Which ships crew has the best New Years celebration?
Which ships crew has the best New Years celebration?
Star Trek for sure. Those guys love to party and look for any excuse to do so.
The Empire seems a bit too military for any serious partying. That and the Imperium of Man comes from who knows how many worlds with a who knows how many cultural celebrations. The only thing they can agree on is Sanguinala.
Star Trek has infinite beer and hologram hookers.
>implying what comes out of a replicator can be considered beer
Mars Class
>Today I celebrate not dying in the last 24 hours by working extra hard for my emperor! MORE CORPSES FOR THE REACTOR!
Star Destroyer
>Celebration of any kind is strictly forbidden. During appropriate times, personnel are permitted to mutter "Take that, rebel scum" when applicable. Any other celebration will be met with summary disciplinary action.
Galaxy Class
>I have sampled champaign from over 600 different worlds in one night and have kissed and been kissed by nearly as many different species in as jovial a mood as I. Now please excuse me while I throw up all over the ships upholstery.
An Irishman made real whiskey with them in TNG: Up The Long Ladder.
There are a limited number of irishmen available to Starfleet at any given time. The Enterprise D only had one because it was the flagship.
It wasn't O'Brien, it was a random colonist. It took him less than a minute to adjust the replicator.
Yes, but he wasn't in starfleet.
>Crack open a case of wine with the enlisted, toast off to a new galactic cycle with cheering and patriotic statements in case the ISB is listening in.
>USS Enterprise
>Picard gets stuck in the fucking holodeck again trying to roleplay as santa claus in another one of his weirdo fantasies, requiring the crew to save him from rogue elf programs. Data is everybody's secret santa and gives them horrible gifts.
>WHICH new year is it Magos?
>Imp officers
>Sharing with enlisted
Most be nice to serve under thrawn
>not serving under Vader
I like living, thank you.
Actually Vader would be cool, since if you worked up the ranks the usual way and ain't a rebel scum. Not all gets forced choke if the failed.
Yeah, I think if you fuck up but generally went about things competently and only failed due to bad luck/circumstances, or someone else's fuckup, then he'd be understanding about it.
The Orville
Yeah and there's a bunch of officers he actually liked, so even if they fucked up, they'd just get a reprimand and told to make it work next time, get sacked or assigned to some shitass backward planet, not force choked to death.
man, looking at that image and considering how often star destroyers have been destroyed by simply gently falling into each other, and THEN considering that 40k ships have ramming as a central strategy, I suddenly wonder if my opinion on these 40k vs SW trheads was correct
The people Vader choked tended to be people that:
1. Fucked up royally
2. Were in a position where fucking up meant dire consequences
3. Were kinda massive dicks
Lower officers Vader would mostly ignore, and those who displayed bravery, skill, and loyalty he would give a degree of respect to. Few people genuinely earned it, but those that did ended up pretty well-off. Think one of the few people he genuinely considered his friend was one of his shuttle pilots who'd willingly jump to his aid during skirmishes they ended up in, almost half-crazy and loyal to the core.
What about Nida? He didn't seem like an asshole and though his ship lost the Falcon, it's not as if anybody else, Vader included, managed to capture it ever.
I believe that was a jr Officer. He followed troopers into firefights. Not a dick. And a fucking family man, which Vader wanted to be but can't. He was badly burnt jumping into a flamethrower. Which made Vader went totally triggered 50% extra as a Sith lord.
Oh shit what book was that in?
I want to see Vader getting triggered his favorite pilot ends up looking like him.
See point 2.
If I recall correctly, all you need is a voice command to add proper alcohol and you’re set.
Not to mention that half the crew are hiding a bottle of Romulan Ale under their beds.
The Mars Class cruiser has varying celebrations, depending on what section they are, but the most lively party is unarguably the one where a Lord of Change popped in to the festivities because one person's New Year's Resolution was to make the ship less boring.
not the user you replied to, but Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader has a few scenes when Vader is in private with some of the clone troopers he respects, takes place during the period when he's hunting down the last handful of Jedi scum
Google Darth Vader only friend. There is this youtube vid on it. From a comic.