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Go Thread
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I and also Nick Sibicky
I've recently started playing go with family and i'm really liking the game so far. even though the rules are simple, strategizing against your opponent is very fun.
That go-rilla is go-oing places!
What is you guys' favorite place to play online Go?
I have been playing chess alot, and looking for a change, what is the objective of go?
You place one stone per turn on the grid. Two or more adjacent stones of the same color are a group. Stones/groups have "liberties". If a stone or group has no liberties it is captured by the other player (removed from board). Each captured stone is 1 point. Each space at the end of the game that it isn't safe for your opponent to play is 1 point. The player that goes second gets some points as a handicap (amount depends on region)
Should have added most games end in surrender. If not play continues until both players agree neither can improve their score. There isn't a real end-condition like removing all stones or hitting a certain point value, all that matters is who has the higher score at the end.
I know about this game thanks to a book Shibumi
Any website to read Go tips and strategies?
Is this loss?
Me. I still lose to the 8k ai on online-go though.
not a bad place to start
the end game goal is board control, more or less.. while similar, I would compare the two games as chess being played in a hallway, and go on a field
Is Leela Zero a scam?
>Each captured stone is 1 point.
Technically it's 1 negative point to your opponent. You should also mention that a group that has 2 eyes is alive, that suicide and that playing the same capture back and forth (ko) are forbidden.
Noob here, why is suicide forbidden?
its to prevent an endless repetition, requiring another move elsewhere before continuing (thus preventing a repetition of the state of the board)
oops, responded to the wrong thing. suicide is generally forbidden because even if allowed it wouldn't ever gain you anything; a piece in a situation where you would suicide is usually already dead point-wise anyway
That's not a reason for it to be forbidden. The most likely reason it is not allowed is because it forces your opponent to remove your own stones from the board on your turn. But in the end it's arbitrary, some rulesets allow it, some don't. It makes any practical difference extremely rarely.
how 2 git gud
Play a lot. There are no shortcuts.
That is unfortunately the response I was expecting.
Should I keep playing against the AI until I can reliably beat it, or should I move onto humans right away?
Why do most openings tag the center of each quadrant? Is it because they act like mini-boards until they link up in the mid-to-late game?
>Should I keep playing against the AI until I can reliably beat it
The AI which is not state-of-the-art Google tech. I.e. this Gnu fuck.
Requires less stones to surround the same amount of territory, if you use the edge of the board as part of your border. Also, more easily defendable.
This is a meme explanation. Enclosures regularly get invaded and actually become territory for the opponent, so they're pretty poor at locking down points - and the safest spots to make territory with are usually losing moves, being too timid.
The actual explanation is eye potential.
How do I find Go clubs?
By leaving your apartment.
This is not high on my list of "good advice from Veeky Forums".
How about this? Type "[city name] go clubs" to google and hit enter.
Oh well. I was hoping there might be some club-finder or something. Google searches only link to a dead university society.
you could try seeing if there are any asian restaurants or cafes where people might play. might be worth a shot, the game is popular in China, Korea, and Japan.
you play chess instead
Chess is boring.
what about chess do you find boring?
The draws.
that's not entirely the fault of the game itself though, in many cases it's the fault of the players. i get why that can be a turn off though, but i've never considered chess or go to be a good spectator sport anyways.
No, it's the game. Optimal play on the black side results in a draw at best.
you are never going to play the game optimally so i'm not sure why that matters. and yes it is a fault more of the players, that's what a "grandmaster draw" is.
>>Each captured stone is 1 point.
>Technically it's 1 negative point to your opponent.
Well *technically* it depends on the rule set, but it works out to almost the same thing regardless.
Suicide is forbidden because it makes the game more interesting (there are some shapes that will cause the game to stall if you don't ban suicide).
Some rule sets allow suicide, but only if it doesn't cause the board to repeat to any previous turn.
source: 1kyu player, I read about it on senseis
just jump right in and start playing humans. If you want to get good, after you play a bunch of games, start watching players who are ~5-10 ranks better than you, and try to see the type of moves they make. Just doing this much, you can go from ~30k to ~15k in about 3 months, or 15k-10k in another 3 months. Past that, it'll depend how much you like it and effort you put in, but low level play you can advance really quickly
Meetup.com is probably the best for finding random local people running small clubs
In Asia
Thanks to you OP, I'm now rereading Hikaru no Go. Fuck you.
nice bump man