> 9" range it's not bad at all as some pistols have only 3" range above it.
Not some, ALL of the pistol have better range than the Rivet gun, and you get a bonus attack in CC.
> Also with 4S I just rather have normal frag that I will use at 6" then GL that costs more
> 6 on ammo roll
Grenade have 12" range, are good, but:
1. They sold separatedly.
2. Ammo check every shot, if it's out, it's out for good.
Oh wait, but GL have 6+ roll, might as well consider it never reload, but :
1.Ammo check based on firepower dice roll, not on every shot.
2. ammo cache and "Lucky find"
3. GL is not only for lobbing grenade, it's also use with smoke bomb to cover the area for your guys to advance, which will help them get close and take a shot with the Rivet gun, and it's 4+
>so what? I should make a boring gang with minimaxing because this way I "WIN" :D :D :D ? ? ?
You can play however you want, but it seem you're really desperate to prove the Rivet Gun are good, which it's not, in fact it's the worst weapon in the game. It force you to give up a skill slot just to make it usable, and that's skill is pretty irrelevant mid way in the game because of suspensor. It's short range mean you're in for being pinned repeatedly and take out before you can even get close or sprint., and even if you're in range. With 4+BS you're not gonna have a good time hitting anyone in cover. Remember, with RF weapon, you only roll hit dice ONCE, if it missed, all the shot missed.
The reason people criticizing these terrible weapon is not to downplaying your favorite gun, it's constructive criticism hoping it will spread to the designer and they might do something about it. With people like you claiming crap guns is great, crap weapon is awesome these weapons might forever be stuck in the shit hole.