Is there discrimination between the various species in your setting?
Is there discrimination between the various species in your setting?
Obligatory I love this movie and critics are trash, post.
I don't like being the guy screaming shill but I've been seeing constant threads on this on multiple boards now and it's getting kind of concerning.
There's nothing left to say in this thread.
Seriously though, I did like the movie. And critics are trash.
The movie is ok at best
Its main draw point is just from being part of a genre you don't really see very often in the mainstream. Everything else was incredibly middle of the road.
i saw the movie and it was fairly basic, plot-wise.
However, what i got a real kick out of, was will smith discriminating on his orc partner, for like, the first third of the movie. I enjoyed the irony of a black guy, being a complete dick, to the fantasy-race transliterated (other) black guy.
Fantabulously Hilarious, imo.
Black's in general tend to be pretty racist because race is the only thing most Black's have
Critics are fucking great assets if you understand that it's not about always agreeing with them but about having consistent opinions in relation to them. If you understand a critic's view point, you can judge your opinion on a movie from the outset by how your view point is similar/dissimilar to theirs
you're misusing the possesive apostrophe and capitalizing words that need no capitalization.
>Is there discrimination between the various species in your setting?
Yes, particularly when playing Shadowrun.
And not!Shadowrun... err., Bright was a decent enough buddy cop movie with some sexy elves, but it's not about to win any awards.
>I don't like being the guy screaming shill
It's a Will Smith movie with elves, orcs and centaurs that was only released a few days ago.
If you didn't expect people to discuss it constantly for at least a week or two on Veeky Forums, you haven't got a clue. Besides, no one is forcing you to read the threads.
Bright was fun.
>Its main draw point is just from being part of a genre you don't really see very often in the mainstream. Everything else was incredibly middle of the road.
This, basically. Are there any other settings like Bright? I've always been interested in this kind of setting but Bright is literally the only thing I know of that does it.
>Bright is literally the only thing I know of that does it.
Does what? Urban high fantasy with all the classic races? Probably because if you're using the setting for anything longer than a movie you're going to be left with people asking why all these fantasy beasts didn't make history even slightly unrecognizable.
>Probably because if you're using the setting for anything longer than a movie you're going to be left with people asking why all these fantasy beasts didn't make history even slightly unrecognizable.
Yeah, because this is a problem that can't be worked around or handled at all. It's not like people make up entirely fake histories around entirely fake worlds with those fantasy beasts open and active within them.
The issue is that if you have Orcs and Elves and Fairies, they must've impacted history in a pretty significant way, and modern society would be changed a lot also. Thus not making it a relatable modern fantasy world. It's much easier to just swap people out with fantasy races and not worry too much about it. If the end result is the same, is the harder work worthwhile?
I've never seen so many people so eager to defend 6-7 points movie
Then you miraculously must have missed The Last Jedi.
I don't see your point. I never said you had to do it as alternate history, although you could. I just asked if there were other settings that did open fantasy couched in a modern setting and aesthetic and you said it would be impossible to sustain because of how history would be changed.
Black cops usually treat black people like shit. That's how they get cred with white cops.
Species are split into groupings, orckin, fey, beastfolk, and Humans & demihumans (there are also others, but those are the big ones).
There’s casual racism between species in the groupings, like between elves and humans, but this is on a personal level, and in terms of politics, they are considered equal to each other. Specifically the humans and demihumans all follow the same religion and signed a bunch of treaties way back when affirming basic rights.
However everyone else they are super racist against. Beastfolk are seen as at best slave races and at worst savages to be slaughtered and sold into slavery. Orckin are just monsters who know how to use swords.
Fey are the exception. Some worship the main gods, others don’t. They are seen as neutral, and since messing with them rarely ends well most just ignore them and live and let live (helps they live in another dimension so one rarely has to deal with them).
Don't you know, everything resets in the new year.
No, but there is notion that some races are better at some things then others - chief example being, kobolds outdoing others in terms of working underground or gnolls being best tacticians on open field.