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Which kind of adventuring organization would you join?
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Probably the academy, I might move to the association eventually; once I've developed my skills high enough.
IRL, I'd probably prefer the Academy to start and then maybe move on to the Agency. I like to manage my risks.
For gaming purposes (which is how I voted), I'd probably prefer playing with Clubs, though Associations are also more my style.
It was a tossup between Clan and Club, but in the end I think what I'd want to do most is join a poor Club and then work to raise it's prestige and power while still keeping it accessible. Fuck those rich Club snobs.
Also if I get any say, we're calling it the Gintlemen's Club.
not doing the poll though
The Order.
I'd file my flight plan with the Agency
>joining an adventuring organization
>not going alone and finding your own band of swell lads to hang around yourself
Clan, definitely.
Clan for sure.
Order, it's always better to fight for a cause than for money or whatever the other organizations believe in. And I'd love to test the paladins' chastity.
>And I'd love to test the paladins' chastity.
Paladins only have missionary sex with their lawfully wedded husband/wife for the sole purpose of having children, user.
good taste my nigga.
Can't we be some kind of Fertility Order of women paladins that decided to beat the dick?
Clan. Due to the difficulty in being recruited in the first place, I'll likely already be somewhat respected. Once I'm in, I'm in for good, and no matter what happens, they'll be there to help. From there, anything I do that benefits them in any way will be seen as good to them, so I could do near-to-anything provided that I share a cut of whatever I get out of it with the Clan.
It's a toss up between Agency and Club. Agency to live the dream of making money and doing easy as hell jobs. That said a poor club gives more freedom than the Agency well giving more stability than the association. Yeah you need to pay your daily dues and the club itself doesn't pay you, but it still gives opportunity to get money from the jobs themselves.
A Clan within a Order of a Faction that works with a Academy.
Clan or agency,
Preferably a combo of both.
Old school cooperate culture and gang culture seem max comfy
Going with wubba Luba dub dub on this one and none. I move faster on my own. I may "join" some but only for my own benefit and only putting forth effort in them until I get what I want.
clan or academy. skill progression boost is godmode, but clan is clan
order would be #3