Have you played TTRPG while high or drunk? how was it?
Playing while high or drunk
tried to play high once. I mostly just giggled a lot.
Depends on the group I can't do shit high but I do drink when I'm with certain friends having a bit of alcohol while playing makes me blaster in social suaatitions and combat which it honestly pretty fun.
Drunk? Yes. High? No (I don’t do anything illegal).
How was it? I won somehow. We were playing Illuminati.
I have both DMd and played PCs while super stoned.
Playing a character was fine, as I didnt need to bear as organizationally minded, but I definitely got some brain blockage while DMing.
A lot of "uhhhs" kept escaping my mouth
be nearly as organizationally*
Nowdays we always play cracking cold ones. It's part of the ritual. Always with caution, never had a drunk man in my regular game, so it's no problem.
One time my friends had de idea to convince me to dm a free form oneshot on the spot and they bought tons of alcohol before they had the idea. One of my friends (not from my regular group) was just throwing dice around, drunk as fuck. Well, didn't took it so serious, either.
Now, regarding to marihuana, I like a lot to DM high. I get more inmersed and somehow I feel that words just come out more easily. I undersand that it's not for everyone. I have people in my group that can rp better while high, while other players become useless bags of flesh while high.
We used to smoke a joint before playing, but recently a new player joined and he grows his own weed so he brings shitton of that jazz cabbage and even pot brownies
Holy shit I've never been so high before. It had been pretty thou. Except for that player that you have to remind him what the fuck was his character doing
I've never GM'd sober, I need to take the edge off.
Most of the group smokes a little, the rest drinks, including me as GM.
The same as normal only more goofy.
I’ve seen this thread a million times and don’t understand it. Is Veeky Forums not used to drinking/smoking and being social at the same time? Obviously if you’re plastered the game will fall apart.
why would you do anything sober
It helps with the awkwardness/turbo-autism
How do you get home after a game? Take a taxi? Get someone to pick you up? You don't drive drunk, right?
EDH while stoned/drunk is suffering, can't keep it moving.
D&D while high is okay, though its sort of hard to smoke and then play a traditional LG paladin. TN Druid though? Done and done.
One of the big things I cannot fucking comprehend is when some of my friends say they write their material better while high. All I've found is writing while high makes you prone to stupid mistakes and oversight, though that could just be how I get while on weed. Needless to say I tend to prefer the shit they write sober.
Little bit of alcohol with your D&D game though can definitely help you start feeling more dramatic though.
public transportation
Traveling thru the city at night while stoned is like another campaign
hopefully the random encounter wont be a thug
Also I tell my stoned friend about World of Darkness setting and vampires and he gets really scared or nervous. Specially when I tell him that random people at the bus are vampires
Drunk every session. Starts off well but whatever happens at the end needs explaining to me next week. Thankfully I'm the only one who gets smashed.
DMing soon, not sure how I'm going to do it sober
dude weed lmao
Sometimes we like to do shrooms or drop acid nefore the game. Boy is that shit fun.
We used to have "2 beers rule" basically we found that 2 pints of beer was enough to loosen people up but any more would just lead to a drunken mess. So we'd have a pint during set up. Another during the game, then have a few more when the game was done.
>not living in a country where you can just bike or walk home
Depends a lot on the person though. Joe the Alcoholic might need 8 pints to achieve the same effect. I've also met people who become obnoxious after 1 beer.
Depressants can be pretty good for play as long as nobody gets sloppy. Being less reserved tends to help RPGs in my opinion. Doubt most other types of drugs would do much good. Uppers might be ok for marathon sessions but I haven't tried it.
MDMA might help because it makes you more empathetic. Other amphetamines will just make you more autistic.
>Other amphetamines will just make you more autistic.
Depends on the dosage and the person. They can help you be alert and focused, taking too much could certainly become a bit of a problem though.
My friends smoke weed every day. Most of the time it's really hard to get them to concentrate while playing D&D. Especially a certain friend. They used to be a lot better when they didn't do it.
I played with the worst one when he was on Adderall and it was so much better. though Focused all the way through, and a better player overall.
And oh yeah. I've played on Adderall too. I don't think it was enough for me to notice a difference though. But besides that I haven't tried yet when I was drunk or on anything else.
>GM hits the blunt before the session
>he starts falling asleep half-hour later
Dont do this please
>not just drawing dicks on the GM's face
Two rules of thumb:
1) In moderation, it's fine
2) Ouside of moderation, it's only fun if everyone does it, and it should be a sometimes thing.
My group usually drinks or smokes a little at the table, but when we get plastered we don't get anything done. If you want to actually play a coherent campaign, you can't get shitface hammered every session.
I always have a drink whenever I GM. Helps me relax and makes the session flow better.
>not drawing faces on GM's dick
I can't do more than have maybe a wine cooler. Any more alcohol than that and I get sleepy. The only drinks I like are the fruity, sugary shit, and since I'm hypoglycemic, that fucks me over.
Used to have a player who showed up to games high as shit. She was a disruptive player even when sober, but when she was high she was awful. She would ramble forever, disrupt scenes, and get very belligerent if we ignored her because she was fucking up the game. And when we did try to respond to her, she'd wander off or fall asleep, so why bother?
If it works for you, great, but I can't stand playing with anyone who is more than mildly buzzed. Enough to be lubricated and relaxed, but not enough to bring out the bad aspects of someone's personality.
I did. It worked out fine.
Played with that group consistently until they moved to canada some years later.
>huh? what it;s my turn? What's happening again? Sec let me smoke some more ill brb
I've played a TTRPG while drunk.
It, uh, ended up with my character cackling like a madwoman atop a cross where (a fake puppet of) the queen hung crucified, a horrible tentacled abomination of an astral construct stretched its limbs out behind. I ended up monologuing like the villain in a really cheesy disney cartoon, outright demanding the king give us the mcguffin that we'd previously given him for a quest.
While the king's real wife was actually being murdered in a psychoportive shelter by another astral construct, unknown to anyone.
But hey, my character ended up 'retiring' into NPChood as one of the evil god's prime minions by the end of that, which I'd wanted to do ever since I figured out how OP Midnight Augmentation and Astral Construct were together. And as a final 'thank you' for helping her murder the queen, the rest of the party got the mcguffins!
Drunk, once, but it wasn't really my fault. All I can remember was that I was really bad at it.
I'm usually mildly intoxicated throughout a game, but not so much I can't function. My DM are a pretty penny pot brownie before a game one, but a 30 minute power nap fixed him right up.
Dmed we be goblins while everyone was at least fairly tipsy. Was fun, would do it again with another group.
Played shadowrun while new to it and fairly damned high, do not recommend/10
I almost exclusively play high, and there's always an array of alcohol at the table (recently lots of sake and homebrewed mead).
I occasionally get blurry toward the end of sessions, but these days no one gets shitfaced, so it's usually coherent. There were incidents in the past as we grew up and discovered new alcohol- gin and tonics were briefly popular before they were regurgitated on the table and half the character sheets, for instance. I've mostly just played with the same group from high school, and they've seen me as bad or worse, just not around the table.
While DMing, I try to carefully balance marijuana and caffeine until I can reel creatively through loosely prepared setpieces and roll with as many punches as the players throw. I personally think it helps with the "yes, but..." style of DMing, especially with a break every two hours to suck down a cigarette and refocus.
On the other hand, my worst players have been stoners. They tend to have trouble roleplaying, rarely know the rules, and keep on eye on their phones at all times.
I've played many times with smokers. Each time they went from creative to super stream of consciousness creative. They would sometimes forget a thought they'd been holding onto or something from five minutes before. That was the worst of it really. High or drunk is only a condition you can add to the base of a person. If they're annoying without weed they'll be annoying high.
I played while high on weed a couple times. It wad awful. I couldn't focus on anything going on, the time between my turns stretched on for eternity, it was embarassing because I knew everyone else could tell I was baked. The whole time I wished I just walked around outside listening to music instead of sitting in a room trying to do math and read rules when I couldn't keep track of anything.
I kept interrupting the flow of the session because I had to have what was going on repeatedly explained to me.
I don't drink because I'm the GM, but our entire group plays super baked.
It's a running joke that the in-game characters smoke halfling grass because of all the basic shit my players forget from time to time.
Like when they were tasked with finding a missing dog and they asked the lady every question about the dog except for what it looked like.
this campaign has also given me really good note-taking habits because I can't count how many times they'd tell me something and I'd be like, "I said that, lol?"
I don't smoke at all and drink very rarely, but most of my group smoke constantly. Shit's annoying when they pause the game all the time to huddle up around the kitchen fan and drag everything out, not to mention becoming even slower and dumber than usual.
I don't have a problem with them smoking, just how it negatively affects my enjoyment of our game.
but when it's the only game in town and you've known them for half your life...
t. straightedge brainlets
I find that drunkenness impacts the game less negatively than super blazedness. all good things in moderation