In this thread, dump all the stereotypes, biases and preconceived notions of oWoD games that you have, and I'll attempt to resolve them.
I've never seen a major game series get more shit than oWoD for less reasons, and I've never had as much fun with for example 3.PF or indeed any other games as I've had with oWoD.
Yet I still see people knocking it for little other reason than "edge" (it's as edgy as you make it) or "the combat is shit" (in my opinion this is grade-A bullshit), and then blanket-boycotting what I think is one of the best, smoothest, most replayable, most natural and most satisfying roleplaying franchises out there.
I get that personal opinions differ, but it could be nice for once to hear people admit that instead of balking at the idea of playing a game where the objective isn't pushing big number blocks together and panting under your breath.
In this thread, dump all the stereotypes, biases and preconceived notions of oWoD games that you have...
Man I love WoD.
My first every sessions were oWoD Mage and Werewolf.
It was the only system I played for years.
I'm running my first game (Vampire) soon and I wish I could use the OWoD setting but I only have the books for NWoD.
So torrent the books.
It's not like you're sponsoring the actual oWoD by buying the butchered repacks of the old books, so it's as victimless a crime as you can get.
The game seems oddly conductive to "OMG, AMHA SO POWERFELL!!" and "IMADE A DUDE THAT WAS DA STRONGIEST!!" with absolutely no regard for roleplaying or giving a single fuck about the story that was told around their toon. Only that they could "TOTALLY TORCH EVERYBODY WITH A FLAMETHROWER NY DUDE WAS SCARED OFF DUE TO HIS OWN PHOBIA!! SO METAAAAL!!"
This is also odd, since the books don't seem to encourage none of that shit, yet all the groups I have met were universally of this type.
>In this thread, dump all the stereotypes, biases and preconceived notions of oWoD games that you have, and I'll attempt to resolve them.
oWoD books have terrible indexes and useless tables of content.
>dump all the stereotypes, biases and preconceived notions of oWoD games that you have, and I'll attempt to resolve them.
oWoD focuses so much on metaplot it makes most of the stuff your characters are doing pointless.
You'll never be important as the other "Original characters" in the setting.
And they keep taking down the 3rd party sites that even make chargen not a pain.
I've had roleplay heavy WoD groups, but my overall experience has seen a lot more oWoD powergaming than I've ever seen playin D&D.
This. Of either gender, really.
the combat IS shit. You take celerity and you just straight up get more actions. Anyone who knows a single fucking thing about basic math and/or game design knows this is bad because if I swing at you 5x more than you at me, I am going to win even if I only hit half as often as you do. And Thaumaturgy is just straight up busted, I'm not even gonna get into that shit because I'll be here until 2019.
Not saying you can't have fun with it of course, but it's in spite of the system not because of it. Much like 3.PF.
>I've never seen a major game series get more shit than oWoD for less reasons
Then you haven't been paying attention.
>And Thaumaturgy is just straight up busted, I'm not even gonna get into that shit because I'll be here until 2019.
At least try. I want to know.
Werewolves are literally dogfuckers.
Dograpers, really. Animals can't consent.
tl;dr: you can buy just about every other discipline's abilities for roughly half the xp while using the same dice pool for it all. And then you do ranged agg damage while feeding off multiple people at once and summoning up pets because celerity just doesn't get your action economy boner up like it used to.
Is it rape if you fuck a dog while in the form of a dog? How did I end up in a hobby where I have to ask such questions?
>Is it rape if you fuck a dog while in the form of a dog?
>How did I end up in a hobby where I have to ask such questions?
I'm not saying it's because of Mages . . .
But it was because of Mages.
MFW the entire animal kingdom has been sustaining itself through rape for 600 million years.
Rage Across Russia made MIR into a Black Spiral Caern.
In other words, Killer Commie Werewolves From Outer Space.
Also, Sam Haight.
>Killer Commie Werewolves From Outer Space
Is that the new Rob Zombie film?
Is it true they actually published a game where you play magical, knife-fighting, thieving, cursing gypsies?
Who's Sam Haight? What's his deal?
Looks like OP gave up or died.
I've loved WoD since the 90s but even I have to admit that it's mostly straight up trash sprinkled the the occasional original idea that somehow makes you temporarily forget that it's trash.
I've always thought it was kinda funny that White Wolf sued Sony over Underworld, when White Wolf had blatantly 100% lifted shit from Anne Rice, Bram Stoker, Brian Lumley, Stephen King, and pretty much every 80/90s B movie with vamps or werewolves in it.
If Sony's lawyers were any good, they could've totally destroyed that lawsuit and then we might've avoided the whole abomination that is Chronicles of Darkness and the 20th anniversary kickstarters cancer.
Sam Haight was a canon villain sue in 1st Edition. Starting as a Child of Gaia kinfolk, through numerous asspulls Haight became a Skinwalker (a Kinfolk that fused the hides of five dead Garou and did a particular Wyrm-Rite could become a pseudo-Garou), a Ghoul, AND Awakened as a Mage (more accurately, he walked off with the heart of a Hermes Chantry), becoming a min-maxed munchkin incarnate, as well as a ticking Paradox timebomb.
When he died, he was Soulforged into an ashtray. There are no cigarettes in the Shadowlands.
Truly evil books under the table there
oWoD has an awesome dice system. Nature/Demeanor is also a real fun way of understanding your character.
I don't dig in too much into the lore though, it's all super edgy and filled with their made-up words.
>People on /v/ getting excited over the idea of a WtA game
>Have to explain to them that werewolves in WoD are basically a race with generous amounts of traditional elf arrogance mixed in and not just the traditional monsters they're hoping for
I think OP had to tap out when the indexes, combat system and thaumaturgy were brought up almost immediately.
Aren't there rules specifically prohibiting that kind of fuckery, though? Or were those added AFTER they realized how dumb that was?