Best special weapon to equip with? Flamer or Grenade Launcher basically.
Best heavy weapons to add to the same unit?
Gabriel Murphy
nth for Inquisitorial Deathsquads
Luis Mitchell
Too late alphalet. To be fair I would prefer beastmen over nids
Lincoln Cooper
The plot twist is that it's a genestealer cult in disguise.
Connor King
>I had an idea a while ago for a Tau sub-faction that called The Shadow Caste, an SCP Foundation/Section 31 like organization spearheading the Tau Empire's first forays into Warp science. They are the Tau's anti-Chaos faction, protecting the Empire from the dangers of the Immaterium while also simultaneously attempting to learn and create new technology from studying Warp physics.
>The Shadow Caste would act as a parallel and a complete contrast to the mystical elements of the Inquisition and Grey Knights along with other "good" factions that combat the perils of the warp. Current factions that deal directly with the warp focuses entirely on faith, unwavering mental discipline, and pure conviction, the Tau would approach the Immaterium from a purely scientific and materialist mindset.
>• They refer to the Warp as Subspace.
>• They don't consider daemons as creatures of pure evil, but rather just extra-dimensional aliens, or Anomalous Subspace Entities.
>• Other factions focus on psykers as the main line of defense against daemons, the Shadow Caste, on the other hand, has a disproportionate number of Human and Xenos blanks among its ranks, Artificial Intelligence, and the Tau's innate resistance to the warp.
>• While other Daemon Hunter organizations such as the Grey Knights or the Harlequins would use holy/magical artifacts to banish daemons to the depth of hell, the Tau would use advanced multi-dimensional suppression technology to phase out "Anomalous Subspace Entities".
>which pretty much all do the exact same thing, but with less "Hocus Pocus", and more "Heisenberg Compensators". The Tau Shadow Caste works on the idea that "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from technology".
Dylan Howard
set aside the degenerate bits and assemble as loyalists
Jonathan Phillips
Nids are fine I just want more 40k options for beastmen like the good old days.
Carter Howard
That’s what you think
Christopher Thomas
nth for new year sisters
Charles Morales
Huh they look like bald guardsmen.
Easton Edwards
>implying the deathsquad isn't disguised as a genestealer cult disguised as a deathsquad to hit the xenos when they least expect it bruh
Adrian Lewis
Don't put flamers on them, better to put flamers in the squads that can be built with shotguns (aka the regular Neophyte boxes).
So, grenade launcher for specialist weapon, lascannon for heavy weapon.
Connor Bennett
Oliver Campbell
What do you guys think about playing against IG? What do you not like to see, what's unfun to play against? I like to make mixed armies, combined arms stuff, so usually Creed + Kell and 2 company commanders, 8 infantry with heavy weapons, 3 basi for fire support, Pask and 3-4 tanks and probably scout sentinels.
Would too much infantry be unfun to play against?
Mason Gonzalez
Is there not a case to be made for having a flamer just as insurance? Colonel from Tabletop tactics runs tons of infantry squads and equips them all with 1 flamer each.
Its a nice little upgrade sprue, there are like 15 heads, 10 little bits you can stick on your guys and some bits to stick on your tanks.
Jack Morales
So they are the Alpha Legion?
Andrew Reyes
>As such, they may actually have a more accurate picture of how the warp works than the older races of the galaxy, and because they have achieved so much in such a relatively short period of time, lacking the experience of the older races, other factions, particularly the Eldar view their actions as extremely reckless and irresponsible. Though because the Tau are literally incapable of perceiving the universe through the lens of blind faith or superstition, just like the Impierum and Eldar are literally incapable of studying the warp as a rational science, neither faction will ever truly understand the Immaterium.
>Of course, this wouldn't be 40k without its fair share of GRIM DARKTM , as such the Shadow Caste would be presented as an organization utterly devoted to the study of warp science with absolutely zero regard for ethics. Some of their actions would make the Inquisition cringe, as they have no qualms of conducting horrific warp-related experiments on captured live test subjects, involving, but not limited to
>• Testing daemonic possession in a controlled environment.
>• Subjecting victims to varying quantities of direct contact with warp matter.
>• Ripping the souls out of victims in an effort to preserve the conscious mind.
>• Deliberately inflicting psychological and physical pain on test subjects in order to test and quantify how it feeds captured daemons.
>• Has a habit of raiding Eldar Craftworlds in order to steal Soul Stones for research. This has seriously drawn the ire of the Eldar towards the rest of the Tau Empire.
>All in the name of science of course.
Noah Lopez
Playing against a castle is unfun, if you're just gonna sit in your deployment zone and fire long range tanks all game having your infantry bubblewrap you then its boring as fuck.
Landon Taylor
++Answer has been expunged+++
Luke Ross
>No Warhammer army would ever be complete without its unique array of fun toys. The Shadow Caste's war gear mainly focuses on new prototype technology developed from researching the warp, not yet made available to the Fire Caste.
>Quantum Phase Disruptors. A low strength, low AP beam weapon that severs the quantum link between matter manifested in realspace with subspace origins.
>Subspace Suppression Field. Similar to Necron Pylon technology, however miniaturized and intensified for smaller areas. This creates a pseudo-gellar field around the user, weakening all warp energies in the effected radius.
>Disruptor Pulse Charges. Pretty much psyk-out grenades.
>Subspace Containment Matrix. A small pod that creates a negative-energy vacuum absorbing all subspace matter within a given radius. Used by the Shadow Caste to capture and contain daemons, and also used as a tool for releasing captured daemons on unexpecting enemies.
>Photon Projectors. Powered by miniaturized Nova Reactors, these weapons projects streams of positron energy, capable of ensnaring subspace matter for future containment and disintegrating real space matter for other purposes.
>Transporters. The Tau have developed their own version of teleportation. Funny enough, this version of teleportation technology has nothing to do with the warp, but rather an insight gained from studying methods of avoiding it. This device literally teleports you by ripping your body apart atom by atom, and then reassembling you elsewhere. What's even more hilarious is it's actually proven to kill you, as there have been tests empirically verifying that your soul leaves your body after disassembly, and a new soul is created upon reassembly.
Noah Gonzalez
>They refer to the Warp as Subspace. Meanwhile, in every other science fiction ever, the Warp would be called hyperspace and subspace would refer to realspace (ie not the Warp).
Lincoln Jones
Skulls for gork
Chase Flores
Hey guys I just met GSCB irl at a new years party ask me anything
Jose Johnson
>Unit Concepts
>Shadow Caste Eliminators. Recruited from some of the deadliest yet most eccentric Fire Warriors, these soldiers are armed with Pulse Blasters, and equipped with prototype infantry wargear designed to eliminate psychic threats both on battlefield, and within the Tau Empire.
>XV99 SIMs (Subspace Incursion Module). A heavily modified Battlesuit frame, piloted by an advanced AI covertly designed by the most brilliant Earth Caste scientists for incursions onto so called "Daemon Worlds", and even short probes into subspace itself. Early field tests with Tau Fire Caste pilots lead to failure for obvious reasons. The AI is hardened against scrapcode and immune to possession from subspace life forms, with all Suit models fitted with a Subspace Suppression Field, and specialized war gear designed to counter immaterial entities and manifested psychic power. Otherwise it'd be a similar to how normal Battlesuits work. Jump, shoot, jump back, and don't get caught in close combat.
Zachary Turner
Please stop posting this, it sucks.
Jacob Martin
I like wiping out swaths of guardsmen and getting away with it. I don't mind like 100 something cause I can probably deal with that, but I haaaaate pure armies, like if there's no tanks to shoot.
I would z Say as long as you build some hard wall to kill but have options to take care of stuff that I have to prioritize or just do anything besides shooting g uards it's be fine.
Sebastian Scott
why exactly are you copy pasting someone MyDudez stuff?
Isaiah Nelson
Nicholas Cook
Well they had to keep the name original somehow
>ARC Unit (Anomaly Response Containment Unit). Consisted of Gue'vesa auxiliaries who have exhibited signs of the pariah gene. These units are tasked with the extremely hazardous duty of securing and containing subspace entities. Their negative warp presence, along with the infantry Stealth Battlesuit they are equipped with allows them to sneak up on daemons, and go full on ghost busters on their asses. Unfortunately, their portable nova reactors have forced them to give up the jet pack normally standard issue on Stealth Suits, suffering from a lack of mobility as a trade off.
>Hollow Ones One of the goals of the Tau Shadow Caste is to create a new generation of the Tau and their subject species that are completely cut off from the warp. They believe that gradually evolving their entire Empire into species of pure blanks is the best way to ensure that Chaos could never taint the Greater Good. Unfortunately, experiments on separating an individual's connection to the warp, while simultaneously preserving their consciousness and personality have almost always ended in excruciating failure. The result are Hollow Ones, beings that are psychically lobotomized, and reduced to their bases instincts. They are not entirely useless however, as the Shadow Caste consistently uses them as waves of disposable but viscous cannon fodder for their enemies to waste ammunition on.
Xavier Foster
What if Alpharius or Omegon is Gork and Omegon or Alpharius is Mork
Blake Stewart
Hey guys, need some advice on how to deploy my army. I have the following Genestealer Cultists:
Patriarch, Magus, Primus as HQs.
A unit of shotguns/flamers neophytes. A unit of autoguns and grenade launcher neophytes. A unit of acolytes with saw, drill and icon.
A Rockcrusher.
A Brood Brothers infantry squad with Lascannon and Grenade Launcher.
Brood Brothers Tank Commander with Battle Cannon, Plasma Cannons and Lascannon.
So I'll have the Brood Brothers on the table, and maybe the autogun neophytes, but I'm not sure what to put, if anything in the rockcrusher and what to take on an ambush with what. Thoughts?
Henry Wilson
I usually have 2-4 infantry squads hang back around basi's/objectives after the enemies first turn to try and screen them at least a little bit, then I move up with infantry on one flank + sentinels and tanks on the other flank, more or less leaving the centre of the board free for both to shoot at.
Depending on terrain, of course, but it's always a slow march forwards and the only things that really camp are the basi's and a couple squads for objectives.
Jaxon Perry
>ask me anything Who?
John Davis
>Experiment 667 There has been one recorded success of the Soul-Consciousness separation experiments that the Shadow Caste have yet to duplicate. Through a combination of sheer tactical brilliance and luck, the Shadow Caste had managed to capture a Harlequin Solitaire, even after the Solitaire had single-handedly wiped out an entire Hunter Cadre. Due to the Solitaire's unique soul connection to both Cegorach and Slaanesh, the Shadow Caste were able to successfully destroy the Eldar's soul completely, yet still preserving the individuality of the test subject, ultimately denying her soul to Slaanesh. Where an Eldar god had failed, the Tau's cold calculating science had prevailed. Without soul, her emotions having been dampened significantly after the procedure, unable to feel empathy, compassion, fear, anger, or guilt, the Solitaire experienced a feeling of pure serenity for the first time in her life. Freed from eternal torment in the afterlife, she has now pledged herself to the Tau, acting as an unimaginably deadly field operative for the Shadow Caste, involved in the acquisition of many soul stones and capture of multiple live Eldar test subjects for the organization's efforts to duplicate their success. Solitaires are some of the most feared fighters in the galaxy, but one that exists as an unnatural void in the warp is nothing more than a living existential nightmare for all the Eldar. She is the only Eldar known to serve the Greater Good, but this act of scientific insanity has drawn the attention of all the Eldar factions along with 2 very angry gods towards the Tau Empire.
Ryder Cruz
Is she Chinese or Japanese?
Ethan Wright
That sounds fun desu
Jordan Wilson
A wwhat
Ayden Mitchell
>Colonel from Tabletop tactics runs tons of infantry squads and equips them all with 1 flamer each.
Is that for GSC or for IG? It's a great idea for IG because infantry squads are there for wrapping the artillery and tanks to protect them from alpha strikes and assaults, and having the flamers in there are extra deterrent.
But GSC doesn't have the same punch in their vehicles as IG unless they're allying them in. Instead you want to specialize squads to take advantage of cult ambush.
Zachary Parker
If you can't sum up YOUR DUDES in four words or fewer it's just narrative masturbation. Go home.
Carter Edwards
Because it actually seemed like a fun and cool something that gives the Tau something new to do with the 8th edition, and even lets them get in to the "fuck chaos" bandwagon that every faction seems to bw getting into in the 8th edition.
Catachan is the regiment because that puts average Cyclops bomb hits up to 8.24, plus S4 HQ might help somehow. Might also buy the repair Dominus Arkhan's Cane, because that way all my HQs are fluffily Your Dudesed, but that means I would only have 7CP in the actual battle after deploying all 4 sneaky squads/paying for my Relics.
Reshuffled my 3.5k Admech list to fit in some sexy rolling bombs and a psyker HQ to cast -1 To Hit on my Marauder, dropped a Neutronager and some Plasma Vanguard. I'm a little irked that I had to cut the Omnispex from only one of my Sniper Ranger squads to fit everything in, so now I have a choice. Do I take a Company Commander as Guard HQ and spend a CP to grab Kurov's Aquila for him, saving 16pts to glue the Omnispex back on and hopefully making my opponents think twice about Guard stratagem spam, or do I stick with the psyker boy? They're on the same bases, so I can make a spider brain-in-a-jar logic engine with antennae to represent both.
One last post of this list, going up against many heavy tonks/big monsters. First New Year's list critique, anyone?
Charles Myers
Everyone sum up your dudes in 4 words or less. >Angry Beasts for Chaos
Ryder Green
The skulls are for Gork, but the blood belongs to Mork
Zachary Rogers
I disagree with this, but either way none wants to read about this guys cringy fucking Tau.
Jace Hall
Ok how about this: Tau go full Ghostbusters/SCP foundation, that's technically 4 words.
Angel Murphy
blue fish alien titties
Hudson Sullivan
Byzantine Samurai Jack(s)
Landon Lewis
Needs a mound of skulls to stand on
Brody Howard
Kay lemme try Savage eldars without webway. Deathguard that worship erosion
Easton Gonzalez
What colour eyes does she have?
Andrew Cox
Did you call her out on it?
Ethan Jenkins
In your dudes’ uniforms
Egyptian cosplayers, daddy issues
Leo Gutierrez
>Cringe That word has lost all meaning nowadays.
John Turner
:/ how did you discover that you were dealing witb gscb?
Michael Richardson
No alphalet memes please.
Carson Miller
How many people were there in the room Did the old lady look at you funny? When did the suspicious man leave the room.
Jonathan Edwards
>Rogue trader house troops Hmm, lacks pizzazz. I'll work on it.
Ian Parker
Is there any army that can come close to the speed and flexibility of 7E Corsairs? Being able to deep strike, shoot, move 6", assault, disengage on your opponent's turn, and then return to deep strike reserve in the psychic phase was fucking glorious. Apart from the odd jump pack model, movement seems a lot more limited now. Deep strike is less of an advantage (although less of a risk as well for most models), and once a unit is on the table, it's usually tied to its location for the rest of the game.
Chase Jenkins
Girl. Scouts?
Carson Gonzalez
Ok, maybe not 4 words on the nose. But if there's no concise core concept behind YOUR DUDES then it's likely too diffuse to communicate to other players via paintjobs and kitbashing. So what's the point?
Evan Nguyen
Some people certainly use it too much, but it doesn't mean that genuinely cringy things are any less cringy.
Liam Collins
Ok never
Cooper Rogers
Hey /40kg/, I have a rule’s question
For Overwatch, do your guns need to be in range to fire? For example, if you have a flamer with 8” range, can you shoot it in Overwatch if the charger is 9” away.
I have a suspicion, but just need approval. Also, if you can point to a specific part of the rule book or FAQ for backing, that would be helpful.
Liam Roberts
Yes it's the shooting phase.
Caleb Mitchell
Must be within range. So funnily enough, charge from far away and flamers are useless
Daniel Collins
But you only get one target and rol! 6s to hitunless auto hits.
Jason Anderson
Cadians with stripes or Kill! Maim! Burn!
Adam Sanders
Yeah but its harder to get a 9 inch charge and those that have longer charges can usually find a way around overwatch.
Gavin Roberts
What colour stripes user? You had a whole extra word spare!
Jaxon Mitchell
Canoptek focused dynasty
Easton Thomas
Cossacks with laser rifles
Josiah Ortiz
But he would only tell you one color!
Connor Brown
It's not the shooting phase though, you don't get to re-roll ones from Cadian or any other buffs.
Logan James
Yes, it's got to be in range. Overwatch rules in the core rules say "Overwatch is resolved like a normal shooting attack…" so range restrictions (and things like Rapid Fire grants 2x number of attacks if within half range) apply.
Cameron Miller
I asked gw the same quedtion. They said it'll be in an upcomming faq. My club treats the charger as being at maximum range of all weapons (so flamers can shoot but rapid fire only get their base number of shots)
Liam Adams
One is better than none!
Brandon Jackson
? Are you sure? It says all the shooting phase rules apply.
Parker Gray
those futuristic space individuals
Cooper Brooks
Horus worshiping absolute madmen
Jason King
Having played against pure Infantry I can say it's fun at first, blasting 60+ dudes off is fun until you realise you can't win, there's simply no way you can push them off objectives, not enough shots to table them. So yeah a nice change is to face bullgryns, large tanks, infantry and flyers.
Jonathan James
Admech with spiky bits
Luis Campbell
Please tell me you broke their fingers. Tripfags deserve oblivion
Blake Bell
Gay Catholic Space Nazis
Noah Rogers
Some chick who shows a bit of skin on here sometimes and plays (I assume, might be she doesn't even play) genestealers
David Phillips
>A happy 40k world >No Guard
Isaac Stewart
Leadership and moral should really affect nearby units. Have things like characters immune to this.
Carter Long
New player here.
I dread the idea of playing against horde armies of any kind. Last game I had with a friend who was also starting out was roughly 7 hours at 2K.
Colton Hughes
Luke Russell
At the least You can no longer have fearless 40 body blobs anymore
Jaxon Perry
This is fuckin awful
Adrian Allen
In 8th ed? That seems awfully long
Zachary Thomas
I mean like if one unit is near another unit that blows the fuck up they suffer a moral check. Like panic.
Jackson Bailey
Miss the old Ways
Hudson Walker
They don't take nearly as long as they used too as spacing isn't as much of an issue as it used to be.