ITT Images, phrases, videos, music or other media that inspired you to create games, settings, characters or other shit in your games.
First Thread
ITT Images, phrases, videos, music or other media that inspired you to create games, settings, characters or other shit in your games.
First Thread
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I ripped off Gung the Magnificent for a "really ancient dude who knows a lot about the magical" character
This was a children's book
Dragons in my settings are basically dinosaurs crossed with fire elementals.
Moths are a cute!
You have my attention.
Inspired by music master race reporting in.
So post some, ya dingus
I know thats what the song is about but I was inspired to flesh out the vikings in my setting by this:
what the fuck kind of childrens book has shit like that.
I'm basing a Curse of Strahd campaign I'm about to run off of this album.
Does anyone have castles?
Possibly enough to fill an entirely separate thread
Looks like its
Don’t Make Me Go Back, Mommy: A Child’s Book About Satanic Ritual Abuse
Were do people get their ideas for puzzles, riddles and traps?
Grimlock's books (I think thats what they were called?) are a good resource. Otherwise I generally just try to think about tropes of dungeon design and then do the opposite.
Once did a dungeon where the only way NOT to get hit by a trap was stepping on pressure plates. Took them a long ass time to catch on.
A noir adventure with subtle fantastic elements
Is the chained building trying to float away, hence the chains?
Nah, the giant skeleton is holding it aloft with his mighty CHAIN O' VISION!
How do people get up there?
How do the magically uninclined get up there?
Rope ladder.
They don't. It's a "SOOPER SEEKRET" club!
Good enough for me.
Also sufficient.
Aw. I never knew a robot hobo would make me sad.
Was this inspiration for a trap or a world shaped by imagination/thoughts and the repercussions thereof
It was actually the inspiration for a sort of god game in which the players were trapped inside a cube 100 miles to a side. They each controlled one internal face and could use their powers to create just about whatever they wanted, with restrictions on how often and to what degree they could use the power. The one on the "Roof" created hanging gardens lived in by a sentient race of chivalry obsessed owl men.
And the one on the bottom created roaming herds of dickbutts.
>roaming herds of dickbutts.
There's always one...
I wanted to see how far my GM would let me go
Saurian druid lich?
Plus the question, "I wonder how many dinosaurs I could raise at once?" and no fucks given to whether I could control that many.
(Pic inspired a LOT of my shenanigans)
This one inspired a sort of Fixer-esque NPC in an ongoing campaign that I'm DMing. Still not sure if she's evil or not.
>Greetings fellow human
What is that from? On mobile, so I can't reverse image search
Man was foolish when they thought they had killed the monsters of myth and old with their machines not knowing that their essence is eternal and would be reborn anew.
Now their cities are covered in smog from their factories and evil fey dance in clouds of poison stealing breath and people when they can among other things.