Does anyone else want to see mtg dies so "investors" like him will lose everything?

Does anyone else want to see mtg dies so "investors" like him will lose everything?

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Yes. Friends of mine have pissed away so much money and time for cardboard.

I’d love to see Magic collapse.

He has like 3 other businesses its not like he'll go hungry m8.

I don't want it to die because I still love the game, but seeing "investors" get fucked would definitely be nice.

Why would I care about what happens to some random guy on the internet?

I don't want it to die completely.

I want it to fail so badly that Wizards will be forced to actually make decisions that change the community for the better to keep Magic afloat.

But if it does die then some other card game will fill the sizable economic vacuum that is created and there's a chance that the developers won't have their heads firmly implanted in their asses. That wouldn't be so bad.

Those guys are buying out all of the good cards and increasing their prices. Veeky Forums is so full of libs who hate the IMF or the bulge bracket banks, but these guys are doing the same shit in mtg albeit in a smaller scale and no one bats an eye.

And hopefully crash the market down to reasonable prices.

OP is a retard. The value of most really old Reserved List shit has almost no connection to their demand as playing pieces (Alpha cards in particular are not legal even in Vintage). The game living or dying will have a negligible effect on their value because it already does.

Except they invest in other sets as well. Fucking rudy has stacks of dark acension and innistrad. They have all the betas and revised that you can get. Stop trying to defend them, this is a game not an investment. They hoard all of the good stuff. Fuck I know people who have stacks of ixalans, bunders full of zendikar fetches and shock lands, but won't pull them out in FNM. They play the cheapest deck possible aka red deck wins.

I want it to die because it filled with pedophiles.

user please.




You know, if you're gonna make shitty meme cards, the least you could do is format them properly and give him some creature subtypes. Or use the flavor text slots, or stat him properly.

Sounds like someone went to hosetown with little Timmy.

Its from the Hasbronews Warski assault. Get topical user.

Can anyone /pol/pill me on what happened to this guy and if he truly deserved it?

What's going on in the MtG scene right now? Seems tumultuous.

Redditors and shills will spread disinfo here. do your own research user.

look on cripplechan /pol/, active conversion on this is going on there.

listen to his side of the history in his videos and look at the other side of the story on the people who are against him. Look at the evidence provided and make your own mind don't be a fucking sheep.

said some jokes
some sjws got their panties in a knot
whined to hasbro

pedophiles all over the place in the judge program, right now possible antifa in WOTC staff.

I've been digging with Jeremy for a bit now giving dirt as I go, a few saff members have shown up on the radar with the leaks from Antifa doxes.

So yea I wouldn't support WOTC too much until Hasbro make a statement.

Channel Fireball also refusing to do basic background checks leading to actual sexual predator judges at events.

Store owners outed as pedos etc. etc.

I'm still digging and doxing them all. WOTC and Hasbro attempting to scrub all evidence whilsit all of this is happening is only making me dig deeper.

Lots of spooky skeletons coming out of WOTCs closet after the new year.

If you want MTG to be fixed this is how you do it.

>Antifa in WOTC ranks

proof? Or even the slightest bit? since you say you've been doxing them surely you can deliver.

You can play alpha cards in sleeves, no one does but you can

One of the most likely is Alan Marling. Jeremy already posted this one but I'm already piecing together more, many more calling up Hasbro and say that they hire terrorists is a wake up call.

If they ignore it all abandon the game Veeky Forums, seriously don't support terrorism and pedophilia. Play Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever.

How many more?

>it’s a pizzagater episode


That picture really discredits your post hombre, was it ironic edge?

Not going into numbers because the official magic Reddit probably lurks but it's enough that if working along with journalists from breitbart ( yea I know it's a meme but still ) and sending out this story to bigger youtubers like we have been and keep moving up they'll have to speak up.
yes, obviously.

Fucking finally a actual answer to what this is.

Thank you for your fine service also, I was wondering who was doxing all of these people for Jeremy honestly. Your doing Serra's work.

Moron acted like a asshole
Hasbro had enough of his bs and kick him
/pol/ retards whine about SJW boogeyman
Veeky Forums is shat up because a imbecile got what was coming to him

Fixed that for you

mtg's been in the toilet for a long time, and the investors are only a small part of that. The smart ones have more than one source of income anyways, so it's not like crashing the market will hurt them too much. It could mean wizard's getting their shit back together, but I have doubts that will ever happen.

I had a good run. Magic ending with Time Spiral is fine with me.

Holy shit user keep digging. An ACTUAL employee being a member of Antifa would kill this brand.

By bigger youtubers, you mean conspiracy loonies who make 40 minute monologue videos, I assume?

You’re the same user, aren’t you?

>Thank you for your fine service also, I was wondering who was doxing all of these people for Jeremy honestly. Your doing Serra's work

It's more than one of us.

WotC should just start selling individual cards at a fixed price based on rarity and cap the market price on any given card while making a bit of extra money.

>By bigger youtubers, you mean conspiracy loonies who make 40 minute monologue videos, I assume?

Reddit is one click away faggot.

>mtg dies
>Rudy still has other businesses
He'll still stay afloat, mtg is one of his hobbies and side shit user.

A dox was never released a dox you stupid tripfag.

The only lives ruined here have been the pedophiles in the Judge program who ruined it first when they where convicted.

Be retarded a the official Reddit, everyone will love you there.

Games Workshop was able to undergo what you're talking about, but they have no parent company. If MtG's profits tanked so bad they had to bring in new management Hasbro would probably foul the process. They aren't the sort of company to take risks and they aren't creative.

Honestly, once a set has rotated out they should sell it online. Pretty sure they wouldn't be breaking any fucking rules. They only have limited print runs anyway unlike yugioh.

Rares & mythics - $1
Commons and uncommons - 10 cents

Pretty sure they would make a killing.

>this is face of a bully

Then they couldn’t sell boosters anymore, and that’s where they make money.

Ass crack Jesus did nothing wrong.

>Play a TCG
>It's shit
>Act surprised
Don't be that guy.

Or at the very least allow for reprints in new sets on a more common sense level and put some decent shit in their preconstructed. Duel decks died because of that nonsense.

Wotc needs to just (truly) ignore the secondary market and put out good sets and fun products.

I was looking to dive back in to magic but after all of the sjw and now pedo drama + all of the meta cost and BS. I'm out.

With a time delay it would work fine for WotC themselves. I think the big problem for them would be that it would damage a lot of LGS, many of which make a lot of their income off the secondary MtG market. Pissing off the main booster distributors who also act as your main play venues for most of the customer base would be bad, and worst case scenario some of them might go out of business altogether.

This is an aleternative though.
They should focus on standard. They're not printing innistrad anymore, so the case exist they can sell singles. Maybe make a new set symbol for cards printed this way, to keep some value of the old there. But at the end of the day no card should be $70 like scalding tarn, that just unsustainable.

Stop being poor. Maybe one day you'll be able to have plenty of modern or legacy decks whenever you want that you can afford to play with the market instead.
We don't need this money to live, it's just a nice thing on the side and we get to hurt players and the game while making some small profit. And you can't stop it because you don't actually buy product, Rudy has bought more boxes during IMA alone than you have through your entire life.

I had to watch like 6 videos to make sure you weren't just bullshitting user. I'm a Warhammerfag that heard about this earlier and now I'm going to make my little brother sell his collection.

I've seen people suggest printing tournament winning decks as fully legal cards instead of gold border, that could certainly be one way to drive down the cost of the most expensive secondary market cards.

>stop being poor

If only Veeky Forums would heed this advice

>all the leftist twats in this thread going "waaah, stop digging and uprooting my shitty community! let me live in my pathetic bubble!"

is your autistic little card game really so important to you that you need 24/7 insulation from any real world stuff?

Get proxies mate, I spent $100 on all of these and i play with my mates. Just make a cube.

Yea but allowing big stores like walmart, amazon, target won't? I know some stores that went out. It just how business work. Do you really think store owners want to deal with haggling? My local store is managed well, every quarter they will do $2 boosters, and half off singles. They make most of their money through sleeves, game mats and other apparrels. Fuck man they ask you for your birthday and the store owner gives you 3 packs free or a choice of $10 or less single on your birthday if you're a good patron.

He's a worldly businessman with a fine library, with tomes like Poe, Doyle, Harrap's Spainish Dictionary, and the Borderlands 2 Strategy Guide.

Well, the last time they tried to put something good in preconstructed decks scalpers ended up just hoarded all of them and sold singles to profit

But wouldn't the cost of distribution be too much if WotC is to do it themselves? Also this will cause a backlash from LGS that actually do the work of promoting the game as suggests

Forgot pic.

If anyone wants to know whats going on don't listen to anything in the thread ( although the edgy pic user covered the current happenings it alright ) read this instead from a non mtg player.

You have to pay for shipping and they can add a 10$ tax or something.

>scalpers ended up just hoarded all of them and sold singles to profit

Isn't the solution to that to just keep printing more runs of the things? I mean at some point the scalpers will have to give up, and in the process WotC has had more sales of those decks.

is hating women a requirement of understanding your perspectives?

>don't do any research yourself please only read my biased sources

He´s a hoarder not an investor. He does this same shit with antique guns, sports equipment and restorant equipment.
He'll never be poor despite not being too smart with money.

That's what most people don't get.
The real collectors who horde MtG shit do it because they're already well off.
MtG dying will only hurt the poorfags like pic related who pump money into modern cards and end up selling their collection at a loss.

What about we not read some retard's blog post?

Yea but there are a bunch of other who didn't diversify. MTG still makes a large amount of his portfolio so it be a very very significant dent.

>Lou Colagiovanni

Are you fucking blind?

Found Tumblr

I love Rudy because he's positioned himself rather fortuitously at the centre of this shitstorm of a collectible card game we torture ourselves to play. Observe in his rage/rant videos how he toggles perspective between those of Wizards, distributors, lgs owners, players and of course investors. He seems to have a broad view of the situation we're all in. I appreciate deeply his print run numbers videos because they show how transactions go between people who have information, and people who don't have information.

And let's face it, if we were in his position of financial power, treating Vintage cards as a commodity that's only going to climb with time, we'd be doing exactly as he is. He's capitalising on intrinsic weaknesses in our secondary market to increase his assets, since it takes a lot of time for older cards to be bought out to their proper market value. The only people he's really punishing are people trying to buy into Vintage and Legacy, and let's face it, if you're trying to buy into tournament Vintage and Legacy proper and not playing at your kitchen table with proxies and Chinamen Garbage then you really deserve to get burnt. Or increase you net value. Or both.

What!? No!
But I would like to see people stop shitty up youtube with dumbass channels

>s-stop making fun of me
>/pol/ and 8gag are very reliable sources, researching this for yourself is wrongthink