Which item to pick for an adventure?
>a lightsaber
>a phaser
>a Gantz suit without the weapons
>a lv 5 starter Pokemon for you to train and raise
Which item to pick for an adventure?
>a lightsaber
>a phaser
>a Gantz suit without the weapons
>a lv 5 starter Pokemon for you to train and raise
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A starter Pokemon can exceed one of if not all of the things listed if it's the right one.
Well the other things would at least train you instead.
GANTZ suit, hands down. The enhanced physical capabilities will come in handy in a number of situations besides combat, and you can always get other weapons.
How is this even a question. The starter of course. More raw power than the other options, extremely versatile and you get a bro tier pet/friend with nigh-human intellect.
The gantz suit, with the phaser coming in second. The suit gives you protection from enviromental dangers, mobility as well as giving you better combat abilities.
The phaser is ranged, so that's pretty good
>GANTS suite gets destroyed easily
>Can loose other weapons
pokemon it is
You can lose a pokeball too
Suppose it depends on th pokemon, but generally all of them have ranged and CC options.
Not if the pokemon is always out, the thing with the pokeball is that you can hide it, while with other weapons you need to be good at using it and careful enough to keep it, I mean look at how many characters died because they dropped their lightsaber.
Pokemon starter. Hands down.
>pick the Pokémon
>enemies in this universe don't give Pokémon-compatible experience points--they only give GURPS-compatible character points
>the Pokémon remains weak and useless forever
>pick the Pokémon
>it levels up
>you don't have the right badge to keep it under control at higher levels
>the Pokémon gets you killed by disobeying your commands at a critical juncture
Even untrained, a laser sword would be fantastic at dealing damage and for utility as well. Also good for defense from blasters.
>Inb4 "you'll die cause of cutting yourself in half"
It's not that hard to use a light weapon and not kill yourself if you're at least trained with rapiers or sabres
In game, only traded pokemon disobey you, gifts and wild captures do not.
This (sort of) holds in the anime as well--all of Ash's disobedient Pokemon are technically trades by lieu of "they belonged to someone else before falling into Ash's hands".
>Also good for defense from blasters.
If you have precognition.
I feel like the Pokemon would be the most fun, I have trouble meeting new people and I'd rather not be alone.
Ash has only had like four disobedient Pokemon too, and all but Charmander were already troublemakers before they came to him.
limited battery unless you happen to have access to a Gantz sphere
pretty sure neither the phaser, lightsaber, or suit will train you.
The lightsaber way too dangerous to use unless you have the rest of the Jedi powerset to prevent you from killing yourself while using it. The problem I see with the phaser is that it's only good as a weapon. A level 5 pokemon is probably liable to get killed by stray dogs. Meanwhile, the gantz suit apparently gives you superpowers. It's skintight so in order to prevent people from fucking up the caps I can just wear some other mundane armor over it
a lightsaber will get btfo by a phaser though. it's also muxh easier to use
don't phasers have a disintegrate setting? you hardly ever see them use it
>limited battery
Are you sure? From what I remember the suits only got fucked up withstanding attacks from the aliens. Without that, they could function pretty much forever.
The type 2 phaser, you can vaporize like a ton of rock per shot with that thing on the highest setting.
Phasers on kill are generally strong enough to vaporize the target. They have higher settings than that which can vaporize large amounts of stone and steel. They can also be tuned to cut, heat an object, or cause explosions on beam impact.
>GANTS suite gets destroyed easily
Yeah, that's my main gripe here, does the suit eventually repair itself after burning out?
Have you seen the aliens? Gants suit get destroyed "easily" by aliens that can shatter skulls and splat brains with a tap. Depending on the powerlevel that shit could make you invulnerable to everything but modern weaponry
Now I'm wondering what the most broken starter is.
Infernape punches at the speed of sound and burns at ludicrous fire pokemon temperatures.
Torterra is as petentially big as a fucking mountain, depending on the interpretation. It can create earthquakes and sustain you no problem.
Delphox is a magic fox with all the nonsense Psychic type gives you.
Those pop into my head straight up. Decidueye might have some fuckery with the spirits of the dead?
>neither the phaser, lightsaber, or suit will train you
Sure they will. At the very least, you become proficient in using them.
> this thread
>Implying the games don't explicitly state that you can dick your Pokemon into submission.
The pokemon is not only potentially stronger than the others, it also gives you the action economy of two people. You can pick up another weapon along the way for yourself.
The pokemon will give you the easiest growth, and that's essential in an adventure.
For the lightsaber, you'll need to be force sensitive and train that in a montage at least, while the phaser is just an equalizer and not really apt for an heroic adventure.
IDK about Gantz, tho.
which pokemon?
Poketu Monsaiyuta.
Specifically a Torchic. Torchic line kicks ass.
First, gross.
Second, gross.
>a lightsaber
You need to be a Jedi or it is very easy to cut yourself.
>a phaser
You need a power supply.
>a Gantz suit
You need to refill the liquid
>a lv 5 start Pokemon
People in the Pokemon universe aren't earth humans but instead evolved from Pokemon. It's likely that the Pokemon trainer link wouldn't work.
>You need a power supply.
It has quite a large internal power supply. It's potentially a pretty versatile tool, in addition to being a powerful weapon that you can probably use for quite a long time on the lower settings.
>People in the Pokemon universe aren't earth humans but instead evolved from Pokemon. It's likely that the Pokemon trainer link wouldn't work.
The hell?
Swiggity swek gimme dat snek
Also, reminder that Pokemon can learn to speak English, apparently fluently after overcoming an initial mental barrier.
The Phaser is probably the smart option considering the ludicrous versatility and stopping power it has, But I'd probably go with the poke, for friendship
Phaser is an early power boost that stops when the battery runs dry (original series referenced charge packs frequently to avoid "just shoot him" plotholes). A Pokemon scales with you.
Don't give a fuck about the power levels involved, give me a friend.
What is the point of not picking the lightsaber? You can just hack everything in your path to bits, including things like the pokemon.
The Pokemon so I can have a friend
Limited Battery ? Did you read the same manga as I have?
It have a limit in taking hits, more like a durability, but we saw characters stay in the suit for 3days long (or even at the start when he kept it in his room)
Do we know how many shots a type 2 phaser is capable of?
>a weapon from one of the biggest sci-fi franchises ever
>a weapon that's a staple of just about every sci-fi space-faring story
>a creature from one of the largest and most profitable phenomena on the planet
>and a suit from some weeb manga that most people these days don't even remember
One of these things is not like the others.
If you're not Force-sensitive as well, ranged opponents will fuck you up.
Saber has decent noncombat utility, though.
There is no question or debate. The starter, of course!
I'd say the most useful overall would be Charizard, mostly due to his ability to fly and carry an adult human while doing so
In terms of combat potential it breathes fire hot enough to melt boulders so no issue there and even charmander is quite useful for a start of adventure: having access to a constant source of fire is ungodly useful.
Lightsaber is just a glorified metalcutting tool for the untrained. Phaser is a destructive tool but clumsy and limited in uses. GANTZ suit will only last as long as its battery works and won't save you from being shot.
Pokemon it is!
>Pokemon world is explicitly stated to be Earth with Earth nations
>"Aren't Earth humans"
Can I petition for a symbiote from Spiderman?
>People in the Pokemon universe aren't earth humans but instead evolved from Pokemon.
Dumb Sinnoh biblethumper.
>Also, reminder that Pokemon can learn to speak English
A handful of Pokemon, mostly Legendary/Mythic. The vast majority of Pokemon are too animalistic and lack the mental capacity to learn human speech, to say nothing of the ability to form the sounds.
Most pokemon still have the capacity to understand the world around them, their place in it, and their relation to humans. Absol is a good example of that even if they have no effective way to communicate.
I'd pick turtwig so it can evolve into Torterra and i'd have a cool mount to boot
Fly, Flamethrower, Earthquake, and Hyper Beam. He is basically an unstoppable dragon I will ride out like a motherfucking Targaeryon, and destroy all who oppose me.
The gantz suit because it is an adventure into my sexuality
The Pokemon for much the same reason.
Whoa buddy I'm just into bondage, not into literal zoophilia.
Birb bro fo lyf
There's a starter for that, too.
And Pokemon don't seem to have a set intelligence level, further muddied by Mystery Dungeon. Entirely possible a Pokemon could learn some form of sign language (or do as Meowth did and actually talk) and pass the Harkness Test.
You could kill all fully evolved Pokemon with the Gantz suit.
>Implying you can kill whats already dead
Depends on the starter. An Emboar or Meganium would be toast easy, but any flyer could just keep its distance and bombard you from a range while Gredinja, Blazekin, and Surperior are all downright deadly even to an augmented human due to their abilities and individual specimens have been shown to hold their own against physical gods.
Depends on the Pokemon. Some like Rhydon are considered so stupid and animalistic that even other Pokemon see them as... well, animals, and others like Golurk and Porygon have hard-coded ranges of movement and standard examples aren't even considered sentient (but if left to operate long enough they can gain sentience as shown in Mystery Dungeon.)
Let’s do an analysis by what I know.
Depending on what starter Pokémon you pick, by this I include any basic Pokémon that have an evolution path that doesn’t require an item, you can have the means to go through pretty much a lot of things, however, what are you going to use your Pokémon to fight against is entirely up to OP and his faggotry.
No one here on Veeky Forums realistically has the skill needed to wield a lightsaber, let alone using it efficiently. This is basically a trap option set by OP.
The most realistic choice for the average Veeky Forumsfag. Has variable settings and frequencies, can be used to stun, kill and desintegrate. Is easy to use and is userfriendly. 10/10 would recommend
>the suit
I don’t know shit about the mafia from which the suit comes from, refer to other posts for more information
There is only one starter that's ghost type and it suck balls.
>starter Pokemon, meaning starter only.
In this case you can.
Probably phaser, a few cables you can do some pretty magical shit with that.
Since when does earth have the nations of Kanto or Sinnoh on it?
Pokemon regions are either regions of actual countries, or confederations that exist in place of where that country would be, it's kind of vague. Pokewood was renamed to Pokestar specifically because Hollywood already exists in the Pokemon World and was in fact explored in an earlier episode of the anime, and as recently as X and Y Euro-countries have been referenced, while Generation V references America, which could mean that Unova is either part of the US and takes the place of New York, or Unova is a sovereign country in North America separate from the US, which is confirmed to contain at least California.
Torchic, at no stage can I fuck the other three
A level 5 pokemon can breath fire user.