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Daily reminder that khaleesh is the superior deity

Need Ji-Sin-Na for that crowd control. He would be best in an actual war.

This pair solidly makes it on my Top 5 CYOAs of 2017, purely because of how much thought it's provoked from me despite being such a little CYOA

The rest of the top 5, in no particular order and discounting anything I made myself, would be Eldritch Bloodline, Guardian Spirit, Be the Monster, and KanColle. Maybe Space Opera Battle Waifu instead of Be the Monster, but I don't know when that was actually OC.

New year, time to change the world, comrades

Why would you need crowd control anyways?

No PPP+?

I'm honored, user. Still, as for the second one, When I said "The real you is supreme" in context of Vera's revelation/delusion, I meant to concisely say that you are basically a great person. As in, everyone loves you, you have a great, fulfilling and profitable job, etc. But everyone took it as "You are an Eldritch being." Still, neither interpretation is necessarily false. It's up to the reader to decide and take risks, anyway.

sauve for this pls

>2017 CYOA

I would like to make a rape build for this, but I need more information on each god. What are their teachings, what do they value and what are they gods over.

That's trash, user.

The answer is in the symbols, Tok. You have to analyze them. It's very deep.

You're like that nerdy edgy kid that no one enjoyed. I always thought people grow out of what you are. Sad!

i love you, /cyoag/


No one says I can't use the "Solid" Illusions as effective meatshields. Like holy shit that shit's actually OP despite the low damage output simply for utility purposes.

>The answer is in the symbols, Tok.
So Gar-Mok is Naruto, Ji-Sin-Na is Jesus Christ and Khaleesh is Yo from South Park? Ok got it!

>I always thought people grow out of what you are.
I'm like a Charizard, people don't grow out of me, they into me. I'm the ultimate end step of human evolution and intelligence.

I love you too user

I love Tok do you as will?



Happy new year /cyoag/! I hope you all have a great 2018.

Let's make it a party!

last repost while its still fresh

>where would you go poll

happy new year /cyoag/

I'll go back to normal cyoas now

or I'll find a new hobby

I'd go to the cyoalin temple as while this Cyoa may lack my beloved short haired tomboys and also lacks my beloved reverse traps Anya is the closest thing this CYOA has to a tomboy

The World [2G 6S 10B]

>Magic, Medium (1 Silver 1 Bronze) [2G 5S 9B]
I kinda like the idea of magic and tech being equilevant, should lead to interesting solutions. Of course, the High magic says that magic is just better than current technology, so maybe instead of sending probes to Mars, we could just teleport there. Choices. In the end, I wanted them equilevant. Plus it would concentrate world destroying powers in hands of relatively few people effectively chosen randomly, not good.

>Beauty (1 Silver) [2G 4S 9B]
This is a bit complicated too, since if you just shift the bellcurve, aren't the people at the end still considered ugly? Or new standards of beauty would emerge then, which might be even more unhealthy than some current ones. But this should guarantee no fatties, so it's worth it.

>Magical Races (1 Silver) [2G 3S 9B]

>Reality (1 Bronze) [2G 3S 8B]
I think gradual change would be better but decades or centuries for changes to happen is just too long.

>Politics (1 Gold) [1G 3S 8B]
Communism is justice, comrade. Mandatory fully automated luxury gay magitech space communism for all. With catgirls.
>Effective (1 Bronze) [1G 3S 7B]
Bam! Now it does. Or depending on how you read the power, now even the most true believing anarcho-capitalist walking in a ditch must take a break from spitting at public road to reflect on how good communism is, which is good enough.

>Intelligence, Remove Stupid (1 Silver 1 Bronze) [1G 2S 6B]
We are going to space. Magic space. With space magic.

>Peace on Earth (1 Bronze) [1G 2S 5B]
Considering the amount of changes suddenly enforced by Reality, it's probably better to enforce peace too. Not many people wish for war anyway so it's not large edit. I'm far more hesitant about removing the possibility of crime. It's rather large mindfuck to the entire population of earth. It basically comes down to two questions, I think. 1) are the laws enacted by government just. 2) does the freedom to commit crime justify the cost in suffering the victims experience. I think the answer to 2) is no but 1) is not guaranteed. I guess you could use other changes to ensure that government enacts only just laws but others can attempt that exercise.

>Growth (1 Bronze) [1G 2S 4B]
No more flat, death to lolicons.


>Amazing (1 Gold) [0G 2S 4B]
Magic, Beauty, Magical Race, Intelligence. I'm a dragon now. ABC. Always Be Cdragon.

>Perfect, Mind, Ageless, Second Time (1 Silver 3 Bronze) [0G 1S 1B]
Pretty standard "don't wanna die" package. Only thing missing is not getting hurt or sick but I guess magic can handle that.

I got 1 Silver and 1 Bronze left and not much to spend it on. I guess I could introduce mutants or remove some concept, like Veeky Forums, but eh.

>Command, Powerful (1 Silver 1 Bronze) [0G 0S 0B]
Used to tell people to piss off if they are bothering me, don't really have much interest in controlling people. Also the rich people I know are far more attached to their cash than something like true love.

I wrote too many words about this, so I get the bonus Bronze coin
>No punishment
I'll use this to shitpost nonstop on /pol/ as Communistic paradise becomes both mandatory and functional. From each according his mana, comrade.

So that is my magitech communism. Above us, the red star awaits. I'm a dragon wizard.

page 2?

And here I am with my 300 layer CYOA pages like a schmuck. The real solution is just to post erotic saber fanfics.

Though, I can't deny I'm madly in love with toks shitposting so I'm torn.



>post erotic saber fanfics.
Do it!

I apologize i made myself some food and completely forgot to post it

Shit, why do I feel like I'm obligated now

Except the race/class the communists used as a common enemy to rouse the masses and seize power through.


Here's one fact. Single page "pick one/few things that aren't connected" cyoas will get far more replies than something that requires spreadsheet.

Thanks to the power of CYOAs, I in fact am right.

That hair is disgusting.

>power of CYOAs

usually yes, but sometimes it's because longer cyoas end up as something you read and be like "ok that's it" instead of "ok time to make my build". Like that recent tankista cyoa. Even though it's a one-page cyoa, I read it, enjoyed it, and yet I have absolutely no desire to make or post a build for it. It gave me a setting, a few vague ways of how to approach it, but not enough information (or motivation) to let me think about what would be the most optimal path for me.

ur mom

Welcome to mandatory poly gay communal marriage, comrade. Unless you wish to make your own changes.

>your own changes



I want to harvest that dragon's blubber to revitalise the oil industries

>mfw i spend a while thinking about my response to a cyoa posted last thread, and then the thread is archived before i can post my response

post fluffy tail cyoas



Post it here.

The best girl has fluffy tails

Why those kannazi is all over the place
Seriously I don't get it


I said post it here, you fucking faggot. Now.



Science isn't about "Why", it's about "Why not?"

summon shield, heal, summon wolf



>Top 5 CYOAs of 2017
>Guardian Spirit
Even I wouldn't put it in my top 5.

>I wouldn't put it in my top 5.

I'm gonna murder you.

but it's your best one so far tho

Don't bully ZBG, he's a special boy

woah take it easy i took a break for dinner

"What the hell... alright. Fine. Given the details I have access to... I'll wanna go with the full ten power level. Hopefully this will make me a better person in general."

"Enchantment selection as follows, and hear me out before you apply 'em, some of these I want clarification on."
>"1. Reshape. If you think this isn't useful, you're not using it right. Note that it says I need help of a witch, but I'll presumably have at least one in my squad, so..."
>"2. Yeti's Strength. On top of the sheer usefulness of the strength boost, it ALSO lets me conjure Bags of Holding, which I suspect is a woefully underused function of this trait."
>"3. Realm of Infinite Gifts. I'll explain why in a bit."
>"4. Spirit Nav. Extremely useful. I especially like how it knows what you mean, not what you say. That's incredibly useful."
>"5. World Globe. Combo with Spirit Nav. Good for tracking."
>"6. Flurry Flight. I'll be making frequent use out of the snow-dust form."
>"7. Let It Snow. Combo with Flurry Flight for faster flight speed thanks to the magic of thermodynamics. Honestly, this alone sounds like it has a LOT of niche uses."
>"8. Wish. There's plenty of things to do with this."
>"9. Heart of Gold. I only hope I never have to use it."
>"10. Uh... I'll go with Feasts and Sweets, since I can't cook for shit and I'd really like to change that, thank you."



>special boy
ZBD is indeed.


"That all being chosen, my specialty will be teleportation and fast-travel. Here's how it works:"

"Teleportation: I conjure a Yeti's Strength sack, open, at my feet. It opens into the Realm of Infinite Gifts and immediately drops me through before being de-conjured. Alternatively I can use Flurry Flight's snow-form to vanish as I fall, that part's optional though. I use the Spirit Nav's perfect comprehension of intent to pick the precise destination of my teleport, with the World Globe to ensure it has all necessary information to send me to the right spot. I conjure another Yeti's Strength sack, but I conjure it at my destination on Earth using the Nav and Globe to channel my energies to the specific spot instantly, which should be possible because magic isn't a window, it's a door, otherwise, some of the things you do would be impossible. The sack is pre-opened to the Realm of Gifts upon conjuration, which puts the exit it creates right below me in the Realm despite being elsewhere on Earth - this might not even be necessary depending on how exactly 'infinite' works. Thus, I immediately drop back through and deconjure the sack. And if there's any reason at all this won't work, I'll come up with a different cheesy workaround. I'm good at cheesy workarounds."

"For fast-travel: I enter my Snow Flurry form using Flurry Flight, then use the perfect control granted to me by Let It Snow, and possibly thermodynamic cheesery resulting therefrom, to move at truly ludicrous speeds, using Nav and Globe to make sure the destination is as precise as possible. It'll take practice, but it'll be worth it."

"Now, in terms of mission and squad selection, I think the two go hand-in-hand, but... anyway."
"Heavin and Nachre. These two get a lot of menial work, but from the sounds of things, they're very good at Getting Shit Done (TM), but have not been given the chance to really shine."
"Deva. Her unique brand of magic sounds good for Zany Hijinx (TM) and general utility. A simple slipping hex is a great way to incapacitate hostiles, for example."
"I'm thinking... Blitzen. Blitzen definitely needs to be better acclimated to being human, and I'm sure her abilities will come in handy sooner or later."
"Let's see, that's three... who else... oh yeah, seeing as I picked food conjuring, I should probably learn how to ACTUALLY MAKE FOOD. Conjuring won't do shit if I don't conjure the right stuff - taste is an extremely delicate sense. Working under the assumption that two heads are better than one, I'll take Kookie and Mika."

"One of the three missions I'm taking, assuming teleportation doesn't get that restriction lifted by neutralizing travel time, is Support Friends. Just helping get shit done around here, helping everyone with whatever troubles they might have. In particular, Sugar and Spice probably could use some counseling, and getting Ribonne and Hylne together would be a cinch. Not to mention that we could probably boost the Summon Santa, Present Production, and Deliver the Goodies ops enough to make up for our not taking those."

(3/?, i keep forgetting to add these)

"What else... I'm thinking, Raid Rogues. We know where they are. We can easily take them all completely by surprise using any teleportation cheese. Now, the real trick here will be Diplomancing them. I don't think dosing them all full of Christmas Spirit, the very thing they're afraid of, is a good idea. If all else fails I can Heart of Gold them, but ideally I'd like to try to help them come to terms with this stuff. Honestly? I'm not entirely comfortable with the nature of Christmas Spirit either. But my plan is, all those eldritch abominations you fools just keep letting loose into the yards? Yeah, what we're gonna do is get the rogue witches to help you guys deal with that particular set of problems, and we're gonna get them to help y'all start keeping better track of that shit so that the situation doesn't get out of hand again."

"On that note, the other goal is to track down Marian and get a proper understanding of what she did and why. I'm especially concerned that perhaps something else eldritch is using her to sow chaos and strife."

"Anyway, if either the rogues or Marian get out of hand, I think the various bullshit abilities we have access to throughout the party will be more than enough to deal with it. That all sound like a plan to you? I hope you don't mind me, 'cuz once this is done, I'm probably sticking around."


How'd I do?

2017 was a terrible year for /cyoag/
I remember when OC practically grew on trees

There is plenty of OC. People just forget about it before the thread even finishes.

>Of course I am!!!!!!!!!
>Realm Builder primary
>L-Lewd, Waifus, Superpowrs, Adventures secondary
>Noble, Gritty
>Favourite settings - high fantasy, heavy sci-fi
>Pratical skills, nap of wisdom
>Weekends off
>Hotel California

"Is jumpchain an option?"

Yeah, like 2017.

may sodium spuds show you no mercy

>made OC throughout 2017
>they get vibrant discussion, but it ends 3 threads later once everyone's made their builds
>At end of the year some faggot says that there was practically no OC throughout the year

Let's see what you've made faggit

guarantee the only things hes made are stains on mommies hand towels that he hides at the bottom of the hamper


what happened to weekend user

>As long as your baby eating days are behind you

He decided he had a good run. I appreciated it while he lasted.

>is jumpchain an option?

Why not

Damnit. The first beast-taming CYOA he made was great.

Is Peil still knocking around?



>Is Peil still knocking around?

He made two things recently

High Magic (1gp)
Heroes (1sp)
Intelligence (1sp)

Amazing: all above (1gp)
Perfect: Body, Mind, Ageless, Second time (1sp, 3bp)
Command: local/powerful/media (2sp, 1bp)
Super Power (1sp)

So that leaves me with 7 bronze pieces and nothing to spend them on that I care about. Probably just take some Ignore and no/zero punishment as extra protection.

Really wanted to like this CYOA. But it is over focused on fetish. Because of that I didn't feel any real pain in my choices. Nothing was tempting me to spend more than I had.

Anyhow, I'm setting myself up for world influence and survival in a world of magitech. I want the world to advance to great things - but I really want to survive to see it and guide it along the way.

burst cripple
summon wolves

Emilia seems nice


Pile of shit.