Are those sand people praying to a man who if given the spare time would genocide them?
Robert Bailey
>tfw no Sith GF
Ethan Miller
oh baby....
Jace Wright
In the sense of making an offering to a death god so that he passes you over.
Carter Taylor
>Darling! I got you a new suit of armor. Only the best for you, of course... Nothing must befall my favorite toy!
Jaxson Howard
rate my bullshit scum.
keeping it Black Sun
Ryan Murphy
Someone mind explaining how the AT-RT is slower than the AT-DP in the new Canon?
Aiden Anderson
IIRC they only use a few and they're relegated to planetary defense roles, usually carrying the surplus/outdated/damaged craft as a last resort.
The mainline navy doesn't use them since their fighters have hyperdrive capability anyway and building an escort carrier-specific ship would be redundant.
Owen Evans
>that pic > i would fuck her too...
Cameron Hernandez
got drugged, wake up, see this, wat do?
very sneaky beaky. I give it a seven outta ten.
Ayden Ortiz
Do any armed forces in Star Wars have anything resembling conventional fireteams? I imagine Clone Troopers do given they're the tacticool grunts of SW
Ryan Moore
As if your consent would be in consideration.
Blake Barnes
Resembling as in "looks like a gun"? Most blasters ARE just gussied-up normal guns. Resembling as in "shoots a bullet"? Yeah, slugthrowers are a thing in Star Wars.
Christopher Davis
Happy new year cunts
Clone troops definitely have small unit training at a fairly intensive level and various other specialist sections that end up as commandos. Storm troopers are basically at the level of highly motivated, conscript retards that are too dumb to be afraid... yeah not a lot happening at the tactical level there, but that's kind of endemic in the Empire. Death Troopers definitely know their shit though. Rebels are civi volunteers drawn in from a 1000 different places so it'd be a mix of wild eyed idiots and people that have some idea.
Dominic Perez
Sith gals are text-book tsunderes/yanderes/mayaderes
Juan Cook
Ok, I am thinking of running an AoR campaign and was wondering what you guys thought of the adventure modules? Good, bad, things to watch out for? I usually make my own shitty campaigns but to be honest I am tired of making these things up so I am hoping I can supplement this next campaign with the adventures.
Michael White
No, he means Fireteam, not firearm. 2-4 soldiers that operate together with a corporal or experienced soldier as their team lead- usually as part of the section formation of 6-12 other guys
Nolan Jackson
I don't know what those words mean, so I'm going to assume it's Japanese for "scary lady".
Kevin Russell
Tug on my collar's leash suggestively.
Samuel Torres
Let me resurrect this to point out that Rex has special ARC trooper armor. nuCanon vs. Legends gets real questionable on it, but all agree on improved helmet tech and some degree of bulked up plating.
Matthew Kelly
In the OT there seems to be a variety of Stormtroopers, but the ones actually fighting just seem to be riflemen.
I could see the more organized armies using a 4 man fireteam >Team Leader >Riflemen 2x >SAW
Since I don't think repeating blaster rifles require an assistant gunner.
Luke Gutierrez
Bah, apologies, I completely fucked that reading.
Matthew Reed
Yeah I'm not entirely sure if in a rifle platoon or company they have endemic heavy weapons and specialists in storm troops. You'd think for obvious reasons that they would*, but the vast majority of them are infantry that end up doing everything from running around innawoods, guarding bases, landing ships, standing on street corners and door kicking. Course if we take it all the way back to 'sturmtruppen' they really are just assaulters, charge in with guns, grenades blazing to dislodge the enemy.
>*they do in the old WEG book but how well that translates into the media (past and present)- not 100% any more on that IMO
The only real guns at the section/squad level with stuff like repeating E-Webs where they have 2-3 guys lugging it around and running it, with the other bozos doing security/support and fill in when Bob inevitably gets shot in the face. Sort of like the old timey Vickers and Maxim guns from WW1
Sebastian Ramirez
Blake Phillips
> > > >got drugged, wake up, see this, wat do?
do the sex.
Ethan Cox
>Storm troopers are basically at the level of highly motivated, conscript retards that are too dumb to be afraid Woah there. I hope you're talking about newcanon.
Eli Ortiz
Try and enjoy what I suspect are my last hours
Dominic Jones
Things might have turned out differently if the Imperial Stormtroopers deployed in a 4 man fireteam with a SAW, marksmen, and two riflemen.
I kinda liked it but find myself asking if nu canon has touched the ewoks
Camden Gutierrez
The quasar fire-class, it was literally the escort carrier's rebel counterpart in Rebellion
Jace Martinez
Except in Nucanon, where it’s an Imperial ship. Makes sense, what with it being triangular and all.
Does that mean the Ton-Falk is a Rebel ship now? It sort of looks like a clamshell, which wouldn’t put it out of place with most of the Mon Cal ships.
Zachary Mitchell
Who cares about Nucanon at this point? Honestly.
Julian Russell
So how would you make non edgelord Inquisitors and imperial agents? Need inspiration for a future campagn of Force & Destiny
Jose Morgan
Those seeking to cherry pick the parts that worked
Lucas Morris
Nebulon-B is Imperial in both canons, even though design wise it isn't a clamshell or a pizza slice.
Kevin Sullivan
Have them in professional uniforms or planet apropriat camo for one, treat them as powerfule government enforcers and officers, down play the cult angle
Luke Ward
I've noticed people forget that the X-Wing is technically an Imperial design too.
Aiden Ortiz
Why don't they use it?
Logan White
When have the Imps used Neb-Bs in Nucanon?
Juan Brooks
The Rebels took the prototypes, the blueprints, and the design team. The Empire would’ve had to start the whole project from scratch. That, and the Imperial Navy has a massive hateboner for shield and hyperdrive-equipped craft.
Elijah Hughes
Because the Rebels have the designs and could exploit its weaknesses inside and out, which the Empire can't themselves do because X-Wings were still in the concept phase when the plans got stolen, and it was the Rebs who perfected them.
Then again the Empire did build an X-Wing style craft, the Defender, but it's several leagues above the X-Wing in quality.
Zachary Powell
ISB Agents >Logical, but not unfeeling >Motivated by genuine concern of the safety of Imperial citizens >Genuine belief in the order the Empire provides, referencing the chaos of the Clone Wars as an example that although democracy is not necessarily bad, a firm hand is often needed to ensure the safety of the common man
Inquisitor >Believes that unregulated Force-users are ticking timebombs, sees the attempted execution of Chancellor Palpatine by the Jedi as an example >Sees their capture or execution as a necessity to ensure the Empire's stability, points to the power the Jedi brought in the wars of the Old Republic as an example >Punishes failure harshly, but rewards success greatly >Always seeks to turn rogue Force users to the Empire first, only kills them when no other course of action is left, or they have proven themselves too dangerous >Not an asshole to random people, unleashes his/her dark emotions only in combat.
Dominic Green
Speaking of, anybody got good pics of alternate X-Wing paint jobs?
Zachary Nguyen
Immersion in the Dark Side is not a necessity, Palpatine is not creating new Sith apprentices; only enough training in the Force to allow them to perform their duties and a cultivated belief in the order of Empire.
Eli Rogers
Pretty much how I always run my ISBs. It's especially great in campaigns where the players are enemies of the Empire, because it makes the party wonder if they're actually on the right side (and can result in some dramatic allegiance shifts). One charismatic guy can sway the hearts of many.
Asher Reed
From Darth Vader 25 (Marvel). They're praying to him like an Old Testament god after he wiped out their village to kill time in issue 1.
Evan James
By this token how is the best way to play seperatist holdout character types?
Michael Rodriguez
God what a dick, but still I suppose in their position I'd pray to that thing to leave me alone too
David Lopez
Which would be willing to work with my Mandalorian scout?
Asher Evans
>tfw you will never be a 7ft tall walking carpet murder machine that goes out howling at a plummeting moon, content knowing you saved your best friend's son and repaid the life debt finally
Chewie... Chewie had a hard life
Levi Adams
unironically SWTOR's Imperial Agent and Sith Warrior grey or Light Side play throughs as well
Charles Allen
Space Ancaps. The Empire violated the NAP one time too many.
Josiah Howard
I'm not sure which one had it harder the one who payed it back and more, or the one who failed his debt
Aiden Lopez
Canon Chewbacca for sure, he's a husk of a character now. More latex and fur suit than man (wookiee) now.
I can't remember anything about ST Chewie besides him shooting Kylo and the nurse giving him shit at the end of TFA
Nolan Long
Probably depends on the mission; the ISB is focused on general internal security, whereas I think the Inquisitorius tends to only be sent out to track down rogue Force users.
In the case of the latter, I don't think a Mandalorian scout would be needed as much, unless your character is very familiar with the location you're in; reason being that they can sense the presence of their target typically, I'm pretty sure. The ISB would be more likely to use your character, and the justification could be that since your character is not a member of the Imperial government, they would have an easier time moving around without much suspicion being raised. They could see an asset in that.
Nathaniel Barnes
Mixed bag depending on the nature of them, for example any surviving geonosians are going to be in full revenge mode on the empire, other groups might throw in with the rebles gladly, others might be reluctant as the notice it's "the alliance to restor the republic" which is a sticking point for them. Then there are just droids trying to interpret their programming best they can with their masters dead or scattered
Kayden Johnson
On top of that his best bro's ship, his lasting legacy is full of vermin now.
Caleb Morales
Hey, that's no way to speak about the New Rebellion!
Landon Edwards
Don't worry, nucanon will just retcon the life debt in the han solo origin film.
Jose Evans
No, its just an institutionalised failing of having both a massive 20 year reign of unopposed, strategic supremacy mixed in with a 'budget, we don't need no steenkin budget' amount of military spending. That means at the tactical and combined level you're getting problems because it creates a lazy military culture of making shit work regardless of how much it costs or how many people die in the process- the shit will get done eventually. I mean seriously at the end of the day, there's some bloke on Coruscant counting beans, his mate over the next office counting bodies and the ONLY one that matters is Palpatine who wants to know "did it get done?". If he's happy, you get to see tomorrow and that is all that matters. Did it cost a million storm troopers, 1000 TIE's and 20 star destroyers? Who gives a fuck we've got a god damn galaxy of recruits and more star destroyers than is entirely sensible anyway.
Stormies are 'as good as they need to be' >Loyal >Fearless >Will kill shit eventually That's it, they don't need to be perfect shots or can function on the bare minimum for weeks on end. Hell, that's how every wartime footing military has functioned in the last 100 years, the luxury of highly trained troops becomes a case of 'shoot gun, go over there' and fill in on a gun line. In the case of the Empire its the same, but the reason is different- the need fantastic numbers to rule by force.
I suspect a lot of the finesse and ability probably comes back to the Imp Army where all the truck drivers, vehicle ops, artillery and tech specs live. But we've not seen it so far in the media, so that's entirely hypothetical :)
Lucas White
I was talking of the porgs
I don't want more retcons! Is it too much to ask for an adaptation of the existing story?
Zachary Kelly
they'll probably make it into Han being an asshole white guy using trickery to pseudo-enslave Chewbacca or some shit instead of the solemn vow that it was
Side note, when is the life debt established in Star Wars anyways? I don't remember it in the OT
Logan Miller
It was entirely an EU thing. I'd have preferred if they didn't bring it back, it was kind of stupid.
Unless you take it like Chewbacca swearing a life debt to a heroic dog who saved his life.
Asher Wood
>I was talking of the porgs
Jace Gray
>I was talking of the porgs
Ian Cooper
>Is it too much to ask for an adaptation of the existing story?
Can't be copyrighted or sanitized for an age 5-12 audience.
Owen Robinson
I'd take ewoks into the rebellion before those critters
Jaxon Gray
How about not giving a shit about sanitization
Lincoln Jackson
Samuel Adams
Got a bunch of star wars armada stuff for Christmas from my normie friends because they saw the star war. Game actually seems pretty fun, if I want to play imperials is there anything I should know or just any tips you could give in general?
If it helps I have the starter set, a second victory, and a ISD. I also got the rogues and villains squadrons. I'm willing to throw in an extra $50 or so if there's something that would help a lot.
James Long
>being triggered over unimportant chickens
Josiah Roberts
Stormtroopers are elite troops in the EU though. It's only newcanon that turned them into shitty conscripts for some reason.
Lincoln Collins
The usual recommendations are the basic squadrons box and some flotillas
Josiah Barnes
Except the commandos seen in Rogue One.
They actually put up a good fight and a fanatical one.
Ryan James
The flotillas are the Gozanti's, right? I had way too much fuckin fun with those in eote. I assume they aren't as broken in this as they are there.
Ayden Roberts
Being best out of a pile of shit doesn't mean much. It just means you're the best piece of shit The only areas they're elite are in loyalty and discipline, same with North Korea's 'Elite' forces who sure are feisty and love their emperor too. But if they spend all day smashing bricks with their foreheads, rolling around in the snow and fairly keen for a fight, that doesn't actually mean very much if they're fucking garbage shots and have no applicable field craft skills.
When a legion of your best troops gets their shit pushed in by spear chucking little bears and a handful of rebel troops... yeah you might be kind of shit. Doesn't matter that I love stormtroopers, they're fundamentally flawed as a military force.
Xavier Ross
I know I'm probably going to get told to fuck off, but does anyone have that variation of the "you tried" star that has yoda inside and says "there is no try, but try you did"?
Hunter Morgan
>It's only newcanon that turned them into shitty conscripts for some reason.
Probably because the Imperial Army did fuck-all in the old lore, anyway.
Jayden Smith
The porgs were a side effect of their filming location. The island had puffins on it, and it was not feasible to remove them from scenes, too costly and time consuming for all the fucking puffins on the island.
So instead, they just CGI'd them into the porg, and made the most out of a bad situation.
Colton Wilson
Got any more HQ scans of the new cutaways or concept art?
Easton Murphy
They shitstomped the Ewoks though and were outnumbered the whole time. The tide only turned in Reb favor when Chewie stole an AT-ST, but even then the Empire would've won until the DSII blew up.
Stormtroopers are excellent soldiers.
Brody Rivera
That's what they told you to keep you from noticing how piss poor and obvious the merchandise marketing is.
Aaron Allen
people like to misremember the movie and say that the ewoks just rolled up and took victory, but they didnt. They had a pretty good first strike, sending the imperials into disarray, but as soon as they got their shit together, the ewoks were getting massacred.
Then Chewie stole a giant robot and things swung back for the good guys.
Overall, I'd say the fight was close.
Daniel Barnes
I could see that as the original reason porgs were added, but someone along the lines must've said, "These would make good plushies. Put them in the film more," which is why we get them looking all cute and infesting the Falcon.
Cameron Brooks
Has anyone actually used shipfag's starship combat fixes?
Seems really finicky, especially the shield thing at the end. How is it?
Lincoln Reyes
Dude, it's Star Wars. Everything you see is getting turned into a toy at some point. Even things with 3 seconds of screen time is getting turned into a toy. The porg are not different, but I found the reasoning for their inclusion to be an interesting compromise. Yes, I am sure they were designed purely to fill the AWWW CUTE niche, but unlike the Ewoks they had absolutely nothing to do with the plot. They were just an example of cute alien critters.
I can walk you through why I made those changes if you would like to know.
Josiah Sanders
I plan to if I ever actually find enough time to arrange the game.
Dominic Thomas
im not gonna lie, sith girls like pic-related make me go diamonds
David Phillips
I've been avoiding /swg/ since TLJ was out so I didn't get spoiled. I'm finally ready to talk about it - what is/was the prevailing sentiment here?
I thought it was the worst movie I've seen in a long time. It's very pretty and the music is nice but the writing is on par with BvS.
David Roberts
Is there a list anywhere of what all comes in the Star Wars: Legion core box? I can't find any information about what all comes with it.
I'm thinking about preordering it. Been looking for a new skirmish game and I've had a lot of fun painting Imperial Assault figures
Caleb Reed
William Edwards
I have worked in film editing, and that is a blatant lie.
It would be drastically easier to edit them out entirely.
Ian Lopez
Not to mention, they're like a combo of stone age chimpanzees and LotR dwarves. Incredibly inventive and hyper industrious. Sure, they're ridiculous to an extent, but they're not bad in a scrap.
Just, not so much against blasters once the Imps got their shit together.
Benjamin Cooper
Left me feeling hollowed out and disappointed on a mildly existential level. I didn't expect it to be particularly amazing after TFA, but I wasn't expecting it to feel so WRONG.
Cooper Roberts
This is how I felt. I can't even put my finger on what it was exactly.