>his game doesn't have an adventurers' guild
His game doesn't have an adventurers' guild
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, we get it, you hate adventurer guilds, and you got BTFO. Fuck off.
But when a different user posts and it's okay?
The real world had adventurer's societies an the like, I don't see why I wouldn't have one or two in my game.
Shitposting ironically is still shitposting.
>Same-fagging three different threads
It must be sad being you, especially when everyone is leaving for New Year celebration
You realize the ones that existed in the real world were totally different from the "hey, the goblins are getting uppity so go wipe out this village" adventure guilds that are discussed in these threads, right?
Real world also doesn't have goblins.
yeah it does, they're just black.
I would rather have a monster hunter guild.
I am now imagining an adventurer's guild deep in the heart of Russia which goes around dispersing Romanian camps whenever they pop up in the Oblast.
"Privet adventurers. There has been reports of stolen horses, bicycles and sightings of Romanians have been made in this forest. Few days ago, there was a stabbing incident as well. We need you filthy gopniks to head out and investigate the forest.
For your troubles, there's five liters of vodka, a 1,5kg bag of Semechki and a thousand rubles for you and you can keep any Adidas brand clothes they have on them."
>prostitutes organize themselves in a sluts guild
You would only have adventurer guilds if for some reason the army or the local militia couldn't deal with the monsters
Is this some kind of new shitty meme?
It was recently discovered that half of Veeky Forums starts crying and shitting its pants if you mention adventurer's guilds.
No one is really sure why.
Hey, if you go to Oldtown with money in your pocket you'll have a good time, just don't get saucy or a skankass hoe ninja will kill you with a swastika shuriken.
At least wait for your first shitty bait thread to fall off the board before starting an almost identical one.
>adventurers' guild
>tfw a thread died for this
It's actually 3 threads, this should be spam at this point
Now, now, let's be fair. It's closer to a third of the board that cries and shits pants. A third of the board violently insists that adventurer's guilds as portrayed in various media are acceptable and even desirable. The final third actually discusses and debates the issue, with a roughly 50% split on "for" vs "against."
>an adventurer guild died for this
Oh the humanity
Than you either make one if you want it so bad, or you don't care enough about having one to do anything other than bitch about it.
I bet you let your players play Aaracokra or some gay shit, don't you
But that's 100% realistic. Wouldn't prostitutes want to govern themselves rather than being pushed around by a pimp?
You know pimps earn their money by protecting sluts, right? If women really benefited from selling themselves independently, they would've done so a long time ago. Professionally, I mean.
>Wouldn't prostitutes want to govern themselves
Are you saying they should seize the means of reproduction?
Came here to post these, good job user.
I want to watch smug anime girls roast eachother over trivial differences in opinion!
Can somebody give me a quick rundown on this hot and buttery adventurers guild meme?
Smug anime girls are the pinnacle of communication
I dont need government to loot dragon hoard. Begone bureaucrat!
>adventurers’ guild has to be run by the government
Your lack of imagination is disgusting
>real world had adventurers guilds
Child, stay on the topic of discussion.
Source on your stats.
Go to the archives and look up adventurers guild.
You will be caught up.
>an adventurer's guild isn't a government
You have no idea what you are talking about.
My guess he is referencing hunting lodges and such. Really just country clubs in many ways with a few people who maybe go out and do stuff.
Likely terms like 'associations' would be more accurate.
An adventurers’ guild doesn’t have to be a part of a government, this may be a bad example, but in the Deadpool movie, Wade goes to this bar where a bunch of other hired arms go to meet up and hangout; something similar can be done in almost any setting
There are tons of ways this cliche can be utilized, but in all honesty, it's a really cool idea used really badly most of the time
I feel like this would be the sort of thing that would naturally organize.
Is it okay to rape the receptionist?
depends on your skin color
I ran a game with an Adventurers’ Guild, once. It existed only in one city.
I was running a campaign somewhere between Gulliver’s Travels and a saturday morning cartoon, set on an archipelago. Different islands were satirical representations of different facets of society. The city with the Adventurers Guild was meant to represent excessive bureaucracy. The main quest for that island was mostly comedic running-back-and-forth ducking between red tape to save the Doge’s daughter.
Fuck, I miss that group. English majors are fucking weird sometimes, but I could do fun, clever shit and they would understand it. And they would go a level deeper.
Adventurers' Guilds are basically HOAs for people. They're fucking awful, take a piece of your money, and limit what you're allowed to do.
Fuck 'em. Settings are better off without them.
her adventurers' guild doesn't have a game
I want to do to them what Americans and Russians did to Germans in WWII.
le 56% face
No, it does. Even has a really cool guild master
Can I join your game?
Aren't mercenary companies basically adventurer's guilds?
Or mead halls like the Companions in Skyrim?
The adventure guild theme is a superior way to play D&D and I have every D&D campaign should have one.
I'm new to Veeky Forums, can someone explain to me why adventure guilds are so hated around here?
Because the concept is used in anime and they hate anime.
Because it's a dumb concept that requires a whole slew of convoluted logic or handwaving to support.
Dude just turn off your brain it's fantasy lmao
>this movie that completely values style over substance does this concept, so I can copy it to my TTRPG where the substance is far more important because it's the part my players directly interact with.
Explain please?
The hate is a meme, by this point; the original thing people took issue with was the overly-bureaucratic nature of guilds which directly contravened hte whole point of, you know, adventuring. The fact that adventuring guilds are used so often in poorly-written Isekai didn’t help the point, given the deep polarization on this board either pro-or-anti-anime
Rat-catchers would be a better approximation in such a situation.
I also think I'm better than people who disagree with me.
What part of that do you not understand?
A few reasons, all of them -- I'm sure -- a result of their poor execution, rather than inherent badness. Firstly, it seems ridiculously game-like, artificial, and generally forced, which takes a lot away from the world. Secondly, it gives the GM a really easy way to explain why the players are doing something -- which results in the GM foregoing better hooks which play on each character's personality and histories.
Thirdly, in my case, it just makes me think of bad anime. I didn't say these reasons were going to be particularly rational.
You don't know much about women do you?
Have you ever spoken to a woman you aren’t related to?
>It's a stupid concept, what part of that you don't understand?
Can't even give one valid reason not to use it.
if it's legal there, then yeah they would
those never matter in any fantasty setting
The idea of a guild for adventurers misses why and how guilds worked in the first place, and is totally out of place in a not-Middle-Ages fantasy setting. Furthermore, it raises serious questions about how adventuring works in society, necessitating either extraneous world-building to explain it away and make it reasonable, or otherwise stretching the suspension of disbelief
Well no shit. There wouldn't be adventurers at all if the local militia could deal with the monsters.
It was probably a 40k fan character smut thread, we're better off.
Then why is there a local militia/army at all if they can't deal with threats? How does the local government of any form execute force at all if it is that impotent?
You can at least fap to those.
Yeah, and if you call them a mercenary company nobody freaks out about it. People are just autistically opposed to the words 'adventurers guild'
Because a peasant militia can oppress peasants. See in most fantasy worlds as shown, the only logical way for society to function is to have the people that can kill dragons and liches and shit in charge. They marry off their children to other people who kill dragons to stop them from just taking over by force. When you go to war, you send your big heroes to kill their big heroes and then you've pretty much won. But then you can't use those guys to force peasants to pay their taxes, you need to use your army to hold the land and drive off minor threats like bandits and goblins.
I came to this thread angry about adventurer's guilds, but then I saw this, laughed out loud, and cheered up immensely.
Well done, user, 10/10, got me to stop, read, laugh, and become a better person.
As with most things related to trying to craft a "believable" fantasy world, most of this actually came up in Maoyu Mao Yusha, more or less.
Maoyu should be required viewing for Veeky Forums.
And hey, if I recall correctly, there isn't an a single Adventurers' Guild in sight in Maoyu! Bonus!
>There is this this cool idea I like
>In my setting I'm going to call it something completely different, that carries completely different associations
>Why doesn't everybody instantly recognize I mean something completely different, when I say something?
I don't get what's so completely different. Maybe because I only watch casual mode amine (read: whatever is on adult swim) I don't have the spergy hate boner for adventurers guilds, but it's pretty simple. Like one mercenary company gets paid to kill regular dudes with regular spears and shit, and another gets paid to kill weird monsters and shit with highly advanced and deadly weaponry and powers. What's the problem?
The point of a guild (or a union) is to allow its members to engage in collective bargaining with their collective employers. For example: Without a guild, an adventuring party has no recourse if the government hires it for a job and then refuses to pay it afterward. What can a single adventuring party do against the king? However, if an entire guild of adventurers refuses to serve, or even attacks, the kingdom because of a wrong perpetrated against one of its members, the king must take notice.
However, this assumes that most or all adventures are commissioned by just a few big buyers whom a single gypped adventuring party can't meaningfully stand up to, and that depends on the setting. In many fantasy settings, most adventures are paid for by random peasants or merchants--and an adventurer obviously needs no guild protection against such people.
I don't get it either, and I think you've hit why on the nose. I haven't read enough isekai trash to hate it.
>But then you can't use those guys to force peasants to pay their taxes
why not?
Either the heroes can suppress peasant as well or the threats heroes face can be faced by a militia as well.
Mercenaries are traditionally only supplemental forces for an existing army, not intended to entirely take on the role of army; they are supplemental forces, not a main force. A nation does not depend upon mercenaries to regularly perform specific tasks over and over again; it uses its army for that purpose.
The one time in history that this happened was Renaissance Italy, where the City-States there would hire mercenaries to fight other City-States, who hired mercenaries themselves. The mercenary companies came up with these elaborate rules for combat with each other; entire battles would be "fought" without a single person dying, and of course mercenaries, being loyal only to a paycheck, would frequently desert if the situation was deemed to be not worth the money.
The Italian City-States and their mercenaries crumbled at the first touch of reality, "reality" here being defined as the French, when Charles the Something decided that he wanted Italy (there were more complex issues involved, but I'm using hyperbole for effect here) and conquered most of the peninsula with chalk, his armies marching unopposed because the mercenaries deserted in roves before his actual army, so all Charles had to do was write his name on walls to show that he now owned the place.
Basically, mercenaries are only useful when they're fighting something less powerful than them. Against something of equal power, they're more likely to negotiate with them and settle matters with rock-paper-scissors than a fight. Against something that even APPEARS more powerful, they scatter, since they have nothing personal invested in their charge (unlike, say, a citizen militia, who is defending their homeland; or a member of the Crown's army, who is fighting out of loyalty and devotion to the Crown)
This is drastically different from what Adventurers' Guilds are portrayed as in literally every single way.
while I agree an adventurers guild is mostly fine
there's no reason a mercenary company can't get great weapons too and kill monsters for for money so why are they both around?
> What can a single adventuring party do against the king?
Fucking newfags, every single one of you.
Not to mention this suggests that you've never even read the Pied Piper of Hamelin...
Are guilds the historical/fantasy equivalent of megacorps?
The king would also need to be stupid to allow the guild to form for precisely the reasons you mentioned, at least with the "zero to hero", "rags to riches" approach a lot of settings assume. It can turn to a serious disruption to the social order if The Lowborn Murderhobo Club gets actual political pull and power
>highly advanced and deadly weaponry and powers
the more highly advanced your weaponry, the higher the upkeep. You reach the point where a private group can no longer afford such measures. For example, you don't see Blackwater fielding Aircraft Carriers or ICBMs.
If High Level Threats are instead countered by High Level Individuals, again a Government-like structure can offer much better rewards than a private organization that relies on outside payment in cash only.
Not really, they're somewhere between a labor union and a secret society. Also, depending on your setting's rough time period, an analogue may not be needed. The east india company already existed by the 17th century
No. Megacorps actually make sense because those actually do something where monopolization is not only possible but probable, unite so much utility in them that "slitting throats at night" is no longer an adequate option to deal with them and generally wield influence and react to threats in a logical manner.
The EITC actually did trading though, which justified the overhead and political clout they wielded.
For a better example, look at the Knightly Orders and what happened to them when they pissed off the state.
No, the British East India Company and whoever was responsible for the tea in China is the equivalent of a megacorp. In terms of the themes of cyperpunk (without the specific aesthetics), Earth actually hit peak cyberpunk during their reign in India and the Opium Wars in the 1700s and 1800s.
You, sir, are correct. A good example of something like this happening would be the Mamelukes of Egypt.
I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Look, has a pretty solid idea of what a guild is. Now I have never seen any adventuring guild actually doing anything resembling protecting its members against their employers. So why the fuck do you call it a guild? (And as pointed out adventurers don't really need protection from the state anyway, so an adventuring guild is kind of a retarded phrase anyway.)
>Now I have never seen any adventuring guild actually doing anything resembling protecting its members against their employers
Frequently in fact the Guild comes across AS the employers, which is a whole other level of weirdness.
But mercenaries won't try to kill monsters if it can put up a fight.
>his game doesn't have a club the party just chills at
el monstruo...