>Amazons are/were created via an extensive alchemical enhancement procedure on women. >They were specifically designed to be an elite fighting force for a nation that was not officially recognized, by an eccentric figure whom is referred to as "The Supreme Commander." >This enhanced fighting force typically pairs its trainees with freelance mercenaries and adventurers for shadowing and on the job training. >the more experienced ones are hired out as bodyguards for wealthy merchants and nobility. This is, of course, when they're not garrisoned at their home nation.
What sort of culture can come about from these above facts? Can this be integrated into the average fantasy setting? Sci-fi setting? YOUR setting?
why did this gay magical realm quest bullshit warrant a second thread?
Ayden Rivera
Magical realm? maybe. Quest? Nah.
Brody Brooks
What part of any this necessitates that they be Amazons except your raging magical-realm boner, OP?
Christian Bailey
Does there even need to be a reason? I mean I'm not saying it's not OPs magical realm, but does it really make a practical difference whether it's dudes or not? Just make up a reason, I dunno, the alchemy didn't work on men or something.
Isaac Collins
Why are you obsessed with making threads about this concept? This is like the fifth one in three days.
Adam Wright
You've made three different variations on this thread within the span of two days. Can you please talk about something else?
Connor Price
I feel like mythological Amazons are a lot more interesting than your alchemy concept and you probably just want that because you want to imagine girls drinking potions and then suddenly growing super buff.
Nathan Fisher
Try asking /d/
Aiden Price
Lets break it down.
1) if said Academical enhancement could be/was used on both genders, you just get the tired old Super soldier, living weapon, soldiers. There might be some good stories to come out of this, but its well traveled territory.
2) if it was only men, you get space marines. We know space marines like the back of our hands already. No real social dynamic beyond Women, Men, and Manly Men. I realize that boils it down too much but there is a character limit.
3) If it works/used only on females, you can expore that lovely contrast in opposing social dynamics between the new, traditionally masculine duties and lifestyle, and the expected feminine background these ladies were raised on. Since the Amazon is made, and not born and raised, there's each one has a background in the traditional feminine gender role. Thus the contrast can make for interesting storytelling.
aaaand its hot. so win win.
William Fisher
I can respect that. The mythological warrior woman is a great trope with a lot of good history behind that.
And The drinking a few potions and suddenly growing super buff is actually a real turn off. If there is to be rapid change, it needs to be more gradual.
Ryan Russell
user this is your fetish and it doesn't matter how much thought you put into the concept. If you do it solely because it is your fetish, it will be dull and put people off.
Even this stuff like: >2) if it was only men, you get space marines. We know space marines like the back of our hands already. No real social dynamic beyond Women, Men, and Manly Men. I realize that boils it down too much but there is a character limit. This is plainly playing into fetish elements for you.
Daniel Scott
>traditional female roles in a fantasy game where are you playing where this shit is enforced? basically no game i've been in was not egalitarian. it'd be interesting to play a female within a sexist society
Leo Scott
I can see that happening. However i shall stay the course in exploring this idea, thanks for your contribution to the discussion.
Jonathan Sanchez
It is rare, and i've only got a chance to do it once but damn was it fun.
From a literature point it stands up a bit better.
Liam Moore
If it's only women, you get the same thing as space marines, actually. A whole lot of people arguing for or against, demanding fem-marines or manazons.
Rather, what you should be doing is giving it a more cultural rationale, without forced/absolute bans that people would focus on instead of what you want to explore.
Basically, what you want isn't space marines, but... "Tankery".
Henry Brown
Interesting point of discussion, So you're saying that there should be a cultural reclassification of masculine activities into a feminine activity ?
using Girls Und Panzer as an example. So wielding weapons, waging war is seen in a similar light of women's sports like volleyball or something like that?
Robert Hernandez
>it'd be interesting to play a female within a sexist society just get a wig and walk outdoors
Parker Ross
dm where?
Matthew Taylor
but I dont want to larp as a man.
Daniel Ward
Sadly, the guy ended up moving to Canada with his now wife. still keep up with him, but no way to hold him down long enough to run a session.
Ryder Myers
>The amazon troupe's the idol of all the boys >All the girls want to join it >In some less reputable provinces, the competition is severe, and getting in could cost some dignity >A fit body, with muscular thighs and good sized breasts on a girl that knows how to swing an axe is the epitome of femininity.
The question becomes, what's considered ultra-manly, that all boys want to be known for?
Justin Hall
Tyler Morris
you're missing out
Isaac Ross
maybe its reverse witcher?
Camden Brooks
Pretty much. You're looking at a different culture, rather than the star-trek "stereotypes in a rubber mask" where only the one thing - who uses weapons - is any different.
So perhaps it's more manly to be good at healing and highly acrobatic, wearing tight-fitting bodysuits.
Explore the whole thing; what makes a good wife? what makes a good father? what makes people go "that guy is a total badass" when being built like a fridge swinging an axe around is the girly way to fight?
Brody Lee
call me cliche but I far prefer the under powered female fighter than a society hellbent on disenfranchising men.
Evan Wright
... You realize this means that /ss/ is the norm in this society.
of course this also means that lesbians also include the traditional homemaker. But then they're considered bull dykes and tomboys for doing doing stuff like cooking and cleaning, and healing.
Colton Jackson
user, cooking has always been manly as fuck.
Charles Cook
Playing anything under-powered gets boring after a while. Either you gotta have some other strengths to compensate, or reasonable chance of catching up.
Unless you intend to play if for moe-through-helplessness, in which case go ahead.
Jaxon Walker
>/ss/ is the norm in this society Sign me the fuck up
Lincoln Garcia
In this system, what happens to the women who cannot go through the academical enhancement process? They're clearly encouraged that its a perfectly womanly thing to do, so what other things can a woman do and still be considered womanly?
Gabriel Adams
Generally my hope is to play something that will be looked down upon and struggles through it by my having a decent build.
Elijah Watson
reverse witcher/space marine bullshit
Brandon Scott
Blake Smith
Aiden Nguyen
Gabriel Phillips
The girls who can't pull it off? Like the thin neurotics, or the chubbies?
Think of girls who 'binge and purge', it's the same thing. The only special potions are scams ordered off of fashion magazines. Girls here don't starve themselves, they go to bed with weighted nightgowns and down a protein shake before they brush their teeth. Anything that promises gains, a girl somewhere is desperately trying. "No no I can qualify, I'm not fat, this is just, uh, pregnancy weight!", and so on. The exercise isn't done to lose weight, it's done to bulk right up.
'course there's not much a girl can do about her height, but that won't stop them from trying some retarded stretch-machines.
John Thomas
>highschool girls oiling themselves up for the physicals
William Richardson
>>This enhanced fighting force typically pairs its trainees with freelance mercenaries and adventurers for shadowing and on the job training.
What is the point of this other than naked gamism and/or your waifu fantasies?
Comparable IRL cultures like the Spartans did their own in-house training, they didn't whore out their recruits to foreigners.
Evan Barnes
>I'm short and my breasts are small, I'm not cute at all
Cameron Cruz
The same methods used on men cause terrible mutations and uncontrollable aggression. It's where orcs came from.
Charles Myers
>short >small breasts >not cute Where do you think we are?
Owen Edwards
Clearly highschool
Ryan Hernandez
This thread again? OP just make a post on /d/ or something. I admire your thirst for amazons but seriously just rub one out and get it over with. Here I'll write more fiction for you:
>be skinny elf ranger twink >newly created 12" amazon hires you as her guide/rangercraft teacher >amazon constantly comparing her new huge body to you, looming over you, covering your smaller hand with her own, commenting on how her muscular thighs are as thick as you, picking you up and marveling at how light you are, "play wrestling" >wears plate so heavy a normal soldier wouldn't be able to even stand in it, and at the end of a long hot day's march asks you to help her take it off. >slowly help her undo buckles and loosen straps, heavy plates falling away, revealing giant sweaty female muscles beneath >flexes in front of you and purrs, every goddamn time >every night attempts to coax you into cuddling with her, lying on her side while you use her bicep as a pillow, commenting on how small you are compared to her >whenever you actually find an enemy to fight, you try to teach her about scouting and stealthily ambushing the enemy, but she just straight up charges in with a battlecry every time. She proceeds to utterly destroy them, no matter how tough or dangerous the enemy are, with no need to stealth >when she returns to your hiding spot, wiping bandit brains off the sole of her boots, you wonder why she even bothered to hire you >Then she smiles at you and asks for help washing the blood off at a nearby stream and you understand
There. Now lets all get back to real Veeky Forums threads - scifi fascist wankthreads, cyoa threads without any cyoas, posts about That Guy being an asshole and generals for games no one plays
James Wilson
The issue is, that this is a real Veeky Forums thread. Its a thread on Veeky Forums. And as near as i can tell, this is real.
is this real? You gotta tell me if this is real man.
Colton Green
>is this real? You gotta tell me if this is real man.
I will be entirely honest with you man. I would never lie to you. This isn't real. You smoked too many drugs.
Also there's a swat team outside your door right now.
Easton Miller
Fuuuck. better be careful dude, they might shoot you thinking you're one of the hostages.
Jose Ross
>5th Seems I missed three
Ayden Anderson
"Apparently, they get called "faggot" a lot"
Dylan Martin
If being warrior-like is seen as feminine, would tending the homestead be the masculine thing instead? Women get culturally seen as having to be huge and vicious to defend their family, while the men have to be industrious and improve the home? Women are the massive emotional hurricanes, while men are the solid rock to build on?
Jaxson Green
You're trying to flip too much. Going too far just means you've done nothing but swap the genitals around like some bad 'trans' webcomic.
Also men already *are* the rocks emotionally in reality. Men don't have the near-bipolar base state their wives and sisters have.
Anthony Martinez
Not sure, there'd certainly be more of a focus on men doing domestic things, if for no other reason that it's an easy way to divide labor Also, I can see the same enhancements on the amazons being great for manual labor so it may end up with them doing field work or other jobs that require strength in addition to fighting
Jeremiah Lee
I like it as from biological side women are so much better for mutagenic effects - as they are much more resistant then men.
Samuel Murphy
While I share your lust for Amazons, I think the alchemical warriors angle was covered pretty good in the previous thread. /d/ made a fapfic you can read to tide you over while you come up with a new Amazon topic to discuss. archiveofourown.org/works/5737978 Lewd warning though.
Evan Jenkins
Before I regret following that link please tell me if it has anything besides heterosexual couples, size difference, muscle girls and probably femdom?
Brayden Turner
Female Space marine are heresy.
Jack Butler
It's written for /gfd/, other than 8 ft tall amazons, it's entirely vanilla.
Christopher Hughes
Sounds great, thanks.
Michael Taylor
Could've sworn Amazons were literally just women with fucking amazing genetics that were so good they breached the -4 STR Gap and actually have almost equal muscle mass opposed to men as well as unique testosterone Hormones that are far more balanced out between the Estrogens in the body, leaving them prone to physical fitness opposed to 'weak' inferior females who pride themselves on gluttony, lust and other pursuits of vanity.
In effect, they're an entire species of 'unicorn' tier women that are far more relatable to men on a biological standard, and are thus desired above all else- but suffer from specific means to reproduction due to actual decent male suitors being compatible with them to carry the Amazon gene which is evident in the stage of youth, puberty and the fact that they're taller than most women overall.
The society was made up of the actual amazons, and the lower-castes, which are pretty much normal women lacking degree of initiative and self-sufficiency as one can believe to expect- The Lower caste exists for delicate crafts and household management and to size up potential suitors for the actual Amazon caste or rather in the hierarchical family structure, the Matriarchs. Amazons deal in Slavery, have an active arena culture hunted game, and mercenary work as well as herald to a strong military and cultural faith to the deities that birthed them- also sharing a fondness for art that deals in sculpture, human anatomy, and of course, exemplification of the female form to not compete, but to co-exist with man at the same standing whilst still retaining their roles as women.
Upper castes concern themselves with physical perfection the faith, their place amongst their people and of course, finding an ideal partner to continue the bloodline- either through the community, work, or foreign venture. It's noted that they secrete Phermones that repel 'lesser' men leaving the actual desired mates evident and up for grabs, so they often don't wash.
Jaxson Ross
Links to previous threads, please.
Easton Morales
I like it. Also sharing my observations, there are two types of smut writers, writers who love using word 'ass' and the ones who use 'butt'. Writers who use 'ass' jump straight to the action and like it rough, while writers of 'butt' prefer to develop slowly and enjoy observing their fetishes. This guy loves 'butts'. Of course, I can be completely wrong, ignore Chuck Tingle he is a walking anomaly
Grayson Gutierrez
>12" amazon Hardly an amazon if she's 12 inches tall, user.
Brody Lewis
He didn't specify where those 12" were, tho.
Jonathan Russell
>amazons are universally measured and standardized based on their thigh width
Carter Nguyen
Daniel Martinez
Yes, why would you make worse sisters of silence?
Isaiah Nelson
Mason Russell
No tits no service, them's the rules.
Jason Lee
Men can still do manly persuits such as Construction and Blacksmithing. Hell any kind of crafting would be seen as manly, though cooking and cleaning would also be also emphasised.
What amazon wouldn't want to come home and their husband already has dinner on the table and will sharpen your axe for you.
Isaac Morgan
Reminds me of a magical realm racial concept I had in high school.
>There's a race of superwomen created through magitech >They are all tank-grown clones of a powerful sorceress with only very small variables in physical appearance >In the first few years out of tank their appearance is hideous and act as servants to the older women >Eventually they grow to be 2m tall and beautiful >They have denser muscle mass than normal humans and higher body temperature (allowing them to wear skimpy clothing in cold climates) >They train their entire life in the art of war >Their technology is far more advanced than that of other races, but they can't use magic due to their unnatural origin >Their buildings and clothing are based on Ancient Greece, only the dominant colors are black, purple and silver
The backstory of the sorceress which made them is even more magical realm.
James Murphy
I actually like that, but I would of gone for the Minoan look for them. Other than that, very tasty.
Connor Stewart
Christ, I would pay some good money for a miniature of that.
Dylan Long
IIRC one does exist.
Ryder Jones
You are right, but back then I barely knew anything about Ancient Greece outside of Greco-Persian War and Peloponnesian War.
Carter Gray
Top shelf, m8. I'd read about or play in that universe.
Harsh man, harsh. But I do on occasion get far too expensive things shipped from Japan. Gonna have to add that to the list in case I can afford it.
Jose Green
>femdom amazon women are for gap moe submission
Ryder Smith
>What sort of culture can come about from these above facts?
In less-reputable circles, the extensive alchemical enhancements fundamentally change the will of the patient, subverting them into becoming subservient to their master through good-or-ill, essentially turning them hyper-loyal subjects or dolls at worst. The culture would then revolve around gathering "Glories" that would exalt the name of your handler, and ultimately, every such Amazon quests the world to bring more "Glories" and treasures to their wealthy master's mansion, or even the barracks.
This is likely to happen in a region that undermines women as objects ALA Middle East.
On the other hand....
More egalitarian societies are unlikely to fuck with their brains, basically handing the keys of society to a race of super-humans born from a single sex. Stronger, braver, faster, and likely smarter than a man by default, the usual physical labor for men is transferred to women, as it would be foolish to use them for fighting, only, when their muscles can be used for labor, message running, smiting. A patriarchal society gets flip-flopped overnight, as girls become innately more valuable than men.
At that point it can go anywhere, but women will likely be in control of society at the end of the day.
Easton Watson
Why another fucking magical realm thread, user? Every single Amazon thread is magical realm, without fail
Chase Flores
The greek mythology amazons where probably magical realm creations to begin with. The existed pretty much for heroes to Worf and fuck.
Kevin Anderson
Rate my concept-
Amazons are just southern giants, who live in various strategic seaside city-states.
Giants are world renowned for strength and resilience, and while most Giants keep to themselves, and are mostly peaceful, giant mercenaries are in high demand giving the perception they are all warriors.
Giant society is very stratified by gender. In the north men are the soldiers and leaders, with the reverse occurring in the south. Needless to say the two do not get along.
Aside from gender though Amazon society is very egalitarian, almost any race can be of amazon culture so long as they follow its values.
However the new generation of Amazons have become enamored with other races concept of chivalry due to increased contact and trade. They still think men are the weaker sex, but put emphasis on protecting men and serving them. Especially no -giant men who are weaker than even normal giant men.
Ryder Wright
What is this magical realm horseshit?
Sebastian Morales
The real question is do they go for shotas or cute girls for their pelvic crushing snusnu conquests?
Samuel Davis
>the Amazonian general has dominated the heart of the boy-prince heir to the throne, upsetting both the planned alliance with the nation of his former betrothed as well as the nobility who fear their legitimacy and power will soon be challenged, but they lack the numbers and influence to challenge the Amazon army What happens next?
Christopher Morales
Because Mandalorian boys are 2swole2control
Gavin Powell
Noah Hughes
>all female army It quickly collapses due to infighting, lack of respect for both authority and subordinates, flagrant abuse and misuse of both power and resources, and a lack of strong authority figures to begin with.
Nathan Morris
Amazonian general is assassinated and her death blamed on common enemies of the alliance or bribed to step down and let the things run their course, it's the most obvious outcome
Alexander Rivera
Decent I suppose, though depends on how giants differ from humans on a whole in my opinion
Does the Amazonian general feel for the prince as well? And if so, are there any potential benefits from allying with the amazons?
Joseph Reed
Friendly reminder that Amazons stops being magical realm when you give them proper armor.
Jaxson Mitchell
How different do you think they should be? In my setting giants are 7-10 feet tall, naturally stronger and tougher, but are less numerous and less organized. Most Giant lands are no larger than a duchy. They tend to wear less armor, but because they tend to not have access or funds to much metal.
And to get around the skimpy armor they have magic body paint/tattoos that make their skin tough as iron.
Julian Fisher
Not really. Ladyknights are just as unrealistic and fetishy as Amazons
Cooper Johnson
And then your Amazon army REEEEs the fuck out and murders all the nobility since they work as bodyguards for all of them Does it matter? The boy prince wants her all the same.
Aiden Perez
Naive user, did you really believed it would be so easy?
Matthew Bailey
>And then your Amazon army REEEEs the fuck out and murders all the nobility since they work as bodyguards for all of them They need a reason to do that
Brayden King
Personal preference really but I never felt 7-10 should be called giants unless you're going for really, REALLY low fantasy, like I prefer them bigger for other reasons but I think D&D's giants are a nice size for a fantasy giant, not terribly big that it's inconceivable a party could fight it, but also big enough to feel fantastical. Beyond that I do feel the rest is sorta decent for what you've described, though the lack of metal/funds may not be a big of a concern due to their low numbers but that may also be a factor in their lack of resources But on a whole it works out, just a minor quibble about their name
>Does it matter? The boy prince wants her all the same. Yes, but we may be able to work out a more beneficial arrangement depending on the answers to those questions
Evan Green
Several notable women in history partook in medieval combat. Typically in leadership roles (otherwise they probably wouldn’t be there) and I’m assuming in the best armor they could get.
Luis Rogers
Like their honored general dying in an obvious assassination attempt? Or maybe they just find the court incompetent for allowing it to happen and forcibly take over. It happens all the fucking time when you outsource your military caste