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Buff melta!

2nd for the real Unforgiven

Which variant of Baneblade is best at wrecking non-titanic tanks?


Melta need to 2D6 Damage within range.
For 17 points a pop they better have the potential to 1 shot tanks
Or at least a +2 Damage


Question about ynnari armies: are any drukhari units worth taking over harlie/CWE stuff? I play drukhari and a new ynnari player at my locals is asking me. I told him about wyches, which seem great for ynnari, but I still don't think reavers are worth it, and hellions seem overcosted for soulbursting.

+2 is fine, 2d6 rerolling lowest in melta range would be insane.

>17 point gun should be able to destroy 80 point tanks in one shot

Now Carnac's gone I may as well repost this.


Dominus, Erad Ray, Macrostubber, Anzion's Psuedogenetor, Prime Hermeticon Warlord Trait (127)
Dominus, Volkite, Serpenta (127)
Enginseer (47)

3 Kataphron Destroyers, Plasma and Flamer (201)
5 Rangers, 2 Arquebi, Omnispex (92)
5 Rangers, 2 Arquebi (85)
5 Rangers (35)
5 Rangers (35)
5 Rangers (35)

Dragoon w/ pistol and Lance (72)
Dragoon w/ pistol and Lance (72)
Dragoon w/ Lance (68)

20 Fulgurites (320)
20 Fulgurites (320)
20 Corpuscarii (280)
Datasmith (44)

Onager, 2 Stubbers, Neutron, BSDT (145)
Onager, 2 Stubbers, Neutron, BSDT (145)
Onager, 2 Stubbers, Neutron, BSDT (145)
3 Kastelan Robots w/ Phosphor (330)


Marauder Destroyer w/ 8 Hellstrikes (549)


Primaris Psyker (46)
Cyclops Demo Vehicle (60)
Cyclops Demo Vehicle (60)
Cyclops Demo Vehicle (60)

TOTAL 3500pts, 13CP

Catachan is the regiment because that puts average Cyclops bomb hits up to 8.24 since it's listed as a ranged weapon with random shots even if it's employed weirdly, plus S4 HQ might help somehow.
Might also buy the repair Dominus Arkhan's Cane, because that way all my HQs are fluffily Your Dudesed, but that means I would only have 7CP in the actual battle after deploying all 4 sneaky squads/paying for my Relics.

Reshuffled my 3.5k Admech list to fit in some sexy rolling bombs and a psyker HQ to cast -1 To Hit on my Marauder, dropped a Neutronager and some Plasma Vanguard. I'm a little irked that I had to cut the Omnispex from only one of my Sniper Ranger squads to fit everything in, so now I have a choice. Do I take a Company Commander as Guard HQ and spend a CP to grab Kurov's Aquila for him, saving 16pts to glue the Omnispex back on and hopefully making my opponents think twice about Guard stratagem spam, or do I stick with the psyker boy? They're on the same bases, so I can make a spider brain-in-a-jar logic engine with antennae to represent both.

He's right, probably still Shadowsword. It's the only one that wounds all tanks on 2s and does 2D6 damage. You're likely to kill 1 vehicle a turn with that thing. Banesword seems decent too as it wounds T7 tanks on 2s and does a minimum of 3 damage and a possible 4-6 damage with better rolling.

Personally my meta is too varied for me to pick something so hard hitting on a single target. I'd rather have flexibility. I'm thinking Hellhammer or Baneblade.

Pardon the photo quality and the paint, this is my tank after a few hours work.

How does it look as a scheme and as an idea?

>tfw you get 5 termies for $6.84
God I love ebay to the point I need to watch out because of how addicting it is

why didn't you prime your model?

otherwise, the scheme looks fine. You need to put another layer on the zandri dust though.

>12" range weapon worth 17 points plus model, plus the transport cost

I hate it because I can't buy from my lgs knowing these prices.

Did you prime the model first? Because the top guy still looks unprimed. Or are you doing hand and brush primer and didn't do him? Also it looks like peanut butter and jelly. Not bad but not great.

>plus the cost of the glue holding it together
>plus the cost of the paint on it
>plus the cost of the money you could have been making if you were working instead of playing 40k
>plus the cost of the other units in your squad
>plus the cost of all the other units in your army

How DARE it not be able to one shot a tank!?

Could I make an Ork Stompa by just gluing a bunch of boyz together in the shape of one

You know statistically that wouldnt one shot right?

Yeah I guess.

Feel like there's more to this than melta.

I'm really getting sick of the Nurgle "Adjective VerbNoun" naming scheme

>Sloppity Bilepiper
>Spoilpox Scrivener
>Putrid Blightkings
>Pusgoyle Blightlords
>Feculent Gnarlmaw

By the end of this we're going to get Daemon Prince Sickdeath Vilegag, wielding the Ebolaids Killscythe and a twin-linked Bevomitter Canon

As long as they hold plates of metal.

The Primaris Marines have the same NounVerber problem. It's really sad honestly.

The colors don't go together and you didn't continue the last brown stripe across the barrel.

Yeah I'm having a hard time remember which is wHich. This can't be good for marketing.

I would like to get to know Eldar/Deldar, Necrons, Orks and Tyranids more.
Basically give me good Xeno books friend

Primed in Grey.

I'm pretty sure thats encouraged.

Usually a meltagun gun cost around 100 points
If you take into account the transport and model that has the gun.

Hence why the they overcosted and underpower.
The D6 damage or 2D6 pick highsest at half range is way too random. That is why the need a base damage or be better at close range.

The colors are discords, looks good for a zebra pattern.

I only buy paints/hobby supplies from my lgs or GW. The prices are unseasonably high and are only able to sell at those prices because of GW's monopoly that allows them to sell at whatever they want. Plus I have been burned by shitty finecast/Forge World slipped molds/bubbles enough times that I am not paying extra for quality. I get better service from the sketchy chinese recasters and actually feel like i get what i pay for when i get termies for $7 even though i am gonna have to simple green clean em.

Fuck GW
their paints are nice most of the time tho. ...Except for specific colors which still suck.

Meltas are fine as is.

Yeah ironically plasma has more reliable base damage. AND fires twice AND has 6 more range AND has a ranged fire mode AND can fire at other units like teq and meq efficiently AND costs 5 points less

>plasmaguns are more reliable anti tank for the cost
>Meltas are fine

Like the one down side is super charging but that is countered by the cornicopia of reroll 1 auras.

Ok, what about a Trukk made of Orks stuck together

Can I make all of my vehicles out of Orks. I might have an idea for a Mad Dok Warboss

Ynnari codex when

For Eldar I’d recommend the “Path of the Eldar” series,
for orks the beast series might still work, you just might miss a few minor things.
Necrons I’m not sure... I like dead men walking but it doesn’t give too much insight into necrons.

Fall of malevelon is a must read for tyranids but that’s the only on that come to mind.

Wtf are you on about. Plasma is only marginally cheaper and at 12' inches AND overcharged the max amount of damage youre gonna be doing is 4 damage, at a weaker strength (so harder to wound) and a weaker AP (so more likely to save).

>fire my plasma gun at a marine squad
>Pays for itself and maybe more

>at a weaker strength
>Plasma is only marginally cheaper

Meltas are fine. It's multi melta that are trash. They simply need a point drop.

You can thank the ChapterHouse fiasco for that. GW's new naming scheme is for the sake of having an easier time defending their IP. This is also why we now have the "Astra Militarum" and "Aeldari" instead of more generic terms like Imperial Guard and Eldar.

So I retooled my GK list to be a little more supportive of the Paladins. How's it look so far? I'm about 30pts short of 2000 but I'm not sure where to spend it.

Grey Knights - Vanguard Detachment

Grandmaster Voldus
-- Vortex, Gate , Purge Soul
Paladin Squad
-- Paragon with Daemonhammer, 2x with Falchions, 2x with Psilencers and Falchions, Sanctuary
Paladin Squad
-- Paragon with Daemonhammer, 2x with Falchions, 2x with Psilencers and Falchions, Hammerhand
-- Daemonhammer, Vortex
Doomglaive Dreadnought
-- Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon, Gate of Infinity

Grey Knights - Spearhead Detachment

-- Daemonhammer, Psilencer, First to the Fray, Gate of Infinity
Paladin Ancient
--Banner of Refining Flame, Falchion, Purge Soul
Purgator Squad
-- 4x with Psilencers, Justicar with Warding Stave, Gate of Infinity
Purgator Squad
-- 4x with Psilencers, Justicar with Warding Stave, Astral Aim
Land Raider Crusader
-- 2x Hurricane Bolters, Twin Assault Cannon, Stormbolter, Multimelta

Scourges are a real gem for jumping down and nuking a designated target, and while CWE can do similar I think they’re a little more efficient and fun. Hellions and fiends are good if you want loads of D2, so mix them with dark Reapers for good results against elite armies.

Honestly though tell him ynarri is ass now, just do a detachment of CWE and one of DE if you’re really into it.

I agree, especially since the basis of 40k took so many notes from classical stuff to give really cool names. And it’s not that hard either, just take a few looks from Victorian England, themes from Christianity, and conventions from Rome/Greece and you’re done.

I’m scared that the writers of today would have called the Emperor’s bodyguard ‘Imperial eternitykeepers’ or something like that. And it’s sad we’re slowly floating away from the roots

I'm planning on custom building/converting an Orkanaut because god knows I'm not paying full price for that box kit (also I love converting) and I'd like to hear what you folks think of my idea, and need some help.

For the base, I'm going to use some form of imperial treaded vehicle, such as a chimera or rhino chassis, and on top, welded to it (via greenstuff and copper wire) will be a drop-pod acting as the torso of the Gorkanaut.

The front panel of the torso-pod will be open and pointing out will be a kustom gatler kannon.

On top, for a 'head', I'm going to greenstuff a massive plasma screen held up by gubbinz and wires and paint an Orkish head as if it's some sort of robot ala the George Lopez bot from Shark Boy and Lava Girl.

My main question is, how will I add the klaw of gork/mork to this model? A mega-wrekkin' ball? Add on to a grabba klaw from the vehicles kits?

You're really better off just buying the kit man. That idea sounds retarded.

>weaker AP (so more likely to save)
I don't know if you know probability but a -4 vs -3 isn't that big of a deal especially against 3+

Also they get a fair deal more turns shooting with twice the range. Like a 6 inch melta vs 12 plasma is nearly identical output and that's the best scenario for melta.

I seriously dislike the Orkanaut kit, to me it looks like a big fat retarded babywalker.

Its Ork's, it suppose to looks like big fat retarded babywalker.

Not when the trukks, looted vehicles, deffdreads, meka dreads, and almost every other vehicle looks cool.

It looks cool in it's own retarded way.

I don't understand the hate.
Thing looks perfect.

... By decreasing cost. Yes

Who are these krieg lookalikes? Real Kriegers are too busy killing enemies of the Emperor

>Land Raiders getting btfo left, right and centre over the years by all the armies that have access to melta
>8th rolls around and makes LRs able to withstand a couple of Meltaguns without dying immediately
>This faggot wants a buff to meltas

My New Years gift to you all.

May we have another great year for 40k and thighs.

Why not just do something like this, but make the weapons match the Orkanaut. It looks cool, fits the bill of fluff due to being looted, and will be easy enough to get hold of without bankruptcy.

How to name Tau septs?

In the recent AL novel, a C'tan shard was stabbed with a daemon weapon. The daemon exited the sword and entered the Necrodermis body of the C'tan. It looked for soul or any animus in can possess but it found nothing but emptiness. The C'tan got enraged and started to converge on the daemon in its metal flesh. The daemon fearing for its life escaped back into the daemon sword.

The C'tan grabbed the daemon sword and pulled it from its body and then conjured white flames and then let the flame eat away at the sword. The flames had a nullification effect and it erased the daemon sword and its inhabitant from existence. The C'tan proceeded to cast more of this null flame at all the Chaos tainted and daemonic Word Bearers canceling out their powers and erasing them.

This made me scratch my head. If a C'tan shard has no soul or animus then what animates its body? Also the warp killing white flame ability represented in the TT?

Is “blight” a verb?

Even with +2 damage or 2d6 damge at short it won't 1 shot a landraider.

Hell the only army that can put meltas within melta range are SoB the rest are getting cucked by the short range and random damage.

I think its an adverb

Does anyone else feel like they have too many miniatures to the point of excess? How much is too much?

That and eldar.

But those guys aren't cheap.

Space farts animate the C’tan

Adverbs always end in “y”, like quickly or slowly. Can’t say I’ve ever done something “blightly”

More unpainted than painted.

They're like mythos deities, they don't play by our rules

Is fast an adverb?

I recently sold a TON of stuff to get back to a manageable level. Working for GW for like 9 years lead to a massive mess.

No, that’s just an adjective.

Can't you run fast?
Or do you run fastly?

I think you'd find a better colour combo would be Kantor and Zandri. Or macragge and ushabti. Give them a go, see if you agree, but obviously don't do a full tank with them to test.

If you want to stick with your work so far, best to clean it up, block in the metal bits and add some highlights or 3rd camo colour to get (and give us) a sense of how it'll look.

What sort of terrain is the camo trying to emulate?


Based on google I'm not sure about that definition

More to the point blight can be used as a verb or noun

Learning English with Veeky Forums

Started with 5e tyranids getting the venomthrope, continued with blood angels and spacewolves getting frost and blood everything.

At least for nurgle it kinda makes sense since their art direction seems to be a through the looking glass dark cartoon. I actually like that a guys called sloppity. It's better than having like 15 stupid names for the same imperial plasma weapon or bolt gun.

Got a Defiler for my Iron Warriors for Christmas. Not sure how I want to load this badboy out. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of magnetizing him to some extent (along with some mild conversion because I can never help myself), but just for the sake WYSIWYG I'm not sure what to go with or how to go about it. Any suggs?

I can understand this
But at the same time, Plasma shouldn't be better at killing tanks than melta

Are Cyclops worthwhile after Chapter Approved? I heard the 50% price hike made them lackluster once again, but they look fun.

Where do YOU put your melta bombs?

How about this for Melta: keep the 2d6 randomized, but against VEHICLES, make the minimum damage 3.

is this fair? Plasma remains the more consistent tool, the better range, etc, but melta is better to down vehicles.

And how he is supposed to reach it?

Headbutt the keyboard, add apostrophes.

Melta havocs exist, too. You can put 2 squads into a dreadclaw if you wanted

Sideways in the small of the back or hanging from the belt by the handle

Always want scourge for obvious reasons so you’re left with the main gun, which I’d say is best with twin HB simply because Reapers are ass and you’ll be in combat (hopefully)/on the move so much two BS4 shots aren’t worth it.

Also defilers suck lol get a Dreadnought

Why not monsters too? basically anything big

SO Fhafad'ta would be an acceptable Tau sept name?

Wouldn't that seriously buff Sisters, though, who can already take a prodigious amount of Melta?

Also, it could be treated like one of the Onager's weapons; within half range the d6 damage rolls of 1/2/3 count as a roll of 3, so you're doing a minimum of 3 damage when very close up.

Thanks, 40kg

Replace the second f with a v and Id run with it

What if Meltas did DoT to vehicles? You know, melting them?

OR realize melta is already really good and already fucks over all my dreadnoughts/vehicles?

You’re probably losing your bodies too quick, so put the scions or eldar or whatever behind cover and out of LoS. Buffing Dragons any more would just be cruel

That is more rare than a Bretonia army in AoS

Yes! In fact, that specifically was a scrapped Sept name for the fifth sphere expansion.

I think MMs should just have a dual profile of a 24" Melta or a pair of 12" meltas.
