My games have adventure, the opposite of guilds
My games have adventure, the opposite of guilds
What upsets me the most about this thread is that it took me until the 11th episode of GATE to figure out that "Rory" literally means loli.
I want to play in a game where instead of adventurers, we play as guildmasters on the council that controls the burgh.
Nice blog post, you monumental faggot. What's the topic, or are you too insipid to know what that means?
He's assblasted that people don't want Adventurers Guilds in their games.
Look famborghini, if you can get at least one like minded guy i can arrange something
Somehow that literally never occurred to me.
Actually, if you read the OP, it's the exact opposite.
In some sort of post-apocalyptic world -or any setting in which an ancient civilization has perished and left behind tons of ruins anyway- you could actually make a point of having specialized archaeologists funded by the government whose job is to inspect ancient ruins and get anything of profit out of them and a force tasked with chasing graverobbers.
If said ruins were commonly guarded against intruders, it's easy to justify sending armed people with them, but not actual soldiers, just hired arms.
>One of the noteworthy NPCs in the setting is female lich hell-bent on dismantling guilds
>It's a creature of respectable power with few dependable minions
>Doesn't seen to have ill intent or really any agenda at all besides the above goal
>When scryed for alignment, it turns out LN
>Might try to hire PCs to help with specific particularly stubborn target
Oh fuck
Shit DM detected
However, that would still entail being corporate peons instead of having a meaningful journey
God damnit what else do I not know about life
More like
>Not NE
Stop spamming these fucking guild threads. It's got to be the most boring spam I've ever seen on Veeky Forums. At least flare got an entertaining reaction.
That sounds somewhat familiar
Alucard is dracula backwards
In case you’re retarded, I’ll remind you that this is a troll thread.
If your impulse control is too poor to not post, at least sage while you do it so the thread doesn’t get bumped.
One could always play as illegal graverobbers, which is basically the same but the government is trying to catch you.
What a boob feels like
Rub your cheeks with only your palms.
Thats how a boobie feels like
That feels pretty underwhelming. One less reason to talk to women I guess.
So, rather than a cooperative guild of adventurers where every participant is equal, you have a rigid feudal system, where everyone from the king to the random knight is an adventurer while the peasants stay at home? I guess that works...
> Guilds in this setting have a long history of abusing their power and oppressing the people
> After the last revolution, all the guilds were torn down
> Warlords govern most territories, crushing any business that they find has branches in other places
> Trade suffers, and the whole continent is incredibly vulnerable to outside invasion
> There have been some efforts among the warlords to form a more stable government
> Foreign powers have been interfering, preferring to keep the continent divided and easily exploited
>It's another guild thread
You are by far the most sad and pathetic troll of entire Christmas break. This is seventh thread today. Are you getting your rocks off doing this or something? Because if so, then it's not just sad - it's genuinely depressing someone can have a life like that.
I see incels are in their migratory season.
>Involuntarily celibate
Explain to me how not wanting to talk to women implies involuntary celibacy? Unless you somehow believe it's possible to slay pussy without ever talking to their owners, you're being a retard.
Or as freelance looters selling to the highest bidder, racing competing teams to find viable locations, plunder their depths, and make it back out alive with your team and loot.
adventure sdliug
More interesting than generic dungeon crawling anime setting #152735
Is it normal to molest the receptionist?
My games have adventuerers working to overthrow the guild system after it has led to monopolies strangling the local economy.
How did she disguise her LG as LN?
How does being sent on errands sometimes prevent you from having a meaningful story? That is basically what happens in each episode of the X-Files.