What's your favorite fetishes to insert into a campaign?
Mine are ladyknights,
especially yuriknights, and vore
What's your favorite fetishes to insert into a campaign?
Mine are ladyknights,
especially yuriknights, and vore
I've never done it, but it's probably easy enough to get away with.
giant furry dick
gay futa dick
Gentle femdom
I failed my forbidden lore check. Who is bottom left?
Letting the magical realms threads stay up was a mistake.
snuggling, cuddling, very well described food and drink, big friendly dragons, nibbling,
lick-kissing, warriors that fight with every ounce of their strength and are on the verge of death after the fight, valkyrie-like dragon bardic-healers that are cold and uncaring but eventually grow loyal and fragile/delicate.
I warned you. I warned you all.
good female dragons
Giantess fart domination
Grail-finding destiny
They aren't quests, so they're okay.
Y'all niggas need a containment thread
Hirame | Mizuryu Kei
Mikoyan | Bosh (?)
But Veeky Forums said that if we got rid of /wst/ and quests that all the lewd threads would stop? Did they lie to me????
Voluntary slave-spells. The sort where the slave has to cast it on his/her master for it to work.
Go Find Dungeons
I doubt anyone said that, just that /wst/ was cancer and had to go. Doesn't stop them from occasionally creeping into Veeky Forums.
No such thing
No, they said /wst/ encouraged these threads even more, which is objectively true
Gate Field Diffuser
Muscular amazons.
God knows my players have had to deal with amazon kidnappings.
And the hostage not wanting to return once they find him
Also, Amazon marriage proposals, offers to work at brothels catering to Amazons, being captured by Amazons, you name it.
Genital furious destruction
Depends on which reality you live in
>No Too Rough
Are you one of those "hand-holding is so lewd" yokels?
>strong, independent women (including in proactive roles)
>nonhuman women
>sexually confident and proactive women
Fortunately, my tastes are vanilla and subtle enough that my campaigns just come off as progressive rather than magical realm.
The nature of most roleplaying groups means I also get to play such women in most games and pass it off as evening out the sausagefest.
>(including in proactive roles)
Fuck me, I meant to write ANTAGONISTIC roles.
Writing your female bruiser as just another cruel bully or thuggish hench(wo)man really helps disguise fetishism.
OP said fetishes, not good things.