>meanwhile, on /1980s/ tg....
Woah hoah guys, I finally hit third level as a magic user!
>meanwhile, on /1980s/ tg....
Woah hoah guys, I finally hit third level as a magic user!
My parents won't stop screaming upstairs.
Guys, I've just read this fun book, Colour of Magic. I think it might turn into something interesting.
I here that british fantasy wargame just released a sci-fi spinoff, what do you guys think of it?
RPGs aren't available in my country yet. I'm dirt poor and the country is bankrupt. I can't even watch internet porn.
Kill me.
Do you think this hobby of ours will ever be popular chaps?
Someone explain THAC0 to me again
Got another weegie guys. Chad finded out my d&d manual, then called me a dork in front of Stacy... why people can't appreciate our hobby??
Guys help, my mom took away my D&D books and is forcing me to go to church. What do I do?
>doesn't know how to cast a mind-binding spell on their parents
Get the fuck out of here, newfag.
>Muffled screams from behind the Iron Curtain
Resolution: Established.
Solution: Granted within.
It's spelled Ouija
Um, hello. My parents say that R P G's are the gateway to the devil's underground play world, where you can cast spells and do Occult Evils. But, the R P Gers at my school are so... handsome! And - they just... oooh!
My friend Jenny is going to go. She says the party they went to was really good, then they all started R P Ging and it was something unlike anything she's ever done. She talked about how she became a thief named Dark Star, and something about the Real Power!
I want ... I want to do it! I want to R P G! Should I go??
Why are you saying hello in French and German?
Have you heard of this thing called anime? It's amazing! I have a bootleg video tape for this movie called Macross: Do You Remember Love.
The closest I can get to D&D is a copy of Heroquest from Playco Toys. Seriously, the closest shop that might carry tabletop and wargame shit would be in the nearest "big city" which is like 80 miles away. And my parents almpst certainly will not drive me there. How do we live without internet shopping?
By the way guys, start saving up your allowances and buy Apple stock. Then sell it all in 2009 and use the profits to buy something called "bitcoin". Then sell that shit in 2017. Enjoy owning your own private continent.
It’s SIMPLE. If roll + target AC >= your THAC0, you hit.
All I could find was Talisman.
Still pretty fun.
Have you heard the rumors about a second edition of AD&D? Do you think it's gonna suck?
THAC0? Never heard of that mechanic, are you a developer? Time traveler?
Staying up all night playing D&D with my friends.
Got back from the sledding at the snow hill and having a snowball fight in our awesome snow castle fort. It gets dark early, but it was a clear night out with moonlight so mom didn't mind us coming home a little late.
We rented this new movie Labyrinth from Blockbuster. We're going to watch it on the big TV in the living room.
It's going to be a fun night. Life is only going to get better. I can't wait to grow up and see all the new awesome stuff.
Sci fi is all well and good, but this simply isn't gonna last. Mark my words: we will still be playing fantasy in 30 years...
Sure, and that jackass Trump will become president.
Now, shut up. MTV is playing a music video
I definitely won't get arrested for selling weed. I've got my whole life ahead of me and it's great.
Battletech is pretty aweful. The art is pretty much the only interesting thing.
They just ripped off Robotech, anyway
Is that the Japan Animation cartoon?
Yeah. I've been taking Japanese in school so I can watch the series. The Japanese don;t like releasing their cartoons to the US so it'll probably never get translated.
Kind of a pity. I'd love to hear a really good voice actress do Lynn Minmei's songs.
I believe the word you were looking for was "yes"
Yeah, but we just shorten it to Japanime. They have nice selection at Sunrise Records. Not just tapes but laserdisc too. It looks amazing but laserdisc players are pretty expensive. Blockbuster also has some Japanime for rent but it's mostly kids stuff though.
this is a real conversation but it might have happened in the early 90's
Okay I just looked up when Ninja Scroll was released because I bought that tape afterwards (and it was the first time I fapped to drawn titties) and yeah this happened in the mid 90's. sorry, my bad. we really did say japanime back then though and it hurts me to remember it.
You know whet did happen in the 80's, though?
Back to the Future.
Got a DeLorean in your garage, you who seem to be showing knowledge of the future? Hm?
I have not been born yet.
Guys, my cousin let me borrow this game for the nintendo, "Final Fantasy". Guys. guy guy guy. It's D&D as a video game! The graphics are amazing and the spell system makes so much sense.
I'm gonna write up a tabletop conversion and submit it to Dragon Magazine!
My friend had Final Fantasy and the strategy guide. In the guide it has a list of all the monsters and stats. Using those stats as a template we tried to make our own RPG. Basically, we got out some paper and wrote down what we thought the stats should be for all his toys. So, He-man, Transformers, etc. We didn't have any kind of combat system though. We would just bash the toys together and whoever had the highest stats won.
We did similar with b/x D&D and the stat cards for our transformers.
Shit, I feel old. I am old.
>Woah hoah guys, I finally hit third level as a magic user!
1980s? Try mid-1970s instead.
You pathetic millennial fucks can't even do nostalgia right.
There you go, you seemed desperate.
Is this the one for little kiddies? Where are the old movies? Where's ET? Where's Star Wars?
I just read it to mean that achieving 3rd level as a magic-user was actually a bit of a feat in the '80s, not that it was the first time anybody ever got there. Besides, I'm fairly certain I never gained any magic-user levels in the '70s.
Best I got, you old coot.
We might as well play all night. That crazy idiot neonazi Reagan will probably blow up the world.
You spelled japanimation wrong.
Am I just remembering wrong? Maybe it was regional?
Instead of rolling above a target number, you make a roll, modified by your opponent's AC, and if your roll is still higher than their THAC0 then you hit them.