not i think its a well designed card. Dinos are big mana and it has a secondary effect for some recovery when you don't need the fixing/ramp and topdeck it late game. It will make a good number of kitchen table players happy. And as a post NWO uncommon i can't fault it. Though don't even think it would've be broken as a 2 mana dork that sac'd for 1 (just probably would have been eating a rare slot).
nearly all ramp in standard except the 1/1 from the last set starts at 3 mana. you can argue we’re not in a zen meta of necessary ramp, but it’s pathetic, desu.
You're missing the point. It was always going to be a card that only recurs Dinos. The mana dork part is just filler. When Design makes a card, they have a budget for stats. It likely started as a 3 mana 1/1 or 1/2 that had the 'recur dinosaurs' part, and then evolved into what it is now.
That's what I mean, "What it probably started as" is what it should have been with the recurrence as an ETB rather than a sac effect. It just completely ruins playability, even in limited.
Ixalan was a mistake
First, you're an idiot. Second, the argument was for mana dorks, not ramp in general. All of these mana dorks are two mana.
>Servant of the Conduit
>Channeler Initiate
>Drover of the Mighty
>Druid of the Cowl
>Naga Vitalist
Of course non-creature ramp starts at three mana. You want to go back to Wolf Run Ramp in Standard? It'll be even more boring to play/play against than Energy decks. Get your head out of your ass, you faggot.
>low cost Dino enabler
>is a human
The Sun Empire was a mistake.
Most dinosaurs aren't small so some need to be non-dinosaurs. They encourage you to play non-dinosaurs by giving them the tribal abilities.
Planeswalker abilities are activated abilities
It's awful, but it's a planeswalker so I'm happy. Just hope I don't open one.
Well, color me surprised.
Actually the average size of dinosaurs that we know of is like sheep size, and the true average is likely much smaller since the fossilization process greatly favors bigger things.
ZOMG!!! OP!!
I'm thankfully that we're allowed such overpoweringly good cards.
I was referring to magic but okay.
That's retarded for two reasons. First, as pointed out, there were dinosaurs sized between housecats and apartment complexes. There's no reason we can't have small dinos(especially as plenty have already been printed).
But more importantly, why the fuck would you want to run non-tribe cards in a tribal deck, even if they have an advantage. They don't benefit from things that help the tribe, like lords, can be tutored for tribal tutors, etc.
There's only one reason to run off-tribe cards in a tribal deck, because it fits the DECK. Merfolk(in modern) runs Kira because it's a creature aggro deck, and Kira's ability is really strong against removeal that can target your lords or key attackers.
This guy isn't worth it in a dino deck(outside of draft) because it just doesn't do enough.
If i'm running off tribe I'd much rather run Kinjali's Caller or Otepec Hunter, reduce the mana cost of all my dinos for a much cheaper investment.
there will be a strictly worse mogg fanatic and a 3 mana mind stone
Then you're being ackchyually retarded.
>why isn't this small Dino enabler in the game a Dino?
>Because the games Dinos aren't small so it couldn't be small
But user, it's not that they can't at all! It's that they can't without violating the """"rules"""" sorrounding ixalan dinosaurs
There's no rule. There's at least 6 dinos at or smaller than 2/3 in the first Ixalan already. The only reason it's not a dinosaur is because Wizards wants to cripple Dinosaur tribal. They don't want it to get out ofthis standard and into somewhere like Modern.
They sabotage all of the decent support by putting it off-tribe and overcost anything with a decent ability.
WotC doesn't want to see a dino anywhere but the kitchen table.
I am angry
>Dude holding amber sphere?
Needs some custom art.
looks like the recovery magic failed
Didn't Zombies literally win a pro tour?
They meant in Modern.
The reason everything feels so overcosted nowadays has nothing to do with limited and everything to do with standard.
New players did not enjoy dying to RDW on turn 3 or getting wrathed on turn 4 then countered for the rest of the game. This is why standard has been midrange/agro for the last two years. Ever since origins, wizards have been moving the power of cards into the 3+ mana range in order to make standard less 'toxic' to newer players.
This is why we see amazing midrange creatures like TKS, Reflector Mage, Spell queller, etc but monastery swiftspear or even elvish mystic are "too strong for standard"
I like this, I should be able to play this as a 1 of in modern. The -3 is essentially removal, evasion, and reach all in one, and the +1 isn't irrelevant
dead sjw game.
I fucking hate Ixalan and the whole dinosaur / pirate theme. It's even worse than Amonketh.
When do we go back to Lorwyn?
Never because they'd fuck it up.
Rating the Ixalan tribes
3/5, the inclusion of white in their color pie is a nice way to fan out the traditionally BR vampire theme without blowing them out of proportion. Conquistador vampires are totally underrated.
1/5. Ugly as hell and annoyingly pushed in the lore. They also don't appear to be very menacing considering how awkward they look within the setting.
2/5. I mean they're merfolk and work well in gameplay terms but they don't really stand out. A missed opportunity to expand on them like the vampires. A branching into G would've been really cool.
4/5. Fuck the people who ride them, but the dinosaurs themselves are patrician tier. A neat tribe I can get behind playing often.
I wish Merfolk were expanded on, and some more love given to the Conquistador Vamps, 2cool4school. I hope the new Vamps we see in RIX are actually good, but I doubt that.
You say that but
>Block with a dinosaur theme
>didn't spawn a dinosaur deck
Wizards are garbage at designing any tribe that aren't Slivers, Elves, Goblins and Merfolk.
Humans, Allies and Spirits are entirely incidental.
It is amazing that they have managed to make some as simple as Pirates, Dinosaurs, and Vampire Conquistadors boring and uninteresting.
considering this was in ixalan, i highly doubt it.
>servant of the conduit
>1 mana white dork for dinos
>2 mana red and green for dinos
>power creep
but it's just expensive Qasali Pridemage except it can block slighty better.
>inb4 doesn't die to Push
The entire idea of the tribe is that the enablers are the ones summoning and riding the dinosaurs. Mono dorks are always some kind of shamans or druids (or a fucking bird I guess), having a dinosaur manadork just sounds weird
It's just a shame that this completely fucks up dino matters cards
>otherwise "green isn't the creature color".
Green is the color of big creatures. Green gets more and better 5/5s than the others. White is the color that gets the most and best bears.
What matters is that Dinos are 3-power-matters.
There's a 3/4 for 1GG. A 3/3 for 2G is already above curve, a 3/4 buying that extra toughness for one more colored mana is almost negligible. That means this fucker is going to be able to crew things like Heart or Sky Sovereign or whatever boat abomination they decide to put in RIX.
I won't comment on whether that's going to beat the Energy onslaught because I don't know. But we've got a while until Kaladesh rotates. I guess we should be grateful it's not War Monk or a spider.
energy decks have 3-4 vizier of many faces in the 75 now, it doesn't really matter what creature you slam down against it
>A raptor will do whatever it's told
>Except it actually doesn't
Who writes the flavour text of these cards?
Never because it's one of the worst-selling planes alongside Kamigawa, Mercadia, and Ulgrotha.
It just didn't sell well, apparently, and they'd do anything else rather than go back because once bitten twice shy seems to be their motto
>It is amazing that they have managed to make some as simple as Pirates, Dinosaurs boring and uninteresting
Yeah, it's really strange that they could have so easily fucked it u--
>and Vampire Conquistadors
Nigga the Legion of Dusk is the tightest shit.
This. The issue is that Standard is less about playing with a tighter pool of cards from the most recent set, and more a sea of shit with islands of playable cards here and there.
Cards are either powerful, just playable enough to fit the curve, or garbage, and they're banning the powerful stuff if too many people get wise to that.
More spoilers are coming out, apparently its a short week, and they should all be out this week.
More cards coming through
Translation is something like: ~'s power amd toughness are equal to the number of different named lands you control