The party wants to genocide a whole race, what are some viable plans to achieve it? as a GM how would you go about this?
The party wants to genocide a whole race, what are some viable plans to achieve it? as a GM how would you go about this?
Make it so easy that it isnt satisfying.
>as a GM how would you go about this
I'm not GMing for shitty mini-hitlers. That's not what the game is about. Let's talk about what we actually want and find where the common ground is.
What if they're genociding an evil race then?
>Implying Hitler was bad
If Hitler had an outlet for his genocidal urges the holocaust would have never happened. This is to keep the tragedy from happening again.
First, I would need to remind them that they would require the power of the gods to undo the actions of gods, and that the will of gods being contested would lead to actions against them by gods.
As a rule of thumb gods don't want you wiping out their chosen people.
So, if they are trying to destroy the mind flayers, or drow, they may end up having some serious opposition.
Then I would send them to the far flung corners of the globe, setting them to loot various temples and holy sites where they would be forced to fight against followers of literally each of their religions of choice. Any paladin involved would fall.
Then there would be a time consuming ritual that would require a mage and cleric of a high level to study and then use the ritual.
As the ritual went on parties of adventurers sent by their gods would come to prevent this atrocity.
If they get beaten, they are made to suffer and die. Characters gone.
If they win, race wiped out and one or more gods made explicitly their enemy.
And one of the ingredients required for the ritual would be the sacrifice of an innocent child from that race.
As a PC, I've done it before. We Baleful Polymorphed Orc non-combatants into birds, rabbits and fish. They nigh-universally failed their saving throws, and lost their minds to their new forms.
Also, we created massive, industrial-scale re-education camps, where orcs were encouraged to willingly submit to the change. The trick was making the Baleful Polymorph (which we called 'the Blessed Rebirth') seem like a privilege, so they'd actively and eagerly seek it out.
This lead to farcial but really dark scenes. There were riots at the camps, because the orcs wanted to be changed FIRST. Sometimes the spell would fail to take, and they would actually return to the camps for another try at ascension.
I don't think the DM realized how evil this was. As the party's Paladin, I played this completely straight, and completely earnestly. I don't think he understood I actually wanted to utterly wipe them out as a race.
This thread reads like another of those ones where OP just wants to force a political discussion rather than discuss a game and replies to himself to that effect.
You were taking the souls of an entire evil race and sending them off to neutral planes after death. For a paladin that's as close to an epic proper job as it is possible to be.
Let's say the players want to genocide the goblins, which we regard as generally evil.
>There are fucking billions of them
Good luck.
>Some of them are integrated into society and have noble friends
So no support from your homeland for your project.
>Let's say I rise to the power of kingship and make laws to outlaw and persecute goblins
First you'd have to run massive propaganda campaigns. Possible I guess as most of the kingdoms regard them as enemies in general anyway, but it'll take some organized effort to convince your vassals than their trusted retainers need to die for no reason.
Then you'd be challenged. Your vassals don't like when you try to suggest their retainers need to die because you feel like it. And yeah, your vassals are not against the idea of taking your place or declaring independance. If it oilspills, you lost everything you have and condamned everyone.
Then if you succeed in wiping out the good ones, you'd have successfully managed to divert ressources from the war effort into weakening your country. And the evil goblins are still at the fucking door, there are still billions of them, and while they are very happy you slain your own men, they will still come and buttfuck your wife.
I'd just go by nethack rules and say it's extinct after they meet 120 of them.
>cast spells that tracks nearest X race
>kill it
In WFRP there's a ritual to make everyone within a specific bloodline sterile.
Have a quest to find/resurrect the progenitor of the race, and do it.
And don't tell the players that if they fail any of the rolls involved in the ritual, or they fuck up any of the preparations the ritual instead makes the caster and his entire bloodline sterile.
How about an all out approach that includes active killing, manipulating kingdoms to go on war with them and try to be the middle man that sells that race cursed weapons/potions? Nobody will go against the party if they're appearing as friends to related nobles.
Boring as fuck, just let them do what they want. It is as much their game as yours to play.
If they want to do it, give them the means to do it, even if it is hard.
You could make it so they have to be at least level 20 magic and clerical players, a mix of 2 of each, in order to do the job. But let them do the job.
Otherwise, who is the real Hitler here?
Don't pretend you've ever GM'd in your life. Nobody that narrow minded would ever make a good GM.
>t. GM that just gets butthurt and passive aggressive like a child instead of just saying no
Wow you really taught them a lesson. The lesson being that you should never GM.
And you don't think global genocide should be difficult? Dangerous?
Were you hoping for a cakewalk down candy lane?
Let them find out faggot.. yes maybe you don't like the idea but come on. Be better then petty cockery
>> Party wants to wipe out all Elves, not Drow, not High Elves, not cannibalistic Wild Elves... all Elves.
>> Party goes to great Oracle. Tells them there are three ways to go about it. The hands of the Self, the Hands of the Nation, the Hands of the Gods.
>> Self is literally going around killing every dirty stinking Elf manually. Time consuming and satisfying but hard work. Probably impossible to do.
>> Nation is leading a nation to war with every Elf nation, one at a time. Highly profitable. Relatively easy to do.
>> Gods requires the power of a Warlock, a Sorcerer, a Cleric of Darkness, a Cleric of Light, a powerful relic of the god or demon responsible for creating the race, and the blood of a virgin of that race. Practically impossible to do because the four are rare to work together on anything and they are as likely to kill each other as not.
>> Oracle tells them a little of all three is probably best, Nation leads into Self, Self allows for Gods.
But that's too easy user, genociding a race or two should be a quest of epic scale
Did they do it tho? I mean you can stealth kill all elves in a region using all kind of ways, magic and traps will be useful, then wait for rumors to spread which may lead to elves attacking the region thinking it's the people there that does this, make more traps and kill them, preferably have an alchemist that can make a disease that kills only elves.
I mean a setting were the party literally kill everything that isn't human and succeeding thus leading to our own world wouldn't be a bad idea, but gods need to stay away
It should be difficult in a way that makes sense, not in a way that's explicitly designed to punish.
>purging the entire Kender race
>a bad thing
Not every genocide is against elves.
>> Purging the entire Kender Race
Easy enough if you mass produce a puzzle that slowly releases a poison that will eventually kill anyone that uses it. Kender would be unable to help themselves, make rubix cubes.
This may be a shit thread, but ironically this is the canonical origin story for GURPS Fantasy.
The Elves attempted a genocidal spell to Remove Orcs from Yrth, but fucked it up causing Humans and other races to gate in from other dimensions and ruin everything.
So if OP's question is even real, the proper way to handle the PC's quest is have it backfire spectacularly. Unless, that is, you want to have a pro-genocide narrative, in which case you make it the macguffin of the whole campaign and never speak of it with anyone normal ever.
>>This may be a shit thread
Nah man, this is a legit goal. Not any different from establishing a kingdom or reclaiming a lost dwarven city.
Nothing wrong with the players deciding that they want to eliminate all the Frost Giants of the realm. Or killing all the Oni. Or putting a permanent end to the Orcs.
These are legitimately the actions of a good party that seeks to end the suffering of innocents.
I don't know why Veeky Forums think that causing the genocide of a race is "lol so edgy xD" in a fantasy setting were evil is evil and not some grey morality.
As for me I enjoy affecting a world on a large scale and entering history as not the heroic party that won a battle, but a legendary party that made a huge chance, It's not like being a murderhobo is anything new either.
So, have them take up art?
"Good Triumps Over All," is a motto/slogan/chant my 3 paladins and a cleric party used to use.
They literally killed any evil monster, any evil character, any criminal.
They were fixed in their moral outstandingness.
Had they ever decided to kill every single Tiefling in the plane, I'd be with them 270 percent. I'd be so there I would have been holding their hands how to find out how to do it.
I would have made it hard, but what action of glory isn't hard? What great feat does not require effort? I would have made them suffer for the goal they had set.
I would have been devil's advocate a lot, but I would have had their backs all the way.
They never thought of it though, kinda a shame. I would have liked to see my guardians of the plane take out more than just some evil king and a giant.
>The party
There are no party in medieval setting because no one run for presidency. There are however interest groups, which are delimited between regional noble lines.
Playing the court game would imply joining one of those groups elbowing your way into supressing the goblins you want to eliminate (good luck) then using your reduced force to outcompete your oposition, still intact.
Laws of probability are tilted against you, heavily.
Depends on the time period.
Genocide of a people is actually quite doable in Bronze Age and even early medieval periods.
Assuming they haven't just fucking spread everywhere.
It also depends how and why you do it.
Nomads are obviously harder to kill than farmers, but only up to a point.
The real impediment is figuring out where those people could have spread and defining what exactly they want to eradicate.
Overall, you'd need a couple of sizeable armies.
The thing is, you first need to decide on your approach:
Conquer them and make sure to replace their government, but otherwise not mistreat them.
And you start making travel between cities and villages illegal except for sanctioned merchants.
You can then move around with one army and just execute village after village until they're all gone.
Spread plagues and harass their trade network. Even a relatively small army (if you're immune to the plague) can go about killing loads of people. You won't get them all, many will go into hiding, etc. You'd need to do another army sweep to get survivors in 10 years OR you can leave behind spies, but that's already rather expensive.
Depends on the setting
Depends on how large a group we're talking about here.
For a smaller group, I'd suggest the ISIS model where you just get a bunch of people who hate them, round them up, and start killing/raping them.
For a medium sized group, go with the Turkish model where you round them up and exile them somewhere where they have very little chance of surviving.
For large groups, introduce communism and let nature just work itself out.
You got me to check Banestorm, man that history is pretty weird and elves fucked shit up, but I think using a high level spell to solve racial problems is too lazy for my taste, I prefer a more tactical approach or a brutal one if that's the only way.
I vaguely remember a screencap of this, does anyone have it?
Just encourage feminism while also instituting a welfare state and unrestricted mass immigration.
They get to have a bad time.
never heard this one before
That's bullshit, the GM isn't the players' slave and has no obligation to keep putting all that work into a game he doesn't want to run.
forgot to link
If the players really wanna do it not for being edgelords, but because it makes sense in their characters mind, then I would let them try.
I would make it clear that this is an incredibly evil act and I would include some really ugly scenes. In a fantasy setting, I would also damn their souls to hell or whatever equivalent exists.
But if this is the kind of characters they want to play, then okay. Evil characters can be interesting, if the players do them in a mature way.
One more thing:
I mostly play with my friends and we know each other and our playstyles for years.
I would not attempt to GM such a campaign for random dudes. The risk of edgelords is way to high.
The GM shouldn't railroad the players, he's basically the story engine and should allow freedom, this is not a fucking video game where you can't do stuff that aren't hardcoded in it, do you think killing some bad orcs in the area is better than solving the problem from its root? not to mention a world after such a big event will develop in many interesting ways that forces the GM to innovate and let his imagination go wild.
Why would it count as an evil act unless you're eliminating a good race which only an evil PC would attempt anyway
How did they roll for all that shit tho
>purging the entire Kender race
This pleases me. #kenderlivesdontmatter
>boohoo muh poor gms
IF they had to roll (and didn't roleplay passionately) there would potentially be diplomacy or bluff checks. Either than that it was probably either made up or roleplayed heavily.
In a world full of gods this makes perfect sense.
Global actions have global consequences.
The easiest way would be to use biological warfare in most cases. Killing them until they can't repopulate is possible, but not really viable for a small party unless this race only numbers a bit over a thousands and we're talking about either a large tech discrepency (they're spearchuckers while the party has tanks - anything less and attriton is bound to get you before it gets them) or the party are D&D-type walking demigods. I like to call this the "passenger pigeon" method, in which you just keep shooting pidgeons until there are no more.
Drow would be relatively easy to extinguish, you basically just need to kill Lolth and their society will collapse, then you just track down their weakened survivors and rogue drows
The best part is that both Drows and Lolth have burned all their fucking bridges, even other evil races like Illithids, evil gods and demon lord want them gone and wouldnt raise a finger to help them
Except maybe Ghaunadaur because hes a beta orbiter and he will take any chance to make Lolth like him
>what are some viable plans to achieve it?
Most genocides where you just try to hit every one of them with a stick or a bullet or Zyklon B don't work out too well. To truly destroy an entire race you need to play 4D chess. You need to be both the tyrant and the liberator. This is how you go about it.
>False flag some evil tyrant/government/group/syndicate that wants to exterminate the target race
>Have the PCs present themselves as helpful saviors, who even fight the "enemy" at times and wish to evacuate them all
>When the situation is truly dire (and the "enemy" has exterminated enough of the target race to be worrying) present a radical alternative: ship them to safe lands overseas
>There are however no safe lands overseas
>Only extermination camps
>Nobody figures this out until it's too late because dead elves tell no tales
The best part is that the target race will actively sign up for your extermination camps because they think they'll be better than the "enemy's" extermination camps.
>Not punishing players for causing global scale catastrophes and for making nearly everyone hate them
Depends on the race, I suppose.
> Some automata or golems
It's possible and as easy/hard as destroying all the means of their reproduction.
> Ancients, once prosperous, now declined
It's either so easy it isn't even funny - just find all 123 of them left in the world and kill them - or possible but hard - go ahead try to kill those chtonic demigods one of which can almost match the whole party, and two might cause a TPK.
> Undead
Depends on the source of undead - probably quite hard, and they'd need an army to support them - but they'd get it anyway.
> Orcs, elves, any other prosperous and commonly found race
Destroying a country of them - possible if you have an army, or some really powerful magic, or a good spy network AND some powerful magic. Destroying a whole race - pretty much impossible for a mortal, or a party of mortals, or an army of mortals.
>Destroying a country of them - possible if you have an army, or some really powerful magic, or a good spy network AND some powerful magic. Destroying a whole race - pretty much impossible for a mortal, or a party of mortals, or an army of mortals.
But user, non-human races are allowed to have only one country and one culture, so surely it isn't the same as genociding them all?
You don't. You offer consequences for causing a global catastrophe in a way that makes sense within the setting, like making nearly everyone hate them. If you feel the need to "punish" a player, then it's something that should be discussed out-of-game instead.
Bad GM.
If your friends agree on something that sounds fun to them you're a little shit for just saying "no".
Not a shit thread, I just got an idea for my next bbeg. Wants to wipe out a race, uses political and magical trickery along with some favors from a demon to genocide all elves whilst remaining in the good graces of noble houses.
Party's ultimate quest is to stop him using clandestine ops due to the political nature of the bbeg. Quests include stopping forces attacking elven cities, thwaring Virgin sacrifices attacking possibly recruiting an opposing demon lord or a deity's help.
There are other settings than Clichaea, you know. Any way, if your race has only one country and one culture, if you genocide them, there will be refugees - Aangs, Conans, Gokus, and so on. But then they are more of the Ancients category.
>not helping him to wipe out all the knife ears
>The party wants to genocide a whole race,
Happy camps.