Reminder for 2018, Veeky Forums.
Reminder for 2018, Veeky Forums
Ok. I'll stick to my really bizarre fetishes.
Magical realm exists solely in Veeky Forums storytimes, which are as real as my supermodel girlfriend and my 100M$/y salary.
Stop bringing it up in ways that imply that people actually do that shit IRL.
Post bat tits
I had a DAM that did it a lot. The DMPCs where either himseld as edgy hero choosen one or his wifue. Everything was all about his DMPCs and his imaginary girlfriend.
I once also did a magical realm thing when I first DMed, my experienced player slapped my hand and told me to cut that shit.
Someone should redraw this frame with two pregnant, inflated, barefoot brown elf futas
i'mma post this just to spite you
Teenage me went full magical realm and blew up a perfectly functional D&D group. Mind control, rape. Mixed gender group. Absolutely not expected by the group. Never got to play with them again. IRL, not online. Deep shame. Still occasionally get hot freezing moments of embarrassment about this. 11 years ago.
A worthwhile misspelling.
Actually, prettier than actual Rouge.
Now all we need is a tall, buff, protective, straightforward, tough-talking Knuckles humanization who is actually shy, easy to embarrass, has no experience with opposite gender, and hides behind the tough front. Think something along the lines of Tatsumi Kanji from Persona 4.
Human Rouge would be really short and small compared to him, tease him to no end, flaunt her femininity, but get embarrassed when he occasionally mentions something about her being cute.
Shit, the fanfics write themselves.
Question: would this increase or decrease the autism in the Sonic fanbase?
Considering it isn't furry or OC-centric, I'd say it's a net decrease.
The quads have spoken!
Are matchsticks really exactly inch-long, though?
I have no idea what you are referring to. Are you saying the joke wouldn't work if one doesn't assume the matchsticks to be inch-long?
Oh, I see. Layton is full of counterfactual (or oddly specific) puzzles. The filename is a reference to
My fetish is all women. Therefore to remove my fetish from the setting would be to remove all women from my setting.
So, how far is Veeky Forums willing to go fetish-wise? like, what's acceptable for a player, what's acceptable for a GM?
As a player, I feel that its fine to have background character details like kinks and stuff, for example, my pc in an upcoming game always wears tight fitting neckwear when she's in casual clothes, preferring thick fabric or collars. these hide the light bruising on her neck from where she chokes herself.
When I GM I generally don't insert anything intrusive, mostly I limit myself to aggressive orc girls or gluttonous, lusty oni going after one of the PCs as a joke.
Seconded. This is practically cute to whatever usually gets disturbingly slathered on the property like spoilt milk, and I can only imagine that's also someone's sonic fetish. The really offputting stuff is when the characters are still drawn in that cartoony art style. The saving grace is that people have started becoming self aware and doing it ironically
for me as a DM is weird,, because some times the players do jokes that can be fetishes or are, be i on purpose or not, so when a fetish happens it is just treated as a joke. You can test how far are they willing to go by just making joke characters around that idea. It is particularly easy in a super hero game.
>demands fewer fetishes
>posts a guy whose family tree rejoins itself
>gay incest produces offspring.
Read the tree the other way, those were brothers. It's Knuckles and Julie making their tree a circle
>Their family tree is a circle
Suddenly the phrase "all these squares make a circle" makes sense.
>15 generations on one branch
>4 generations on the other
How the hell does that work?
Echidnas are elves I guess? they become sexually mature early, but sometimes choose not to breed and live excessively long lives?
The smaller branch of the family got banished to a different dimension where time passed more slowly, it is exactly as dumb as it sounds.
Ask this guy. He is essentially what happens if Chris-Chan actually gets a job in the comic industry.
Is he a homophobic transsexual lesbian?
Not yet. But you never know these days.
I love how the artist put all the time and attention on her ass and just forgot to finish the rest
He's the one that got fired and published his own fanfic novels, isn't he?
It would take me a week to list everything wrong with this picture.
4 generations side was stuck in a pocket dimension with different time progression, which was definitely in no way the Phantom Zone from DC.
Correct except for the actually publishing anything. He hasn't published more than a page and some random concept art in the decade he's been unemployed, but his bullshit excuses are occasionally amusing at least.
He's also trying to convince other artists to sue IDW after they picked up the Sonic license. He's trying his absolute hardest to kill the Sonic comics for good, for no reasons other than profit and inflating his ego so much Dobson would tell him to calm down.
>tall, buff, protective, straightforward, tough-talking Knuckles humanization who is actually shy, easy to embarrass, has no experience with opposite gender, and hides behind the tough front.
tfw knuckles is basically me
Until Veeky Forums stops acting like faggots and willfully misrepresenting the "magical realm" problem as the appearance of anything that might tickle anyone's pickle, I refuse.
You wonderfully lucky innocent child.
I have seen depths that would boggle your mind and weigh down your soul.
Take every evil bullshit thing that happens in GoT, double that, and put it in a late 90s superhero game as common issues for PCs to have to deal with, plus mind control and cloning.
Story time plz
I love how all the characters in the old sonic comics are either clenching their teeth in rage, or have this goofy fucking mickey mouse face