>Epic is an old specialist game from GW that was discontinued years ago, since then the community has taken over. Recently there have been rumors of FW releasing new Adeptus Titanicus rules soonish in early 2018. >>Where do I get the rules? >tp.net-armageddon.org/ >It's based off of the Epic Armageddon rule set, otherwise known as Epic 4th Ed, with some minor changes and new army lists. You can find the Epic30k supplement at www.epicau.com >>Where do I get those fan made minis that show up everywhere? >You go on any of the Facebook groups for Epic and lurk. Eventually ask politely if anyone has them for sale or trade and you might get a PM from someone who has contact info. Asking outright as your first message in any of these places will get you ignored. >>Where else can I get miniatures? >There is a lot of old epic stuff on Ebay and some manufacturers produce good proxies, like vanguardminiatures.co.uk/ and www.onslaughtminis.com. >>What's the game like? >Players alternate using parts of their armies called formations rather than moving and fighting with their entire force. Morale and fatigue is represented by giving “Blast Markers” to a formation when something bad happens to it, which gradually makes it less effective and stops more and more units in the formation from acting until they rally. The scale makes units with longer range weapons or high movement speed stand out more, makes maneuvering more important and allows for the use of many units that are super heavy or above in Warhammer 40 000, such as baneblades, fliers, knights and even titans. While still keeping regular tanks and infantry relevant and effective.The new 30k stuff is also great, thought development is apparently dead. >Discord: discord.gg/umzjwDG >Only rules are don’t be a dick or ask people for Caster/Recaster info. You will be banned.
just started my first epic mini from resin santa. fucked up by not undercoating then drybrushing first, also used wrong shade but im getting better
Elijah Jackson
Just posting what I've been able to collect so far. I'll need at least to armys to demonstrate the game at my FLGS. I'm thinking Imperial Guard and Orks.
Josiah Morgan
If Adeptus Titanicus gets released we should mass email FW and GW telling them that we're only buying the models to use as proxys in Epic proper.
Christopher Kelly
that exactly what ill be doing
Brayden Ramirez
I look forward to seeing the army painted and assembled, keep us posted and don't forget about the discord....
David Hernandez
That is a solid start and orks vs guard are good armies to learn the game with.
Ayden Watson
Is there a skitarii army in this game?
Lucas Hernandez
Has anyone done solar aux models yet?
Jonathan Anderson
any tips for painting? doing the white then nuln oil then white dry brush but thats not working for the tanks. worked for the line troops though
Julian Cox
can someone link the discord? the link in the OP takes me to a room with no text or audio chanels
Hoping to paint them up as Night Lords soon. Waiting till the freezing whether(In Texas of all places) dies down before I can prime them.
Caleb Cox
Adrian Cox
Lucas Price
Leo Jenkins
Benjamin Scott
Jason Jones
Wyatt King
Not a very good photo, but I am waiting for my bases from vanguard minis to base them. 15 stands in total.
Chase Reed
Also got 5 stands of terminators, once again waiting on bases. Planning to break them up into 6 stands with the extra one just having most of the command.
Elijah Fisher
6 Rapiers with full crew. Haven't even tried to clean them up yet since I haven't decided what I'm basing them on.
Charles Jackson
Last but not least, 3 leviathan dreds. Haven't assembled them yet as I am figuring out how to base them and what weapons to give each.
But that's pretty much the whole force. Added it up and it should be 4,250 points in all which is great. Shout out to the user who made this possible!
Ethan Campbell
There’s AdMech and mechanicum for 30k.
is Mechanicum.
Cooper Lopez
Nah models are gonna be too fucking big. I ain’t buying shit from FW.
Wyatt Hernandez
Just vehicles.
Easton Wilson
I like Ulthuan Gray as the basecoat instead of white, and I’d try to lighten the Nuln Oil with some random washes to get some gray and brown in it.
Juan Morris
Wish resin Santa would deliver to Europe, these all look awesome