Is he the strongest fictional vampire
His stats are : You Lose
Is he the strongest fictional vampire
His stats are : You Lose
No, Dracula is.
My Abyssal Exalted stats are: No U
Hard to say how he'd compare to some of the higher end weeb shit out there.
these are the same being at different ages
Weeb shit will always be excluded from these sorts of comparisons, because the power levels of weeb characters will always be exactly what the creator wants just to fill whatever gag or plot device they need to. Oh, this character dropped an entire planet on another for comedic effect? Nope, that's totally indicative of the character's really strength.
Are archmages considered weeb shit
>the power levels of weeb characters will always be exactly what the creator wants
That's literally Caine's stat block.
Can only take plot device so far, user.
Does he have an actual stat block user? or is he, like elmininster written as author wank?
I know you said no weebshit, but this is pretty much the only thing that compares, as far as Vampires are concerned
Apparently not strong enough to kill this guy
I'm fairly certain pic related is stronger. There might also be some manner of vampire-like SCP that's even stronger if I'm remembering right.
Game Over is his official stat block. Even besides ancient powers and Disciplines Caine has Sevenfold Curse upon him and can cancel Disciplines used by others.
mostly likely this
>4th Generation
>1st Generation
I think you're a bit off
A Solar Exalt fresh out of character creation could defeat this...
Step it up senpai.
The trick with Caine isn't really being stronger than Caine. That's difficult but it can be done. The trick with Caine is being stronger than the God of Abraham so you can keep him dead.
the lady of pain wins, because she has no stats, because her creators recognized to be statted is to die.
2e Exalts maybe. Not enough information to say. NWoD Archmasters are a good deal more powerful than the aforementioned- at least in potential.
archmages are outliers should be excluded from
They were made by mary sues for mary sues
and everybody hates them
>Dracula only exists in WoD
A 2 essence Solar Exalt fresh out of exaltation? Nah m8, even with wild minmaxing. Be fair to the numbers, that guy is at least as strong as a mid-tier Lunar when in battle form.
The novel character was also much weaker than Caine, what's your point?
>the most credible Dracula is the stoker one
>Can only take plot device so far, user.
So he is an anime MC?
Not sure if nakama power exists in WoD, user
What happens when two beings without statblocks fight?
Whatever the GM thinks would be the best for the story
Why didn't he just consume it then?
God is specifically stronger than the lady of pain, being an representation of the GM.
The lady of pain is just an aeon, the living core of a plane or idea (the very concept of alignments is a aeon, he forms the outer (or aligned) planes)
But yea, she could probably beat Caine, even though Caine is blessed (or cursed) by God.
Except Caine's sheet specifically says "you lose"
She can't really do anything
Caine does whatever the ST needs done. Lady of Pain does whatever the DM needs done. The winner is whichever one would work for the story the GM wants to tell. Arguments about either of them getting in a fight with x thing are silly because of this.
Someone post the comic book fights video for me
You can always apply logic. In which case the Lady of Pain is effectively a God whilst Caine can't really do anything beyond Earth.
The few times Caine showed up he was kind of a less than impressive bitch.
>Dracula is the only famous vampire he knows, so he desperately tries to make him stronger than he is.
I know the one you're talking of, the "strongest in the world on" but I can't find it
Are you saying he isn't? You can't be, no one could be that dumb right?
An argument could be made for Vlad III, but that doesn't exactly help in any hypothetical fight match up.
Yeah this one seems pretty tough to beat. I can't think of any sort of SCP vampire, that could be in this class though. SCPs of that level usually don't get much description.
Probably because there are countless iterations of Dracula throughout fiction. Caine wasn't even a vampire in the Bible. So I guess you're both retarded.
Well, if you reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyy stretch it, 3125 could almost be considered a "Vampire". What with it converting people into its thralls, destroying their original personalities, and it being a horrendously parasitic entity that feasts upon something intrinsic to life as we know it (in Its case, Thoughts/Consciousness overall instead of Blood).
Lengthy internet dispute.
Oh, yeah, there are a ton of vampire-like SCPs, I just mean reality ending trans universal ones.
Mandrakk and the Thought Robot are monstrous. Only concept controllers, ability mimickers or author authorities can match them.
Or omnipotents
Probably mosquitoes are the stronger vampires. If they work together I mean. Imagine how many mosquitoes there are in the entire world. Now imagine all of them flying in the same point at once applying full pressure to that single point.
It could even kill Jesus
Pretty sure the first user means this
All the other replies to your comment at the same time in different places.
Most omnipotent beings are too low level since both Mandrak and Superman Thought Robot are actively able to break the fourth wall. Hell, if he wanted too Superman Thought Robot probably could have pulled the reader into the comic.
You're just lucky he didn't want too.
Bram Stoker's Dracula was the first, and the one who inspired all the others, so yeah he is the most credible.
The OG omnipotent in DC is already exactly that, user. It's called the Primal Monitor. Same goes for practically any other omnipotent, hence omnipotence.
Except saying you -have- to use Stoker's Dracula over all others in an argument is a bit retarded, user
I guess Caine is just a silly pleb human, all things considered.
Nah that's fictional omnipotence, not authorial omnipotence, and even authorial omnipotence isn't equal to superman thought robot/Mandrak. Superman Thought Robot/Mandrak is above DC editors. He's omnipotent in our universe too.
Omnipotence is the capability to do whatever the fuck you want. This includes doing anything both Mandrakk and the Thought Robot can pull off.
>fictional omnipotence
That would be The Presence
>authorial omnipotence
Yup. Primal Monitor. Literally being based on the eyes of the reader. AKA us.
You know the sheet that says that is a joke sheet not a real one right?
Mandrakk is a High 1-B tier character, while the Primal Monitor is a High 1-A.
>Omnipotence is the capability to do whatever the fuck you want. This includes doing anything both Mandrakk and the Thought Robot can pull off.
Then why are Mandrak and Thought Robot above every previous and following omnipotent mentioned in comics and also real life?
>Yup. Primal Monitor. Literally being based on the eyes of the reader. AKA us.
Superman Thought Robot is omnipotent to us. He's not based on us. We do not control him. He is too powerful.
Wrong reply. Fuck me.
The Thought Robot is living plot armor. You only need Author Authority, Concept Control or the power of perfect duplication to beat him.
Omnipotents, by default of its definition, can do this. You're either a biased mongoloid or merely pretending to be retarded.
That's not a being that's a setting. That's just the concept of existence as an idea.
Also, Mandrak is probably weaker than that but wasn't Superman Thought Robot able to rewrite it and reconstruct it?
The Primal Monitor is the living amalgam of the DC universe, other fictional universes(which just slams into other "I AM fiction!" characters) and our own.
I guess you could say it's a *living* setting.
Your definition for what is required to beat superman thought robot would imply superman thought robot IS omnipotent. Except by its very definition the plot armor would make attempts to redefine plot armor fail.
haha, salty westaboos
Not really. The author beats the plot. Always. If Morrison wanted to personally 1v1 Supes, he could do it. Because he's the author.
Author Authority is an evident counter to plot armor. A lot of things are.
>Not really. The author beats the plot. Always. If Morrison wanted to personally 1v1 Supes, he could do it. Because he's the author.
But the book is still there and Morrison will eventually die. There are thousands of printings of the book with millions of images stored digitally. Morrison is but a single man made of flesh.
How can any man be more powerful than an idea?
I will accept that maybe a meteor could be more powerful than Superman Thought Robot, but that's only if Superman Thought Robot doesn't save us from that meteor.
So the author will always be better than Supes when he's alive? That doesn't exactly refute my point.
>being this retarded
Does that mean I win this argument if I go kill Grant Morrison? I can't kill superman. One of them seems a lot more powerful to me.
Also, Grant Morrison can rewrite supes but supes can rewrite our reality. Grant Morrison can't rewrite our reality, he can only try to get supes to do it, but supes is just making Grant Morrison write him like that and he won't actually do it. Unless he's constantly doing it and we just don't know.
Would we know? Is superman thought robot constantly rewriting our universe?
Doesn't matter. What Morrison says goes. It's that simple. This isn't a hard topic to grasp. If he wants to create 'Plot Armor Kryptonite', he can.
>Doesn't matter. What Morrison says goes. It's that simple. This isn't a hard topic to grasp. If he wants to create 'Plot Armor Kryptonite', he can.
But he can't go back and undo that STR has infinite plot armor. That's on the page now. What, is Morrison going to go out and burn every comic? He's just a man, not a Superman Thought Robot.
>infinite plot armor
This still doesn't matter in the face of author control, user.
So Morrison writes himself into it and gives himself omnipotence +1
You're being a bit of a dumbo. Do you really want your favorite character to win so badly? I could always concede for your own benefit to make yourself feel better.
>I could always concede for your own benefit to make yourself feel better.
But would you be doing that or would superman thought robot be making you do that?
Neither. I am my own author. I say he doesn't do it.
>Does that mean I win this argument if I go kill Grant Morrison?
The author is already dead.
Holy fucking shit you guys.
No, it's real. It's in a book.
t.Superman, Flash, pretty much every superhero comic, etc.
Wrong. It was made by an online faggot. You can even find the original sheet with his original character name on it. or the censored one for triggered bunyips.
I have the book.
I'm sorry but STR is mentioned as nearly pulling the reader through the page because it could hear you breathe. I'm not sure your imagination is gonna protect you from STR.
Ok post it
Sorry, no. I'm going full Umineko. I have author authority. I automatically say it doesn't happen. My will is absolute. I'm writing the story now.
Are... Are you rewriting reality constantly?
SCP-083-D is pretty much the iconic vampire. In one story, Duke 'till Dawn, Dr. Kondraki uses SCP-298, an anomalous chamber organ, to decomission SCP-083-D by means of inordinate exsanguination.
>strongest fictional vampire
Who's the strongest real vampire user?
Hellsing's Alucard is kinda up there, but I think WoD Caine is still stronger. You also have to consider Nasuverse vampires which are whacky as fuck.
If we want to go into Touhou territory then all bets are off.
You mean like in literally every fictional medium ever written
Popeye the Sailor would like a word with you
I-Is this the power of true autism?!
Stan Lee
>Stan Lee
Correct. Now where are the latest sacrifices, user? We've got to start racking up souls early this New Year.
No actually, I was thinking of another one, I can get to it in a moment
Superman Thought Robot