What is a good way to spend the ridiculous amount of gold and cash your characters accumulate? What would your characters do?
What is a good way to spend the ridiculous amount of gold and cash your characters accumulate...
Depends on the setting, but in the sand point RPG I only just realized how STUPIDLY RICH my paladin was compared to almost anyone else in the settlement.
So I'm founding a church to Shelyn. Party face, only 'holy' member of the team (we got an oracle for heals and she's more shamanic than anything else), so Shelyn is catching on in a big way, and since Shelyn and Desna are particularly buddy buddy, the local church is helping out.
Also there's a particularly delicious irony in converting a temple to Lamashtu into a temple to Shelyn.
Buying/building and maintaining a base of operations. Perhaps a fortress that was abandoned due to its location no longer being strategically important, or a dungeon that the part cleared out and now wants to move into. Get the title to the land, pay some farmers to work the area, and get some masons/carpenters to shore the place up. That way if you ever end up being hunted down by some unspeakably powerful evil, you have a place to make your last stand.
Alternatively, MORE WHORES.
Depends on how much money, if my gears are the best out there I'd hire companions or buy a small army, even get assassins to change the political status quo if the setting is serious enough, otherwise I'd just throw parties and make a poor village happy.
basically, given the obscene amounts of money in pathfinder and DnD adventuerers make (1 silver keeps a family in meals for a week and a decent adventurer is earning massive amounts of gold. Don't look too closely into this because it just makes no goddamn sense at the end of the day because it means that a +3 magical weapon with some special effects is worth more than some kingdoms) there's no excuse for not pouring that money back into the leadership feat effectively.
Potion factory
Nah, it makes sense.
A single level 10 warrior with +3 armor and +3 sword could slaughter an entire kingdom of 3hp Commoners.
ehn, not really. I did the math on it once. Of course that depends on you allowing commoners to have critical successes. If you let NPC mooks have those then the fighter -will- go down eventually. Unless he's like my 3.5 samurai/knight protector who abused cleave and AoO feats to let him effectively One hit up to 97 or so bunched up mooks in a round.
>yes, I did once play a dynasty warriors character in a dnd game. I still consider him a pretty strong argument for why 3.5 was the worst balanced thing ever, but grease really argued that for me.
Bigger better yeehaw/golems.
From most useful to least
Buying a country (that tax money and army)
Suppressing communism (because you care about people not starving and stealing from you)
Buying a business (that profit)
Magic items (golems and scrolls)
Base (for sleeping in)
Servants (for cleaning and such)
Savings (bitcoins or gold)
Harems (you know)
Buy a tavern. Since most adventures start there anyway, might as well own the place.
“As a base of operations, you cannot beat a fucking saloon.”
>Harems (you know)
Depends on how your harem works!
For example. On one character I was trying to convert an evil divine caster over to the ways of good and light and critted, and well... I accidentally made her fall in love. She decided to set up a cult to my character and the GM knew I was planning on taking leadership and we'd just hit lvl.7
That was an awkward campaign. Not even magical realm, but I can't tell you how much the paladin glared at me every time we came back to town and found that the cult had grown some more...
Well, in my fantasy game, my rogue bought an alchemist shop, a blacksmith, a very big tavern, an herborist shop, and a pawnbroker.
It's been very lucrative thus far, the pawn is a good base for criminal activites in the city, the tavern is nice and cosy, and the other three are nice to get supplies.
In my science fiction game, my bounty hunter spend it on materials to create extremly effective and ludicrously priced gear, and the rest is for nouveau riche luxuries and space gold digger.
Hire adventurers to clear out the trash that's a waste of my time.
Agreed. If i have an excess of gold after gearing myself up I try to get a base of operations set up. That or try to start up some kind of mercenary/fighter company. The two would go hand in hand most of the time. Those are my plans at least, none of the campaigns I have been a part of have lasted that long. Feels bad.
Towards the end of my last campaign my barbarian wound up richer than he could handle.
The solution?
Buying up hundreds of weapons, suits of armor, war horses and buff potions to send back to his tribe so they could kill off all the other faggot mountain barbarians that rival them. Then the orcs. Then the orcs that ran into the tunnels. It eventually became its own side campaign after the GM tallied up the amount of gear that was being sent back home. A dozen barbarians raging out with enchanted weapons that are variously invisible, flying, hasted, stone skinned or gargantuan can really shit on alot of stuff.
We did a couple side campaigns going to help them fight a dragon and storm giants and it was a good time.
Alternatively, some kind of inn/brothel combo. You can never go wrong with some beds and pussy.
Real Estate, Aircraft, and one time, a .5% interest in Boeing
a zepplin and enough interest in various other companies to be a holding/stock company with AA status and extraterritoriality.
>Suppressing communism (because you care about people not starving and stealing from you)
My high-melanin-concentration companion
Tell your DM he needs to ration money better.
Before they started killing legendary titans and saving entire nations from destruction, my players spent most of their money on healing potions. They're very rare and expensive in that world, costing thousands of gold apiece.
My players had a fortress built on the site of an old goblin fortress. A fortress that they helped storm. They used it as a base of operations and started a monster hunting guild.
I'm saving up to get my own demiplane.
Personal Lich, buying your fellow heroes' family as slaves and child labour
In a 4th ed Shadowrun game I once bought a blimp and outfitted it to be a flying strip club complete with mini ion cannon. Looking back, I don't think it was 100% allowed by RAW, but damn if it wasn't cool.
By a tank and reclass as a tanker.
once tried to start a stock exchange but had to abandon it because the GM couldn't get his head around how currency trading works and kept arguing about the gold standard being the de facto blah blah and so we couldn't be trading stocks
then it became this long two-sided thing with the GM and That Guy on one side arguing against it, and the rest of us pushing them ever further towards weeping as they give each other commiseration handies in a closet after getting into an argument they couldn't win because history contradicted their position
fortunately it was an OK group other than those two, so for the rest of that year we were quietly arranging trades between our characters
eventually he worked out that we were still doing it but let it slide rather than find himself screaming "I will NOT let you fuckers DEVALUE THE REALM!" again
My NE ratfolk alchemist who had spent most of his time breaking the law, bullying, torturing, and generally being a little shit, spent all his gold on making a University, orphanage, and establishing a line of alchemical shops, then living as a well respected philanthropist. With a 20ft statue of him, reaching out to new students, holding books. (And flame throwers built into the statues fingers)
>letting your characters make obscene amounts of money
I seriously hope you DMs don't make this easy for them. If they do get stupid rich, they had better have seriously earned it. And it should come with its own set of problems.
I'm a base-builder by nature. My priorities when I have enough to invest outside of the immediate are a safe place for the team to come back to, then businesses to earn passive income, and then building home base into something grander. (Perhaps as far as a city-state managed by others, but I would have no qualms in supporting a party member if they wanted more.) Never got to really get that far before in a game, though.
You sound like a faggot
Get a hoard and a dragon to protect it.
Give generously to whores. Especially to those who particularly enjoy being rubbed down in honey and various jams.
Lay off it, Randlet