>entire party's down except you
>1 hp
>boss is also at 1 hp
>you attack
>you miss
Entire party's down except you
Other urls found in this thread:
>Next turn boss misses too.
Use my movement action to prime a grenade, but not throw it, and get into close quarters.
>tfw I have the Parting Gift skill
It's a good thing I have like six ways to turn that miss into a hit, because I'm playing a tabletop game developed in the past 2-3 years -- a player, failing a roll? Come on, son. We don't do that anymore. Everyone gets participation trophies!
>this goes on for several rounds
>my healer attacks
>not healing everyone else
He had one job
You sound like fun at parties.
Ah yes...AD&D...
>not being able to heal and attack in the same round.
Get on my level, pleb.
Correct answer
Command point reroll?
Even if I can use luck to reroll it, it won't be satisfying so I'll respect the dice.
>not breaking out your lucky dice for that roll
Read; fixed diceIt's not cheating, it's taking hold of the threads of fate and deciding your own destiny.
Fuck off, Virt.
I didn't know you got internet in your new jail, Illidan.
Havent heard that name in years
How do you know the boss is at 1 HP?
You better not be METAGAMING
If you're going to blurt out shitty memes at least get the grammar right faggot!
>You hit the boss.
>Phase two begins
>not using unhealing on the enemy
>Reeling, dazed About to fall.
>The boss reaches out, steadies you, pulls you back to solid ground.
>He sits, and says
>entire party is down except me
>I am the second weakest party member
>I would be fucked if not for two things
>we're playing homebrew shounen session
>i took the perk giving me power levels with each teammate down
>I curbstomp boss screaming about power of friendship
>the next session MG gave us enemy immune to my powers so others could have spotlight.
>get crit and drop to 1 hitpoint
>boss talks shit
>"Minus Strike..."
>Inflict twice the amount of damage I have sustained to the last person who hit me.
>"...chained with Darkness..."
>inflicts double physical damage, costs 20% of my current hitpoints
>"...and I blow my Limiter Release."
>Immune to all damage until the end of my round, all damage is tripled
>land a critical, roll huge for damage
>boss is still up
>"Okay. The boss leads off with Minus Strike..."
>use "that"
>dont kill your enemy with it
If I somehow designed an encounter so off balance that they can't take down the big bad even after that much of a combo, I'd probably just say he died anyway and strive to design better in the future.
>mfw pheonix pact sorcerer
>That feel when this exact thing happened to me with the first boss encounter when me and my friends first tried dnd.
>you look up and awkwardly smile to your fellow players as you were the guy who suggested to try this nerd shit out and you feel uncomfortable
>everyone but Rogue is still up
>monster is almost down and rogue can stabilize us
>Rogue: ''I run away, this fight is clearly not worth the amount I was paid''
I really want to love that background, but I just can't... Besides that revival ability, all the others are nowhere near the 'coolness' that is Storm Sorcery (or the Pyromancer background from Plane Shift: Kaladesh).
Happened to me on my third session, and we were just dicking around for the first two. We found it hilarious, like when everyone starts slapping down Draw 4s in Uno on a whim. Everyone loses, but it's still more fun than just getting a relatively boring 'tactical' victory.
Dunno about your group. We play seriously now but still love to indulge in teenager-levels of immaturity for "shits 'n giggles".
>About to kill the great hero
>He misses
>I counter attack him
>He counter attacks my counter attack
To be fair, that is a pretty powerful ability when combined with other classes.
Such as?
finally found the pic I wanted to use for
Paladin and one of the warlock pacts that gives you another extra life. Resistant to most damage, has 2 extra lives, and still has some nice fire spells.
The bird was infinitely better
but its less fitting
Eh, that's what I suspected. I know warlock is extremely useful for casters, but it's also one of the hardest ones to justify from a roleplaying perspective. Our GM always asks for a 'reason' to multiclass, based on how we've set our character up in backstory etc. Granted, the justification can be fairly flimsy, but I can't feasibly think of a valid reason to be both a paladin AND a warlock simultaneously, whilst also having innate casting abilities...
That said, I can see Phoenix + Paladin being a nice combo from a roleplaying standpoint. The 'holy fire' gimmick seems pretty obvious.
Virt? I liked his music in Retro City Rampage!
In 3.5 there’s a 1st level cleric spell that allows you to know how close to death things are
Healers are useless anyways unless you're playing a system that has wounds.
>I can't feasibly think of a valid reason to be both a paladin AND a warlock simultaneously
4e had an entire order based on it. The Crimson Legion, Paladin/Demonic Warlocks. They were the decedents of the Legions of a nation that had made a deal with Admodeus in order to keep it's own power and ended up being dragged down as a result. They are his sworn enemies now, working with both the angels of the heavens and other devils who are his enemies.
They are based on the philosophy that even devils are not beyond redemption and the simple fact that most devils are entirely willing to agree to not be pointlessly evil if it's to their own advantage (So while they won't accept a devil slaughtering innocent people they've no issue with turning one lose on cultists of a different devil lord as that helps both the forces of good and the devil's own selfishness). So they try to redeem devils while being fully aware that most of their allies are purely that of convenience against a bigger evil.
On a more general purpose note: Fey are, in D&D, more good aligned than evil. A Fey Pact for a paladin seems entirely legitimate if it's with such.
How do you think he put up with 10,000 years in his last jail?
>Be at full HP
>Enemy crits you
>Then enemy crits you again
>Fey are, in D&D, more good aligned than evil.
Fae are amoral assholes who will steal your baby.
In D&D, which was what was being discussed, Fey are much more likely to be good aligned than evil (Though more likely to be neutral than either of those). The 'All fey are amoral assholes' thing doesn't really apply there.
Depends on the fucking setting
So which D&D setting is it like that other than Ravenloft (Where EVERYTHING is more evil)? Even 4e's Points Of Light, with an entire plane of crazy fey bullshit had a lot of good fey willing to help people.
>Send PCs against a vampire
>He summons up zambinos out of all the villagers he massacred
>PCs fighting off zombies
>Bretonnian knight furies the vampire
>furies again
Then maybe don't make blanket statements like 'Bullshit. Fae are amoral assholes who will steal your baby'. As 'Depends on Setting' flows both ways there.
PoL, fey were explicitly both, depending on the court.
Yes, hence the whole A Lot of Good Fey comment.
>bbeg (UGH) is going to end the world in the next round!
>go all out
>use every power and boost I can possibly get
>blow every fate manipulator I've got
>call every personal favor
>big huge hit coming with power pushing five digits
>"You break his shield."
>the boss has a shield. it absorbs the damage from your attack and breaks
>mouse over image
>already seen before so just read the neckbeard's line
>whole screen bleeds purple and green streaks
Was a hilarious and unique moment I wish somebody saw
If fae aren't amoral assholes who steal babies, why call them fae? Their mythology is pretty clear-cut.
Stuff like that always confused me
>This weak ass shield breaks in one hit
>But it can absorb any amount of damage
how the fuck can i break the shield by throwing a rock at it but chucking a supernova has the exact same effect.
You should clean your graphics card m8
More like fun IN parties
Stop being a waste of oxygen and a lorelet.
Devotion + Archfey = Seelie Fey
Devotion + Fiend = Noble Demon
Devotion + Great Old One = Praise the Sun
Ancients + Archfey = Fey Knight
Ancients + Fiend = Witch Knight
Ancients + Great Old One = Knight of Shub-Niggurath
Vengeance + Archfey = Unseelie Fey
Vengeance + Fiend = Necessary Evil to fight the Greater Evil
Vengeance + Great Old One = Bloodborne
I’ve only ever felt justified in it when it’s an energy shield against 1 single blast.
I think about it like surface tension on water, when you shoot it. As fast as the bullet is traveling, the innate act/react of water pushes back just as hard. But, it takes time for the tension to restore itself if broken, and if there’s enough force used, it just won’t restore itself.
It’s a flimsy justification based on a shitty recall of HS physics, but that how I think about it.
I've always assumed it's like the crumple zones on a car; it takes all the energy of the attack and breaks, redirecting that energy away from the subject.
But yeah, if you're playing a TTRPG you have some wiggle room to allow for overcoming that (crumple zones won't help too much if you're hit by a freight rain at 80 MPH).
>not being a wizard
>not casting magic missile
your fault for falling for the martial meme
>him boy wizard the Veeky Forums meme lord
>final battel
>hmm imma try a spell
>meanwhile fitghter get -99 -99 -99999 ultracrit
Magician is over rate. Him may an powerhous but at the end of them story the guy whom him hads the sword?? he's the real champ ;)
them was not canny when come to big boss man
arrow man always strike true from safe place
FUCK arrow man.
Stupid fucking over power arrow man him cheap them the boy tactic??
>being me
>in them world of nonstop crafting battles
>doing the colisseum
>two on two
>django and me fighting a guy him got a bow arrow strikey man him gotted pet monkey name little henry
>rager man buddy for comp is am paladin
>go to strike arrow boy and he him backslide deterr and disengag
>figure fuck it all them buff up
>go strike at his pet
>paladin throw flying mario hat above little henry and continue to DPS me
>im [[KILLED]] b4 mario cap go off little henry him big boy booty ranger auto shot
FUCK the arrow man
Merlin put a sword in stone but it still is the legend of the King Arthur.
this is fact
wizzard are pussy
fighting man is best class
u_u i cannot be proven wrong.
I remember this goddamn post.
Really driving his point home for him, aren't ya?
This is kinda similar to what happened to my party a while ago.
>two out of four team members down, one stabilized ans one bleeding out, whittled down by a boss that had lots of helpers that are now all dead
>boss isnt that big of a threat itself but by no means harmless
>my character was basically made to fight this kind of enemy and was doing fine but was not available to stabilize
>other character alive is great at medicine and is the only one who could help us save the guy bleesing out
>he tells me "we should prioritize killing the boss over stabilizing, if I go down were all dead and Im getting low"
>eventually convinced him to stabilize the dying player who the whole adventure had revolved around
>we did fine and beat the boss just the two of us
>look at his sheet and see how close to dying he was
>would have taken the boss like three hits to bring him down and thats with his character being really hard to hit
We had spent the whole adventure getting the dying players fiancee back and restoring her memories and he was just going to let him bleed out and tell her "too bad" despite sitting at a comfortsble amount of hitpoints
>kill second boss
>her kid shows up the next day
>my mage has to run several blocks away from minotaur
> sacrifice my dog familiar
>Run back to party
>GM still focuses me
>Character's amazon wife and adopted kid shows up,
>still focuses me
>party have torn out his tendons, cast one of the better debuff spells in the game and grappled it
>still focuses me, and gets me down to 10% health
>Wife tries to block, kid tears whole in the things neck
>still comes after me
>one last charge
>rolls for dodge,
>not high enough
>get forced to sell soul to satan to live
>still lose most of my limbs and torso
>still get to keep my dick
>DM sets up a battle we have to run from
>we're all level 8
>what he sends is 6 waves full of black dragons and storm giants
>we manage the fuck all their shit up to the 5th wave because there was an army of NPC meat shields to tank for us
>5th wave advancing
>playing a light cleric and have a single level 4 spellslot left
>storm giants and black dragons are bunched up
>cast fireball
>DM decides to just roll one d20 for all of them
>rolls a 1
>DM provides double damage to the attack
>I rolled pretty well
>do a total of 912 damage in one turn
I forgot to mention
>DM says to roll intimidation
>I put proficiency in to intimidation
>roll a 21
>the storm giants and black dragons fail their rolls
>break their morale and they back off for a couple turns
>level 4 rogue in 5e
>party going through ancient dwarven ruins
>"user go check that door for traps, you're the rogue"
>pass all checks
>DM still throws baddies at us
>fighter nopes tf out
>im stuck in combat with this 4 armed skeleton that can stop my movement
>manage to 1v1 the boss skeleton with lucky rolls with a dwarven mace i found earlier
>leave with 5 health and a new sick sword to regroup with party that abandoned me
>fighter tells me to give him the sword because he's the "tank"
>tell him to fuck off he left me to fight a mother fucking goro skeleton
>he attacks me
>disengage, restealth, get a crit with each weapon, effectively killing the fighter
>retire the rogue after that since he couldn't trust anyone in the party to have his back
I had something similar happen to the group I’m playing with, but it turned out better in the end
>DM have us find a Tomb of an aincent dwarven warrior
>A text in his chamber says that he is looking for someone worthy to carry on the legacy of his clan, and honor
>Me being a dwarf fighter is about to tell the GM that I am respectfully going to walk up and look closer at the Tomb
>But just as I am about to do that the Ghost player in the party quickly says that he runs up to check for loot
>The DM sighs as he knows what’s about to unfold
>With a “click” the Tomb opens and out steps the Dwarf champion, his living form slowly returning to him
>He asks if the ghost is the champion he is looking for
>Player says yes
>The dwarf champion preceded to point towards an area to fight in
>The fight starts with the Ghost player winning the initiative
>He starts to possess the dwarf making him hit himself for several turns
>after about 5 turns of this, and trying to break the possession the dwarf just says that he can go ahead and take the Warhammer he’s carrying as his reward since he is tired of this
>The ghost player looks at the hammer and tells the rest of the party that he can’t even use it and asks if I want it since I am using a Warhammer myself
>I tell him politely that I can’t take it since I haven’t earned it
>So I take it and place it back on the tomb in respect
>But the DM threw me a bone and told us that he rose up again, a bit annoyed but willing to prove the worth of another person
>I fight him in an honorable fight and win in the end after taking some damage
>So I get the Warhammer in the end, still a bit annoyed at the Ghost for interrupting and taking the spotlight for himself