Does anyone else have immense difficulty deciding on what colors to paint shit like impaled heads and enemy corpses on bases? I can't decide on what SM chapters I hate the most
Robert Hill
Awesome drawing for the OP! Happy New Year to my favorite thread~
I’m stuck bored at work so I decided to sketch up my Nurgle display board plans (not to scale but to brainstorm). I’ve been watching tons of diorama/terrain videos so maybe I’ll be able to try some stuff out soon. Hopefully the photo comes out fine since I’m being a dirty phoneposter
Benjamin Campbell
Happy New Year Johnny.
Henry Flores
Ok /wip/ My new year's resolution is to get through my backlog and not buy anything unless I need it. Sly Marbo
Robert Moore
Does grimbindol have rules of any sort?
Xavier Baker
Holy hell, that's an insane backlog, I thought I was bad having a 16 model backlog.
Charles Morris
Pic related
Nicholas Richardson
Got more done but unsure how I highlighted the chest. The reflection looks off, I'm not sure if the light would gleam that way off of it. Also not sure if the gold belt buckle is too much, kinda looks more like a wrestling belt now.
Nolan Miller
He has got mission rules as a objective.
This plastic crack will get you too.
Cameron Campbell
(Childlike vroom vroom noises ensue.)
Daniel Garcia
Inspired by user with the blue and white britonians I decided to get my own knights.
>inb4 evil knight as jousting tournament
Jackson Young
Jacob Watson
Is Dawn of War with the Titanium Wars mod the best color scheme tester? Don't have any paints so I can't do test models without going out and buying colors I might not end up using.
Leo Collins
>“Daubany! Come out! These men don’t have to die!”
Oliver Gomez
Oh, you sweet summer child.
Logan Hill
Nice dubs.
You should just kill your-self with a back log that big. Only the sweet embrace of death can free you from the pain.
Jaxson Gonzalez
Levi Morgan
That looks awesome user. 10/10.
Michael Richardson
Which parts of a Guardsman are considered the accents?
Ian Miller
Just finished up this BB vampire. Wasnt sure if flash was better or worse for lighting but if the pic is unclear I can retake.
Any feedback appreciated.
Jordan Long
anyone here use AK interactive basing materials or is it a meme and I should just stick with the GW textures?
Jace Foster
I have a six story display case jammed full of grey plastic. And an under-the-bed plastic tote completely full. And assorted boxes around the house.
All in all probably around 3-4 grand in plastic around the house, if not more. I consider it my solid assets.
William Barnes
Great technique, I think it would gleam like that realistically if the light source were directly ahead of the model, but that's not the case for other highlights, the light source for them is from the model's right side.
Cameron Clark
I wish that was the extent of my backlog. Hell, I wish that was the majority of my backlog.
Liam Watson
>implying he didn't win the belt in the annual Space Marine wrestling match
Levi Hall
>I need help.png I can only wish I only had so few models left. You should count yourself lucky.
Wyatt Brooks
>backlog of 25 but you can't even play until it's assembled cause you don't have an army
Bentley Reyes
Any middle-of-the-road airbrushes you'd recommend? In the market for a new one
Ryan Gray
I'm starting the year off with tiger shark deffkopta
Aiden Scott
Pic now
Daniel Watson
I bought Prodos Space Crusade Miniatures. The "Amazon" good-aligned bikers.
Jaxon Mitchell
Happy New Year, /WIP/
Gabriel Fisher
Question /WIP/. Is it better to take a photo of your miniatures with or without flash? When I take a photo with the flash, I am not sure if its just me but the colours seem to be slightly off when I do so.
Is natural lighting better or does it make no difference?
The more I see his videos, the more I dislike him. Just babbles and babbles and babbles.
You can either flash off with a few lamps all around, or you can flash on with tissue paper or something over the flash.
The best case is a light box. Which is a box about a foot by a foot with white walls, a ramp, and a semisolid cloth on the sides with lights pointing in behind and above it. Then it's no flash on your camera. Look up 3 point lighting. Basically pic related. By some paper, cut up a cardboard box, and put some napkins over the side with a light shooting through it.
Thomas Phillips
Thanks. I was thinking my miniatures were far more garbage on average when looking at my flash photos but its reassuring to know flash alters view a bit. Guess I am going to aim for natural lighting without flash.
Landon Reyes
working on my death for the new year
what the hell are the things coming out of the hooves of my cavalry? I also see them on my old Brettonian knights
Michael Bailey
What I've been up to this holiday season while waiting for my ss package to arrive. Soldiers for frostgrave and finally highlighted and based this terminator. I wish I painted faster.
Josiah Gonzalez
tuft of grass. old school miniature sculpting trick to stabilize miniatures with awkward poses.
Benjamin Green
>Actually having photos of your backlog. Probably a good time to update the spreadsheet before I make big promises of finishing it all this year..
No flash >Take your mini to the fridge >brace your arm against the fridge surface >take photo >????? >profit
Mason Russell
I have most of a Tau Battleforce box to get through. I think it's 7e but I'm not entirely certain. Haven't been up to date with the hobby until recently.
Brody Hernandez
What are some good washes for yellow? Averland sunset specifically, trying to get a nice cloak going.
Brandon Baker
Ryder Ward
Quick question, what do I use to seal these guys so the paint doesn’t chip off.
James Taylor
Matte varnish but the paint on the knights face is too thicc. You may want to consider stripping and trying again.
Ayden Rogers
It doesn't look that thick to me, it just kinda looks like a crappy or old sculpt.
Ian Baker
It is a really crappy sculpt. I did my best. Thanks guys.
Adam Kelly
I used agrax to pretty decent results.
Jason Harris
I've got some money from Christmas left over. What's a good brush set to pick up?
Bentley Evans
Cool conversion user
Brody Kelly
Seraphim Sepia should also play nice with most yellows.
Brandon Taylor
Hi there, friends.
I'm trying to decide on the color scheme I'm gonna use for my Tyranids.
So far I've decided on purple skin, black carapace, acidy green weapons/fleshy bits.
However, I'm trying to decide what to use for my weathering/secondary carapace color.
What do you think?
I'm thinking either Yellow, Grey, or White.
Ayden Brown
Pretty good for now.
Colton Allen
I recently used methylated spirits to strip my Dark Imperium Plague Marines (which worked pretty well), and that shit actually managed to dissolve some of the plastic glue bonds. Plastic glue is a welding agent, not an adhesive, so how the fuck did that even happen?
Ian Parker
It didn't set properly, I'd guess.
Evan Edwards
Could be. I assembled them back in July, but I think the bottle of glue I'm using is about five years old, so it might have broken down a bit. Still does the job though, and that was after a good 12 hours in the metho.
Brody Adams
Think about what SM chapters your models hate the most. Forge that narrative son.
Matthew King
Looks swag as fuck.
Lucas Watson
you could always use some of the chapters / legions that are played most at your regular gaming space. No need to actually hate them, just your regular opponents.
Connor Baker
tfw I live in a two bedroom apartment on campus with a tiny-ass room and desk
Does anyone here have any tips for how to go about painting with little to no room?
Jace Moore
>16 >16 models
You are like little baby
I have 5 full sized armies
Andrew Morgan
Amazing user
Owen Williams
So I recently made the switch to a Badger 105 for airbrushing and I'm not very happy with it, it has serious trouble spraying at low psi, I can't get it to spray extremely thin lines and if I put a bright color into it, it sprays like a goddamn hose
Fault of user or faulty brush? I'm really not sure, feels like it should perform differently.
Wyatt Barnes
Have you tried spraying ink with it first to test it?
Liam Price
>Dryad Deathguard Sounds hella cool my dude. Is there a reason not to go with the bone armour, since the wood and leaves are supplying your browns and greens?
Looks bretty gud bro. How big is that? A bit under 12" square? I'm looking forward to seeing these boards.
I ended up looking at a bunch of Blanchitsu blog shite, and I think I'm going to aim for a dusty Ex Profundis-y look on my caravan crew - never really done the "painting for mood" thing.
>You should just kill your-self with a back log that big. >I thought I was bad having a 16 model backlog. Oh shit nigga, you a softboy. Go get some backlog in your backlog before you bring up your backlog again.
But seriously, I have a reasonable backlog that I keep around for painting when I don't feel like working on the shit I'm supposed to be painting, as a productive break.
You'd best start believing in fridge memes, boy, yer in one. No really, it works.
Levi Sanders
I'd say grey - yellow would probably clash, white might be a bit stark.
Organise yo shit son. Get one of those plastic tupperware tray drawer things and a toolbox organiser, and be disciplined - take out only the bits you need to build, the colours you need to paint, and brushes/water/scalpel etc. That way you can keep enough square footage to paint in, but have easy access to all your stuff. It's also pretty good training to follow one project through to a sensible stopping point, if not actual completion, because you only have the stuff relevant to that model out.
If you play mob Orks or horde Nids though, you're shit out of luck.
Henry Moore
Nah, I'm just starting out, still picking an army at the moment. Nids and Orks aren't my favourite although in my insanity I was tempted to make a Skaven army. Been thinking of Death Guard or Dark Eldar, or if the new Death stuff coming out next year is good enough I'd give that a shot. And I'll give those tips a shot, my only issue is that I also need my computer on my issues tinydesk(TM) and priming would be a bitch unless I can convince the residential department to let me spraypaint out on the grass or something. Thanks!
Christopher King
>Slaanesh icon replaced with tzeench in last frame. What did he mean by this?
Robert Hernandez
>Filthy rat-things Well shit buddy, it's your funeral - if it's college dorms, enjoy your no space to move and no time to study because everything is covered in rats.
The best bit about mini-shelves is that they tend to be light enough that you can stick them under the desk or in the wardrobe until you need them.
Prime inside a big cardboard box on its side - nothing gets on the grass, you just need to stick your d00ds to a separate piece of card so you can spin them to spray from every angle.
Nolan Rodriguez
I swapped to the big 0.5 needle on a whim and now it sprays perfectly
Which is really odd because the 0.33 needle isn't bent and nothing about it looks defective
Guess I'm ordering a new 0.33 kit
Gavin Lee
Cheers, I might do that, and there's plenty of shelf and wardrobe space I never use in here so that'll come in handy. And I've since decided against Skaven, because I hate the Clanrat models and they'll be 90% of what I'd paint. I might get Queek just because I love him though.
Adam Wright
Just getting back into the hobby after a long hiatus and painting my old ork army >mold lines I know >need to drill barrels
Any tips greatly appreciated Going to make a wet pallete this week
Leo Wright
Does anyone know where I can get some good quality hills for gaming boards? pic unrelated
Aaron Scott
Jacob Myers
Why not make your own?
Anyway, I think if you google you'll find a few. GW used to make some, Zieterdes does foam scenery, and the 'battlefield in a box' range probably has some as well.
Caleb Williams
I don't have the room to make my own. But I am looking some unpainted basic hills that I can paint up, since the GW ones are OOP I just don't know where to look to get something similar
Noah Ward
>I don't have the room to make my own. Do it on the street, or in the garden, on on the roof. You just need a knife and a block of styrofoam and some thick paint to cover the bobbles. Then spray with glue, cover with sand/flock, spray green/brown, spray with glue, cover with sand/flock. If you have room to game in, you must have room to model in.
Jose Lee
Worked on the Stormcast a bit more, still only on the armor, it's turning out a ton darker than the other user but I kind of like it. Camera still has trouble catching a lot of the shine and color variation in the armor but I think this shot captured it a lot better than the previous.
Decided on more of a space theme than a sky theme on the shield due to the models themselves turning out a lot darker, now to find a way to tie them together, might do a layer of very thinned blue gemstone paint to bring the overall value closer.
It's really fun just painting a handful of minis that don't have to look good as a part of a whole army, really lets you test out a bunch of fun stuff you wouldn't do otherwise
Grayson Morris
I assume you're picking out the metal/decorations on the shield? Silver or gold/bronze? Currently I don't think that much purple works very well against the blue/green without something to break it up. Very nice space effect though.
Anthony Campbell
>Posts a couple months worth of work >”I need help!”
Julian Reed
>Couple months Either you paint hasty mediocre jobs or you're some kind of wizard
Julian Rodriguez
in "a couple of months" I could get maybe one box done (or all the stormcast I guess) must be nice to be a fast painter
Asher Hall
Yeah, the metal parts of the shield will be metal, undecided on the color though, it depends on where the armor of the actual stormcasts land, but I think the hammer and crest will help a lot in breaking up the purple.
Jace Wright
Can I make large-crackle paint myself?
For my Fools on Parade I want a Death Valley desiccated mud flats type of thing, but I'm not really sure how to do it.
Cutting out plates of plastic and tesselating and painting them could be done, but I don't know whether I'll actually be able to make that look natural. This would however have the advantage of concealing a base, so I could pop the models in and out of the display board easily.
The sort of crackle paste that companies sell for basing seems to be aimed at covering a 30mm base, I don't know if the cracks and sheets would be big enough to look right on a big board.
Adam Price
Vallejo sells crackle medium that can be mixed with any kind of paint. Should come in big 200ml jars.
Austin Butler
Looks a bit too crackly, as far as I can tell - very very small, that's what I mean regarding the 30mm base thing.
Also, in the process of writing the above post, I sort of talked myself into thinking that the plates would be a better idea. Removable basing would be great for actually playing games with them
Aiden Ward
Lukes Aps has reviewed some wargame terrain, maybe check youtube channel.
Owen Sanchez
How thin should your coats be? I'm thinning my paints and the first coat is translucent.
Dominic Roberts
My paint store is closed today.
Rip 2018
Charles Ramirez
Is there any way to prime in chilly weather that doesn't turn out like shit? It's -6 degrees currently and I don't wish to wait 4 months to get anything primed.
Logan Perez
Go outside, spray, then bring them back inside to dry
Ryan Ortiz
Buy airbrush
Eli Bell
For most paints, that's probably a tiny bit too thin, but basically fine.
Pre-warm your cans, prime outside as quickly as you can, leave them to dry in your bathroom. To be fair though, six below is pretty chilly, it might not work.
Luke Foster
Costs money I don't currently have.
Luke Cooper
Prime by brush or prime with an airbrush. I wouldn't recommend priming in the cold, even if you immediately bring the model back inside, the paint may not set properly since the solvent can't evaporate fast enough.