Never forget, the Silver Hand and the Ebon Blade are brothers through thick and thin. And like brothers, sometimes they do some rough-housing, but it's just so both can grow stronger and bond better in their joint pursuit of justice.
Dominic Hernandez
Which circle-jerk are we going to have this thread?
>Allyfags whining about muh orcs muh forsaken >Hordefags whining about Allyfags >Trollfags we wuzzing >Nelffags bitching about humans
Samuel Lewis
Eastern Kingdoms, are you ready for the purple flood?
Colton Ross
Remember when a bunch of nelves joined the archdruid who was extremely buttblasted that his son was killed by the aqir and tried to burn down the World Tree?
You 'member that? I 'member.
Noah Howard
Just put them in Lordaeron, it'll be mostly empty.
Owen Evans
You don't break into your bro's house and try to steal one of their most prized possessions. That's how you end up on World Star Hip Hop curled up in a corner of a guy's apartment while they wail on you.
Asher Cooper
How about "I have this idea how lore would be much better and it only requires to redo n expansions to work"- circlejerk ?
Carson Torres
>Nelffags bitching about humans We can pick up right where we left off. Nelffags invited their complete irrelevance when they selected blue in the character creation screen back in 2006 and any subsequent whining is a child's lack of foresight.
Connor Parker
>>Everything wrong about WoW is the alliances fault even dev time
I've seen you push this narrative in every thread. Do you want to hate fuck alliance????
Ryan Phillips
How do Tuskarr feel about Murlocs and Jinyu?
Oliver Williams
just put Liadrin or one of the other competent elves in charge
Julian Harris
Blizzard forced night elves to be blue, there was literally nothing players could do at that point
Brody Edwards
Doesn't she masturbate with an Alliance tabard on whenever shes alone?
Logan Hughes
Your relationship with your brother would be much better if you just loved him unconditionally for who he is, user, even when he electrocutes you for stealing his baseball so you could pay for your crack addiction.
Julian Allen
He legit said he doesn't actually believe that's why they axed it, bruv.
Brody Morales
RvB was a mistake, I want my multipolar Azeroth
t. nelffag
Levi Sanders
Jose Parker
>early Vanilla WoW didn't have factions
What could have been.
Levi Ortiz
Night Elves suck at keeping prisoners.
Parker Parker
>I've seen fags who actually use this image unironically.
It's pathetic. They're cartoon men.
Nathaniel Foster
Not buy the game is always an option. Imagine you're just out of WC3 and you have a vested investment in the Nelves cause you found them to be super cool. WoW is announced and you find out they're going to be the human's lackeys. Do you: >Bite the bullet and buy the game anyway cause you like Nelves so much, even though they're neutered and weak as fuck now or >Not buy the game and wait for Blizzard to change their minds Well user? Because if you went for the first option, you already accepted you were going to be a human's wage-slave in the lore. No point in whining about it when you can uninstall any time.
Gavin Scott
He lost sanity when the Horde killed his grand daughter (daughter of his son, which death traumatized him)
Also I'd say the wardens do the best job at keeping prisoners, he just escaped because a green drake stab the retarded player character in the back
Aiden Davis
There wasn't any reason in Vanilla to believe the Humans would keep the Nelves from getting any good moments.
It was weird they joined but not necessarily something that would destroy them narratively.
Tyler Harris
Sebastian Howard
>He can't see into the future And this is why you will always be one step behind, kid.
Alexander Adams
Kalimdor would have been cozy.
Lordaeron would have been a hellscape.
Lucas White
>lackeys Not the case in Vanilla. In Vanilla they were dominating the Alliance militarily.
Joseph Jackson
>Blizzard has done so well this years, all of his games have beat the most sold game. There's no way WoW is bad >hey guise did you hear Activision wants to buy Blizzard
Levi Allen
We all know that's you, Ner'zhul. You're not fooling anyone.
Juan Hughes
He also convinced his daughter-in-law to join him, and she thinks she's hot shit because she almost killed Hamuul Runetotem. Then he comes back, she shouts "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE," and he merks her.
Zachary Rogers
He should have died desu
Ethan Kelly
What is it with Blizzard taking what's considered flaws of the narrative and deciding to make them canon?
Caleb Reyes
What are you talking about?
Lincoln Cruz
>Nelffags complain that Malf is too neutral >Blizzard makes a questline SPECIFICALLY SHOWING HIM TO BE TOO NEUTRAL but doesn't do anything about it >People complain the Alliance is too muh Lawful Good Overdrive >Thaylrssa brings up how "cloistered" the Alliance feels when she chooses to join the Horde
Taking what SHOULD be mess ups in how they're written and just making them canon without fixing them.
Jaxon Kelly
Back when I first started playing, the impression I always got was player characters don't care too much about the faction war. People forget the whole point of battlegrounds was fringe warhawks hiring mercenaries to advance their agendas. I generally just assumed the only reason I couldn't enter Stormwind was because the NPCs are fags.
Now though the faction war is a total skubfest of the worst kind. I don't understand players who just want their characters to look and act like NPCs. WoW's lore is one of the few instances where everything is so much more fun through the eyes of a murderhobo.
Luke Johnson
>Someone uploaded Chronicles 1 and 2 to the compendium on Christmas Day Neato.
Oliver Clark
>guy I watch who isn't super into the lore praising BfA for "returning to the Alliance v Horde that made the game popular". >fucking Vanilla was the most peaceful the Allys and Hordies have ever been in lore
The RvB honestly seems like it's specifically meant for "lore" casuals who only care about the superficial.
Nicholas Martinez
What's too neutral about teaming up with a fellow archdruid who just so happens to be a tauren to save Mt. Hyjal and Nordrassil from traitorous druids?
Carson Gray
Who is the least autistic person in Warcraft?
Pic related, not this guy.
Kayden Lopez
Hey, my troll does it too. It's a common horde fetish.
David Bailey
The Old Gods.
Thomas Clark
Blizzard employee here.
She's gonna have an anti-climatic death, with Tyrande coming over after and saying 'bitch had it coming'.
Charles Bennett
That's hot, got any pics?
Sebastian Rodriguez
Sadly this would not surprise me.
John Harris
Wyatt Sanders
He should've been Warchief.
Ryder Sanchez
Happy New Year you faggots!
Kayden Bailey
>member of the Earthen Ring, a dedicated shaman sworn to protect life and nature >going about my business to defend the world >see a fellow shaman out and about >bludgeon him to death with a rusty mace because members of his race wear the wrong color
Is this what gang violence is like?
Jeremiah Thomas
Huh there was no hyperbole at all.
Angel Myers
Tyrande has pretty good personal reasons to not like Maiev. To be honest I can't see that many people showing up to her funeral at all, maybe her brother? Some hardline watchers perhaps? That said I'd still be mad if she just died of a heart attack or something.
Xavier Howard
Wasn't she described as the last vestige of old amazon night elf xenophobia? She hates practically everyone except her fellow wardens.
Ethan Campbell
>tfw love seeing Warcraft women of any race tattooed with the opposite faction's symbol on their buttcheeks
Easton Allen
Has there ever been another faction that hasn't ever not thrown the 'muh lordaeron' alliance fags into a rage at the mere mention of them? I don't think so.
Grayson Mitchell
Forsaken joined the Alliance and Nelves joined the Horde in Vanilla, discuss implications.
Henry Smith
And that's why she needs to die. We are in an Azeroth that will not accept such old customs. Now her race are litterally refugees, they should integrate into alliance culture if they want to stay.
Julian Jackson
The entire opposite continent would be no man's land, and that's not a good dynamic to set on day one.
Nathan Sanchez
>has there ever been that hasn't ever not don't drink and post
Landon Rodriguez
Wait a second, ain't that an edit?
Camden Stewart
Sylvanas is executed for harboring and conspiring with a Dreadlord. Nelves whine how the Orcs are outshining them and making them look weak and irrelevant.
Charles Reed
>nelfs are now dunmer
Cooper Allen
>Alliance "culture" >clinging to worshipping a force which everyone now knows is just farted out by autistic vorlons who want you to be their stormtroopers
Easton Lewis
>Alliance invades Lordaeron in Cataclysm >Forsaken initiate a great BTFO operation that sees the invading army pushed back. >WHAT THE FUCK? WHY DIDN'T YOU LET US TAKE LORDAERON BACK? EVIL BLIGHT USERS RAISING OUR DEAD WHAT THE FUCK BRO? FUCKING LICH QUEEN REEEEEEEEEE
t. your average alliance poster when complaining about the Forsaken holding their territory.
Parker Hill
Does your uncle work at Nintendo too?
Alexander Sullivan
Theres more to alliance culture than just light worship user.
Lincoln Mitchell
Why does Tyrande hate her again?
Wyatt Bennett
Maiev tried to lie to Furion so that the night elf force with him would leave Tyrande to die against the Scourge.
Austin Hill
Southern Barrens is the only time the Faction War was actually decently written.
Everyone is given at least some reason for their actions and you need to do the story on both factions to get the full picture.
Sebastian Scott
>Maiev dies in a drunken struggle with human town guards after a night of drinking her sorrows away. Is buried in a common grave a couple of days later, her funeral is attended by Jarod, a couple of former wardens and a junior priestess of Elune. No comment is given from nelf leadership
Asher Bailey
I hate how when Nightelf Mages wear the same Mage Tier headpiece that teh Flame Druids wear their ears disappear instead of getting holes for them. It looks so much worse than the Flame Druids looked.
Jack Stewart
Dunmer being turned into refugees was some bullshit.
Isaiah Bailey
"My father once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed" -Jaina Proudmoore
Landon Ortiz
>Alliance invades Lordaeron in Cataclysm Non-fact.
Nathan Anderson
>People are mad an evil elf killed off a bunch of humans Is that supposed to be a problem? It's not like Blood Elves don't whine about Garithos, Orcs don't whine about the camps, and on and on.
Xavier Reed
>Forsaken stab humans in the back after they work together to retake Lordaeron >a fucking dreadlord is literally their second in command >proceed to capture and torture humans, even going so far as to experiment on them with concoctions that create more undead >use the blight against the wishes of the other Horde, completely devastate large swathes of Lordaeron and Gilneas >Wrathgate
Forsaken are supposed to be evil. Stop trying to turn them into dindus and ruining what makes them what they are.
Justin Cox
Thats too taboo user! Do you think my troll would just let someone tattoo a lion over her buttcheck, work her hair into a delicate braid and start wearing a fine mix of human, high elf and draenei clothing with dwarvrn made acessories?
...Maybe in her steamy dreams, only the Loa should know of her shame.
Jack Phillips
So are you some kinda retard?
Camden Morgan
I'm honestly salty that the Alliance is stuck with Kul Tiras. Who the fuck cares about Kul Tiras? Has ANYONE ever cared about Kul Tiras? And it doesn't look like anything new environmentally, it's just full of slightly different humans, and all the lore for it is new retcons.
Justin Reed
Because the fucking world was going to explode thanks to Illidan's spell with the eye of Sargeras, and Furion would've run off to save his stupid princess instead of doing his job.
Then, Furion just lets Illidan go because the bastard swears he'll help save Tyrande. Tyrande and Furion are literal selfish pigdogs with no sense of justice whatsoever and Frozen Throne was the beginning of Warcraft writing turning into absolute trash because not once, BUT TWICE they have Illidanfuck hijack another character's story in the final act. It was the beginning of "hurr let's change our minds about the plot half-way through" and it hasn't gone away.
Maiev is the first documented victim of shit writing in Warcraft, Aldaris being the first victim of Blizzard in general.
Gabriel Young
Kul Tiras was supposed to be in Vanilla, then in Cata, it's more leftovers than anything.
Adrian Thompson
I just hope she doesn't die so we have at least one "old" kaldorei mostly untouched.
Maybe the throat cancer of her voice actor saved the character
Henry Sanders
Connor Jenkins
>not wanting strongfat humans.
Nicholas Brown
Aldaris was fucked up because metzen's bitch wife, which is why he turned kerrigan into the Queen Bitch of the Universe
also Ghost was Cancelled because the shareholders and Fucking Jewhaine were retarded, the game itself was complete with a few bug-testings, they cancelled it because they thought that no one would buy it because of 3dRealms Oni being Bad and the fans later on stating that the game was a absolute copy of it
John Jones
>Wanting landwhales
Jaxson Walker
Yeah, and the Horde gets Zandalar. It's just completely pitiful in comparison.
Alexander Young
What would they have gotten instead, though?
We're rapidly running out of places to visit.
Jayden Campbell
I wasn't cancer, it was Laryngitis, and it was the one that blocks your throat even for breathing
Jack Smith
Leyara hated Malfurion because he was too neutral in the war between Horde and Alliance. There's also Garrosh's issues with ow the other races of the Horde, like Trolls, don't contribute enough. Which is frustrating for a Troll player, because Blizzard simply never write much content for Darkspear in the first place.
Alexander Phillips
Your mistake is not being a humanfag. For a humanfag it is a glorious time to be alive: >Arathi retaken, Stromgarde rebuilt >Gilneas repopulated with its own people even >Forsaken BTFO. If we can't have Lordaeron, noone can >Kul Tiras about to rejoin >Dalaran's leftover mages probably join once the Horde blows it up from the inside >Void Elves coming out of Quel'Thalas tired of Sindorei shit >Dwarves and Gnomes based allies as always, now some of them have grey skin but whatever >There's some Draenei around too
Remember, in Warcraft you don't pick "Alliance" as your race, you pick "Human". Everyone else are just supplements.
Jaxson Lewis
and yeah, before legion she voiced tsunade in naruto games, and her voice was fine though,
I mostly gave up when Icecrown wasnt even a fuckhuge spire to scale against the Lich King. I had this final standoff in the spire played in my mind after wc3, and wotlk shat all over it.
Tyler Murphy
I don't dislike humans, I just find the same thing over and over boring.
Owen Collins
>farted out by autistic vorlons Nah. The Vorlons are just congealed farts. Night Elves believe they were created by Elune. Blood Elves aren't religious that way, so they aren't threatened by their Troll ancestry.
Isaiah Bennett
Icecrown is one of the worst raids in the game design-wise, I hate it so much
Aiden Taylor
Somewhere lore relevant at least? I mean the fucking Zandalar seem to have something actually threatening going on, what's going in in Kul Tiras except some angry ghosts and obesity?