Wow. It's actually decent. Whooda thunk it?
Wow. It's actually decent. Whooda thunk it?
>+1 incremental advantage
>-3 removal
>ultimate end the game
wow, look at all this design space that planeswalkers have...
Draft chaff.
I have to say, I'm not a fan of the new spoiler strategy. Quit spoiling shitty commons along with the splashy cool stuff please. It's really underwhelming and has the opposite of it's intended effect.
You're not wrong.
On a side note, why does wizards continually design shitty legends that interact poorly with the format for legends, EDH?
Definitely was part of the reason that killed my interest in the game.
To be honest i like seeing the chaff because i love prerelease. I am sure others like it to get a feel of the set and its art. But i guess they could just dump it all at the end of the spoilers.
For me it was Standard sets are so fucking predictable now. There's almost no variation in meta.
Even LEAKS are curving!
>playing standard
>That art
I must say, even though Ixalan block has some shitty powerlevel, the art is at least nice
>Above curve creature with removal stapled on
Pretty Good
But user, you need 2 forests to play it and it can't block River darter!
Oh look, another card to throw into my Neheb pile of junk. Feels really checklisty man.
Cards aren't even out yet and they are already curling.
Is this the new meaning of mana curve?
I'll find someway to jam it into my mediocre minotaur commander deck.
Unironically and truly this. Planeswalkers really have very little design space versus most card types. And theyre obligated to make new ones every single set. Theres a reason thry only originally planned to do then as needed
Better than the G/W uncommon in the first half of this block, for sure.
If you like Pauper its fun to see various rarities throughout spoiler season. Even if they are shit.
meanwhile still basing itself of of the card...
Tried making a G/W big butt deck and found if you lost the brontodon too much, there is 0 ways to get it back, nice to see the staple card get some recall.
G/W pseudo thing is big butts and with brontodon, makes the butts the power.
Allows to get staple card if you did this deck type.
Dusk//Dawn Dawn portion brings it back >_>
Recursion recursion
if there was a card that added any type to your opponents, that would be pretty cool XD
I'm gonna go back to sleep, wake me up when we're in Dominaria.
No it isn't
Because cutting off design space for legendary creatures for the sake of a single position in a single format is fucking retarded, especially when said format already gets a dedicated yearly release. You can run shit in the 99. You can run it in non-EDH. You can suck it up and play it as the general and figure out how to get it to work anyways.
Not everything is for EDH. Deal with it.
And I say this with EDH being my preferred format
>theyre obligated to make new ones every single set
Or, you know, just reprint the old ones.
>not shit
Nice try.