What other monsters would be a good fight against a tarrasque?
What other monsters would be a good fight against a tarrasque?
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>What other monsters would be a good fight against a tarrasque?
Literally any Kaiju.
Steal anything from Godzilla, Ultraman, or Gridman and have it fight the Tarrasque and it'd be neat.
A flying wizard spamming the right at-will magics, and maybe bringing in some allips.
Tarrasque BTFO. How will it ever recover?
i think Sin drop a tarrasque
>what monsters would be a good fight for a tarrasque
>what monsters
What the FUCK is that THING.
Looks neat.
Dragon ogre shaggoth of proper age
A young dragon ogre shartak would be a snack for a tarrasque
A truly ancient shaggoth could step on a tarrasque without noticing
Pick a proper middle ground
Man is the real monster.
A sky whale made of dreams
a sky wale made of dreams that carves giant continent sized gashes in the world
>>gun purring
Why does this make me laugh so hard
thumbnail looks like mufasa
Sin from final fantasy x
a sky wale made of dreams that carves giant continent sized gashes in the world and that has a soul that is a anti-gravity waterpolo playing demon from the same dream it it's self is sustained from that is controlled by an immortal being formed from the twisted faith of the world the creature inhabits.
Honestly think Emrakul the eldrazi but powered by daddy issuies and magic swim soccer
>/k/ and Veeky Forums talk about historical weaponry
a sky wale made of dreams that carves giant continent sized gashes in the world and that has a soul that is a anti-gravity waterpolo playing demon from the same dream it it's self is sustained from that is controlled by an immortal being formed from the twisted faith of the world the creature inhabits that's also a self sustaining super weapon that creates its own mini weapons that it control and possesses whatever kills it to bring itself back to life
Not to even mention inter dream world traveling, it's suprisingly spacious interior and it's love for chior music
cant the tarrasque just get QUADs and kill the giganigga
Hahahaha holy shit. That's awesome.
Eldrazi titans
>people forget that to kill the 3.5 tarrasque you need to be able to cast wish
Easy. That Guy.
>him that guy
>making combat monsters
>op cheese early entry abuse
>limterally built for damagr and abuse and cheese nothjng else
>doesnt let monolog of boss because not anime
>doesnt let elf of intrigue because murder hobo intruge just means no killing xp
>doesnt cooperation jollily because op combad monster vs superstar saga him just 1hkoneverything for loot and xp and no time for narrative or tension
>shrike autistical when taking damage and when monater doesnt one turn die
>kills innocent for maxing xp, "every point counts"
>hides behind excuse of "its what my avatar would do" when am confronted and challenged why he does thing
>go way in the out of hims way to betray his party mates for comedy and profit then get mad and tells everyone quit taking everyhing so srsly its just a game to have fun
>screech when he encounter a puzzle or anything he cant just -700HP cheese drug bag fuck
Kyle would be thr best thing to fight tarresque.
The problem with that is most Kaiju dwarf the Tarrasque. Especially some of the newer versions of Godzilla.
See pic. That Godzilla in the background is the newest version from 2017.
Godzilla sounds like a fun challenge.
Our DM fucked up and let us buy ability score boosting seeds, and now im sitting on over 23 thosand health and 600 strength.
Come fite me.
>23000 health and 600 strength
you would literally destroy the planet by opening a door
Oh trust me, you don't know how strong Godzilla is.
He ca withstand the gravitational pull of a black hole. He can regenerate from a single cell. He gives off a constant aura of radiation that kill you alone. If we're going off of the Shin Godzilla version, he can mutate himself and create other monsters from his own body, and there are even some hints that he can absorb other organic creatures into his body ala John Carpenter's The Thing.
Godzilla is a bit more than just a big monster.
Sin has a small city on it’s back, the Tarrasque would be like a flea to it.
weretarrasque lich half dragon, lvl 20 fighter vampire marked by of all demon lords?
I guess I'll just need to grind some more stat-ups then.
Or just Leadership.
That looks too big. Godzilla being the size of a skyscraper is good but Godzilla's individual back-frills being the size of a skyscraper is just silly.
hahahaha is this for real
SCP 682
That fucking lizard.
That back Godzilla is after being actively mutating for 20,000 years on an Earth without humans. If you look on the far right, that's what he looked like initially in the movie that version appears in.
Isn’t he also a plant?
The tarrasque would have great difficulty in making posts for gets
I think its easier for the tarrasque to shitpost on Veeky Forums for quads to kill his enemy than it is for giganigga to get a wish to destroy the tarrasque
On the internet, nobody knows you're a kaiju.
All he needs is enough ranks in UMD and a scroll.
...And a diamond, I suppose. The Tarrasque would need to shitpost on Veeky Forums, which doesn't exist in his setting. I give the edge to Giganigga.
By the time the giganigga got all of those things and did enough damage to the tarrasque to be able to use them there is a non-negligible chance the tarrasque ran around and found a wizard with a crossdimensional shitposting crystal he might be able to use
That was just a rumor. Apparently not true.
What was Geralt's comment about why he had two swords? Something about both being for monsters?
for real though, a family member had a small acreage and there were always wasps there as a kid. I went back here recently and all of the wasp nests were covering in spider webs and the spiders around there were fucking huge
Except they say in the movie that it's only a temporary solution, and godzilla could adapt, or heat up again at any moment.
I don't understand the physics here. Is Godzilla magnetic?
>Is Godzilla magnetic?
Canonically yes. Ever since Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla.
Where did OP say "kill"?
It wasn't meant like that at all however, unless you mean game Geralt in which case fuck you and go read the books pleb.
How about this?
it would need either a tarrasque-sized keyboard or to shrink down to human-size
the first option gives the giga-nigga a headstart to getting a wish, the second levels the playing field more
For the visual match ups I'd like to see it fight Akantor, Ukanlos, and that third bastard child I can't recall.
Giganigga can't read cursive.
No one fights tarrasque like GASTON!
>inferring that lizard is not a tarrasque
Are their more done like this?
>kyle saves the day
>DMs 10 session long plan for the players to carefully plan out the deadliest of encounters ruined in an afternoon
i fucking hate kyle
This is all I've made so far. Most of the info was pulled from the d&d wiki homebrew page. I've got the others that I want I just have no clue how to stat them.
>500 HPs
>40 AC
>50 average damage
My last GM throw something like that (in medium size) at our 7th level party in a impossible to escape situation
We of course left that game after that
>all those Japanese qts
>two tarrasques fight in an endless slugfest, both being too damn tough to succumb to hunger, fatigue, or each others blows, but instead ripping the planet to shreds in a multimillenia-long battle until the ecosystem itself gives in and they both die, having killed the planet in the process
Fund it
But user, that’s clearly a titty monster with levels in wizard.