Friendly reminder that there is a great deal
I just bought several, pretty excited. Also, generic Palladium thread I guess
Friendly reminder that there is a great deal
I just bought several, pretty excited. Also, generic Palladium thread I guess
Thank you for making it a palladium thread and not being like most of our shithead fanbase.
Most of the shitheads in this fandom cant differentiate between palladium the system and rifts the setting.
Also, is it still possible to get the old rifter issues? Like 1-7?
I doubt it unfortunately, they said anything out of stock for good is not available. Of course nothing can stop you from putting it on your wish list.
Shame. Some of the early issues dealt eith heroes unlimited and thats the only palladium game i play anymore
considering running a palladium game on roll20, does anyone have any experience with it?
weird my response didn't go through. can you not find any for sale online? I'm sure there is some collector looking to sell their old Rifters
They want way too much. A lot of fans of palladium are ancient grognards who dont understand value vs sentimental value and ask way more than the books are worth. My flgs has stated he'll see what he can find
Ive been using roll20 for my games for a long time now. There is nothing inherently broken about doing so. I dont use the maps for anymore than thr roughest idea of positioning and quick doodles. Also in character chat.
And i stopped using their character sheets. Jist have my players fill out form fillable pdfs and message them to me.
This says it ends on the 24th of December.
So how's the Robotech kickstarter going, eh?
they extended it into late January, I just bought three today.
didn't know there was one, never played or followed Robotech. what's the best way to get into it?
I just wish they'd put out more focused "collections" than everything scattered across multiple issues of the Rifter. Even if just reprints, it would be nice to be able to pick up a specific book of new stuff just for Splicers or Dead Reign or whatever once in a while.
Agreed wholeheartedly. Show them with our wallets that this is what we need
Does anyone have a working collection for Dead Reign? My core rulebook is missing an important page and all links I can find (including da archive) are dead
You and i both know Kevin wouldn't listen even if the voice of god told him to.
You missed it by about 5 years. Those of us fooled by the Ninja Division front are still waiting for their product. The Kevster took the money and put out several Rifts books and pissed away the rest on Wave 1 overstock. We've been "getting estimates" for about 3 years now.
Once a couple of years ago, there was a thread by some user asking about superhero systems. So I went in to drop Heroes Unlimited but did a quick ctrl+F to see if it was mentioned yet (expecting nothing, nearly everyone on Veeky Forums that plays it is already in my gaming group) and to my surprise there was one comment that just said
and i think about it all the time. wherever you are, i love you
what is this gaming group you speak of? Im jones'n for some palladium games
I don't remember off the top of my head, I will update when I get home.
Ok so I just bought an actual PDF of the first Dead Reign book, I'll get it on the trove later tonight, if anyone is interested. it's a lot cleaner than the one already there, and I doubt it's missing a page too.
Actually, in case you don't get to before the thread dies, you can go ahead and add me at Lex#4637
The simplified RIFTS
This is my shit. I have one for heroes unlimited and it's great to give to new players (which i do often because nobody knows a fuckin thing about the system)
Anyone have any experience with Nightbane? I've been curious about it for a while, I'd like to run a modern horror/supernatural campaign with a mash-up of stuff from it, Beyond the Supernatural, and Armageddon
Both of these are super useful, thanks. How applicable is that HU sheet to Rifts/Dead Reign? It's been a long time since I've looked at the actual rules.
No, but it looks sick. Was thinking about running it but was going to ease my group into the system with Dead Reign first.
>How applicable is that HU sheet to Rifts/Dead Reign
I don't play either so I couldn't really tell you, sorry
I love you too internet stranger
Thinking about using time during my rounds once the players get ahold of the rules, like a minute per round. Has anyone used time in a horror game to any useful effect?
Thinking about house-ruling it and saying you only get half + to strike because this is dumb. Any defenses/thoughts for this rule?