you know after painting an entire marine army painting Khorne Daemons is actually fun.
Robert Murphy
also this
Lincoln Watson
I like Inceptors I’m so sorry
Alexander Brooks
Have Palatines for sisters been written out? I am just running mine as a cannonness at the moment but just want to make sure
Jayden Bell
bitch about painting after you finish your first three guard platoons.
Landon Kelly
This is what happens when a man goes “I’m going to choose a random color scheme and make it work god damnt”
Michael Bell
If you play a horde army you have no reason to complain. You knew what you were getting into when you got into the army.
Ryder Harris
The ones from the actual full kit don't look so bad, plus they pack a mean punch on tabletop
Looks great
Adam Robinson
>I like pink but I haven’t painted yellow in a long time
One $140 model later, rip
Oliver Rivera
thoughts on maulerfiends? i was thinking of picking one up and a recast necrosphinx for my Thousand Sons army but 4+ to hit seems a bit underwhelming
Anthony Reed
The Yellow is a bit much but the pink is pretty good. Darken the yellow and i think it could work.
Hudson Jackson
Nth for absolutely nothing
Austin Diaz
Your instincts are correct, my awful lighting isn’t helping either
Also I’m glad that after like 4 rules iterations the lord of contagion is sort of mediocre instead of god awful because I love this model
Jackson Ramirez
Which Legion Tactic is best for a Cultist-heavy army?
Isaac Cooper
AL, as it should be
Blake Stewart
I don’t even know
Nathaniel Wood
Would you let a Tau player put a human or two on the board?
Andrew Peterson
theyre called guela like gweilo or whatever.
Gavin Watson
>I’m not the only one painting my DG yellow and dirty white Fuck, there goes My Dudes.
Camden Thompson
Other than the obvious carrying capacity limits are there any general restrictions to what can and cannot ride in a troop transport? Could I take one Trukk and cram a Mek, a Warboss, a squad of Kommandos, and a squad of Lootas in there assuming all the squad numbers were small enough to meet the 12 models capacity?
Gabriel Barnes
Cast Prescience on one.
Charles Foster
Agreed. Acolytes with more defensive options and 2 wounds, Death Cult Assassins and Arcos as Elites, more options and Scions as Inquisitorial Storm Trooper troops without deepstrike but with the Ordo bonus.
Easton Gray
Some specify "one infantry unit", but i think that's mostly buildings. Unless it says otherwise, you can go wild with making that trukk into a party bus.
Charles Cook
Goddamn. I love this sculpt, and I like the idea of a candy coat blue Storm Warden scheme, but this particular execution just isn’t working. My proof of concept of a candy coat/mirror chrome scheme worked fine, but I just couldn’t get that mirror finish to airbrush properly on this one. Thankfully I can strip and pull it apart thanks to using super glue for all the joins. I need to find a good and bright silver to use instead of the mirror chrome and I think GW’s Stormhost Silver is going to be the best alternative despite it’s shitty $9 AUD price. If anyone knows of a particularly bright and non-glittery silver acrylic alternative, please let me know. I’m going to have to replace the shield arm too since it’s a hacked up mess, so I guess I’m also going to have to buy some Reaver arms since those are the only mark X melee arms at the moment. I really want to do this model some justice, and it just not progressing as well as I’d hoped.
Brody Lee
God that sword looks ridiculous. It's like a paddle.
Benjamin Taylor
Cool, thanks.
Michael Thomas
I really wish the storm wardens were more popular, such a fun chapter
Jaxon Brooks
It's a gunblade. It even has a trigger guard.
Zachary Johnson
Man if only the smurfs were this cool all the time
Carter Reed
Anyone else disappointed in the BA codex?
Ultras are still better, even without RG.
Gavin Ortiz
I think you'll see better results if you use a flatter blue (like Ultramarines Blue) on the body and just use a metalic for the silver bits. I also think you should limit the silver bits to the helmet, one shoulder, and the opposite knee. Maybe a/the hand(s) or foot/feet too.
Jonathan Ross
Greco-Roman marines is a cool angle to take with them, it just tends to get lost because of two things. First, the Imperium is generally Roman, so Roman details come off as generic. Second, the most interesting thing about the Greeks is their mythology, which is hard to work into the Imperium because they're monotheistic.
Imagine if the culture of Ultramar treated the Primarchs like Greek gods, though. Fallible historical domain characters, fair game to put in anything and add your own spin to them. Pertuabo as the cheap comedy/slapstick guy that everything terrible happens to.
Owen Wilson
Okay, okay, new year new ideas, so how’s this- load up two killteams with a few frag cannons, two terminators, and a vanguard and stick em both in a blackstar. That way I can drop them turn two, get charged/shot and have termies take the wounds (plus gib fearless), then just fall back and fire away? It’s 280 per squad, but could be good fun. Pic very much related.
What army ideas are y’all moving towards in the new year?
Hunter Jones
If it's fun go for it. I'm gonna try hit and run shooty orks with an emphasis on burnas.
Colton Cook
Which Primarch would be the best to drink tea with?
Owen Ortiz
Not a bad idea but I'd stick to just one team for that kinda rush
Kayden Morgan
Isaac Wilson
Adam Perez
I know the sword is a bit wide, but from a better angle it looks a bit better. I only went with Custode parts for this kitbash since I couldn't get either the storm shield or sword I had originally intended and the Custode greatsword is just as long as I would have intended.
I'm not surprised they're a little less loved due to their dubious canon status, but I will be damned if their colour scheme isn't one of the nicest "by the numbers" marine schemes.
Thanks for the input. I'm not particularly keen on deviating from the colour scheme as depicted by official art for the Storm Wardens but I will be toning down the blue a little. I'm going to see if I can make the ink a satin finish rather than a glossy one by adding some matting agent to it.
Lucas Gonzalez
Fulgrim, vulkan or sanguinis
Adrian Garcia
Fair. Part of me wants to put 4 frags in a squad, but holy hell thats over 300 points. DW is just so hard to make all-comer lists
Maybe we should have a special rule like this; >deathwatch operatives: focusing on gathering information on enemy targets, the deathwatch prioritize intelligence over brawn. To represent this, were keeping their rules absolute shit, but the deathwatch player may choose to read the opponents list and then make his own. I’d like that
David Evans
Full infantry Tau. >70 Fire Warriors >9 Stealth Suits with ATS >Most special characters without suits >four commanders with 3x fusion guns and shield gens >Two Cadre Fireblades >One Coldstar Commander with ATS and shield gen
Probably going to lose so many games but at least I won't have 600pts worth of heavy support blown off the table before I can use it. That many Fire Warriors is a real bitch to deal with. they're all in 5 man squads
Brandon Cooper
Happy new year, /40kg/
Chaos is the best and I will finally start this hobby maybe
Justin Williams
What are you on about
They look like standard death guard, and they look fine
Daniel Scott
Isn't that the Chinese name for westerners?
In 40k they're called gue'vesa, which I think translates to human helpers
Oliver Evans
yeah your right guela is just their word for human. Tau are chinese haha.
Brayden Morgan
Man, these Custodes look like they'll take a while to paint. Thank goodness you don't have to paint many of them.
How long do people take to paint one Custodian?
Do you thin metallics much? I find they are a bit runny as is.
Aaron Thomas
That sounds like absolute cancer to play against. I used to bring nothing but a hive tyrant, termagants, and hormagaunts to the table for 2k point games back in 4th. Cancer strong, brother.
Parker Clark
Please take a moment to fill out this important survey.
Why did I never think to mount the combat knives there? I always put them on the small of their backs but that's so much better.
Brayden Scott
It is supposed to go with Custodes. It is a Sentinel Blade Side bits below the blade are bolt pistols effectively
Get Pathfinders for the PA Drone
Henry Reyes
yeah playing Deathwatch is suffering at the moment, I am dying to buy a knight but I'm already having troubles and losing another 600pts is just crazy I'm pretty sure I'm going to do it anyway
Lucas Bailey
Sorta swarmy khorne daemons. Would love to see your 2 squads face down equal number of points Bloodletters. Though this does make me wonder. How the hell do khorne Daemons deal with Flyers. I assume i would just win in the objective game because i am certainly not taking fucking Skullcannons.
Carter Mitchell
DW will always be like GKs Neutered to avoid being oppressive against the armies it is supposed to counter
Justin Torres
My nigga it appears to be the only way to win a game with Tau in 8e unless you field literally all Commanders and Drones. Going from playing my Space Marines back to giving Tau another shot was painful until I shit-canned the tanks and broadsides.
Luke Stewart
That sounds awesome. The first tendril of a larger Tyranid invasion, the tip of the iceberg. I'd happily play against that
Grayson Cruz
PA drone is usually the first thing my opponents shoot. Making drones into separate units with no targeting restrictions was a mistake.
Lincoln Gomez
Are Drukhari boring to play as?
I fucking love their look and their story but I'm worried that they are just Dark Lance spam.
Levi Harris
If it helps (make things worse) I think that scheme minus the pink is the canon armor spam vectorum color scheme
Ryder Richardson
I find them quite exciting.
Eli Wilson
They can't be hidden behind anything easily?
Codex not far off maybe
Jose Bailey
It is implied macragge used to have actual, literal, didn't even bother to change the names Greek mythology
Austin Powell
I’m just finishing up my Death Guard and just bought a Rapid Insertion Cadre battleforce
I’m considering being a complete madman and getting a second one to have a 2000 point suit list even though it’s probably garbage.
It’ll look cool as fuck though. I’m trying to think of some neat color schemes
Asher Butler
Technically though, 2k points of death watch should be an equal match with say, 2k points of nids, right?
They shouldn't have an inherent advantage, because the points values are the same.
The only way I can see this working to represent their advantage against xenos though, is if they had some sort of advantage against xenos in their rules (idk, I don't play DW) but also then had to take x% less models to counteract that advantage.
So whereas 2k points of DW fighting guard might have say, 20 models, that same 2k points fighting a xenos army would have 17 models and an advantage.
But I agree, going off the DW fluff and intended purpose, they should have an easier time tabling xenos armies point for point. Wouldn't make for a fun game for the xenos players, but that's exactly what deathwatch were designed to do in the setting - win against xenos.
Luis Peterson
The RIC box seems to have sold quite well. Only one out of stock on the e-store.
Elijah Price
Are skullcannons bad this edition? I'm afraid I don't know your rules, Khorne-brother.
Aiden Hughes
Spartan marines tho
Josiah Green
The problem with drukhari is that they are an alpha-strike faction. You'll need to hit your opponent first, fast, and hard and try to cripple his ability to hold objectives because if the dust his troops dead bodies kick up as they fall even so much as gently wafts in your general direction you'll start losing troops, fast. Drukhari cannot into an attrition game, you need to land a decapitation strike and to do that effectively you need to use the hardest hitting, longest ranged weapons you can bring to the firefight, and that means you'll be cramming dark lances into every orifice you can fit them in.
Chase Bennett
In 7e they were fun as all hell to play. I used Boats and felt like a goddamn pirate raiding my SM and CSM friends. Don't know anything about them in 8e though.
Colton Cruz
Forgeworld makes some decent bits to add Romanesque vibes to the ultras. The plumed.helmets and tabbards are nice. My favorite is using the boarding shields as storm shields, since they look like the Roman tower shields
Bentley Kelly
everyone and everything is alpha strike first player flawless DS is crazy
Evan Flores
I play Tau and got the start collecting set. That battleforce looks good and saves you quite a bit of money as opposed to buying separately.
I say go for it, but realise you won't have one big centerpiece model, you'll have 2 (Ghostkeels) so your literal only option is to buy your second battleforce and a riptide to go along with it :^)
Austin Lewis
What colour schemes do you like/have in mind?
Austin Adams
Eh you are paying 147 points for this. Now mind you this is pre codex and we are getting on in like 2 weeks but still as of this moment they are pretty poor.
Cooper Fisher
Can I buy a SC! Daemons of Slaanesh for 40k?
They are only listed on the AoS store page.
Liam Ward
How did you do the armor?. I like that dark white.
Luis Hernandez
That's how I feel about my Burning Chariots, I just can't get them to work for what they're costing me in points.
Michael Morris
Daemons are interchangeable. They both use the same bases so there's no difference in models.
Welcome to Chaos, brother.
Mason Harris
General question from a new (to 8th ed) player:
Are you at an unfair disadvantage if you don't get first turn? I.e. does getting first turn negate clever list-building/good tactics?
Daniel Bailey
> Friend and I both decide to get Forge World superheavy tanks for our Space Marine armies > I run mainly standard marines, he runs chads > I get a Fellblade > He saves up for an Astraeus > Right after I get the Fellblade GW releases Chapter Approved > Fellblade cost goes up by 200 points > Now costs 917 points including wargear > GW releases rules for Astraeus > 705 points with all wargear (including the Fly keyword, repulsor field, and a fucking void shield)
T-thanks, GW. I haven't even had a chance to finish washing mold release off of the resin before you nerfed the damn thing.
Nicholas Roberts
You can't deep strike within 9 inches of ANY enemy models. Therefore, spacing out your deployment to limit what your opponent can deep strike next to and attack is critically important.
Carter Murphy
Eh, sometimes. A well-placed first-turn couple of lascannons can destroy some critical unit, but because both armies are still so far away from each other it's not a huge deal.
Usually you know if you're going to go first though, with how unit set up works now. If you have a low model count for your points you'll probably go first. Likewise, if you have a high model count, you'll know you'll go second and can plan accordingly like hiding some guys in deepstrike or screening critical units.
Ryder Jackson
DE are fun to play as the units are fast and flexible, but they are boring in terms of list building. A bunch of units and weapons aren't worth looking at for index DE, so lists tend to be very similar.
Isaiah Richardson
Its insane cause unlike the other chaos gods this is the only ranged khorne has and sure you are suppose to make up for it with melee but with the way melee works this edition and the fact that everything has to footslog across the board that just doesn't seem viable.
Ayden Ward
As long as Incubi are viable - I fucking love those guys.
Daniel Carter
how is their canon status dubious?
Adam Roberts
Thanks both, these make sense. I've just seen a few people on here talking about how half their army was deleted on the first turn, or how first turn charges are a thing now, or how their games are lasting 3 turns in total now
James Nguyen
Minotaurs brother. Minotaurs
Dominic Lopez
Hopefully we'll get some neat stuff in the codex to supplement our footslogging. I've had to resort to summoning a lot of the stuff I want just to get it in the field easier, which also means I have a little leniency on whether I need screamers, flamers, etc.
You might want to consider looking into World Eaters if you want some ranged support, maybe a predator or so. Tzeentch daemonkin with TS are really fun so I imagine Khorne daemonkin are fun as well.
Aiden Phillips
I've thought about getting some Minotaurs and running them as Custodes because I think they look cooler than actual Custodes models.
They're not XBOXHEUG like the Custodes models are, though.
Dylan Reed
Incubi are solid, especially if you have a succubus tag along to lock survivors in combat.
Cooper Johnson
What army do you play? High model or low model count?
Joseph Ross
They could be hidden, but the gunline is constantly advancing and the drones need to stay within range of a tonne of small units. It's hard enough to keep them clustered around the Fireblades and Aun'Va.
Evan Perry
I actually had planned on doing a Skulltakers warband to go along with my Daemons later on. But i just moved onto daemons recently and just got away from painting blood angels. So i kinda wanna wait before painting more marines.
Landon Taylor
Hold on a sec, if I deepstrike my dude with a jump pack behind a wall and then declare a charge he would be allowed to jump over the wall while being immune to overwatch because he was out of the line of sight, right?
Aiden Richardson
I've played at least twice a month since 8th dropped and while first turn charges are pretty common, I've only had one game be actually over by Turn 3 and I basically dick-stomped a newbie on accident. The overwhelming majority of games are a decent back-and-forth
That said, my local meta isn't crazy competitive, but nobody is a slouch either.