What's your favorite magical realm you've tricked your players into? Pic somewhat related.
What's your favorite magical realm you've tricked your players into? Pic somewhat related
>Implying I don't invite them in
I used to despise those threads and those who post in them for being weak-willed faggots who insert their fetishes in the game.
Then I gave one of my players a slavegirl. Then another player's character died, and I half-jokingly advised him to take over that slavegirl. The madman actually did it
So its is conscription army isnt it?
>State enforced homosexuality
Why? What purpose would it s-
Now it's beginning to make sense!
All races are horribly xenophobic in most games I run. forbidden love is my fetish
And a method to combat overpopulation
How did that turn out?
>I used to despise those threads
Judging by your pictures, this is a lie
When in a magical realm thread, you might as well post related pics, right?
>tfw giantess and feet fetishes
>tfw impossible to do them subtly
guess no ebin greentexts for me
World is giantess goddes body.
>tfw I made a devil gentleman NPC
>He makes contracts with the players for the price of used girl panties
Dude, giants are enough of a staple that as long as you don't spend too long describing every detail you should be fine, and as for feet... it very much depends on the kind of podophilia you have but primitives/castaways/certain other groups can be a god-send, also useful for certain other fetishes.
>golly gee i sure pulled the wool over their eyes
State enforced faggotry would fit 40k. I mean it's a draconian way to reduce population in overcrowded starving hiveworlds.
Implying letting men fuck each other in wh40 didnt end up in massive slaanesh incursion.
It's probably enforced on daemon worlds.
The PCs are tiny homunculi living in an abandoned wizard tower. Wizard towers attract adventurers, so the PCs have to defend themselves using whatever they can find or create in the tower.
It's like Home Alone, except you're half an inch tall.
And starving feeds nurgle. I would rather grow spikes in my dick than pustules
>TFW Petrification fetish
>First mission was clearing cockatrices out of ruins
>second campaign featured a medusa cult
>the cultists got petrification powers
They were beginning to suspect at the end, but I got my nut, nigga
>My machinations have layed undetected for years, for I am the master of subtlety and deception...
RIFTS basically covers all my bases
>blind warrior slave women
>the whole of Atlantis
>magic & monsters
Such a good setting
Oh and vampires
Sexy sexy vampires
>blind warrior slave women
That's an awfully specific fetish.
Another example of the glory of RIFTS
Those were spays elfs and it wasn't explicitly said same-sex buggery is what birthed She Who Thirsts, just an exorbitant amount of pleasure/pain-seeking behavior for the sake of indulging the senses
When you consider what they look like it’s not.
Pooper pirates also spread disease so there's a good chance of getting Nurgle cults in any case.
>he doesn't know about the Imperium's patented Giga-Douche4000
Hey, it worked for Xenoblade
>no Nanashi
bonus points for Rustle though